Okay, so this is a series of drabbles to go with my Endure series…

It's best to probably read those first so you know what's going on. (Endure, Guilt, Addiction and Letting Go)

This will be different characters perspectives of the events AFTER 'Letting Go'.

Rated T for now, but the rating may change with future drabbles.

Contains slash, themes of dub-con, may contain some sexual content in later drabbles

I clearly don't own anything.


Things had most certainly changed in the Jellicles lives.

Munkustrap no longer sat on the tyre, watching over them, it was now Alonzo.

Jenny sat down in front of her den, picking up her knitting, as she kept an eye on the kittens.

Things had changed so much since that fateful day, since they had found out the deal Munkustrap had made to protect them, and then losing him to Macavity to ensure their safety.

Jenny sighed sadly.

How she missed him.

It had been three months since Munkustrap had left to live to Macavity, to permanently warm his bed, Jenny sighing sadly at that thought.

He was still around, every now and again, but it just wasn't the same. Munkustrap would come and visit them every couple of days, mostly for a few hours, occasionally overnight (but only when Macavity was with him) and he would play with the kittens, sing and dance with them, laugh and chat with the Toms and the elders, but things just weren't the same.

The Jellicles tried so hard not to bring up his deal with Macavity, but sometimes it was just so difficult.

Jenny smiled sadly as she watched Munkustrap enter the yard, the kittens squealing with delight as they ran towards him. She watched as he ruffled their ears as they hugged him.

She watched as he walked over to Tugger, who was near her by the oven, and her sharp eyes detected marks on his neck, made by passionate bites.

It made Jenny shudder in disgust.

How dare Macavity mark her sweet Tom?!

Jenny growled under her breath before sighing sadly.

She couldn't just blame Macavity.

No, it was their fault too. They never helped him and now they were filled with regret, seeing how Macavity treated their silver Tom, and even how Munkustrap reacted to him.

Jenny's eyes narrowed as she watched Macavity appear, walking over to Tugger and Munkustrap. She saw Tugger's eyes narrow but he kept his mouth shut, he didn't want to upset Munkustrap or make him feel bad.

She watched as Macavity wrapped his arm around Munkustrap's waist, Munkustrap immediately leaning against him.

How she hated seeing Munkustrap being so corrupted, made to bend to Macavity's will…

She knew her sweet Munkustrap was still in there though, having seen the two argue over something Macavity had done.

Jenny just wished that she could know that Munkustrap was truly okay and that he just wasn't putting on a pretence every time he came to visit them. She knew he was a good actor, having hidden his deal with Macavity for over a year, but she just wanted to know that he wasn't putting on a façade, that he wasn't hurting.

"Those are some heavy thoughts on your mind, Jennyanydots," Jenny looked around, smiling sadly at Coricopat, who had settled down beside her.

She sighed sadly as she glanced back at Munkustrap, who was sitting with the Toms now, Macavity beside him, lazily playing with his tail. "I'm just worried about him, if he's hiding his pain and hurt, so we don't worry about him."

Coricopat gave a hum of agreement, green eyes thoughtful as he stared at Munkustrap.

"I could make sure," murmured Coricopat, "I could do a check of his thoughts, but I'll just have to double check Mum's Charm books to make sure I don't activate his protection charm, so he won't know and throw up shields around his thoughts," Jenny just blinked, slightly confused, but nodded slowly.

She gave a soft smile, nuzzling his cheek, "Thank you, darling," Cori smiled, nuzzling Jenny back.

"We'll keep an eye on him, Jenny, we'll make sure he isn't going to suffer in silence again." Cori got to his feet at that, heading to his den to check his books.

Jenny sighed and looked back at Munkustrap, who was now sitting alone with Macavity, with the exception of Admetus who had fallen asleep, tired from keeping watch overnight.

Macavity was murmuring in Munkustrap's ear, paw gently rubbing across Munkustrap's stomach as Munkustrap sat between his legs, his back against Macavity's chest. Munkustrap had his head tilted, a slight smile on his face and his eyes glinting (in a way Jenny wished she'd never see, especially directed at Macavity!) as he stared at Macavity.

Jenny's stomach twisted with worry.

Munkustrap had most certainly had part of him corrupted, more willing to bend to Macavity's ministrations, he would have never been caught dead curled up with Macavity, or really anyone for that matter, too shy to display his affections out in public.

How she wished they could have saved him.


Well, there's one…

Maybe Skimbleshanks next?

Please read and review?
