If you haven't seen the anime Power Puff Girls Z then you won't understand most of the details that are pointed to the show this fanfiction is based off of. But, you will still be able to follow the story. Also, if you would like to see the show you can find it at youtube.
For the people who have seen the series I have made same changes. The first, and biggest, is that instead of seven beams of light (the three that gave the girls their power, the one that hit peach/pooch, and the last three that the girls chased through time) there was eight. The next change that I made is at the end of the series the professor said that the black Z rays couldn't be removed. In this story the rays were removed from all the villains, all but the Rowdy Ruff Boys Z who escaped. The last change to the series is that the girls will get some of the character points from the first show that aired on cartoon network, Power Puff Girls. Those points are that Blossom is smarter, Bubbles isn't dumb, and Buttercup doesn't get mad as easily.
Also, this book takes place two years after the events of the show. The girls are now fifteen. I also deiced to use their Japanese names. That means when they are not transformed they will go by their real names (Blossom=Momoko Akatsutsumi, Bubbles=Miyako Goutokuji, Buttercup=Kaoru Matsubara).
The last thing is, I didn't own anything but my original OCs (look it up) and the story around them. Thank you for reading, and enjoy. ; -)
Chapter One
Meeting the Proff
I had finally gotten the courage to go to the la-
Wait, maybe I should explain who I am. Ame Raitoningu is my name, and I've just built up the courage to talk the professor about strange events that have been happening around me. I brushed the dust off my skinny jeans that had been paired with yellow high tops and a yellow jersey that had a large "one" and the front and the letters "AR" on the back to represent my name. I straightened my ponytail that held my light brown hair that sported a bright yellow stripe. I adjusted my light gray book bag, and reached out an arm that was in tangled with bracelets of various neon colors. I knocked on the door and waited about ten seconds to knock a second time. On the third knock a voice came from the other side of the door.
"Just a second," the voice said, it sounded like it came from a little kid. Sure enough, when the door opened it revealed a young boy that looked to be a few years younger than me. "Um, hi, I'm Ame Raitoningu, and I'm here to see Professor Utonium, is he here?" "Yeah, he's in the back, but if you don't mind me asking, why do you need to see him?" "Well some really strange things have been happening around me for a long time," I answered. "How long are we talking," the boy asked? "Around three years." The boy raised and an eyebrow. "Okay….. Come in and have a sit, I'll go get the Professor." The boy led me in to a room that was occupied by two chairs, a three person couch, a television set, and a table with three seats. I guested it was a living room, "go ahead and sit anywhere, I'll be back."
I nodded my head. He turned to leave but I stopped him. "Hey, um, what's your name? You never said." "Oh, sorry, I'm Ken Utonium." Wait, so this kid is the genius that helped save the world, I thought, wow he's shorter than I thought he'd be. He turned and left the room. I sat at one of the chairs at the table and set my bag down on the floor next to me. After a five minute wait, Ken and Professor Utonium walked into the room. I straighten up from my slouch and removed my elbows from the table.
"Hello Ame, I'm Professor Utonium. I've heard that strange things have been happening around you for the past few years," the Professor said as he sat down across from me. Ken sat down next to him. "Yeah, that's true." "What kind of strange things have been happening to you?" "Well it all started about three years when I was hit by this big ray of light and-""Hit by a big ray of light!?" Both Ken and the Professor yelled, their eyes the size of saucers. "Y- yeah," I stammered, confused at their outburst. "Come with us," the Professor said as he and Ken stood from their chairs. "Huh," I said totally confused, "why." "We need to run tests," the professor said, half way to the door, Ken close behide. "Why do you need to run tests?" "Well, young lady, you might be the next member of the Power Puff Girls Z."
Hope you liked it. Please tell me if there were mistakes. Next one will be up soon! This is Knight Spark saying Miru Anata! Have a nice days folks!