Holy Shit a chapter this early?! WOW I know right? Now you guys don't have to wait another two years in order for me to finish Beli's story with Yamal. For those of you that are still reading this fanfiction at all. It's finally time for things to get Risqué with the cupcake & comedian sunshine pair. There's going to be some lemon content in this chapter as with ALL the final dates in this series so be warned.

Also, to those of you who are hyped about Huniepop 2 and think that I should POSSIBLY do a sequel featuring the new girls that are making their debut… HELL NO. I'm not doing a sequel. I'm sticking to the main girls from the first game, mainly because writing love stories for them is much easier than the newer girls. The newer girls have some of the most radical personalities I've seen in dating simulators EVER. Candace is a stupid bimbo, Lillian is a gothic brat, Sarah is annoying weeb trash, Abia's basically Mia Khalifa without glasses, Polly's style is crazy (But pretty stylish tbh), Nora's a tough girl who don't got time for love, and Zoey's just…..weird. The only normal ones I'd say deserve a love story are Brooke, Lailani & Ashley. And even then, I'm still not going to waste my time until I adjust to their personalities. Just wanted to clear that up. Anyways, Enjoy the last date between the sunshine pair of Beli Lapran & Yamal Rajhad!

Beli's Perspective

Wow, what a fantastic time it's been this evening. I've spent the majority of it skating on a giant block of ice while falling on my bottom. I've slipped and I've slid across the ice more times than I can count. And TBH I'm glad about that, I needed a way to cut loose. This just so happens to be my way to do so. I can let out all of my cares or insecurities with this one man whose been the apple of my eye for awhile now. His name is Yamal Rajhad, he's sweet, funny, joyful, flamboyant, stylish, and is just an absolute blast to be around.

We've been skating for a couple hours now and it looks like a majority of the rink has cleared out. "Oh hey…. How long have we been here?" I said as I looked around while he held my hands as we danced together on the ice.

"Whoa! *giggles*" He spun me around and wrapped his arm around my waist as we continued to skate together. "Do not worry about it. Time tends to fly when you are having fun, yes?" He said as we continued to skate. I looked into his eyes for a bit and he looked back into mine. He is correct about one thing…. Time seemed to have flown by quite fast. I was so busy skating with Yamal that I hadn't even noticed everyone else in the skating rink leaving. It felt like it was just us together, no one else to bother us or make fun of us or laugh at us or anything….. just us. It felt so right.

Eventually we took a breather and sat down for awhile just before the skating rink was about to close. We needed a break from all that skating, because we were breathing like tired puppies. Once we sat down we eventually stopped gasping for air and started sharing a joyfully laugh together.

"Hmhmhmhmahahhaah! How much fun was that?" He asked me outright.

"It was so much fun! More fun than I've had in awhile. Even though I probably have a couple sores on my butt. Hmhmhm!" I actually rubbed my butt a little from falling a couple times. Truth be told I'm not that clumsy, but I did fall on my butt several times. It felt so incredibly COLD on that ice it was deliriously scathing. But for the most part I am used to temperatures like this considering how much time I spend in nature during my walks.

"*whew* You think you have sores on yours? I think I have blisters on my bosom that could break my bottom into little bits & pieces on the floor." Oh wow, he has such a way with words!

"*giggles* Oh my goodness…. Yamal…." I asked him while looking at him as we were sitting down?

"Yes Ms. Beli?" He asked me while taking my hand. I cannot lie that did make me blush… but I hope what I say next won't dissuade the situation or anything.

"….Your such a dork." Oh no…. I think I said something wrong. He looked at me with his lips curled up in this …. Strange position. It looked like an upside-down 3 or something. Oh…. I don't know what the term for it is exactly… A…. Kitty face? No no that's not it either. Is it? …. Well regardless, his eyes were also shaped strangely in the form of white circles. It looks as though I hurt his feelings. I really hope I didn't say something wrong!

"B-b-but not in a bad way! I mean uh, in a good way. Your absolutely adorable! Very cute, you have a-um-great way with words and I- Uh…Oh my I really hope I didn't say anything to hurt your feelings or something…. I uh…." Oh no I'm absolutely losing it in front of him! I went on a tirade about how I started to do something wrong and how I said the wrong thing and…. Oh my goodness I can't control myself! I'm starting to spaz out…. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen….

Sometimes when I'm under high stress I tend to get flustered, but never like this! I would only get this flustered if it were someone I really care about. Someone I felt strong feelings for… someone like- "MHM!" *gasp* Oh my gosh….. He….. He just planted a kiss on my lips…..

Yamal just made an incredibly bold move and planted a kiss on my lips without any warning. He grabbed my cheeks delicately and held me close as I returned the favor and kissed him back. I…. I didn't expect this…..I mean…. I knew I had strong feelings for him but….. I just never expected him to be so bold as to make the first move like this it…..oh my goodness I'm a complete mess. I'm really sorry everyone I'm going absolutely crazy! Hmhmhmhmh…. Ohhhhhh my!

He pulled me back and looked into my eyes with such a sentimental look on his face, a look that re-assured me that I was in the hands of a man who cares. "Beli…. How many times do I have to tell you? IT'S. FINE. You're not doing anything wrong. I've told you 'dis a thousand times." He told me while I looked away from him.

"I know… I just…" I blushed profusely, more than I've ever blushed in my entire life. I've never had a man make me blush this much before. Not once in my life have I ever really had a man bring out so much from within me, my inner confidence, my insecurities, my soft side, my eating habits, so much was on the table and I could barely control myself…. So I kissed him again!

"MHM!" I shared another kiss with him as a thank you for everything he's done. I just had to throw my arms around him and make sure that I thanked him for….. -chuckles- seeing right through my disguise. After the kiss I just cuddled up to him and he had this confused look on his face.

"Ms. Beli….. Why did you-?"

"It's better if you don't ask. We can talk about it another time, yes? Let's just enjoy this moment. It's too romantic to think about." He nodded his head in agreement and we sat there together, mostly alone in the Ice Rink. I did say I was going to find out whether or not this was love sooner or later….. I think I just found out the answer. This is MOST DEFINITELY… Love.

Yamal's Perspective

OOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOOOOOOO! Praise Allah! WHOO! Hahahah oh I am so very VERY happy my friends! How are you tonight? Are you doing good? Oh I am quite excellent on account of I have just fallen into and drowned in a cesspool of LOOOOOOOOVE! Hahah!

Jeez louise, calm down dude. You act like you just won the fuckin' lottery.

I cannot help myself! In a world where it is possible to end up all alone where no one enjoys the laughter, joy and happiness you bring to others with your comedic chops of craziness, THIS is my salvation! I have reached Nirvana with a beautiful young woman. She might be younger than me, I'm 25, she's 23, but that's okay!

I must say though, I think I've brought out a new side to her we have not seen yet so far. When she called me a "dork" I embraced that side of me full-well! I do not need people to think 'dat I am "cool" or "sophisticated". I am me! And I like myself very much! Apparently, Ms. Beli likes me too. So that is MORE than enough. I think Ms. Beli is finally learning to appreciate herself as well. The more she's with me, the more we both feel at peace.

I took her back home to her apartment and stopped right at her doorstep. It was late at night and the Ice Rink was closed now, so we decided to continue dating and that we'd set up something in the coming weeks, considering she has a class that she has to attend too during the weekdays. She looked me in the eyes and grabbed my hand once I perched the car right at her street side apartment building.

"Well…I suppose this is…. Good night for now?"

"Yes….Beli….about tonight…" She shushed me and put one finger on my lips.

"Shhhh. There's no need to say anything." She planted another one on my cheek. Her kisses always felt so warm, like snuggly palettes of fur from a teddy bear.

"I think we know the path we need to take from here on out. Give me some time to think things over. Then once I come to a decision, I'll decide what to make of us from that point onward. But Yamal….I can't lie….. I really like you." She giggled like a young teenager upon uttering those words.

"I….I really like you too Beli." I curled up my fingers and entwined them with hers. "So…..I'll be seeing you again soon?"

"Most definitely." She winked at me and started to exit the car. "…..Good night."

"Good night Beli." And with that….. we parted ways. My heart was beating faster than the sizzling steps of a salsa dancer my friends! I nearly exploded out of excitement and joy based on what happened! This has been going swimmingly! But of course I can't have a fit in my own car… so I waited until I got back home to my own apartment.

"YAHOO! Ahahahahahhaahh! OOOOOOH this is amazing! Stupendous!" I flopped onto my couch in excitement, never have I been this ecstatic!

"Huh? Oh hey it's Mr. Chakra-Cheeseburger! I assume the date went well?" Kyu peeked over my kitchen barista looking at me with a rather perplexing look on her face.

"Ohhhh Kyu, It went BETTER than well! It went so well I think I am "Love-struck" as they say it in America! I've never felt so alive. *loverstruck sigh*" Kyu stood up on her feet and floated over to me with her fairy wings.

"Well I'll be damned! That means you pulled it off didn't you? See I knew you had it in ya'!"

I grabbed Kyu by her collar and pulled her close in my flurry of excitement. "More than that Kyu! I think I am changing Ms. Beli's perception of herself! Hopefully she will become less reclusive from now on!"

"Less reclusive? What?! I thought your goal was to get her to fall in love with you and bang her, not change her attitude?" By extension that was indeed my goal! Except for…. Maybe the banging part. I would rather prefer to save 'dat for…. Another time?

"Kyu, the goal was too- …. *clears throat* My intentions were genuine and pure Kyu. I wanted to find a woman to court from the beginning! I have found 'de perfect one. One that makes my heart sing the melodious symphony of love that is sung in the morning shine when you wake up next to the woman that you care about more than anyone! As the sunlight hits your face, it fills you with an energizing feeling of utmost passion and liberation, scorching your soul with the burning red hot fires of intimacy and-"


"What? What is the matter Kyu?" I ask her while she nearly rips her own hair out of her head.

"Nothing. I just don't want to hear you drone ON AND ON about how "in love" you are. It's one of the reasons why I'm not exactly partial to love." She says back to me while folding her arms.

"Yes yes, I know. You are a promiscuous little pink pixie. It is kind of ironic isn't it?"

"Yeah, I get that a lot." She said while floating on air using her wings to keep herself suspended. Was she using her wings, or her magic? I am not certain. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that a fairy came to me from the sky and helped me find a woman that I have fallen head over heels in love with.

"You know Kyu….. You should try and find love yourself." I tell her.

"Pssssh. What?! Me? Tch, fallin' in love. Dude this pretty pink mama-pajama is all about paddlin' up the poochie creek. I like sex better. It tends to have…. Less commitment. Plus there's all this other shit involved with Love that I'd rather noth get into." She said while twiddling her fingers at me.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked her.

"Oh y'know…. Like….. commitment…and….uh…..Wait wait! I got this- heheh! I am a Love Fairy after all…..Uhmmm…." She took her time answering. Constantly looking up at the ceiling as if she was pondering what it actually took to maintain a loving relationship with another person.

"You don't what it means to be in a REAL relationship do you?" I asked her outright.

"Fuck you I don't know what it means to be in a real relationship! I'm a LOVE fairy. While we may be mostly about sex, LOVE is part of the job too y'know! I happen to be an expert in love." She said, getting rather defensive. This is different? I've never seen Kyu lose her cool like that….. I am going to press further my friends! Heheheheh, I feel like a defense attorney that has gone to law school pressing a witness!

"Have you actually been in one before then?" I ask her straight up.

"…." She doesn't answer me. She instead folds her arms and pouts like a baby.

"Well, Kyu?" I ask her again.

"….No…." She says lowly.

"What was that?" I press her once again.


"One more time."

"I SAID NO YOU STUPID INDONESIAN INGRATE! I HAVE NEVER REALLY HAD A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP! ….. Most of my "relationships" or "dates" were usually just for sex. I've always been about sex because it's easier. Now my boss has me learnin' all about "Love n' Junk". I didn't go to school for this crap! So ok fine, I DON'T know everything about love. I'm not an expert on it. I haven't ever been in a serious relationship before in my entire 384 years of existing, OK?!" DEAR. LORD. ALLAH! That is a long time.

"Oh…..I see." Kyu had her back turned too me and was folding her arms quite a bit. She didn't turn back to face me either, not once. I decided that maybe I had pushed a few too many buttons. I got up and put one hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Kyu…. Why have you not tried to pursue a relationship once in your life? Love is a rewarding experience." I told her.

"Because…. Sex is pretty much my M.O. My claim to fame. It's what I went to school for basically. All my life I've been studying how to bring humans together on earth so that I could make people happy through sexual relations. I've united plenty of people in love too….. and TBH I don't know the difference between getting two people together and being together with someone else. Isn't love just a strong emotion that people feel for one another when they click more than any other humans do?"

"Nooooo no no no no no Kyu. When you are in Love, the person you are with brings out the best in you. They make you happy, they pick you up when you are down, except your weaknesses and turn them into strengths, they respect you when no one else does, and they put a lot of trust in you because they feel like they know you as much as you know them. Love is not just a feeling; LOVE is an investment." I turned her around so that she could face me.

"Love comes from in…. here." I touched her….. left….breast?

"Are you sayin' that love comes from inside my tits? Because only milk comes from there." That's… not at all what I was saying!

"Dgh! Sorry. What I meant to say…. Is that it comes from the heart. Sure it can be difficult, but that's what makes it all the more rewarding."

"Yeah, sure. I'll believe that when I see it. But, since my job is to bring you two together I BELIEVE you owe me a thank you for what I did in the Ice Rink." What is she talking about?

"Hmmm?! What do you mean Kyu?!" I ask her, completely confused.

She holds up two strange looking dolls that look…. Very similar to Beli… and ME?! "Ta-da! I gave you the push you need to elevate your game, playa'! Now KIIIIIISSSSS. Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah MWAH!" She giggled once she put the faces of the two dolls together to simulate them kissing.

"What kind of black magic is this?!" I asked her while bringing my arms forward. "Uh… DUH. It's Soul Voodoo. I simply enchanted this lovely plush doll of you and Beli and made the two of you kiss each other. Now you two are totally on cloud 9. If I hadn't I don't know what you would've done to shut her up.

"But KYU! I was going to kiss her anyways." I said rather angrily! I do not appreciate having my job as the dominant one in the relationship being done for me!

"Suuuuuure you were." She says with a sly smirk. OOOORFGH! This Love Fairy gets on my nerves sometimes! She is lucky she is such a good worker.

"*sigh* Well… regardless… it worked out for me indefinitely. So I have to thank you Kyu. You have worked nothing but wonders from the first day I met you! Your magic is most appreciated." I said while greeting her with a bright signature smile.

"Well thanks a bundle! But words are useless….. I have a…. BETTER way for you to thank me." Kyu suddenly started to strip down completely…nake- WHAT ON EARTH IS SHE DOING?!

"Whoaoaoa! Kyu what in Allah's name are you doing?!" I said to her, completely caught off-guard!

"Whaddya' mean? You seriously didn't forget how you were going to pay me did you? I ain't leavin' till I've gotten me a taste of that Indonesian DICK." She stripped down to her bra & panties! I have to admit she has an attractive figure, but I just fell in love with an even more attractive woman! Can't this wait?!

"K-K-K-Kyu I didn't forget! But I don't think n-now is the right time- OH ALLAH!" She laid me down on the bed and jumped right on me. We were literally about to do this…..

"Now's the PERFECT time. The night is young Yamal, and so are we. Well…. I'm like hundreds of years older than you, but that's beside the point." She ran her hand down my pants and all over my groin…. *gasp* Oh no!

"Ahhhhh…." I let out a slight moan in pleasure…. She could feel the lump within my pants! This is not good…. I am not supposed to be feeling like this, but my body is naturally reacting to her advances! Do I reject, or do I reciprocate?

"Ooooooh what's that? Little Mister wants to come out to play?" She ran her fingers all over groin in an effort to get me even harder….. Ohhhh for pete's sake….

"Fine Kyu-uuuuuuu! Tsssst ooooohh…..Oh my Allah…." I can't believe she was doing this….. This cannot be real. Am I literally about to have sex with a thing that is supposed to be a figment of my imagination?! My life is nothing but absolute insanity my friends! Insanity I tell you!

"C'mon just give it up already. You can put up that innocent good guy act all you want. But at the end of the day, I know a man can't resist a sexy woman working his shaft. Tell ya' what, if I teach you all about sex, then you can tell me more about "Love". I'll even consider giving love a shot. Whaddya' say?" She said as she took my penis out of my pants and started to masturbate me with one hand only.

"Ahhhhh…. Fine you win. Just please make it quick." I said to her.

"Uh-uh. Your gonna' enjoy this Mr. Sunshine. Your MY bitch for the night. Don't worry though! I won't be too rough on ya'. But your gonna' enjoy the hell out of my skills. I'm takin' you for a ride that you'll…. NEVER forget." She said with such a low, seductive tone of voice. I cannot lie…. I was getting kind of hot n' bothered by her sexual advances. She was very attractive for a love fairy of such size. And her youthful exuberance and confidence in her sexual abilities peaked my interest. Well….. as long as Beli never finds out about this….

She started working my shaft by licking up the base of it, then swirling her tongue around the head. "Nnngh!" This made me tense up with pleasure… the warm breath and saliva coating my penis felt very pleasurable…..All I could think about however was…. If Beli would be willing to do this to me. OHHHHH It would be heaven my friends…. I looked at Kyu with my own eyes, and then…. I saw her! I saw Beli in her place.

"Enjoying it so far?" She said with a sly smile.

"Oh yes….. keep going! Do as you wish!" I told her.

With that said, Kyu kept on going as she wrapped the fullness of her mouth around my penis. Her head rose and fell, up and down while she sucked on it with such gusto it made me tense up even more. I could feel an effortless wave of pleasure wash over me, as several tiny gasps of pleasure and sexual tension escaped my lips.

"Ohhhhh Kyu….. That…. Surprisingly feels amazing…. Ohhhhh…." I grabbed her head and decided to force my penis down her throat. "Mmmmmhgh!" She choked on it a little bit. Maybe I went too far?!

"Oh! Sorry! I got over-excited!" I said as she took it out of her mouth and continued to jerk me off. "Are you kidding? I didn't know you had a secret freaky side like that. Make me take that Indonesian dick down my throat. I love it!" She put my dick back in her mouth and continued sucking on it as hard as she could.

"Ohhhhhh fuck Kyu….." I got up on two legs from the couch and instead shoved my cock all the way inside her throat, making her gag on it before grabbing her sides and fucking her throat out until I burst inside her throat.

"OOOOOOOHH!" Ohhhhhh that felt amazing. Bursting inside her throat felt quite enjoyable, more so than I thought. I guess being a little naughty is alright as long as you don't get caught…. I hope.

"Bllaaaaghh! Mmmmhh… damn daddy. I didn't expect you to blast me with a REALLY big O." Heheheheh. At this point I decided to throw caution to the wind. I decided to let out the dangerous tiger within me and give her more than she bargained for.

"Get up on the bed and spread those cheeks for me Kyu." I commanded her.

"Ooooooh, dominant! I like that." She did exactly as I asked her, spreading her asscheeks wide open. I proceeded to get her wet by licking deeply inside her pussy, it was quite soaked already, and surprisingly it didn't smell at all! It actually smelled like roses and tasted like…. Cotton candy?! Well considering she's magic…. I wouldn't put it past her.

"Ooooohhh shit…. Yes Yamal….. eat that fairy pussy daddy….. Yes…. Ohhh…. OHHH!... Ohhhh shit….." I continued licking deeply inside her pussy, eventually hitting her G-Spot.

"OOOOOOHHH FUCK! Who knew you were a total freakazoid in the sheets?! Ohhhh damn daddy…. Ohhh yes! Eat that pussy! AHHHH!" She seems to like it when I get this freaky, so I decided to push things a little further.

"A preview of the main event, yes?" I slid two fingers inside of her pussy and started to finger her furiously. It made her moan even more with intense pleasure, so much pleasure that her tongue was sticking out and she gripped her fists with a burning intensity full of passion and lust.

"OHHHHH! Ohhh yeah! Deeper!" She said to me out loud as I continued to finger her like no tomorrow, my fingers plunging deeper and faster into her succulent fairy pussy. Eventually after a while of fingering I decided to finally stop and take off my pants, showcasing the fullness of my cock.

"WHOA! Holy shit, you didn't tell me you were packin' heat like that! You sneaky bastard. You were really just savin' it to surprise me weren't you?" She said while looking back at me.

"Yes, you could say that. Now keep yourself bent over." I said to her as I bent over the bed and penetrated her pussy finally. I bucked at her butt back n' forth at a steady pace before picking things up and fucking her harder and harder. "Ooooh! Ohhhh! Ohhhh yeah! Ohhhh yes Yamal…. You can cum inside if you want! We love fairies don't get pregnant from your seed! So make me cum with that Indonesian cock daddy! YES!" I gave her ass a nice firm slap once we really got into it.

"OHHHH SHIT! I'M GONNA' CUM!" My face tensed up and I grimaced as I fucked her harder and harder until she squirted her love juices out of her pussy. I eventually let the juice loose and came right inside of her pussy, finally giving her the payment she desired.

"*phew* ….Oh my Allah….. Did that satisfy your "Payment" Kyu?"

"Your damn right it did! You jackass, you're really just a dominant closet freak aren't you? I'm willin' to bet that Beli is just as much of a freak as you are! Hmhmhmhm."

"D-Do not make such assumptions!" For pete's sakes….. what am I to do about this Love Fairy? Like I said my friends, my life is absolute INSANITY!

"*Whew* Thanks for the sex, homie." That was Kyu speaking. She spoke her words in her normal average tone, but I can't help but think that nothing we just did was "normal". I slept with a mythological creature! And it felt so…. REAL! How exactly do I explain 'dis to my grandfather? And his father as well?

"Oh and BTW, if you tell ANYONE we had sex. You won't be able to have sex EVER. AGAIN. CAPICHE?" Oh great now she is threatening me?!

"*gulp* Yes ma'am." I nod and agree.

"Perfect! Now, there's something I wanna give you so you'll be prepared for-" The phone suddenly rang! Thank Allah it did not ring while we were having sex. If It had been…. *gulp* a certain lovely woman on my mind…. My goose would've been cooked.

I picked up my Golden Yellow huniebee and saw that it was indeed Beli calling me. "Hold that thought Kyu. Beli is calling my name." I motioned to her.

"Tch, well didn't have to get all high n' mighty with it. Sheesh." I did not mean to give her a command. I was just telling her to quiet down…. Wait…. Beli can't se or hear her. Does this mean a dark side of me has been brought out through…. *gasp* SEX?! She isn't an angel my friends! SHE IS THE DEVIL! OOOOOOHHOHOHOHOOOOO ALLAH FORGIVE ME!

Dude, just answer the damn phone.

Two Way Call: 9:47 PM

Yamal: Y'ello?

Beli: Hi Yamal! How's your evening going?

Yamal: Splendid Beli, absolutely splendid! Especially now that you have called.

Beli: Well I couldn't resist not talking too you for only so long… Heheheh. I hope you don't think I'm obsessed. But I might be absolutely crazy for you.

Yamal: Well I'd be lying if I said you didn't plague my thoughts as well. You know how much your beauty shines like a beautiful summer day. Nature is one with you, as you are one with the beauty of nature. It's attracted to your gentle spirit, as am I.

Beli: Ohhhhh…. Yamal your poetic talk is so…..

Yamal: Charming? Amazing? Superfluous? Dashing? Enticing? SEDUCTIVE?

Beli: -giggles- Oh stop it. I can't exactly figure out the words right now. I think I'll have the words for you when we go on another date and decide whether we should…. Pursue a relationship?

Yamal: Why question it at this point? It is obvious we have many strong feelings for each other Beli. I would love to pursue a relationship.

Beli: Yes…. Me too…. but a small part of me feels that this…. "thing" between us has moved kind of fast. I've only known you for 3 and a half weeks, and yet I feel like I've known you forever almost. You know what they say about puppy love right?

Yamal: Yes I do. And I will admit, things have moved quite quickly. But that's what happens when your having fun falling in love.

Beli: -blushes over the phone- Oh stop…. Don't talk like that it makes my heart skip a beat!

Yamal: Then that just confirms my suspicions! AHA!

Beli: Hmhmhmhmhm, you're so cute! We should definitely go out on another date.

Yamal: I have 'de perfect place, a place that is quiet, serene, peaceful, and tranquil. It'll be just us, and it will be simple. Would you like that?

Beli: I'd absolutely love that. Thank you, Yamal.

Yamal: No problem Beli. We can go to the Botanical Gardens and just stroll through, admiring the amazing flowers at night.

Beli: Are you sure? The Botanical Gardens are most definitely best enjoyed during the day.

Yamal: This will be a different experience. I've never seen the flowers bloom during the night-time, and most likely the trail will be clear. Nature is where you are most comfortable, yes?

Beli: Most definitely. You know me so well. Hmhmhmh!

Yamal: Then that is where we shall be. You, me, and Nature. A romantic night, just the two of us underneath the moonlight in a garden full of beautiful flowers. It should be absolute bliss.

Beli: I'm absolutely gushing over it already! I cannot wait! See you then!

Yamal: Alright, see you then Beli! Good night.

Beli: Sweet dreams, sweetheart! -hangs up-

Yamal: -hangs up-

Yamal's Perspective

"*romantic sigh* …" Haaaaaaahh…. The feeling of love. It is truly a timeless feeling my friends. I hope all of you out there reading 'dis fanfiction are doing well in your own love lives. For everyone should experience the joy of being in love.

"Well Casanova, not only can you pack it in the sack, you can charm the pants off of girl by just being your dorky self! Heh, the ONE time "Be yourself" actually works. Ironic, isn't it?" Kyu said while folding her arms.

"What are you talking about Kyu? You should always strive to be yourself with the utmost confidence! That is what attracts ladies to a man! Confidence. Not pretending to be someone you are not." You have to admit, I am correct. Yes?

"Uhhhh….. DUH! The thing is, when you kind of act like a looney tunes character with the vocabulary of Achmed the Dead Terrorist, you kinda' risk making a total fool of yourself. Luckily you found someone who accepts you for who you are." Kyu started to look down for some reason, like she didn't want to face me. "It's…. *sniff* almost enough to make a love fairy cry, y'know?" She's crying now?

"Wait…. Kyu why are you crying?" I asked her.

You could see it on her face that something was still distressing her, she had a slight frown on her face and tears were rolling down her cheeks. But her frown suddenly picked up into a smile and she turned back to me with a rosy look on her face. "Ahhhh it's nothin'! Don't worry about it." That was…. Odd? But I decided to take her word for it and not question her. There was no need. Maybe she was just feeling something at the moment, so it's best if I not upset her at this time.

"OH SHIT! That reminds me there's something I wanted to give you, so you'll be prepared for the date ahead. A date gift!" She snapped her fingers and managed to magically conjure up a surprise gift in an orange box.

"What is it?" I looked upon the strange box and blinked twice with wonder.

"Open it up and find out silly." She said. I did as she had asked me to do, and…. It's a sunflower! Gleaming with the bright beauty of the sun itself!

"A sunflower? This….this is-"

"Yep, Beli's favorite!" She took out her own huniebee and pointed to the screen, which displayed her favorite trait. "Baby Sunshine likes romance, so give her something that's personal to her, and I promise you'll get more than just love from that squishy little cupcake. WINK." She winked at me, inciting that I just MIGHT be able to get her in bed. Oh I could only DREAM of courting such a beautiful woman, now it seems as though my dreams are coming true!

"Thank you so much Kyu. I really appreciate all you have done for me. And for such a modest price too. I was a bit reluctant to… "Pay" you before because I did not know you, nor was I attracted to you personally. But, now I feel as though you deserve it for helping me find love." I gave her a nice hug as a token of my friendship.

"I consider you a great friend. Thank you." I said to her genuinely.

Kyu's face was contorted in a manner in which her eyes were bubbling with happy tears in a rather cartoonish manner, I could tell her eyes were overflowing joy. "I swear to god you guys are gonna' make me flood your apartment every time I do this shit! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHH! I SAID I WOULDN'T CRY! BUT I FEEL SO HAPPY!" Ohhh goodness her crying is ridiculous! Hahahahah! But it really makes my day to see her so happy.

I held her by the shoulders and wiped her tears away. "There is no need to cry. One day you will experience this joy yourself. Your more than capable of experiencing it with someone." I said to her.

"*sniff sniff* I dunno' about that . I've never really had that kind of experience before. But if there's someone out there for you, then… y'know what…..Yeah! I'm gonna' believe in it too! Thanks buddy."

I smiled a big bright smile at her, showing off my pearly whites at their maximum! "You are very welcome Kyu!"

"Now knock her dead, champ! I'll be watching!" She said as she started to walk away from me.

"Kyu, wait? Where are you going?"

"Oh, Tch, buddy my work here is done. You've got the girl of your dreams. It's only a matter of time before you two end up bumpin' bedsheets. I don't need to do anything else. You've got this under control, so make her love you to pieces pal! I'll be takin' my leave. And once again…. Thanks for the sex homie! *giggles*- She then evaporated into tons of little magical particles on my floor, as if she was disappearing out of thin air! Well, I guess I can understand why her name is "Kyu". It sounds a lot like "Cupid". The only thing is, she didn't need an arrow to find me a beautiful woman to fall in love with…..


The week rolled by quite fast, and eventually, it turned into nightfall! I styled my hair backwards, looking slick with plenty of hair gel to compliment my shaven beard and mustache. I ended up putting on a shirt with a primary design that looked similar to a piece of contemporary art, coupled with a brown snake-pelted belt with a golden buckle, black dress pants and brown Italian dress shoes with more golden buttons than you can count. I intended to look my best for no one else other than the most beautiful woman in the world!

Eventually I got in my car and picked Beli up from her home to head straight to the Botanical Gardens, it was evening time and the sun was beginning to set during our arrival at the gardens, so we had plenty of time to take in the beauty of it all. We walked hand in hand throughout the gardens, just taking in the lovely hydrangeas, lilac, roses, any kind of flower you could think of! It was truly humbling to be surrounded by such beauty!

Beli wrapped her arms around my arm and snuggled close to me, gaining my full attention. "Oh my, Ms. Beli I don't usually see you making the first move to be so affectionate." I said to her in a playful manner.

"I thought on this date I should show you something new, a different side of me that I never really show anyone. You deserve it after all." She said with her arms still wrapped around mine. I instead decided to take things to the next level and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Well I am not the only one to be showered with affection on this date." I said while chuckling to myself.

"Hey! That's not fair." She said to me with a slight smile on her face.

"No no, it is 100% absolutely positively fair! You showed me affection, I am showing it back! The law of reciprocity, the circle of life at work Ms. Beli! It is all but natural! Hmhmhm!" I said, obviously trying to mix up my words.

"But I wanted to charm YOU for once." She playfully bumped her hips into my own upon finishing her sentence.

"Ooooh! Hahahah! Well…. I'd say IT WORKED!" I lifted her off her feet and spun her around gently as we started to look into each other's eyes upon me putting her down. She blushed at the thought of me staring into her eyes and looked down at the ground, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Yamal I….I actually wanted to thank you some other way. I got you something." *gasp* By the gods! She got ME something?

"What a coincidence! I was going to say the same thing. I got you something very nice. We'll present our gifts at the same time. Ready?"



"THREE!" Both of us presented our gifts to each other at the same time. "Jinx! Hahahahahahah!" It was technically a jinx, but hopefully I won't owe her a soda or anything later.

"You open yours first." She said to me.

"Alright…. Let's see….." The box she had presented too me was quite small, almost as if it was a piece of jewelry. Why would she get me something like that? Regardless, I opened the gift and inside of it… was a gemstone. It was Citrine, yellow and orange. Attached to it was a lovely golden pendant and keychain.

"Beli….Heheh! What is this?" I asked her while taking her hands.

"It's Citrine. It is meant to represent Joy and happiness. I thought I'd get you something like that since…. it represents how happy you make me." Oh my…I've never heard such words that have touched my heart on such a deep level.

"Awwwww…. Beli…..Why don't you open yours. I think you'll like mine as well." She then opened my gift and let out a happy gasp in surprise.

"Oh my god! A sunflower! My collection has been missing this! It's so rare nowadays, not even the botanical gardens has flowers like these." She got a good whiff of the sunflower and clasped it in her hands. "And it smells so authentic…. It's wonderful." She smiled and even shed a tear of joy.

"Yamal…. I know it seems as if we're moving too fast…..But personally I think you were right….. time does go by fast when you're falling in love. And I think I love you."

"Hmmmhm….. I love you as well Beli." I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. We shared a soft, but passionate kiss in the middle of the garden amidst all of the beautiful plants and flowers, it seemed as though they were growing at a rather exponential rate, quite strange? Flowers don't grow that fast!

Hehehehehe! I've got the "Magic" touch on everything, not even nature is safe from my skills! Tch, I know more about love than you might think! Or…. At least that's what I'd like to think.

We kissed for about 20 seconds before releasing and looking into each other's eyes. Her passionate gaze for some reason gave me goosebumps, I had never felt so excited in my life!

"So….You know….. I don't have anywhere else to be tonight…..If you wanted too….. maybe we could… do something else?"

I blinked twice at this question…. Beli…. Is she…. Is she asking me to come home with her?! "Oh… something else? Would you… like me to come back to your place?"

"Actually….. can we go back to… yours instead?"

"Of course. Let's go." And so with that…. We went back to my place and I poured her a glass of white wine as well as my own. We agreed to have only ONE cup of wine so that way she wouldn't get intoxicated.

After we shared a cup of wine and I put my cup down, Beli made a rather boisterous and out of character move by climbing right on top of my lap. I guess this is the side of her she wanted me to see?

"Beli…. What are you doing?" I asked with a sultry tone.

"I'm showing you a side of me I never show anyone else….I don't need wine to show you what I'm about to show you next. This is only for you, not anyone else…" She then started to pull up her top and reveal her large breasts to me. I gulped in nervousness, but then gave her a challenging look, reciprocating the signals she was sending me by wrapping my arms around her body and running my hands down her back, sending chills up her spine.

I then proceded to kiss her from her cheek all the way down her neck and chest until I got to her soft bosoms. And they were indeed very soft my friends…. Like marshmellows. "Ahhh! …Ahhh…I'm….i'm a little sensitive… so please be gentle with me?" She said as I proceeded to suck on her soft breasts ever so gently.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle Beli I promise." I decided to gently lead her into things by undoing her top and giving her breasts soft kisses at first. Her skin is so smooth and silky, almost like a pillow made out of cotton. I then kissed her lips sweetly and we plopped down on the couch in front of my table, sharing a passionate makeout session that got my juices flowing even more.

She moaned ever so slightly as I kissed down her body again, sending even more chills up her spine by running the tip of my tongue up her neck just to tease her. "Stop… don't tease me like that…." She said very softly, giving into my advances by feigning innocence.

"Don't be innocent like that my beautiful sunflower….." I said to her in a deeper voice than normal. I then leaned upwards and took off my shirt, revealing my toned body. Yes I do workout regularly! Don't think I'm a scrawny comedian, that would be a lie.

Beli looked upon my figure and blinked twice in awe. "Wow…. I….uh….oh my goodness….." She said while her eyes widened. "Surprised? Now just sit back and relax sweetheart. Let me take control…." I said to her as I dived back down and started to kiss all parts of her mid-section.

"O…Ok…." She moaned her signature soft moan as I started to take off her bottoms and her panties, eventually stripping her naked. I spread her legs apart in order to go in on her, but she covered her vagina from view.

"No wait….I…. I'm kind of nervous….." She said while clasping her hand and looking down at the floor. "There's no need to be nervous…. Just let me take care of everything sweetheart." I said to her, re-assuring her that everything would be fine as I ran my hands through her sultry, long legs. Oh my dear Allah she's so gorgeous… I've never seen Beli in such a light as this. It's absolutely hypnotizing. I kissed every part of her legs to show her that she was mine and then, with two fingers, I ran them through her pussy, making her moan much louder than before.

"Ahhhhhahh!" She let out a soft, but loud moan as my fingers circled over her pussy ever so slightly. After a little foreplay, I then went in and started eating her out, licking her pussy softly at first, but then amping things up and increasing my speed, making her bend backwards and moan louder with pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh…..Ohhhh my goodness…you're….surprisingly really….Goood at this!... AHHHH!" I continued eating deep inside of her until I could reach her G-Spot, but eventually after several minutes of intense moaning, she stopped me.

"Stop….it's my turn….." She said to me. I took off my pants and underwear and sat down on the chair, my member protruding outward from a clean n' shaven crotch. Yes I do shave, no one wants to deal with a hair crotch am I right my friends?

She got down on both knees and started jerking me off for a little bit, but then after her short handjob, she started blowing me slowly. The feeling of her saliva all over my penis was truly heaven to the senses for me….

"Oooohhhhh…. Beli…." I said as she started to pick up speed. It took her a bit, but eventually she did in fact pick up even greater speed and sucked my penis hard. VERY hard in fact. She also got a good amount of depth on it too, it was almost as if she was taking it all in at once!

"Ooooohhh my Allah…. OOHHH YES!" She's so good at this! She had the blowing skills of a goddess. Where did she learn to do this my friends?! I thought she was supposed to be innocent. I decided to stop her for a second and got on my two feet. "Take it all instead…" I said to her in my low tone of voice, shoving my dick all the way inside of her and making her choke on it.

"GGGGCCHKK!" She did in fact choke on it once she took it all down her throat. I had her sucking on it deeper than ever before. It felt incredible. Eventually after some deepthroat, she pulled something completely unexpected and put my penis in between her breasts!

"Beli… wha- AHHHH!" I let out a sharp moan full of pleasure as she sandwiched my penis inbetween her breasts. Eventually I grabbed both of them to keep things in place and started to fuck them both. Beli gripped her hands and held both of them together with her elbows as I continued to fuck them senseless.

"Ohhhh Beli… OHHHH I'm going TOO….!" After a while of fucking her tits, I eventually let my love juices loose all over her face and breasts. "Ahhhhhhaahh! Mmmhhghh…. D….Did you have too cum all over me?" She asked with her eyes closed.

"Heheh…. Did you enjoy it? … AHH! OOOOHH…." She responded by wrapping her lips all over my cock and sucking on it again. "More than you might think…. Remember… this side of me is ONLY for you." She said as she took my cock out of her mouth.

"Heh…. Why don't you spread those legs open for me again?" I told her.

"Wait….. can we…. Please go to the bedroom? I just…." She started to say.

"What? What is it?"

"I just want to be able to look you in the eyes…. When you penetrate me." She said. This elicited a smile from me that communicated the same thing. We took our love-making into the bedroom, as I laid her down on the bed while the two of us were completely naked. I grinded my hard cock all over her gaping wet pussy just to tease her even more, we eventually met face to face afterwards and I looked into her beautiful fuschia colored eyes.

"What would you like me to do Ms. Beli?" I asked her.

"Please….. make love to me…. Make sweet love to me! Dominate me Yamal!" She yelled out loud as I started to penetrate her succulent pussy. From that point on it was me & her making sweet, sexy love. I fucked her pussy in missionary position, starting out slow and soft so as not to overwhelm her.

"Harder! Harder please!" Once we really got going, I gave her what she wanted in a side position, eventually fucking her pussy even harder than before. Her gaping moans of pleasure were like music to my ears….

"Ohhhhh it feels so good… I love you, Yamal!" She said as we looked each other in the eyes one more time while she grasped my cheek. "I love you too Beli!" I said to her while continuing to fuck her pussy.

"OHHH I'M GOING TO…. I'M GOING TO CUM!" She said out loud. "Ohhh! Ohhhh yes! YES! AHHHH! OHHHH! AHHHH!... AHHHHHHHHHHH!" There it is! I hit the money shot my friends! I made her climax finally!

We breathed very heavily and just held each other upon finishing our love-making session. Eventually, she cuddled up to me and we just…. Fell asleep together. I've never felt such happiness in my life…..This…. this right here is TRUE Joy. The joy of being in the arms of a beautiful woman that loves you more than anyone else in the world…..

Jeez that was a lot. I bet you didn't expect Yamal & Beli to get so freaky did you? Well after their story ends, things are gonna' a WHOLE lot freakier with Jessie and her love interest. See you guys in the next chapter! ;3