Thank you…thank you…thank you for your support. I won't waste another moment!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"Daaaadddddddd, I can't find my cleats", Caleb whined as he walked into the Salvatore kitchen.

Damon looked up from the newspaper that he was reading, to see his now 10-year-old son standing in his football uniform looking as if the world was about to end. So much time had passed and to someone like Damon, time was all relative—but watching Caleb grow up from that loveable toddler so many years ago to this whiny pre-teen was something else.

"Well where did you leave them?" Damon asked.

Caleb gawked at Damon throwing up his arms, "I don't know…can't you use your super vampire speed to find them? The game starts in 2 hours?"

Damon narrowed his eyes, "No, you know what you have to do if you can't find something…"

Caleb looked at Damon for a few moments and then opened his mouth wide, "Moommmmm, I can't find my cleats!" Caleb called upstairs as Bonnie ran around looking for one pink sneaker.

She stood up from looking under the bed and sighed totally ignoring the voice yelling her name from downstairs, "Why are you doing this the old fashion way, you're a witch for god sakes", she mumbled under her breath as she blew strands of her hair out of her face.

She quickly whispered a spell and a pink sneaker flew into her hand, "Yes!" she did a little dance, at least one thing was going right.

"Moooooommmmmmm…my cleats!" Caleb called again.

"Caleb! I will find them in a minute!" she yelled and then stood up to look at the two pairs of eyes looking at her from over a crib, one set were ice blue and the other set were emerald green, but both had the complexion of pecans.

"Momma", the girl said reaching for her.

"Yes, Momma found your sneaker, Ana", Bonnie said picking up the curly haired little girl, who was truly a mini me with her bossiness (although Bonnie would never admit it).

"Pick me…me…", the little boy reached for her as well, "yes, Jacob…of course…Momma has two arms and two hips, she can struggle with you two 17 pound babies", Bonnie mumbled picking up Jacob and putting him on her other hip as she somehow was able to walk out of the room with Ana's two pink sneakers and Jacob's two green sneakers floating behind her.

Damon could hear the chatter of the twins as Bonnie made her way downstairs. The smile that spread across his face hearing their voices always caught him off guard and when they entered the kitchen, his heart swelled…until he saw Bonnie's face.

"Yes, Caleb, I can get your sister and brother dressed, find their things and find your cleats", Bonnie said handing him Jacob.

"Mommmmmmm…my uniform, he will slobber on it", Caleb whined as Bonnie shot him a look, "but I think the slobber will actually help today, I'm sure", he said quietly lowering his eyes to look at Jacob.

"Exactly", Bonnie said handing Ana over to Damon and then she disappeared out of the kitchen.

"I think Mom's getting a little annoyed", Caleb whispered.

Damon shook his head. Things were definitely much better than they were when Bonnie first found out that she was pregnant with the twins. After he proposed to her and she accepted almost 6 years later, they were married. On their honeymoon, Bonnie mentioned that she forgot her birth control that she took religiously since she was unable to find any spell to break Emily's. Damon somehow convinced her (and maybe the frozen drinks on the island helped) that Emily got what she wanted and that they didn't need to worry about the whole birth control thing. Well…he was very wrong, not only was he wrong, he was doubly wrong because two months later—Bonnie tried to murder him. He walked into the house and she impaled him against a wall with a chair leg. At first, he thought somehow his new wife had been possessed and then he found out the truth—she was pregnant. The hormones had taken over and Bonnie was a witch on wheels and when she found out it was twins; his entire life flew before his eyes.

However, as the months went on and he saw her belly grow, he would have taken all of the bruises to be able to watch his babies grow inside of her. He had missed out on these moments when she was pregnant with Caleb, so he cherished every moment that he spent with Bonnie when she was pregnant with the twins. She would be sleep and he would be awake listening to their heartbeats inside of her in awe.

When Anastasia Sheila and Jacob Stefan Salvatore were born almost a year and a half ago, Damon didn't realize that he had any more love to give—but those two changed that thought for him. Their personalities were different, Ana was bossy and Jacob was calm and collected at all times—much like his namesake. After their birth, Bonnie made sure that there would be no more slip ups ever.

"Caleb, if you would clean under that bed…you would be able to find things", Bonnie sighed dropping Caleb's cleats on the floor.

Caleb leapt up from his chair, "Thanks Mom!" he hugged Bonnie kissing her on the cheek, handing her Jacob and sitting down putting on his cleats, "Dad, come on…we need to get to the field!" he jumped up and headed towards the front door.

"You're leaving already?" Bonnie asked, "that means, I have to drive the twins alone…Stefan and Rebekah are meeting us at the field".

"Bonnie…the boy needs me".

Bonnie narrowed her eyes, "Oh you get the easy job…or so you think…Jacob, baby boy…let me get you ready to go with your Daddy and your big brother, ok".

"Yay", Jacob clapped as Bonnie handed him to Damon and took Ana out of his arms.

"Ok, fine...Jacob, you ready?" Damon looked at him.

"Dad!" Caleb called from the front door.

"You better go before your son has a stroke", Bonnie stated.

"Right, love you", Damon leaned over kissing Bonnie and Ana before heading towards the front door.

"Yeah, you better", Bonnie called after him as she looked over at Ana, "your Daddy and your brothers…"

Ana giggled as Bonnie put her in one of the highchairs. She breathed out. As much as she complained and seemed as if her life was crazy, she wouldn't trade it for the world. Damon, Caleb and the twins were her life and she would hand over her life for theirs in a heartbeat. It was a good thing that it never, ever came to that. Since the World Council wiped their records regarding Bonnie, the Salvatores and Caleb things had been relatively quiet. Sure, sometimes they ran into trouble with an occasional vampire or witch, but nothing they couldn't handle.

Bonnie smiled over at Ana who was preoccupied playing with one of his stuffed toys, when her cell began ringing on the counter. Bonnie walked over glancing at the name and a feeling came over her, "Hello", she replied.

"Bonnie…hi…I was hoping you would answer", Elena's voice came through.

Bonnie forced herself to smile. Things had improved somewhat with Elena. They were cordial. They were able to serve as bridesmaids at Caroline's wedding to Matt. Elena sent a gift, but declined to attend Bonnie and Damon's wedding and she sent gifts when the twins were born. Then there was her wedding a year ago to a man named Peter Rothschild, he was a doctor and he was normal. He also treated Elena like a Queen, which was also good because that's what she wanted. Damon and Bonnie were invited to the wedding, but that weekend Bonnie came down with the flu, the twins were newborns and Damon was being Superdad—so they missed the wedding and neither was broken up about it.

"Yes, I'm actually having a little reprieve now. Damon, Caleb and Jacob are at the football field, Caleb plays for the Knights…"

"That team is still around?" Elena laughed.

"Yes…remember when we called ourselves cheerleaders when Matt and Tyler played for the team?"

"Yes…that was so long ago", Elena quietly stated, before perking up, "but I wanted you to know that I'm actually on my way to Mystic Falls now. Peter was able to get some time off from the hospital, so I thought that we could come visit…see everyone…finally see your twins".

"Umm…yeah, sure. We will probably be at the field for a couple of hours and Caleb's birthday is on Tuesday, so he wanted to have a small party here…you know…just family and close friends", Bonnie explained.


"But you are definitely invited, I didn't mean to imply anything other than that…", Bonnie rushed on.

"I know Bon, I know…hey we should be there in an hour and we will meet everyone at the field, I would love to see Caleb play".

"Yeah, he's quarterback…he thinks he's going to the NFL like next week".

Elena laughed.

"I'm not completely sure that he didn't inherit some vampire qualities".

"That would be something".

"Yeah…well…I will see you at the field, just call me when you get there and we will meet up".

"Ok…see you soon Bon, I can't wait to see you", Elena added, "can't wait to see all of you actually".

Bonnie nodded, "Ok".


Damon sat in the stands watching the pee wee football team practice. He could see some of the mothers stealing glances at him as he sat with Jacob on his lap. The first time he took Caleb to football practice, there were a group of mothers who pounced on him asking him questions and when Bonnie showed up ready to set them on fire, they somehow got the memo that he was off limits.

"Having fun?" Stefan plopped down next to him on the bleachers.

"Loads", Damon deadpanned.

Stefan looked around as Caleb smiled and waved at him from the sidelines.

"Oh you love this", Stefan smirked, "the 'Family Man', I'm surprised that you don't have Jacob strapped to you".

Damon turned, "You know I don't do the whole harness thing…so don't even…"

Stefan chuckled.

"Where's Rebekah?"

"She's on her way. Where's Bonnie and Ana?"

"On their way eventually, they are bypassing the whole pre-game show".

Stefan nodded, "This is still pretty wild, don't you think? I remember when you used to criticize me for wanting the family and the human life".

Damon chuckled, "I have a witch for a wife who can set me on fire whenever the mood hits her, my tween son has the power to resurrect dead beings and god knows what this guy or his sister will be able to do. This is not the human life".

"Maybe not, but it's definitely not a life that vampires usually have—that's for sure".

"Touche, but once in awhile I get into fights with other vampires so that everyone knows I haven't lost my edge", Damon winked.

"And then you go home and give your kids a bottle before bed".

"Stefan, I will throw you threw a wall if you say that again", Damon turned to him.

"In front of the precious baby?" Stefan raised an eyebrow.

"He'll learn soon enough".

"I'm telling Bonnie".

"I'm not afraid of Bonnie", Damon looked over.

Stefan chuckled, "Surrreeeee".

"I am so excited!" Caroline grinned as she made her way up the bleachers towards Damon and Stefan, with Josie and Lizzie running to stand closer Caleb, Mikey and Roger.

Damon smirked. The fact that Caroline and Alaric's twins had a huge crush on Caleb actually amused him. "You keep your little girls away from Caleb", Damon gestured.

Caroline ignored him as she took Jacob from his arms, "Jacob…hi…", she sung as she snuggled with him, "where's Bonnie?"

"On her way", Damon replied.


Bonnie parked her SUV in the parking lot of the field and hopped out to get Ana out of her seat. Damon resisted the whole SUV thing and still strapped the kids into the back of the Camaro. He was so difficult, but Bonnie allowed him to keep his car. She was well aware that this family thing at times threatened to make him go crazy, but embraced it and at times she thought that it almost made him wish he was human.

Bonnie removed Ana from her car seat and placed her in the stroller, "Bonnie?"

Bonnie felt her entire body freeze as she turned around slowly to see Elena standing behind her with a rather tall brunette, who Bonnie recognized as Peter.

"Wow…Elena…you made it here quickly".

"Well Peter can drive rather fast when he wants to", Elena smiled as she glanced down at Ana in her stroller and kneeled down to touch Ana's hand, "and oh my god…is this Anastasia, she's beautiful Bonnie".

"Thank you…", Bonnie stated and then she noticed something, "oh…I guess congratulations are in order".

"Yes", Elena said cupping her slight baby bump, "I'm about 5 months".

"Wow…congrats", Bonnie stated hugging Elena.

They held onto each other for a few seconds longer than necessary, but it was the first real hug they'd given each other in years.

"Well…let's go see your little boy play football", Elena smiled.

"He's not that little anymore", Bonnie chuckled.


Damon watched as Jacob played with Josie and Lizzie on bleachers below him, Stefan, Rebekah, Jenna (Stefan and Rebekah's adopted daughter), Abby, Caroline and Matt. He gazed over to the gate and saw Bonnie rolling Ana and then his eyes fell on the two people walking beside her. He nudged Stefan who followed his gaze. "Did you know?" Stefan whispered.

"Know…what exactly?" Damon asked as Bonnie parked the stroller and began walking up the bleachers towards them.

"It looks like Elena and Peter brought someone else along", Stefan mumbled.

"Hey!" Bonnie grinned as she sat down with Ana next to Damon.

Damon and Stefan stood up, as Caroline and Matt hugged Elena. When Damon moved closer to Elena, he just looked at her. She looked much happier than the last time he saw her and he actually felt some of the burden that he had carried for a couple of years lessen.

"You look happy, it's good to see you", he hugged her.

"You too", she stated uncomfortably.

"And it looks like Congratulations are in order", Damon moved back.

"Yes, in a few months…Peter and I will be as lucky as you and Bonnie are", Elena smiled.

"Congratulations Peter", Damon reached out with his hand.

Bonnie looked up as Peter shook Damon's hand. Stefan reached over and pulled Elena in a hug, before they all took their seats signaling the beginning of the game.


"Did you see my throw, Uncle Stefan…Aunt Rebekah…did you!" Caleb chattered excitedly from the living room where the guests were all gathered for Caleb's small birthday celebration.

"That kid…", Damon shook his head as he entered the kitchen where Bonnie was setting up the last of the food.

"I think that some of your vampirism is inside of him", Bonnie stated.

"I don't think it works like that".

Bonnie nodded, "So…Elena…"

"Yes, what about her?"

"She's pregnant…she has her perfect human husband and now she will have a baby…feel anything seeing her today?" Bonnie turned to him raising an eyebrow.

Damon waited to hear that question from Bonnie all day. He knew that she would question how he felt about seeing Elena with her husband and pregnant, "I'm happy for her…for them", Damon stated finally, "why would I be anything else?"

"Well I know that you two…"

Damon sped over to Bonnie, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her flush against him, "Whatever I had with Elena was years ago and it will never amount to what I have with you and our kids now. You all are my life Bonnie and I would never want to live a life without you or them".

Bonnie smiled, "I love you", she whispered as he kissed her.

"Mom…Dad…stooopppppp", Caleb whined from the doorway.

"Give me a minute kid", Damon stated looking directly into Bonnie's eyes.

"Ok…but we don't need any more babies around", Caleb mumbled and stomped away from the kitchen as Bonnie and Damon touched foreheads and began to laugh.


Damon slowly kissed a trail down the length of Bonnie's body. She breathed out as he glanced up at her with a smirk. "It's been a long day", Bonnie mumbled.

Damon crawled up the length of her body and smiled down at her, "That it was Ms. Salvatore." He kissed her on the lips.

"The kids are barely asleep", Bonnie looked up.

"I know, but the fact is…they are sleep", Damon wiggled his eyebrow at her.

"Mom…Dad…", and then two knocks came.

Damon sighed, "I swear that boy can hear me spreading your legs apart", he mumbled.

Bonnie laughed as she pushed down her nightgown and slid off of the bed, "Fix your face", she ordered turning to Damon.

Damon plastered a fake smile on his face as Bonnie opened the door, "Caleb, what's wrong?"

"Nothing…I just wanted to thank you for the fun party today…", he said entering the room.

"It was fun to have everyone here…", Bonnie trailed off sitting next to Damon on the bed.

"Uncle Stefan, Aunt Rebekah and Jenna…Aunt Caroline and Uncle Matt…Nana Abby"

"Lizzie and Josie", Damon raised an eyebrow causing his son to blush.

"Yeah, them too…and Aunt Elena and Uncle Peter…"

"Hold off on the Uncle Peter stuff…", Damon mumbled as Bonnie hit him.

"I know that we're not like most families, but I like ours…and I'm glad that we have it", Caleb declared.

"Aww…", Bonnie stood up and hugged him, "thanks Baby".

"Speaking of babies…I think that our family is complete with Ana and Jacob, so there's no reason to have anymore…right?" Caleb asked searching Damon and Bonnie's faces.

"I can guarantee you, Ana and Jacob are it", Bonnie wrapped her arms around his shoulder.

"But you never know, Son", Damon winked.

"Mommy does know", Bonnie narrowed her eyes.

"Well…thank you guys, I love you", Caleb stated kissing Bonnie on the cheek and walking over to hug Damon before leaving the room.

Bonnie closed the door behind him and turned to Damon, "He's growing up so fast".

"That he is…that he is…but you know what I just realized", Damon stated standing up and walking over to her.


"We are one year closer to him discovering what it really means to like Josie and Lizzie", Damon lifted Bonnie up off the floor.

"Bite your tongue", she teased as Damon carried her over to the bed.


I am so appreciative of everyone who reads my little fics. You will never know how much it means to me. Thank you…thank you…thank you!