Erik Selvig was sitting looking at his controls in SHEILD HQ. He rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe the read out.

He stood up abruptly and grabbed his laptop and ran out of his office in the depths and headed straight for Agent Coulson's office.

He banged frantically on the door and then shoved his way it.

"Erik? Its late. What are you up to?"

"Phil, you have got to see this!" he fumbled his laptop and opened it for him to see. He stood back and proudly pointed at his screen.

"What am I looking at? You're the physicist, not me."

"These readings, and the satellite info that I have collated has proven that someone has used a mass power source and there was a period of trans-dimensional displacement.."

"Erik.. English." Phil looked puzzled.

"Someone has opened a portal to our world." He said with a smile.

"We need to mobilise." Phil grabbed his phone and was about to dial Fury.

"Wait. Something came through." Erik showed the satellite image and zoomed in. "Look, two figures are now there."

"Are they hostile?" Phil went into caution mode.

"I don't know. But one looks injured and the other looks weak even though he appears quite big." Erik scrolled through the slides. The fingers looked like they were stumbling and uncertain of their surroundings.

"Right. Approached with caution. I will go out to the site. Can you keep tracking them and get as much data as you can on the portal? Let me know if they open another. We can afford for undocumented aliens arriving." Phil started to dial Fury.

The light dissipated and Loki stumbled forward. Thor fell near him and then grabbed his little brother. They saw the portal close and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Loki, are you ok?" Thor said breathless.

"Define ok?" Loki groaned as the stood weakly. Thor steadied him as he fell back to his knees. "I guess not. It seems that portal used too much sedir than I was expecting."

"At least we didn't get atomised!" Thor laughed and patted his back. "So I guess I'm thankful of that!"

"Yes, we now know what kind of dark energy we have to conjure to open a portal." Loki looked around the light forest. "But as to where we are, I do not know."

"Well we are no longer on Svaltahiem. I don't recognise the realm." Thor picked up his hammer. "I lost my Sedir too. I have no lighting in Mjolnir either." He seemed disappointed.

"So that's just great! I have no magic and neither do you and now we have no idea where we are." Loki looked up at the stars. "These stars are not familiar. We could be on Midgard."

"Midgard? I haven't been there for centuries." Thor thought aloud.

"Me either." Loki and Thor began to look at earth others bumps and bruises.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!" Thor shouted to the sky. "Heimdall?!" He looked worried at Loki. "He can't see us."

"We have lost too much sedir for him to see us, besides; he wouldn't be looking for us on Midgard?" Loki sat down a bit dejected. Thor sat beside him and put his arm around him. "I think we are stuck here."

"Well at least we are not under attack and not getting rained on even!" Thor cheered him up. Loki smiled and leaned into him.

"I suppose I should be thankful of that. I'm scared Thor."


"All-father is going to be pissed that we used such magic." Loki looked concerned. "He doesn't like us going to realms without permission."

"Yeah, I was worried about that. But as long as we get home, I don't care how much he chastises us over this." Thor kissed his forehead and held him close. "How long till you get enough power to get us home?"

"I don't know if I can. It will take a while, maybe days."

"Loki.. I'm really hungry." Loki looked up at him then laughed.

"Thor you channelling Volstagg now?!" Thor hugged him and messed his long black hair.

"No. But I'm thirsty too." He looked around. "I think we need to get walking to find some civilisation. Shame I can't fly us out of here." Loki placed his hand on Thor's hand gripping Mjolnir. They looked at each other. Hoping the other would be a source of some hope.

Loki turned his head sharply. "Thor, what was that?" He stood slowly. Thor holding his hand stood beside him.

"I'm not sure brother." He gripped Mjolnir tight. But with no ability to call lightning, they felt vulnerable. They moved slowly towards the sound. They could hear voices. They didn't know the language. Five men in black suits burst out of the bushes with weapons drawn. Loki squeezed Thor's hand tightly and Thor drew him in close and held up his hammer. He needed to protect Loki.

"Who are you?!" Thor yelled. He was met with blank stares.

"Do you know what he said?" on suit spoke to another.

"No. What language is that?" The other said back. Phil stepped forward and placed his hands up and got the men to lower their weapons. Thor still held up his hammer and drew Loki close with the other hand in a very protective manner.

He knew Loki was as useful as a kitten without his magic. Even his strength was draw from his sedir. Phil stepped closer with his hands up in surrender. "It's ok, we won't hurt you."

Thor shook his head he turned to Loki. "Brother, do you know this language?"

"I can't place it. I don't think he means to hurt us, but I didn't study all of the languages of Midgard, just the languages of the Northmen as they are our kin." Loki stepped forward. Thor reluctantly let him. "Hello, I am Loki prince of Asgard, God of mischief." He said with a hand on his chest.

Phil stared at him and shook his head. "I'm sorry I don't understand you." Phil looked at their strange clothing. It was unlike anything they had seen before, even the superheros of Earth seamed normal compared to these two. "Where are you from?" He asked gesturing.

Loki concentrated on the words; some were clearer but most were foreign. Phil tried a different tact. He pulled out a piece of paper. It was a basic map of Earth. He pointed to North America. "We are here." Phil said. He then pointed to the ground and then held some dirt in his hand. He then re-tapped the map to the area in Canada they were in. He then let the dirt fall and patted his chest. "I'm Phil Coulson."

"I think he said his name is Phil and he is from here." Loki pointed to the map and then looked up at the stars. "It seems to make sense. They look like north hemisphere stars." Thor looked at the map. Loki smiled and patted his chest. "I am Loki this is Thor, god of thunder, first son of Odin and Frigga." Loki smiled as he looked to Thor and patted his chest as he introduced him. Phil looked puzzled at him.

"Loki, I think you have confused the little man." Thor stepped forward. He grabbed Phil's wrist tight and the men raised their guns. Thor stared at them and Phil directed them to lower them. They were reluctant.

Thor patted his chest with Phil's hand. "Thor." He then patted Loki's chest. "Loki." he then shoved the hand to Phil. "Phil." Thor smiled as he thought he was quite smart.

Phil smiled and repeated. "Thor, Loki."

"Yes!" Thor shouted.

Phil smiled politely. He figured Thor must have said yes, even though it was a word he didn't understand.

"Thor, Loki, where are you from?" Phil said slowly. Loki smiled, he began to understand. He smiled pointed up to the stars. Phil shook his head. He held up the map and ran his hand over the whole map. "Where on Earth are you from?"

Loki rubbed his head and looked at him. Trying to think a way to communicate. Phil took out his note book and began to write some notes. Loki smiled and snatched the book from him and grabbed the pen too.

He began to draw in the book. Phil looked down at the drawing. Loki drew a tree with what looked like 9 little galaxy's on it and a large snake around the base of the tree.

Loki wrote some runes next to one of the places. He then pointed to the word and said "Midgard." He then looked at Phil and then picked up the dirt. "Midgard." He re-enforced.

"Earth?" Phil responded.

Loki pointed to another place and wrote in runes. "Asgard." Loki patted his chest then Thor's and pointed to the sky. "Asgard."

Phil looked up. "You are from Asgard?" he looked to his men. "What is Asgard?"

One of the suits looked at him. "I think it's a place in Norse legend."

Phil looked back at them. Wishing Erik was here to ask about it. "So who are you?"

Thor was growing impatient. "We are princes of the realm of Asgard, your inferior conversations have tired us. Now take us to someone in charge and get me something to eat." He demanded.

"Thor, I think you said too many words." Loki handed him the note book. "Draw what you want to say." Thor snatched the book and took a few steps away. He sat down and hunched over the book as he began to draw.

He was busy for a few minutes before he stood up and shoved the book at Phil. He pointed his large fingers at the picture and described his story. He pointed to a man sitting on a throne with a large spear. Then the woman next to him. "All-father." He cupped his hands to his head to simulate a crown. "All-mother."

He the tapped her and drew a baby in her arms. "Me." Thor tapped the baby and then drew a picture of him as he is now with his hammer. He drew a line from the baby to the man. "Thor."

Phil looked long and hard. "King?"

"Yes." Loki responded. Phil recognised the word that Thor had said earlier as an acknowledgment. He assumed it meant yes. Loki tapped the man on the throne. He then used the word Phil used. "King Odin."

"Ah." Phil worked out the picture. "You are Prince Thor."

Thor looked at Loki. "Yes." Loki responded for Thor. Phil then smiled. They were making progress.

"Loki. Are you a princess?" Phil asked.

Loki scowled. Thor laughed. He understood the words now and he ran his fingers through Loki's hair. "Well brother, you are too pretty to be mistaken for a man." Thor smiled and turned to Phil. "Yes. Princess Loki." Loki weakly punched Thor in the chest.

Phil noticed Loki's uncomfortable outburst. He took the book and tapped the picture of Odin and Frigga then pointed to Loki. "Are they your parents?"

"No." Loki responded. Phil assumed he said no. As it was different from the other word he used and he was calmer in response. This began to confirm the affection between two aliens.

"Do you have any children?" He spoke to Thor.

Thor then grabbed the book and began to draw again. Phil looked at a picture of a woman naked and long dark hair with a line to the picture he drew of himself. He then tapped the woman. "Sif." He patted his chest, stating possession. He then drew a big cross on her belly. "No."

"Ah, so you are married to 'Sif' and she has no child?" Phil looked at them waiting for his response. Loki responded for Thor.

"Yes, that is correct." He was starting to get the words.

"And you Loki? Are you married? Do you have a lover? Any children?" Phil pointed to the line connecting Thor and Sif.

Thor snatched the book and drew a picture of a horse. He then tapped it and smiled. "Loki." Phil looked puzzled. Thor kept drawing. He drew another horse over the other. He then drew a shaft to its rump and Phil immediately realised he was drawing a horse being mounted. Loki looked at the page and gave Thor a death stare.

Phil blushed and shied away. Thor then drew a crude drawing of an eight legs horse. He tapped the horse getting mounted. "Loki" He then imitated a woman rocking a baby and pointed to the weird horse. "Sleipnir."

"I don't understand." Phil shook his head. Loki grew angry and destroyed the book in a small fireball. The men gasped and Phil jumped back. "Whoa! What was that!?"

Loki turned and walked away. Thor smiled. "Loki, I was joking, he didn't seem to get it." Thor put his arm around his shoulder.

"I don't care Thor. It was shameful time for me. I had to give birth alone as a mare. You have no idea what that was like for me!" Loki turned and his eyes were full of tears. "But the worst part was when Odin turned on me when I returned. I saved Asgard and he punished me and took my child as his own steed!"

Thor pulled Loki in close and hugged him. "I'm sorry Loki." he kissed his forehead. Neither god noticed that they were now feared. Thor turned to see they were now surrounded and suddenly they were jabbed with something. A needle to the neck and they both collapsed.

Thor woke a short time later; the drugs weren't much of a deterrent. He realised he was bound, gagged and blind folded. He tried to move his legs and felt Loki was near him, no doubt in the same predicament.

They could hear the men talking but Thor still did not understand them. Loki roused and remained calm, well as long as he was near Thor. He could sense his anger. Loki leaned his head down on his shoulder and muffled a soft moan to him.

Thor turned his head and leaned it down on Loki's. The vehicle they were travelling in stopped and the doors flew open. They were now being manhandled. Loki tried to listen to their captors.

"Take them down to the cells, then try sedate them again for the doctor." One man said.

Loki began to panic and knew without his magic he would not be able to escape, let alone heal himself. He began to struggle with his bonds and fell to the floor in a loud thump.

"Careful!" Phil shouted as he ran to his side. Loki felt his hand on his arm. He could tell he was concerned but feared there was a more sinister reason to keep them alive. "I'm going to talk to Fury about this, make sure they are not hurt."

The men dragged them to the cells and pulled their chains and clipped them to the walls. Loki was on one side of the room and Thor the other.

They had been sitting quietly for an hour. Loki could tell Thor was near but couldn't get to him.

Fury looked at the monitor as he talked to Phil.

"So they claim to be from outer space?"

"Yes sir. From a place called Asgard." Phil responded.

"Anything more you can work out? You said they don't seem to speak our language."

"Well they were communicating by drawing, but Idon't know if I can believe what they were trying to say. I think one of them call me a horse fucker." Phil laughed a bit. "It's either that or the feminine looking one had been."

"Feminie? You think one is a female?"

"Possibly. We don't know much about alien physiology, but when the burly one drew what it appears to be himself and someone, whom I'm assuming was their king, they were both beared and buff, and the females were slender."

"Agent Coulson, you know what they say about assumptions? They make and ass out of you and me." Fury picked up the radio. "Well let's see what we are dealing with. Medical staff, gas the room and strip them. Make sure you leave them bound."

"Sir, I don't think that's the approach, I mean one exhibited a power of spontaneous fire when.." Phil interjected.

"I'll take my chances." Fury walked out. Phil grew concerned and watched on the monitors.

The medical staff came in in gas masks and began to undo the restraints. They carefully began to remove the clothing of the two visitors. Loki was beginning to turn blue. With his minimal magic now directed to life-support he began to reveal to his Jutoun form. The medic stood and stared he looked up to the monitor.

"Sir are you seeing this?"

"You did only gas them?" Phil announced over the intercom.

"Yes, should we keep going?" The medic asked.

"Yes." He reluctantly said. The medics continued till both were naked and their restraints both fixed. "The blue one, is it a female?"

"Hang on sir, I'll confirm." The medic knelt down. "He is cold to the touch." He was about to part Loki's legs when Thor began to move.

"They are moving, get out of the room and we will reseal it." Phil came over the radio.

"Yes sir."

The heavy door closed and Thor managed to get out of his restraints. They weren't fixed as well as they should have been. He pulled off his hood and immediately broke Loki's bonds. He then pulled him close.

"Loki." he patted his cheek. "Loki wake up." As Thor touched his cheek, the colour started to return. His skin was now in his Aseir form and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Thor?" Loki sat up and realised he was naked. He wrapped his arms around himself and Thor held him close. "Where are our clothes?"

"I think they took them. I'm not sure why." Thor was far from bashful and scooped Loki up and carried him to the corner and found a blanket on a mediocre bed. He wrap Loki up and then proceeded to head to the door and pound it with his fist.

Phil watched on the monitor. Fury joked slightly. "Well he's defiantly male."

Phil turned to Fury. "Sir, I don't think we should have done that. What happens if he turns out to be like the Hulk and destroys the facility?"

"What would you suggest? They are clearly from somewhere else and need to be studied."

"I agree with that, it's just the means." Phil tried not to tell him how to do his job. "I think we need to treat them like lions in a zoo. Maintain distance and try not to anger them. It could be something as simple as giving them something to eat."

"Ok, you have two days to try your way then I'm having them experimented on." Fury said coldly. Phil sighed and headed down to the room. He had the guards follow him armed. But he only had a notebook and pen.

"Sir, were ready. He's still pounding. Should we gas them?" the guard asked.

"No." Phil moved close to the door. "Thor? Loki? I want to come in. please stop hitting the door." The sound stopped and Phil could hear them talking inside. He opened the door slowly and Thor stood back near Loki.

Phil held up his hands. "Sorry about that, it wasn't my doing." Thor growled and Loki grabbed his leg.

"Wait Thor. I can't fight them in my state. Just let me hear their words." Loki stood slowly and saw the notebook. He clutched the blanket over himself.

"Loki, Loki, can you tell us what you want?" Phil held out the book and Thor snatched it and handed it to Loki.

"What did he say brother?" Thor whispered.

"He asked what we want." Loki whispered.

"That's stupid. Our clothes back." Thor gestured to his nakedness.

"I don't know if that is what he meant. I think it was more of a 'what are you doing here on Midgard sort of thing." Loki looked down at the book and pondered.

"Like, do we want this realm four ourselves?" Thor asked.

"No. It is already under the rule of the king of the nine." Loki sat down and held the book and thought about it more. "Whatever we say, could be taken out of context. And I don't think we should tell them our true intentions."

"Agreed." Thor sat down beside him. "But, ask them if we can have some food. I'm still starving."

"Yes, as am I brother." Loki began to draw a table with a feast on it. He handed it to Thor who smiled. He then stood up and walked over to Phil, who was still a bit taken back by his in-your-face manhood.

Phil looked at the book. "Oh, food." He then gestured to his mouth as if to eat something. The two gods nodded. "Call the kitchen and get some food for them."