A/N: 3/14/2018 - as of now, I'm changing the formatting of earlier chapters to fit the later ones and fixing mistakes! hope you enjoy!
A Triangle in the Stars
Chapter One: The Fateful Meeting
It was late in the day, and Steven was sitting on the beach with Connie, smiling. No, grinning. He was in the middle of a story, "And then Lars said—" when suddenly the girl's phone rang.
She frowned, held up her forefinger, telling him to be quiet for a second, while she got out her phone, answered, and held it up to her ear. It was quiet for a while, before eventually she sighed, "Yeah, okay," and hung up and put her phone back in her pocket. "I'm sorry, Steven, I've gotta get back home for dinner. I'll see you later!" she got up and began to walk away, leaving Steven alone.
"Bye, Connie..." he sighed. His dad was to drive the girl home, which left him nothing to do. The Gems were also away, on an extremely important mission. So he sat alone on the beach, watching the water lap up at his feet.
A peculiar something, like a triangle of sorts, rose up on the surface of the water in the far, far distance. Steven somewhat noticed this and raised an eyebrow, but otherwise paid it no mind. He watched the setting sun, not wanting to get up and take a closer look. And then suddenly, as quickly as it appeared, it was gone again.
Steven drew a star in the sand, and watched the water smooth it out. He moved up the shore, so the water wouldn't wipe it away again. And then there it was again, sitting on the shore this time, behind the boy, with its hand outstretched. He moved back again, and, this time, he felt the cold stone pressing into him. He jumped up, "Ahh!", before he turned and looked at the strange statue. He reached towards it, tentatively, "Huh...?"
The statue seemed to be beckoning the boy, in a way. It was also very clean despite its travel. But, upon closer inspection, there was a large and deep gash cutting across its eye.
He touched it gently. "How did you get here...?" he asked with wonder, running his hand along one of the sides. He turned his attention to the gash, frowning just a little, tracing the crack slowly.
The statue didn't react. It was just staring at him, silently, that hand still outstretched. An idea came to the boy. He licked his hand, and then slapped it on the fracture, closing his eyes, wondering if it would work, and not at all liking the feel of it. There was no reaction for a bit, but then a golden glow filled the fissure. It soon started to seal, to heal. After a while, it seemed like the statue was brand new.
Steven stood, smiling. He frowned at the statue, "You know what? I'm going to take you home. Maybe you'll keep me company with everyone away." He shrugged and tried to lift the stone.
The stone wasn't heavy at all. In fact, it seemed almost as light as a feather. Then again, it could've just been that way because of the boy's super strength. He heaved it onto his back and began bringing it to the temple, careful not to dent it again. He eventually was able to bring it inside. He dropped it next to the Warp Pad, and rubbed his hands together. "I guess it's just you and me now, little guy." He smiled and went into the kitchen, intending to make himself some dinner.
And then... something started to happen...
The statue glowed rather weakly, the same golden aura that ensued when Steven healed it. And it seemed to turn, very slowly, so that its eye was now facing the kitchen.
Steven decided on the very fancy dinner of hot dogs and some fries from the restaurant down the street. He heated them up in the microwave, and then brought two plates over to the statue. He placed one in front of it, with a hot dog and some fries, about the same amount of food as on his own plate.
"I wonder... what are you, eh?" he bit into his hot dog, staring back at the statue.
The statue was still facing the kitchen, but it wasn't glowing anymore. Somewhat. It still was, but the light was very weak, to the point where it could barely be seen. Steven pushed the plate closer to the statue. "So... I don't know a lot about you. But my name's Steven. What's your name?" he took another bite, smiling a little.
The statue couldn't answer, despite how much the being inside it wanted to answer. In fact, it was trying to find a way to break free with that extra power it was given.
"Do you have a name?" he asked, sadly. He touched it again, gently, and the stone started glowing brighter at his touch, but it was still weak. "I knew a girl once—her name was Lapis Lazuli. She had a broken gem, just like you. She was trapped, just like you. But she got free. She's probably out there, up in the stars now." He sighed, finishing his dinner. He got up, and put the plate in the sink. He returned to the statue.
He noticed the eye had moved, and it seemed to be staring at the food now. Steven nudged the plate closer. He glanced at the statue's outstretched hand. He took a fry and stuck it in it. "Go on, eat. You can, right? or should I turn my back?" he turned away from the statue for a few seconds, before he looked back to see if it had moved.
It was still a statue, only the eye was now focused on the fry in its hand.
"I-I get it. You're just not hungry, is that it? I could just save this stuff for later..." he moved to pick up the plate.
And then suddenly the glow overtook the whole statue. Steven's eyes widened, and he stopped, kneeling on the floor now, almost holding the plate. "Woah..."
Stars sparkled in his eyes. The glow soon died down, revealing a golden triangle with skinny black arms, legs, a black bow-tie and a similarly-colored top hat. And a demonic eye, which was now half-closed. He was kneeling, and his glow was weak. He gazed at the French fry still in his hand.
Steven was speechless for a second, before he stood up and clapped, cheering, "I knew it!"
The triangle lethargically blinked, looking up at Steven, and then looked back at the fry. He soon ate it, and then gazed at the food for a while before he ate that too. All with his eye.
Steven chuckled, "Eww, what's wrong with you?" he smiled, however, glad his new friend was eating, however strangely.
"It's just the way I eat, kid," he spoke, which seemed to surprise him a little bit, hearing his own voice. He didn't even seem to realize he was free.
"Hmm... so what's your name? ...you have a name, right?" he chuckled again, "I mean, that'd be crazy if you didn't..."
"Of course," the triangle nodded slightly, which dizzied him for quite a bit. "Ugh..." he rubbed at his top point, "the name's Bill Cipher. And I bet yours is Steven Quartz Universe..." and he looked up at him again, "am I right?"
He gasped, and his eyes got all starry. "How'd you know that? are you psychic? ...are you another Gem?" the last question was a low whisper, and was only said after Steven looked around the room with shifty eyes.
"A Gem, huh?" Bill chuckled, waving a dismissive hand. "Nah, but I'm something much better! take it from me, I know lots of things!" he still seemed to be a bit drowsy, but at least he was recovering.
"What do you know?" Steven looked upon the little guy with curiosity. "And how did you wash up on Beach City?"
"I know that your legal guardians are aliens from another section of the universe," and then he thought carefully, hand on his "chin". Truth be told, he didn't exactly know how he wound up here. His consciousness was limited and barely existing. Something or someone probably picked him up and attempted to drown him for all he knew, for all he felt for a long while was water. Deep water. Bill soon gave up trying to rationalize it all, and sighed, not bothering to answer with such a humiliating reply.
"How about something I don't know, maybe?" Steven frowned now.
"Well, gee, kid, that's a huge category!" it didn't take him long, however, to grab something and pull it to the forefront, "but I bet you didn't know that those same legal guardians, with one exception, used to fight not for this," and he quickly mumbled, "lousy excuse of a," and then brought his voice back to a volume Steven could hear, "planet, but for their Homeworld. Surprising, right?" he grinned.
"Really? wait... they're aliens?" when Bill had said that before, somehow it had sailed over his head. "They never told me that..."
"It shoulda been quite obvious!" Bill chuckled, "besides, I believe your dad told you a little about them, didn't he?"
He shook his head, not seeming to recall, "No. He didn't. ...but wait, how do you know?" Curiosity got the better of him again.
"Like I said, kid, I know lots of things," the grin on his eye was slick and sleazy. He stood from his kneeling position and started levitating. Even now he was developing a plan to backstab this boy. He seemed far too trusting, and it'd probably be the last lesson he'd ever learn.
"But how?" he asked again, frowning, not sure. Not knowing what the little triangular guy was planning. "You're psychic, aren't you? could you teach me?" his eyes had stars in them again.
"I guess you could say I'm psychic," he narrowed his eye a little, staring at the stars in the boy's eyes, "in the past, present, and future. And I don't think I can. It'd break your mind, the things I'd seen."
And then he had this urge to teach Steven, not out of kindness of course, but because he wanted to break him. But it'd be all too quick. He much preferred the slower way.
"Wow... you must have seen some pretty bad things..." Steven proceeded to wrap his arms around the little guy in a hug.
Bill's eye widened with shock for a minute, before he then shrank away, getting out from Steven's grasp and looking fairly disgusted; him getting affectionately touched by a human was unthinkable, much less getting hugged. The urge to blast him was rising. He growled out, "Don't."
Steven stepped back, tearing up, "S-sorry... I thought..." he bit his lip, "I guess you don't like hugs then..." he chuckled, but his heart wasn't in it.
The demon simply glared. Those tears meant nothing to him. The only thing he thought was nice about seeing tears was the fact that they were an indicator of pain and suffering, and that he liked. No. Loved.
"I just don't like being touched by sweaty fleshbags... nothing personal," the triangle said, grinning inwardly now.
"Oh. No problem, then?" Steven smiled a little, wiping his wet cheeks.
His brow furrowed. Bill couldn't get it. He just insulted the kid and yet he's smiling and acting like nothing happened?
"Eh, I guess there's no problem, kid," he replied nonetheless, but was still trying to wrap his mind around the child's behavior.
That made his smile broaden. Steven then thought of an idea, "Hey, do you like movies? or shows? I'm kinda bored, the Gems aren't around right now... no one is... so maybe I could introduce you to my favorite show!" he offered, smiling softly.
"Meh. Not like I have anything better to do," Bill replied, scratching at his top point. And it was the truth. He really didn't have anything better to do. He was far away from Gravity Falls, and he didn't have enough energy for the long flight back or even a simple teleportation trick to exact his revenge on the Pines family. So he guessed he'd have to stay with this meatsack a little while longer.
"I'll make us some popcorn!" Steven rushed up to start the first episode of Crying Breakfast Friends, and ran back down to the kitchen to start making food. The demon floated up there and sat on the boy's bed, watching him work now. He then grinned and quietly chuckled evilly, his hellish pupil glowing a dangerous deep blue for only a few seconds...
And there's the first chapter reformatted! I hope you enjoyed! I was Bill Cipher, and Ace was Steven and Connie.