The Northern Wall of Arendelle part 2
This is where the crossover with Tangled begins.
I suppose I should officially announce that this crossover is not going to be Disney-sanitised. Come on; it's a crossover with FMAB and Olivier is shades of Game of Thrones-style ruthless even for that.
"Good to see you, Agnarr!" King Frederic boomed, clapping the smaller man on the back. "And Iduna! Still as lovely as ever, I see!" He said, bending to kiss the Queen's proffered hand. "And this must be your eldest. Princess Elsa, I presume?" He said a little more softly, bending down so as to be on a level with the six-year-old.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty," she curtsied. "I have read much on Corona's history in anticipation for this visit."
"Wonderful, so glad to hear that you were looking forward to this," he said sincerely. "In fact, I've arranged a gift for you, in hopes to strengthen the goodwill between our respective countries' next generation!"
Agnarr and Iduna fervently prayed that it wasn't a doll or a dress or something inherently 'girly'.
"A fine colt from the Royal Stables," King Frederic announced cheerfully as Agnarr and Iduna silently thanked the gods for answering their prayers as Elsa looked on in avid interest. The colt was one of the finest animals in all the Kingdoms. Legend, as well as Royal History, said that Corona's horses had been blessed by the Faeries a few hundred years ago, leading to intelligence, a long lifespan and enhanced senses. These days, the Faerie strain was carefully confined to the Royal Stables, gifted only to fellow Royals and used exclusively by the Royal Guard.
The colt, despite it's bandy-legged youth, was already well-proportioned. The large, expressive eyes and lips were the sign of the Faerie breed, but the chest was wide with sloping shoulders and large haunches for superior speed. The thicker neck and barrel indicated the strength and stamina the colt would be able to acquire once he matured.
The near-human curiosity was coming into play right now, as he bounded unsteadily towards the newcomers. He snuffled curiously at each of them, until he reached Elsa, who drew herself up to her full(not very impressive) height and loudly commanded "sit!"
His rump slammed down onto the grass independently of his thought process, much to his shock.
"Good boy," she affirmed, a wry smile on her face. "How do you like the name Maximus?"
Queen Arianna smiled fondly at her husband as, despite being clad in his royal regalia of fur-lined sleeveless coat and gold chain, mock-sparred with the young Crown Princess of Arendelle in the grand entrance hall. Elsa wielded a wooden training sword she had brought with her with determination and ferocity, while Frederic pushed her back easily with power and experience despite only being armed with a thin branch. His uproarious laughter brought a smile to Arianna's lips even as Iduna, her fellow queen and compatriot and confidante in many womanly things, slid over to stand by her side.
"I'm sorry, are you doing?"
"I'm fine." Arianna cursed the slight wobble to her voice even as Elsa lost her temper and stomped her foot in a pique of childish frustration. "I apologise, it's just that...they would have been the same age and...'" Iduna squeezed her hand in sympathy.
"I know, Ari, I know. The border guards still check everyone and everything, but...forgive me please for this cruel, cruel question. Corona still has those who practice The Ways and walk freely, unlike Arendelle. I know that Frederic was desperate when you came down with Childbed Fever and we don't blame you! But you must have found some people during that time before you found that flower little girl has a Gift. And we don't know what to do."
"She really does like horses, doesn't she?" King Frederic murmured contentedly to King Agnarr as he leaned back in the Royal Carriage. "It seems my intuition was correct." Indeed, Elsa, was sat in the saddle of an incredibly docile older nag, surrounded and led by a mixed contingent of both Corona and Arendelle guards.
"She likes the height and the control, I think," Agnarr muttered back, his voice masked by the cheering crowd that lined the streets for the Parade. "And don't feed me that nonsense, Frederic, I know you have a Farseer you visit. As long as you, and they, keep it to selecting gifts I have no quarrel."
"Never fear Agnarr," Frederic retorted. "In any case, I have her watching over a little problem we're having with slavery on the East Coast. Children from faraway lands are being shipped in for indentured servitude, but until we catch the smugglers in the act, we have no culprits."
"By the Frozen Heart, that's gravely disturbing indeed," Agnarr agreed in hushed tones. "You sly old bear, you wouldn't have told me so much unless you have a plan already."
Frederic flicked a mote of dust from his coat. "Mm. Your visit was deliberately announced to every town, hamlet and lone house, the East Coast in particular. A grand opportunity to scout for any foreigners acting suspiciously estranged or bullied. The people gathering for the Parade...well, I have a team of my best men in place waiting for the ship that intends to make use of such a distraction."
A lit fire on the shallow beach burned bright despite the sunlight and the ship's captain lowered his spyglass. "Good, all clear for unloading." As he turned, he spotted a slight figure lurking by the deck hatch. "Rat Boy! Get down below before I tan your hide again!" The child didn't move at first, but then a sneer twisted his lips and he turned and ran below.
As the captain yelled orders to the crew in the rigging, he couldn't stop the shudder down his spine as a pair of red, old eyes bored into his skull from behind.
This was the last time; he'd not have that slave-boy on his ship for another trip more. As soon as they'd offloaded the cargo, they'd drop him overboard tied to a ballast sack. Scullion slaves were cheap to replace anyway.