Around ten Jace comes into my room telling me it's time to get ready. I watch him rummage through the wardrobe as I sit on the bed. The wardrobe is filled with fancy dresses that I could never afford nor pull off. Jace had stocked it after his last shopping trip to get me clothes.

"This'll work" he says pulling out a dress and throwing it on to the bed as if it wasn't hundreds of dollars.

"Were leaving in thirty, you better be ready" he says before taking his leave, closing the door behind him.

I crawl to the other side of the bed to take a look a the dress. It's a short form fitting crimson dress with crystals, that are no doubt real, sewn in all over the bodice. It's beautiful but a little short for my taste. I take off all my clothes including my bra because the dress is a halter top and completely backless. And there was no way I could wear this dress with my crappy bra showing in the back. I put it on then I slip on some plain black flats from the bottom of the closet. They don't really go with the dress but I won't be able to make a run for it from Jace with heels, he's already really fast as it is.

Lastly I brush my hair out into waves and put on dark red lipstick. I look at my reflection in the floor length minor in the bathroom. I look nice and by nice I mean classy prostitute minus the heels.

"CLARISSA LETS GO" I hear Jace yell down the hallway impatiently. I suddenly get a bit nervous. I wonder if Jace will think I look nice. Will he think I look hot or like a little girl playing dress up which is how I feel. I remind myself quickly that it doesn't matter what he's thinks I shouldn't care he's a psychopath for crying out loud. I hurry out of my room and down the hallway to the staircase. I see Jace waiting at the bottom as I descend down. He's wearing black skinny jeans, and a black button up shirt with a few buttons undone looking effortlessly sexy as usual. I stop at the last step in front of him making him eye level with me. He looks me up and down slowly making me want to squirm.

"Very nice, I guess you could say I have good taste" he says giving me that panty dropping smirk. I blush and turn redder than my dress and hide behind my hair.

"Let's go" he says before turning and making his way to the front door. He unlocks it and holds the door open for me. He closes it behind me and doesn't bother re-locking it. I guess the only reason he locks the front door is to keep me in. I guess you don't get a lot of burglars when you have an electric fence. We walk to Jace's car and get in. He starts the ignition and starts driving down the driveway.

After a few minutes we reach the fence. I'm curious to see how he gets in and out. He gets out the car and takes the keys with him. I watch intently as he walks up to a metal box like thing on the fence that I didn't notice before. I'm pretty sure it's a fuse box. He pulls out a key ring with many keys, selects one, and unlocks the box. I notice he takes a second key and puts it into a random Keyhole next to the fuses. He flips one of the fuses off before he pulls out the second key and re-locks the box. He goes to the gate and unlocks it and pushes them open.

He comes back to the car and drives it through the gates. Once again he takes the keys out of the ignition. And goes to re-lock the gate. I also notice there's another fuse box on this side of the fence. After he locks the gate I notice that he doesn't turn back on the electric fence, I guess there's no point if I'm not inside. When he gets back in the car he starts it once again and begins driving. For a long ways down all I can see is trees and were on the dirt road.

After awhile we finally reach a paved road but we're still surrounded by trees. We don't speak as I gaze out the window. Even though all I can see are trees this is the most scenery I've seen in weeks. So despite my better judgment I turn my back on Jace and put all my focus into the trees. I can feel Jace looking at me and I can see him doing this in the side view mirror but I ignore him anyway. After a few minutes I feel something brush lightly over my lower bare back. I jump and spin around and smack his hand away. Jace's eyes are boring into me as if he's trying to see through my dress.

"I think I like the back more than the front" he says huskily before turning back to the road. I decide to sit back in my seat and opt to just turning my head to just look at the trees to keep him from seeing the back of my dress. After about a little less than an hours drive we finally pull up to what looks like a club. Scantily dressed people are in line to go in and more scantily dressed people are coming out staggering clearly drunk off their asses. Lights are flashings and and I can feel the beat of the music from here. I stare at the crowd and watch already plotting my escape. I look up and see a large bright flashing rainbow sign that says "Guilty Pleasures". How modest of them I think.

"Do you think I'm stupid" Jace say suddenly interrupting my thoughts.

"What" I say confused.

"I said do you think I'm stupid, I mean you must if you really thought I was just going to let you prance right into that club with all those people so you could escape" he says. Suddenly he reaches over a grabs me roughly. I try to pull free but he's far to strong. Someone he manages to pull me down so I'm laying in his lap and he throws one of his legs over me to keep my body down. He grabs one of my arms and holds it's firmly with one hand.

With the other hand he quickly takes out a needle from the glove compartment. He swiftly injects it into my arm and I whimper at the sharp pinch. He takes it out once it's empty and releases me. I pull away quickly and as I sit up I become dizzy. I put my hands on the dashboard to try and steady myself.

"Don't worry the headache portion will go away soon and then we can have some real fun" he say nonchalantly. After a few minutes Jace's gets out of the car and opens my door and pulls me to my feet. He takes hold of my arm and all but drags me to the entrance of the club. I stagger and trip as my world tilts back and forth.

Jace skips the line a goes straight to the front and slips the bouncer a hundred. He doesn't give us a second glance and let's us in. When I enter the club euphoria begins to set in. I look at Jace and he's glowing and I don't think it's the lights. I watch as a beautiful blue butterfly flutters down from the ceiling and lands on my hand. I giggle as it tickles my hand with its legs.

"Feeling better red" Jace says. I turn to look at him and I smile as I see tons of butterflies sitting on his shoulders and in his hair.

"I feel amazing" I laugh and start spinning in circles.

"Wanna dance" he asks

"Okay" I nod enthusiastically.

On the dance floor Jace watches me amused as I jump up and down and spin around while I laugh uncontrollably.

"Okay slow down red" he says and grabs me pulling me closer. He spins me around and pulls me flush against him. He puts his hands on my hips and guides them so I'm basically grinding my butt into his crouch like the other couples in the club.

"So sexy" he whispers in my ear. I put my arms over my head and wrap them behind his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. Then I feel something hard pushing into my back. I look up into Jace's eyes and they've turned very dark. He then unexpectedly pushes me away.

"I need a drink" he says before going to the bar. I continue to dance on the dance floor without a care in the world. I feel like I was supposed to be doing something but I'm having far to much fun to remember at the moment. A very cute guy with dark hair comes up to me soon after and starts dancing with me. After a minute or two he bends down to kiss me. His lips don't even brush against mine before Jace has ripped us apart and punches the boy in the face so hard blood sprouts from his nose as he falls to the ground unconscious. Everyone around us is to busy with their own lives to notice what just happened.

"That wasn't very nice" I say frowning at him. He turns to me and gives me an evil glare.

"Were leaving" he says angrily.

"But we're having so much fun" I pout. But he ignores me and starts dragging me away to the door and I'm left to stumble ungracefully behind him.

"Slow down" I whine as we reach the car.

"SHUTUP YOU STUPID WHORE" he yells and I instantly burst into tears. He roll his eyes and pushes me into the car and climbs into the drivers seat. I continue to sob next to him in the passengers seat.

"Clary your driving me insane, stop crying" he says aggravated, and I continue to cry.

"I'm sorry, okay there I said it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry just stop crying, your giving me a fucking headache" he starts driving and after a few minutes my sobs quiet down.

"Jesus I wouldn't have given you the drugs if I'd known you'd turn into such a child" he chides. I fall asleep a few minutes later. I wake up later to the smell of food. On the dashboard sits a Mc Donald's bag. I look over and Jace has one hand on the steering wheel and in the other is a Big Mac. I stare at it hungrily and lick my lips. Jace looks over at me and rolls his eyes before handing me the rest of the sandwich. I take it greedily and begin to chow down.

Once we get back to the manor Jace gets out the car and does all that junk with the fence. I look up at the sky and I swear I can see the northern lights from here. When we start driving up the driveway I ask Jace what what state were in.

"New Jersey" he says shrugging, not offering any more information. When we reach the manor he opens my door and help me out. When we go inside I stagger to the bottom of the stairs and sit on the last step. Jace goes into the kitchen to throw out the empty Mc Donald's bag.

"Jace" I call.

"What" he says coming to kitchen door way.

"Aren't you gonna put me to bed" I whisper innocently. I still feel super high and very playful at the moment. He walks to me slowly like a predator cornering his prey. He stops less than a foot away from me and because I'm on the ground his crouch is right in my face. I stare a the bulge in his pant and look back up bitting my lip as I look into his darkening eyes.

"You want me to put you to bed" he says stroking the side of my face with the back of his hand. I nod eagerly. He swiftly bends down and picks me up as if I weigh nothing. I wrap my legs around his waist to keep from failing and snuggle my face into his shoulder. He goes up the stairs and goes down the hall to my room and kicks the door open. He walks to the foot of the bed and tries to lay me down but I tighten my legs and arms around him so he falls onto the bed with me.

His face hovers inches above mine before I lift my head up and our lips connect. The kiss is rough and ferocious but I could care less right now because I'm super hot and bothered all of a sudden. He unzips my dress and pulls it off roughly leaving me only in my underwear. I should be super self conscious because no ones ever seen my bare breasts but for some reason I can't seem to care right now. With one hand he pins both my wrists above my head and with the other hand explores my body. He release my wrists and starts peppering kissing down my stomach till his face is in between my thighs. He kisses the inside of my thigh and massages my breasts with his hands.

"Jace please" I moan.

"Oh what I wouldn't give to fuck you right now" he says huskily his eyes dark with arousal.

"But here's the thing" he suddenly stops his administrations and climbs back up my body till we're face to face again.

"I want you to remember every kiss" he says pecking my lips.

"Every lick" he says licking the sensitive skin of my throat.

"And every bite I give you" he says biting down on the soft skin making me moan.

"But you can't do that till you sober" he concludes pulling away and getting off the bed.

"You tease" she whines.

"Night Red" he says before winking and shutting the door behind him. Leaving Clary very frustrated.