The worst thing that could happen to anyone is to lose his or her family members; especially, if it's the same cause of death. Something as unfortunate as that has happened to Takahashi Misaki. Just like his parents were killed in a car accident ten years prior, Misaki's elder brother, Takahashi Takahiro along with his wife, Takahashi Manami were killed in a horrible car accident. After he was notified about his best friend's death, Usami Akihiko went in a long term state of shock which resulted in his admission to a mental institution. Although Misaki's lover, "Usagi" and his family are gone, he still had friends. However, he needed to find a way to support himself considering that his brother and Usagi are unable to provide to him. Aware of this situation, this divorced old man approached Misaki with a solution.

Usami Fuyuhiko, father of Usagi and his older brother, Usami Haruhiko, has experienced the wonderful taste of Misaki's cooking. In turn of Misaki cooking his meals, Fuyuhiko was willing to provide Misaki his necessities. Misaki has concurred.

It has been six months since the passing of Takahiro and Manami, and Usami still remains in a mental institution. Misaki is currently cooking in the kitchen of the Usami residence. As he cooked in silence, Fuyuhiko quietly approached Misaki from behind. It didn't take long for Misaki to notice Fuyuhiko's presence. Misaki breaks the silence with a "Good afternoon Usami-san" in an emotionless tone. "Lunch will be ready soon."

Fuyuhiko strikes a small conversation with Misaki. "Takahashi-kun," he starts; "How long will you remain depressed?" 'Did this man forget the terrible loss of my brother?' Does he not know what it feels like losing someone close to you?' These questions swarm in Misaki's head leaving him quiet with no reply to Fuyuhiko's question. After a moment of silence, Fuyuhiko speaks again. "I know you miss your older brother and my son, but a young man like you should not let these burdens hold you back."

Then Misaki replies in a mournful voice, "The joys of my life came from Usagi-san, Nee-san and most of all, Nii-San. It doesn't matter any more. I can't look forward to anything knowing that Nii-San is not with me anymore."

Fuyuhiko told Misaki that he had a similar problem. "My issue is not nearly as severe as your's is, but my life is ending with me as a single father in his early fifties. No one else to love me; to wake up to every morning; to talk to everyday. On top of that, Haruhiko has been distant towards me. I guess we both have it bad."

As kind hearted as he is, Misaki turned his face to Fuyuhiko with a weak smile which implied agreement. "Yeah, we're both lonely."

Misaki turns his back to Fuyuhiko and continues cooking. Fuyuhiko reminded Misaki that he knows why his sons chose him. "Unlike anyone I know, you're soft yet caring." Fuyuhiko paused and then continued his sentence with, "and you're cute."

Misaki was stunned with Fuyuhiko's verbal description of Misaki. Misaki blushed in confusion, but he still kept cooking. Fuyuhiko spoke again; this time, with a question. "When was the last time you enjoyed yourself?"

In an innocent confusion, Misaki asked, "What do you mean?"

"You have been so sad lately, that I wonder when was the last time you pleasured yourself; made yourself feel good...physically."

Misaki halted with the cutting of the cabbage. Misaki was started to become nervous. Familiar with Usagi's usual seductions, Misaki realized that Fuyuhiko was trying to seduce him.

Unexpectedly, Fuyuhiko slowly took a grasp of Misaki's rear from behind. Misaki's blood pressure rose instantly. Misaki was so shocked that he stayed still; dropping the knife. Fuyuhiko held Misaki closer to him; caressing Misaki's chest. Misaki could feel Fuyuhiko's stiff manhood press against Misaki's buttocks. Fuyuhiko gently bit and licked Misaki's ear. Then his tongue slowly descended to Misaki's neck. Then Fuyuhiko grabbed Misaki by the left side of his face; turned it around to face Fuyuhiko from behind. Fuyuhiko forced his lips upon Misaki's. Misaki then returned the kiss. Misaki was really lonely and he had not had sex for such a long time. Misaki began to feel the need to let go of his depression, stress, everything.