A/N: So as I promised here is another update on another of my Tudor stories. This was a chapter I enjoyed writing as it was very eventful indeed and I do hope you all enjoy it.

An Act of Fate and God's Gift Comes With a Price are also close to being updated (with rather long and action packed chapters), An act of Fate will most likely come first as God's Gift is proving a little difficult in the chapters final stages.

A huge thank you as always goes out to all those who have reviewed or placed the story or myself on their favourites/alert lists.

As always I own nothing, and I do hope you all enjoy this chapter, and the developments it brings with it.

Chapter Four:

3rd of October 1536

York, England

" The Lincolnshire rebellion has been quashed," John Constable whispered, so only Robert would be able to hear his words. The others would hear in time, no doubt, but it was better that they had time to prepare their next course of action before they did so.

King Henry had happily married his (third) new wife, the lady Jane Seymour, a rumoured catholic and supporter of Katherine of Aragon and her daughter. The King had divorced Anne Boleyn, a supporter of the reformation and the King's authority as the supreme head of the English church. Naturally the commons of England had thought that the unhappy period of the reformation would come to an end when the King's second marriage did. It was hoped that the King would return to the Pope, that his daughter Mary might once again be recognized as the Princess of Wales, such hopes had been done in vain.

The King might have cast aside Queen Anne for another woman (as he had once cast aside Queen Katherine) but he would not claim that the marriage was invalid or their daughter, the Princess Elizabeth, named a bastard. Anne Boleyn had been set aside only for her inability to produce a Prince of Wales, her daughter remained the heir presumptive to the throne, and Queen Anne was demoted from Queen to the Duchess of Pembroke married off to the Duke of Suffolk and therefore made the third woman in the country, and the reformation carried on, as did the growing resentment towards it.

The presence of a royal commission had been the spark that lit that resentment into treason and rebellion, encouraged by the local clergy and the disgruntled commons. Dissatisfaction with the King's religious and fiscal policies was deeper and more widespread than Robert could have originally imagined, as was the number of people who wanted their Catholic practices restored and the Lady Mary reinstated. For if Anne Boleyn's little daughter could remain a princess despite her father's remarriage, then surely Katherine of Aragon's Mary could be placed back in the line of succession.

The north and East of England had begun to rebel against their King who was once so beloved and Robert honestly did not know how much further their rebellion would need to go to achieve their desired outcomes.

" They were not a rebellion," Robert whispered back, he hated the term and he did not like it being tied together with their cause, they were on God's work, they were not against the King but his councillors, it was not a rebellion he led but a pilgrimage… a pilgrimage of grace, " And we in Yorkshire will not disperse so easily."

The men Robert led would not abandon their cause after only a fortnight, as their counterparts in Lincolnshire had. They would not yield without results, Robert was all but certain of that. Of course there were some who whispered that it was the King who was at fault, rather than his councillors that they all sought to blame. They had all blamed Queen Anne once for the reformation, it had been she who had put men like Crammer and Cromwell in power so that she might be Queen of England, it was she who had seen Queen Katherine and her daughter cast aside, the Lady Mary made to be little more than a servant. Yet Anne Boleyn had been replaced, a good catholic woman had taken her place, and still nothing had changed.

Men like Cromwell and Crammer and Richard Rich were still in office and power, King Henry was still the head of the church of England, excommunicated from the Pope and Rome, the ministries were being repressed and the Lady Mary was still made subservient to the three year old daughter of Anne Boleyn.

The men that whispered such thoughts asked how anyone but the King could be blamed now, and sometimes, despite himself, Robert begun thinking similar thoughts.

The Lion now knew his own strength, he knelt to no ones will, not even Gods.

November 19th 1536

Suffolk Manor

Anne watched the rain pelting down on her windowsill as she sat sewing quietly in the corner of the main sitting chamber in Suffolk.

Two of her stepchildren sat huddled together in the other corner of the room, Eleanor talking excitedly to her governess about her upcoming wedding to the Earl of Cumberland, while Edward practiced his welsh dutifully. Little Henry sat at her feet playing with his toys and when he wanted her attention he pulled at the skirts of her gown.

Many of her days went this was as of late, her life was boring she was not ashamed to admit it, yet still she was almost content with such things, for now she was happy to look over the upbringing of her step-children and to run the Duke's household.

" Your Grace," Nan's voice called from the doorway of the sitting chamber and Anne noticed immediately that she appeared anxious, " The Duke of Suffolk has arrived."

Anne could not help but shudder at such an announcement; she had not seen Charles Brandon since her departure from court and their correspondence since then could be called nothing more than minimal.

He asked her about his children and his household and she answered his queries honestly, that was as far as their conversations ever went and so far Anne had been glad of such things.

Yet now he was at the gates, and very soon he would become aware of certain matters that she had chosen to keep to herself.

" Eleanor, Edward, your father is here," Anne announced struggling to keep her voice calm, yet she doubted that either of them noticed her nerves, they were far too excited at the prospect of seeing their father.

So far her relationship with her husbands (elder) children had remained civil and Anne could not help but think that Edward at the very least was growing to like her. They respected her wishes and did as she asked of them, but with Charles here they would no doubt forget about her entirely, so long as they did not complain of her Anne did not mind though.

For now her only concern was how she was going to deal with this meeting, and how she would go about explaining certain situations.

" Come here now Henry," Anne cooed picking Charles' youngest up from his place on the floor and placing him carefully on her hip as she made to stand behind Eleanor and Edward who were waiting patiently for their fathers entrance.

They were not left waiting long.

As soon as the Duke had entered the room, Eleanor and Edward had forgotten whatever tact and courtesy they may have pocessed and were running to their father, hugging him and chatting away enthusiastically. Anne wished that they had left her standing there all alone without any protection from the Duke's piercing gaze.

" I take it you are both happy to see me then?" Charles laughed out, and Anne realized that this was the first time she had seen him in such a light…he had always been her enemy or Henry's womanizing companion, she had never thought of him as a father….especially not one who was so well loved by his children.

" Oh yes Papa," Eleanor responded with a smile that reeked of her late mother, while Edward simply nodded his head in confirmation, " I have so much to tell you."

" Later Eleanor later," Charles soothed before making his way over to Anne and little Henry.

For a second they just stood in front of each other neither knowing what move to make and then before Anne knew what was happening the Duke's lips were upon hers in a chaste and awkward kiss that set her cheeks on fire.

" My lady," He muttered out huskily and Anne was glad to hear that he sounded as embarrassed as she felt.

" Your grace," Anne returned with a slight nod of her head trying to compose herself.

" And who is this big boy, this cant be my Henry," Charles announced taking the babe out of Anne's hands and placing him on his own hip in turn before Anne even had the chance to protest the movements.

Immediately Henry began to fuss at being moved out of Anne's arms and into Charles'. His father was but a stranger to the boy who had hardly had witness to his father's presence since his mother's death.

Yet Charles made no move to calm the boys worries (which only caused Henry to wail louder) instead he stared at Anne with a look she could not recognize, his eyes locked firmly on her stomach.

She could hide her condition no longer, he knew.

" Mistress Bankston," Charles called out his voice still husky and his eyes remaining focused on Anne, " take the children into another room, the Duchess and I have some matters to discuss."

" Yes, your grace," The children's governess responded with a slight bow, Henry calmed slightly when placed into more familiar arms.

" Nan, Madge, leave us." Anne ordered simply, there was no point in delaying the inevitable any longer.

" Sit," Charles ordered briskly and Anne could not help but wonder if he was worried for her in her condition, she could not sense worry in his tone however….just anger.

" I…"

" How far along are you?" Charles asked between gritted teeth, interrupting the explanation that Anne was trying to give.

" Six months…" Anne responded slightly confused by the question, they had only been intimate with each other once, six months ago to the day, " I am due to deliver in February."

" Is it mine?"

At that Anne had to fight the urge to slap him, how dare he question her honour and integrity, she had no doubt that he had not remained faithful to her while at court, no doubt he had a whole horde of mistresses warming his bed….not that she cared.

" I am no whore, your grace." Anne responded firmly doing her best to keep her anger in check.

" I did not mean to question your fidelity…I only meant….is there any chance it is the King's child?"

" No of course not," Anne responded smoothly, Henry had not once visited her bed between her miscarriage and the divorce, " Do you honestly think he would have let me go if he thought I could be pregnant….the child is yours."

" Why didn't you tell me?" Charles questioned and once again Anne thought he sounded angry.

" I do not have the greatest history in such matters," Anne responded quietly, " I thought it better to keep such matters to myself until I was certain of a positive outcome."

She would of course never be certain of a positive outcome with such things, but her words were not untrue. Since Elizabeth's birth, Anne had experienced two miscarriages (one of which had seen her birthing a stillborn son), when she had found out she was pregnant she had not held high hopes for a successful pregnancy.

More so however was the fact that she had not known how to tell Charles. They were married it was true, but there was no warmth of affection between them, she did not even know if he had wanted another child even more so if he had wanted one with her. In her defence he had never asked her if she had fallen pregnant he hadn't even asked her as to her health in any of his letters.

She would have told him eventually…perhaps when she had a birthed a child to present to him.

" You should have informed me regardless," Charles responded and Anne thought that some level of his anger might have subsided, " Especially now…."

" I would have told you," Anne responded firmly, " I wasn't expecting you."

" I have come to escort you to court for the Christmas celebrations," Charles responded evenly and immediately Anne wished he hadn't answered her query.

" Why invite me at all?" Anne questioned her voice wavering only slightly, " I believed it to be the King's will to pretend that I had never existed." That had always been Henry's way after all.

" Elizabeth will be there," Charles responded as if to placate her, " As will the Princess Mary, no doubt…."

" The Lady Mary," Anne interrupted firmly, do not let them forget that it is my daughter who is named princess, " Henry has not thought to reinstate her, no doubt his little queen has tried to convince him to though…. No doubt this invitation is her doing too she wants to see me grovel at her feet."

Anne knew her words to be too bold and frank, but this was her home now and the Duke her husband, she had every right to speak freely in such a case, and besides she carried Charles Brandon's child in her belly, surely he would not turn against her under such circumstances.

She was more than surprised when he threw back his head and laughed loudly, " As you liked to see me do?" He reminded her, " You always made sure that those beneath you knew their place."

Anne did nothing more than nod her head in agreement, what more could she say, Charles was right, she had never been humble in her success perhaps if she had of been the crown would still be sitting prettily upon her head.

" I doubt you have much to worry about in the way of Jane Seymour," The Duke added quietly, and Anne was shocked to hear that he sounded to be trying to reassure her fears, " She makes the King happy but she has little in the way of smarts and wit…"

" You underestimate her Your Grace," As only a man could, did he forget that Jane Seymour, meek plain Jane had seen Anne replaced, " Behind those dull doe eyes is a vengeful woman."

" I will need to tell the King of your condition before you are presented to their majesties."

Again Anne could hear a hint of anger in his tone, she had made this difficult for him, she had hid her pregnancy and in doing so she had robbed him the opportunity of letting Henry know of the news gently of letting the King have time to adjust before his pregnant ex wife was presented at his feet when the woman who he replaced her with was yet to announce a pregnancy.

But then how was Anne to have known that she would be invited to court so quickly. She would have been more than content to have never been summoned back to the King's presence for all of her days.

" Perhaps it is best if I remain at Suffolk…. given the circumstances." Anne reasoned hoping that Charles would agree with her, it would be easier for them all if she stayed behind.

" No," Charles responded swiftly, " I will not give him reason to question my loyalties, you will come with me to court as you have been commanded and then you can leave before the baby is due."

She could only imagine the look on Henry's face if she, after only nine months of marriage to the Duke of Suffolk produced a healthy son, let them say I am cursed and barren then.

Christmas 1536

Greenwhich Palace

"Charles, I trust you enjoyed your journey?" At the King's address, Charles raised himself steadily from his bow, analysing the scene before him with a well-practiced eye.

The King was seated regally on his throne, he wears clothes rich in blacks and reds (in celebration of the Christmas tide no doubt), his hand is clutched into the Queen's but Charles does not sense any warmth in the touch. It is protocol nothing more, and with one look at Jane, Charles knows why.

The Queen is not pregnant. After more than six months of marriage the King's seed has not quickened inside her and no doubt Henry was wondering why.

Katherine and Anne had both fallen pregnant quickly and often, most of their respective Queenships have been spent with babes in the belly's, yet here Jane Seymour sat with an empty womb.

This meeting would prove difficult. Charles was to meet with the King, and then Anne was to be presented to the new royal couple, half the court was present in the throne room, all of them waiting to see the reception their former Queen was going to receive.

None of them could have expected that she would arrive at court heavily pregnant, Charles himself had never truly thought of the possibility of Anne bearing him children, but now she carried his child, and that more than their wedding vows would bind them together forever.

Despite his feelings towards her Charles would never turn against the mother of his child.

" Yes, Your Majesty." Charles responded softly, more than anything he wanted Anne's pregnancy out in the open, for now it held over his head like an axe, waiting to drop, waiting for the reaction Henry would give them.

" How fare my niece and nephew?" It was always important for Henry to recognize Charles' children by Mary as his blood, Charles was the father of three of England's heirs (and now he supposed he was step-father to the King's only 'legitimate' heir), any enemies he might have would do well to remember that to cross him and his own was to cross the Tudor name, which was to cross the King himself.

Frances was more often than not at court these days, now that Anne had been deposed she no longer sought the sanctuary of her husbands home but Eleanor and Edward were not often at court and so they did not have as much contact with their royal uncle as their elder sister, though Henry always asked after them, his fondness for his deceased younger sister always present, and Charles was forever glad for it.

If anything was to ever happen to him he was safe in the knowledge that Henry would care for his sisters children.

" They are well," Charles responded with a smile, despite his nerves in announcing Anne's pregnancy, thoughts of his children always left him happy and content, " Eleanor anxiously awaits her wedding day and Edward is beginning to learn welsh."

" Good, good," Henry responded absentmindedly, did he wonder why his sister was blessed with a healthy and thriving son, and he only two daughters and a bastard, the King did not ask after Charles' youngest son, but Henry had been born from Charles' second marriage he shared no blood with the King and so Henry was not truly obliged to ask after him, " And how is your wife? I do believe you bought her to court?"

Henry's second question had been asked after a long and tense silent, no doubt he had been thinking of how to ask the question, of how to address the issue of the former Queen…what title to give her. It did not get past Charles that Henry had refused to give Anne any of her titles when he spoke of her, she was a duchess twice over and she was an anointed Queen, yet from the moment she had married him, Anne had been his wife, she did not to be addressed as anything else.

" Yes, she accompanied me, " Charles responded through gritted teeth, he could feel his hands shaking beside him and so he clasped them into fists at his side to stop them, " It seems God has smiled upon our union, the Duchess is pregnant."

An inaudible gasp filled the throne room, all courtiers present had been listening to their conversation discreetly, but now they were unable to hide their shock. The King too let out a slight gasp, his hand flying out of the Queen's grasp and fading his other hand in his lap and he clutched them tightly together.

Now it was he who was trying to hide his shaking.

Queen Jane in turn was unable to hide her distress. Her face had gone deathly white and she had taken to biting on her lower lip to hide her anxiety at the announcement that her predecessor was pregnant before her.

Anne Boleyn had been declared as unfit to give the King a son. Yet it was Jane Seymour without a child in her belly.

" She must be quite far along, Your Grace," Jane said shakily from beside the King, Henry was still yet to find his voice, " You have not left court since your marriage."

Behind those dull doe eyes is a vengeful woman, Anne's words echoed in his head in response to Jane's query. Was she trying to cast doubt upon Anne's fidelity, was she trying to suggest that he was not the father of the child she carried.

" Yes she is, almost seven months to the day," Charles answered thickly, his feelings towards his wife no longer mattered, he would not let their be a questions of his child's legitimacy, not when he knew without a doubt that the babe Anne carried was his own.

" I hope the journey was not too strenuous for her…"

" Bring her in." Henry commanded cutting off whatever words his wife might have been saying as if he had not heard her speak in the fist place. Perhaps he hadn't.

Within moments Anne was standing next to him, curtsying gracefully with a muttered 'Your Majesties.'

He would not deny that she looked radiant. She was dressed in green, her gown hugging the swell of her huge bump tightly, and her dark locks hidden behind a magnificent French hood.

With gritted teeth Anne walked the short distance between herself and Jane and kneelt at her successors feet, kissing the queen's hand as was required of her. This was why she had been summoned to court, they both knew as much, to show the courtiers that she had accepted Henry's new Queen and that she was Queen of England no longer.

Before long it would be throughout the realm that Anne Boleyn had greeted her successor as a tamed bitch would great her mistress.

Jane smiled sweetly in response before laughing slightly and addressing Anne in a high-pitched voice, " Your Grace, you have been absent from court for far too long, and the country air does not seem to agree with you. Your gown and hood are out of fashion, and I fear this pregnancy has left you looking old and haggard. Ha and once you were labelled the epitome of fashion and beauty."

Even Charles is shocked by the malice in the Queen's tone, he had never heard anything but the sweetest of words come out of the girls mouth, now with the King seemingly in shock and unable to express any thought out loud she became bold, just as Anne had always described her…. just as she had feared her to be.

" I do not care for such fashions, madam." Anne responded smoothly, her eyes going up and down Jane's own outfit with a critical eye.

For a glorious second Charles thinks that this will be the end of their awkward meeting. The King still seemed to have been left dumbstruck, even more so since he had laid eyes upon Anne, and Jane too looked ready to dismiss them, but then Henry found himself again and he addressed them with a cool and biting tone.

" I can understand why you have waited so long to announce this happy news," The King's eyes were locked squarely with Anne's own, she did not look away, " The Duchesses history is well known throughout Europe, let us hope that this pregnancy does not end as unhappily as all the others."

Let us hope that this pregnancy does not end as unhappily as all the others. Anne still could not believe that Henry had spoke to her in such a way, all but threatening the child she carried in her belly as if it would ever be a threat to him and his own.

It was a threat to his manhood of course, to know that Charles had put a baby in her belly and he had failed to do the same with Jane. It would be a further blow to him if she delivered a healthy son for the Duke, perhaps then they would all see that it wasn't all her fault, she hadn't been cursed as Katherine had seemed to be, or perhaps Katherine had not been cursed either. Perhaps it was the King who was cursed, cursed to never have a legitimate son.

Perhaps Jane too would give the King another daughter. If she were to ever have a child that was. So far she had proved quite incapable.

Anne needed to let go of such thoughts of course. She was being allowed to meet with her daughter for the first time since their unhappy parting in May and Anne could hardly hold in her excitement. As fond as she might be of young Edward and little Henry she was not their mother, their presence in her life would never ease her distress at not having complete access to her daughter.

" Her Royal Highness, The Princess Elizabeth."

As her daughter was presented to her, Anne could not hide her excitement and all protocol and royal training left her as she knelt to the ground and outstretched her arms and exclaimed 'Elizabeth,' as a flying tuff of red hair came flying into her arms.

" Princess Elizabeth," Anne heard Lady Bryan reprimand, clearly not pleased at mother and daughters common actions.

With a smile full of mirth and cheek Elizabeth removed herself from her mothers embrace and curtsied slightly, " Lady Mother, I ask you for your blessing."

At that Anne gave her own smile before rising to her feet and curtsying deeply. Her daughter came before her now; let everyone remember she is the King's only heir.

" You have it always my daughter," Anne answered, but her happy expression quickly changed when she noticed Elizabeth's confused glance towards Anne's large stomach, "Come sit with me."

" You are pregnant," Elizabeth stated smartly, she is but three years of age, yet nothing gets past her. As her daughter takes a seat in front of her, Anne could not help but notice that her daughter had grown more beautiful as well, the best of her parents, as she always had been.

Anne was also glad that she remained in control over her daughter's wardrobe and clothing. Elizabeth was dressed in a fetching grey gown, if Jane Seymour was dressing the girl, no doubt she would be in something dowdy, ill-fitting and plain, for if the gown Jane had been wearing when Anne had been presented to her, a pale gold gown ill-fitted and discoloured that reminded Anne of a rug, was anything to go by that was how England's new Queen liked to be dressed.

" Yes, Elizabeth," Anne answered softly; she just hoped that Elizabeth did not react negatively to the news, although she couldn't think why she would. Her whole life Elizabeth had been told to pray for a brother, she had never lived without the thought that she might have siblings, "God willing, you will have a new brother or sister by February."

" Should I not pray for a brother, Lady mother?" Elizabeth questioned with curious eyes, and Anne knew she had to answer such a question carefully.

Jane would have spies everywhere listening and waiting for her to slip in some way, to give the King some excuse to limit her contact with her daughter even further.

" I am no longer the Queen, Elizabeth," Anne explained gently, " If I have a son with the Duke, he will not be a Prince, and your stepfather has two sons already. All that matters is that I have a healthy child."

It was Jane who needed the girl's prayers for a brother, but Anne would not tell Elizabeth that.

" I think I should like a brother anyway," Elizabeth responded and she was but a girl of three once again, " I already have a sister."

Anne could not help but shudder at the thought of her once disobedient stepdaughter. Despite Jane Seymour's efforts Katherine of Aragon's daughter was neither returned to her fathers good graces nor the line of succession.

Oh she had been invited to court for Christmas, Charles had informed her of that, but the girl had not relented, she was being bought to court to quieten the rebels who were speaking against Henry's reformation, he would show that despite her disobedience she had been well treated and once that façade was over with the girl would be told to sign the oath or risk the consequences of not doing so. If she refused it would be exile or the tower, if she accepted she would be welcomed to court as part of Jane's household.

Mary of course did not know this part of the plan. She knew only that she was being welcomed back to court and that some part of her father's northern people (as well as his new Queen) were calling for her reinstation. If the girl thought this would be a happy meeting, that Jane had some great influence over the King or that the rebels had made him see sense then she was a fool.

" Although I suppose I could be happy with another sister as well." Elizabeth's words broke Anne out of her musings and back to reality once again.

She wanted a brother more than a sister, perhaps she worries she will be replaced if I have another daughter, a girl I can raise on my own in my own home.

" No matter what I give you Elizabeth, a brother or a sister, my love for you will not change." Anne promised fiercely, her daughter was only three after all, at her age Anne too had been worried of being replaced in her parent's affections especially once George was born. She didn't want Elizabeth to worry about such things, she would be a mother who loved all of her children equally be they boys or girls.

" Do you swear it?"

" Yes Elizabeth, I swear it," Anne answered," I love you Elizabeth, and I pray you never forget it."

Finally Mary had been summoned to court and for Christmas no less, but Mary was no fool, and she knew well enough that this meeting would have consequences.

Only Susan had been permitted to join her and attend upon her. She was not being welcomed back to court as the Princess of Wales and the King's beloved daughter, oh no to her father she was still his bastard and unruly daughter, he summoned her for one reason only…. to see her relent to his will in order to quieten those who called for her reinstation to the succession.

She would be presented to her father as the Lady Mary Tudor and now Mary knew she would be forced to relent. When her father had set his concubine aside and married Jane Seymour (a good Catholic woman, and a supporter of Mary's claim) Mary had thought she would be reconciled with her father and welcomed back to court as his heir, her father had always been led by the woman in his life, her grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, her own mother, Anne Boleyn, the many mistresses that had warmed his bed, and so rationally Mary had believed that Queen Jane too would wield some influence, Chapyus had said that the Seymour women spoke for her but he had also warned her that the new Queen held little power in the court. Her father would not even see her crowned until she presented him with an heir and still after months of marriage no baby quickened in her womb.

Jane Seymour held no power or influence over the King without a son. Her father would not make the mistakes he had made with her mother and Anne Boleyn again, until she was crowned Jane was a Queen in name only, until she was crowned the only ordained Queen in England was Anne Boleyn, the new Duchess of Suffolk. Her cousin had abandoned her cause and her mother was dead, Mary had only herself in the world now, she had to make her own destiny and fight her own battles.

She had to relent, in front of her father's court she had to relent, to accept his new Queen and his marriage to Anne Boleyn as valid, she had to curtsey to her bastard sister as heir to the throne, and most of all she would have to declare herself as nothing more than a King's bastard daughter.

Queen Jane had been kind enough to gift her a gown of pale yellow and when Susan had laced her into it she had given praise to Mary's beauty and promised that all the men of the court would be smitten with her. Yet Mary cared little for such praise, her looks would not save her from her father's wrath and displeasure, only her wits could do that.

" The Lady Mary Tudor," The royal herald announced loudly and suddenly Mary felt as if all eyes were upon her, yet Mary paid no notice to them, not to their stares or their whispers, she had eyes only for her father, and it shocked her to see how much he had changed.

He was a handsome man still, as he always had been, but he did look older his face hardened by the hard years of his Kingship, the weight of his crown had finally fallen upon him, he was dressed fetchingly in blue and his hand was intertwined with the woman by his side.

This would be her fathers third wife in four short years, and as she looked at Jane Seymour, Mary could not help but think that none of her fathers Queen's had been similar in anyway. Jane was a fair woman, with thick blonde hair, pale skin, and dull grey blue eyes; she wore a dark rich gown with a lace bodice, her hair down behind an English hood. She smiled kindly on Mary, but Mary could not help but think that this was not a woman who would be able to control a King of England, Jane Seymour was not raised to be a Queen, yet a Queen she was and now she would be forced to endure all that came with the title, just as Queen Katherine once had…just as Anne Boleyn had had to…

Her sister sat on her father's other side, watching her elder sister intently, the tiara (no doubt placed by her mother) sitting prettily on her red curls, let all present know that she was the King's heir…. not Mary.

" Your Majesty," Mary addressed her curtsey low and deliberate, her eyes downcast, she would play the repentant daughter now, she had no other choice, " I ask you for your forgiveness and for a father's blessing."

" My forgiveness?" King Henry questioned, signalizing for his daughter to rise.

" I have not been an obedient daughter," Mary answered, she had practiced her words many times yet still they came out as a low stammer, she did not know her father any longer, she did not know if this man would forgive her, " I have betrayed your loyalty for love of my mother, the Dowager Princess of Wales."

There was no turning back now, Mary thought, she had renounced her mothers title, god forgive her.

" The Dowager Princess of Wales?" Henry repeated stoically, Mary could not read him, " Not the Queen of England."

" No, Your Grace," Mary responded tensely, " my mothers marriage to you was not valid in the eyes of god nor the law of England, I see that now. She was your brothers widow and an Infata of Spain nothing more."

" And you Lady Mary?" her father prompted, " Did you not call yourself the Princess of Wales and name your dear sister a bastard in turn."

" I am nothing more than Your Majesty's baseborn daughter," Mary answered, her eyes on the floor, she could hear the murmurs growing louder around her but she paid them no mind, " My sister, the Princess Elizabeth, is Your Majesty's legitimate heir, until a son is born to you."

Her father was silent for what seemed an age, but when Mary dared to look at him, she could see that his expression had changed, he looked at her again as a father, and for a few precious moments Mary wanted nothing more.

" You will sign the oath? Recognise me as supreme head of the Church of Englnad? You will accept that your mother's marriage to me was invalid, that you are a bastard? You will recognize your sister, born from my legitimate marriage to the Duchess of Pembroke, as heir to the throne? And you will accept my new wife Jane Seymour, as your Queen and Stepmother?"

" Yes, Your Majesty," Mary answered with another curtsey.

" Then we are friends again my daughter," at the King's declaration, Queen Jane smiled joyfully and clapped her hands together loudly, slowly in a mixture of shock and awe the rest of the King's court followed suit. Within moments her father had risen from his throne and taken her into his arms, he whispered in her ear so that no one else might hear his words, " You are welcomed back to court, you will serve Queen Jane, there will be no more disloyalty from you, are we agreed?"

" Yes father," Mary answered softly as he father kissed her lightly on the head, all in the same breath he threatened her and played the loving father.

As Mary was dismissed from her father's presence, she turned intending to find one of her royal cousins, the children of her aunts, instead she found the face of Anne Boleyn.

The now Duchess of Pembroke and Suffolk was dressed grandly in a gown of rich brown, with Tudor sleeves and a dropped waist to accommodate her growing form. With her eyebrows raised slightly, Anne gave a half measured curtsey, without thought Mary returned the gesture.

Anne had not been married to the Duke of Suffolk for a year, yet already she was pregnant with his child. Her father had removed her for her inability to produce a living son, yet here she was pregnant to her new husband. Surely the King had known of such a risk when he had ordered his ex-wife married and bedded, half of the realm thought he had replaced her with a heavy heart, only because she was barren, now the King looked a fool. The woman he replaced heavy with child and his new Queen as slim as the day he met her.

Perhaps soon her father would have a fourth Queen.

9th of February 1537

Suffolk Manor

"Argh," Anne wailed pitifully for what she prayed would be the last time. Fool that she was she had forgotten the pain of childbirth, it had been three long years since she had delivered Elizabeth, and despite two further pregnancies, it was only now that she was forced to endure the pain, her woman's duty, again.

Really though, Anne did not care, the pain meant nothing to her so long as she was presented with a healthy child at the end of it all. She did not think she could endure the loss of another child, and despite her new babe's parentage, despite the fact that it was conceived out of duty and not in an act of love, Anne loved it dearly and nothing would change that.

Charles had allowed for her to leave court as soon as the Christmas festivities had been completed. Unfortunately, he could not meet her request that Elizabeth travel to Suffolk with her to be present for the birth of her new sibling, your daughter is the heir to the throne, and Henry wants her at court for the new years celebrations, she should be glad of course that Henry wanted their daughter by his side, that he had no doubts about her legitimacy and position as his heir. Yet Anne could not help but think that he did it to spite her, Elizabeth was his and England's before she was Anne's, a fact that he would never let her forget.

Charles had asked her if she wished for him to make the journey back to Suffolk with her, but Anne had politely refused his offer, I will call for you when I have a child to present to you. Instead she had asked him to allow for her family to be able to visit with her, for George and her father to be allowed to visit her new child, and for Mary to come to Suffolk as a companion to Anne in her confinement. He had granted her request and Anne had almost fainted when he gave his assent.

It seemed now that she had his child in her belly they were to be friends at last.

She was surprised when Mary had answered her letter and agreed to be reconciled, when she had arrived in Suffolk they had cried in each other's arms for what felt like hours, and now her sister stood holding her hand and soothing her as she brought her child into the world.

Nan and Mage were present too, as was, too her great surprise, her stepdaughter. Eleanor was doing her duty to her stepmother and her family, when she had asked for Anne's permission to be present for the birth of her sibling, Anne had found she was unable to refuse the girls request. She didn't not want them to be enemies; she did not want Eleanor to hate her as Frances hated her, as her mother had once hated her and as Anne's last stepdaughter had hated her. Perhaps this would be a step away from hate and towards something else.

" Argh," Anne screamed again, raising herself up higher with all her might, surely she must be near her time now.

" One more good push, Your Grace," The midwife commanded.

Anne did as she was instructed and was rewarded with an infants piercing cry.

She had not lost another child. She was not cursed.

" It is a boy, Your Grace," The midwife announced and Anne all but stopped breathing.

How long had she waited to hear those words? How long had she waited to deliver a healthy and legitimate son? And now he was born to a different man, a man who hated her, not the man she had spent over a decade with, not the man who had her heart in his keeping and then sought to destroy it.

She had birthed a son at last, but he was not the King's son.

"A boy Anne," Mary soothed from beside her, kissing her sister's sweaty head, " a boy at last."

" Is he healthy?" Anne questioned as her new son was placed in her arms, " is he strong?"

" He is in perfect health, Your Grace."

Healthy and Handsome, Anne thought as she looked down at the boy in her arms, he was the image of the Duke, there would be no question as to his paternity, and Anne was glad for it. She did not want to hear the rumours of her sons fathering, she did not want to hear that she was a whore, or that the King had cast aside a woman carrying his child.

Her son was the son of Charles Brandon, Robert Brandon, She thought, he would be Robert Brandon, the Future Duke of Pembroke…. perhaps the brother of the future Queen of England.

14th of February 1537

Suffolk Manor

" The Duke of Suffolk is at the gates," Her sister whispered hurriedly in her ear, " Come to inspect his son, no doubt."

At that Anne could not help but be confused, she had written to her husband the day of Robert's birth, of course, I have birthed you a healthy son, Your Grace, but stillshe had not expected him so quickly. He must have ridden with much haste; Anne doubted he had stopped more than was necessary since leaving the King's court.

She was not yet churched and their son was only four days old, he knew their boy was healthy, why had he felt the need to arrive at Suffolk so quickly.

Yet Anne would not protest his presence, really how could she? This was Charles Brandon's home, she was his wife, and little Rob was his son, she had no cause to stop him seeing his children and visiting his home.

" Have Robert made ready for his father," Anne ordered softly, getting ready to relinquish her hold on her boy when the doors to her bedchamber burst open.

" Your Grace," Nan reprimanded, " the Duchess is not yet churched."

" I care not for such practices, mistress Saville," Charles answered, his eyes locked on Anne and their son.

Immediately Anne felt very aware of her simple attire. She was dressed in nothing more than a lace white robe, her hair down in loose curls around her shoulders, and she knew she looked tired; she was not yet recovered from her labour.

" I hear we have a son?" Charles questioned breathless, as if she had not already wrote to him, informing him of little Rob's birth.

" Yes," Anne answered smiling despite herself as she held her son up for his father's inspection, " And he is strong and healthy."

It took only moments before the Duke was by her side staring down at their son sleeping soundly in her arms, " May I hold him?" He questioned hesitant, as if he needed her permission.

Anne nodded her head in consent before passing her son along to her husband. He looked quite entranced with the boy, they would be united in that at least, in their love for this boy…. their boy.

" I have thought to name him Robert," Anne pushed, tactfully ignoring the fact that all those in Suffolk were already calling the boy Lord Rob, " if Your Grace approves of course."

" Robert?" Charles answered rolling the name around his tongue as if to test it out, to see if it suited the boy well, "Yes, if that is your wish."

" It is," Anne responded, thankful that the Duke agreed with her, she could think of no other name for her son, " He is healthy and strong, the midwives the doctors they are all in agreement, he is in perfect health."

" He is a bony boy indeed," Charles agreed, kissing their son's forehead lightly, " and very handsome."

" Yes," Anne nodded, there was no denying her son would be a looker, " He looks like you."

The words were out of her mouth before she had a chance to stop them and within seconds she felt her face grow red out of embarrassment, Charles raised his eyebrows slightly, clearly amused but he said nothing and Anne was thankful to him for that.

" Despite all that is between us, I do thank you for him, Anne," Charles said softly his eyes finding hers for the first time, " and I will love him well."

" As will I," Anne swore, as if she had a choice, as if a mother's love was something that could be given and taken freely, " Did you tell the King?"

"No," Charles answered, placing Rob back into her arms, " There was no time, besides I doubt he will care much in any case."

It took Anne a moment to understand his meaning, but then it dawned on her, clear as anything else, there was only one reason as to why the birth of her son would not bother him.

" So she is not barren after all then," Anne put forward, hating the bitter tone her voice had taken, this was meant to be her triumph, her victory at last, she could not allow Jane Seymour to ruin that.

" There has been no official announcement," Charles put forward almost soothingly, "But she had been ill of late, she wears tightly fitted gowns, and the King has ordered for a large delivery of Quail eggs."

Quail eggs, when Anne had carried Elizabeth it had been apples, with Robert cheese, but she should not think of it, royal heirs were no longer her burden to bear, let Jane Seymour worry and pray over the sex of her child…let her know the price she has paid for the English crown.

" Let us pray that Queen Jane has better luck than her predecessors in delivering the King a son," Anne bit out, before taking a deep breath and focusing on her newborn son.

Henry's lack of a son was no longer her problem, her only concern now where her children, Elizabeth and Robert, it would be her duty to secure their futures.

" Have you sent for a wet nurse?" Charles asked suddenly from beside her, clearly he wanted the subject changed, his loyalty was to the King, as hers once had been, he would no doubt pray for Jane Seymour to deliver a Prince of Wales, Anne never would, she would pray only for her children and their prosperity.

" No," Anne answered firmly, " I will feed him myself."

" As you wish," Queen's don't do that, but then she was no longer a Queen.

A/N: So as I promised this chapter was full of important events. I do hope you all enjoyed it and that you leave a review to let me know your thoughts.

Firstly we had the beginnings of the pilgrimage of grace and all the consequences that bought with it. This will be further touched upon in the next chapter. But as you call all see many rebels are beginning to blame the King now that they can no longer blame Anne.

Next we had the news that Anne is pregnant and has been hiding the fact from Charles as she lived quietly in Suffolk. Unfortunately for Anne, she was called to court and her secrecy meant that Charles was unable to inform Henry of her pregnancy gently, especially since Jane is not yet with child.

While Anne was at court we saw a little battle of wits between her and the new Queen, as well as a nice moment between her and Elizabeth. The Lady Mary Tudor was also returned to court, in an act to quieten the rebels who called for her reinstatement, knowing she has no other choice Mary will relent and sign the oath, she will reside at court as a Lady in waiting to Queen Jane.

Finally we saw Anne give birth to her child to the Duke. A boy at last, but not a son to the King. Little Robert Brandon has bought his parents, two bitter enemies, together in their love for their son, and their relationship will only continue to grow more interesting from here. Oh and Anne also found out that Jane Seymour is pregnant, just as she was at this point in history.

In the next chapter we will see more on the Pilgrimage of Grace, the outcome of Jane's pregnancy and much more.

Once again I ask for you to leave a review. Thank you again.