Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

K. So this is a new AU I'm working on. It'll only be six chapters. Um...Sorry I'm not writing anything in universe currently I have plenty of plans and all the work mostly done on in universe stuff, I just need a little direction if that makes sense.

Basically since I have so many things that I've got mostly planned out I kind of need someone saying, 'you should do this story next' just kind of prodding me in the direction I need to go since I can't choose between all the things I want to write because I like all of them kind of. They're all equal levels of motivation to me at the moment.

Anyway, I'm writing this one currently because my sister scissors was like "write this masks au" and I was like, "Okay."

I apologize ahead of time for this first chapter. I just started a new medication last night and I don't know why but my mind feels foggy if that makes any sense? I'm confused why it's doing that. It just...doesn't feel right. My words feel all jumbled.

Other author's notes about this story: This story was inspired by otpprompts on tumblr, the prompt is as follows:

"Your OTP lives in a universe where everyone is required to wear garish masquerade masks at all times since they are a society that values privacy not beauty. Person A is the rule-abiding and shy one while Person B is the rowdy rule breaker. When they eventually meet, Person B wants to know more about Person A– which escalates into Person B unmasking Person A while they are alone with each other. What happens next?"

This of course isn't exactly what is going to happen in this fic. The AU was just inspired by that prompt. I was like "A society where everybody wears masks. Okay."

Other things that inspired this AU include: Soul mate AU's. I've been meaning to write one of those things. It's a wonderful cat life, the vocaloid song.

Official Setting: In a world where the higher class society, the red bloods wear masks at all points in their lives to keep the tradition of privacy, and to keep themselves as different from the silver bloods, who they can control with mind control, one human decides to start a revolution and overthrow the enslavement that has been forced on so many people and forge a new path, after meeting her soul mate who happens to be part of the lower class and a silver blood.

Will Natsumi be able to change how society is run? Will she be able to free the silver bloods who are treated as pets? Or will another revolution start to oppose her's, and the dastardly Kululu will take away all the freedom that she wants for the people?

Masks AU.

The feathers were the deepest shade of crimson on Natsumi's mask. However she only ever saw them when she looked in the mirror.

Isn't it odd that my mask is the same color as my blood? Natsumi looked in the mirror at the mask that had been modified to fit her face her entire life. Only her mother had seen her bare face as was the tradition in their culture. As someone with red blood, the race that had the highest status in society, her duty was to protect her privacy by wearing a constant mask on her face. It was improper to show her bare face to anyone besides her husband once on their wedding night.

Although Natsumi didn't exactly hate her mask, it covered her entire face and was designed after a red bird, having a sort of snout to it, she wasn't supposed to feel the snout instead believing it to be part of her face. However she felt like the whole thing was spectacularly unnecessary.

She would have much preferred to be a bare face like the silver bloods. The other race in her society.

The silver bloods were much different than the red bloods like her, instead of deep rich red blood flowing through their veins they had a metallic silver color, their reflexes were better and faster than the red bloods due to the second pair of ears that each silver blood had, a sort of animal ears. They were a physically stronger race, a faster and more agile one.

However they were not the ruling class. The silver bloods had one major flaw that the red bloods didn't have. Because of their biology any order that the red blood's gave them, the silver bloods would be forced to follow. It was like it had been programmed into their blood to follow any command that the red bloods gave them, like mind control. No matter what they could do they were forced to follow the red bloods orders, so naturally they had become sort of slaves of the red bloods, or 'pets' in the best case scenario because of their animal ears.

Despite the silver bloods sad lifestyle Natsumi still sort of envied them in a way. They don't have the hassle of these masks. They're able to eat like they want instead of trying to avoid bumping into their material. They can probably sleep on their faces. Natsumi knew she shouldn't really envy the silver bloods. Wearing a mask wasn't nearly as bad as being a slave. But Natsumi was still a bit selfish, almost spoiled in a way. What I want more than anything is the freedom to be able to be myself. Although her real self was more sympathizing to the silver blood's plight.

She knew that the silver bloods didn't actually get to see their bare face. All of them had tattoos all over their body, not just their face, branding them as property. Some of them had a certain symbol designated to them, most of them had a pattern and certain number of tattoos that they had on their body that would be counted and tallied constantly, in the case that they had a new tattoo that had not been designated they would be killed.

Natsumi truly pitied them.

They have no freedom whatsoever. I shouldn't envy them just because they don't have to wear a dumb mask. Natsumi reminded herself, looking in the mirror again. Wearing a mask was a tradition. She shouldn't be ashamed.

Just because she had never seen her brother, mother's, or father's real face shouldn't bother her. Her mask should be a part of her skin. Something that she loved.

I should stop hating the way things are. Someday I'll be in charge of this society. After all I may in fact be the highest person of status in the red blood class. She should be proud. She was part of the monarchy after all. She was the eldest daughter of the king and queen of their society. Her mother kept things orderly and her father brought kindness to the red bloods.

And someday when Aki and Haru passed away, it would be Natsumi's job to take care of society. To keep the laws in order and make sure nobody broke traditions.

Natsumi gripped the dressing table in front of her and started tying rich red ribbons to her pigtails, calming down. She shouldn't be selfish thinking about the things she didn't want to do. Like wear a mask. She was a red blood. She wasn't as imprisoned as a silver blood, forced to do anything someone else told her.

Today's supposed to be a happy day. Don't bring justice into it, Natsumi. Natsumi tried to remind herself.

The only other person in Natsumi's world who could threaten her parent's claim to rule was marrying Fuyuki today. The Nishizawa line might not have had the political power that the Hinata's had, but they were far richer. They ruled the economy with an iron fist.

Although in Natsumi's youth she had heard there might be problems between the two families, the issue was quickly remedied by trying to align them and swiftly creating an arranged marriage between the only daughter of the Nishizawa line, Momoka, and Natsumi's younger brother Fuyuki.

Fuyuki and Momoka had of course hit it off spectacularly and now fifteen years later they were finally getting married. And Natsumi couldn't be more excited and proud.

It's my brother's wedding. She reminded herself. It's a happy occasion. She was happy that Fuyuki had found love. She was pleased that he was finally tying the knot. She was also excited to attend a party.

Still, Natsumi couldn't keep her mind off the annoyance of her mask. How even after twenty two years of life, it didn't feel right to look in the mirror and see this unnatural thing attached to her face.

She glanced around in the dressing room, looking to see if it seemed like anyone was approaching. They were not. The doors were locked.

Swallowing her nervousness, Natsumi careful removed her mask, just so she could look at herself in the mirror.

I shouldn't do this. It's forbidden. But...I want to see my face. Closing her eyes, she felt the cool air touch her face and she delicately placed her mask on the table. She opened her eyes to see something that looked completely natural – her brown eyes and bare face just sort of smiling at herself.

I look so...Natural. Something was calming about being able to see someone's facial expressions. Even if it was her own facial expressions. It was like she could see the real Natsumi, the honest one.

The door knob turned of Natsumi's dressing room despite the fact that Natsumi was sure the doors were locked. Before Natsumi could quickly place her mask back on her face where it belonged, Koyuki came in.

"ACK!" Koyuki covered her face, shielding her eyes from Natsumi. "Natsumi! Why aren't you decent?"

Should have known that Koyuki could pick the locks. Natsumi sighed. Her best friend in the world, Koyuki, might have been raised to follow the traditions of the noble class and other red bloods, but she was a little weird. For one thing she wasn't used to the boundaries of locks and was more used to breaking and entering.

"Sorry, Koyuki." Natsumi apologized, glancing at Koyuki who was shielding her eyes. Natsumi didn't even know what her friend's eyes looked like because of the porcelain mask that always covered Koyuki's face. It looked a bit like a cat's face, with fake ears and deep red streaks on the cheeks like whiskers. "But it's okay..." Natsumi hustled to put her mask back on, in a few seconds it was back on her face, imprisoning her skin.

"Natsumi! I shouldn't have to be the one to lecture you on traditions. You're the one usually lecturing me!" Koyuki giggled, "But you should know that the only one who's supposed to see your bare face is your lover. Unless..." Koyuki glanced around, "Is someone hiding in here? Were you with someone?" She started sniffing as if she could smell out the foreign person.

Natsumi shook her head. "Nobody was here. And I'm pretty sure you're not actually supposed to show your face to just a lover." Natsumi did her job and corrected Koyuki's misconceptions. "Unless that lover is someone you're going to spend the rest of your life with." Natsumi shrugged. "But don't lovers usually break up or something? I mean..." Natsumi giggled for a second, "Unless they're your soul mate. But most people date at least a few people in their lifetime!"

Koyuki was quiet. Natsumi briefly wondered how many lovers her friend had had that she had showed her face to and never been corrected on.

"So..." Koyuki coughed for a moment. Not a real cough, a fake one as if to change the subject. "Were...You coming onto me? You know, with having no mask!"

"No!" Natsumi corrected her friend quickly. "I...I just...I don't see the need of needing such privacy. With the masks and all." Natsumi shrugged, "I don't mind if people were to see my honest expressions. My bare face, you know. Maybe that's the reason we trust the silver bloods so much to not have an uprising or something. Because we can see what they're actually thinking because they don't have to wear these dumb masks." Natsumi's words were quick as if she was finally thinking about it. About the fact that the silver bloods had never revolted before.

"We don't trust the silver bloods to not have an uprising." Koyuki corrected, "After all, whenever one of them shows dangerous behavior they're disposed of. You should know that."

Natsumi frowned. Maybe the silver bloods didn't have as happy a life as she thought just because they didn't need to wear masks.

Natsumi sat back down in her chair, lounging. "It's just...I hate this dumb tradition, Koyuki! I don't like wearing a mask." Natsumi admitted, "It's annoying!"

Koyuki approached her friend and pat her head. Natsumi was glad she didn't wear a hat. At least people could see her obnoxiously pink hair. "Natsumi...That's a dangerous way of thinking. The traditions and ways of the past are the most sacred things in the world." Koyuki leaned over to Natsumi's ear, "You should know that it's not just the silver bloods that are bound to follow them. After all, red bloods who disrupt the peace are killed too...If they do something illegal they're gone. Forever."

Natsumi frowned, shivering for a moment. That was Koyuki's job after all. She was part of the assassin division of their society. Koyuki didn't kill silver bloods, she killed red bloods who might have tried to cause disruption in society, trying to put someone else in power besides Natsumi's family or being too friendly with silver bloods. Although Koyuki and Natsumi had always been friends because it was mostly Koyuki's job to protect her, Koyuki did have a more rigid description of the rules.

I don't like the traditions though. Natsumi realized rubbed her arm. She knew Koyuki would give her some slack for being so out of line. After all Natsumi was pretty much a princess. She could afford to be out of line, that and she had been dealing with the aftermath of a bad break up, for the last...five years actually. It had been a while. I wish red bloods didn't have to wear these dumb masks. Maybe we should start a new tradition.

Koyuki looked in the mirror at Natsumi. "Here. Let me help you put on your bridesmaid gown. You aren't ready for Fuyuki's wedding yet."

She didn't comment on the fact that she had seen Natsumi's bare face any more. It was as if she felt that forgetting it would make Natsumi forget her rebellion too.

Although Natsumi had always secretly hated wearing masks and envied the silver bloods for not having to wear any, she did not envy their status whatsoever. They were primarily slaves, forced to do anything a red blood asked.

However she hadn't thought deeply about how terrible their condition was until she had broken up with her fiance. She had been smitten with him for years and had kept herself in line and docile until she had dumped him. Only after five years was she finally breaking her mold and thinking for herself. Letting herself be the angry woman that she naturally was, punching people in the face who caused her trouble and that sort of thing.

Even back then though, with her ex, she had tried to push the guilt out of her mind at what they were doing to the silver bloods. However as the days went on, Natsumi thought about it more and more. How things felt wrong. Not just on her face, but everywhere else too.

"Good morning, Lady Natsumi!" Keroro greeted as Natsumi walked out of her dressing room. Keroro was the silver blood that Natsumi had the most contact with throughout her life, although he had looked after her and her brother as sort of an older brother figure or babysitter in her youth, he had no position of power over either of them.

He was Fuyuki's pet. But Keroro had never looked unhappy with that role. Instead he looked content, docile. A poster child for all silver blood's who were unhappy about their positions. If they too worked hard they could be treated luxuriously like a pet.

Keroro grinned at Natsumi and waved.

It's nice to see his eyes. His smile. Natsumi thought to herself. Keroro's expressions always looked so honest. Maybe that was the reason why they constantly fought like children, because Keroro was too honest and Natsumi had to always put up a front. Despite how they didn't get along, Natsumi secretly thought of Keroro as a somewhat friend.

He had tattoos all over his body just like any silver blood. Stars in fact. Keroro had never commented on them hurting him, or being disappointed by his stars. Usually he liked to brag about them, talking about how he was a 'star' instead. It had annoyed Natsumi when she was younger, she would usually order him to do a meaningless chore when he bragged or beg for forgiveness, something that she now deeply regretted.

His clothes were fancier than most silver bloods, probably because he was owned by Fuyuki. They were green like cash and brightly colored like spring. Fuyuki tried to take care of Keroro best he could, giving him gifts and treating him with luxury. It was probably why Keroro's most precious possession was the collar around his neck with a golden bell, symbolizing that somebody owned him.

Just like all silver bloods, Keroro looked mostly like Natsumi. Human with hair. Maybe a little bit taller than her, but the only thing naturally out of order were the large black rabbit ears on his head that helped his reflexes.

"Hi." Natsumi greeted. She stopped herself from calling him 'stupid frog' her designated nickname for him. Keroro might have been childish and annoying but he didn't deserve to be dehumanized or insulted.

Why did I treat him so badly? Natsumi wondered. The silver bloods really did have nothing for her to envy. Keroro was a human pet, yet she just like every other red blood had treated him like he was some sort of animal.

"You know after Master Fuyuki marries Master Momoka I'll be moving into their house." Keroro admitted, talking in a hushed voice like he was carrying a secret. "I know...I know we've known each other our entire life, but..."

"You don't want to see me anymore?" Natsumi asked. Was Keroro asking her a favor or something? Usually he only asked her for toys or to have the day off.

"Please don't order me to stay with you." Keroro finally squeaked out. "I know, we're friends in a way. At least Fuyuki says I'm his friend." Keroro smiled brightly.

Despite how the red bloods treated the silver bloods, Keroro still thought Fuyuki was the best in the universe. He was his best friend and he cherished him.

"But I need to go with Fuyuki." Keroro continued, "I'm his. So please don't bypass my wishes by ordering me. I know you'll be lonely without me and Fuyuki, but...don't."

Natsumi felt a bit shocked. He thinks I'll order him to stay with me? Had she given him that awful of an image of her?

I suppose I did. We have been childishly fighting all my life. Which would have been normal if I wasn't born with a position of power over him. Squabbling was normal, but when one of the people in the squabble had a sort of power to mind control the other person, things weren't fair at all.

Natsumi gave a small nod. "I won't. You can stay with Fuyuki."

"Yippee!" Keroro smiled, "Thank you, Master Natsumi!" He hugged Natsumi tightly. He really was like an overgrown child, hugging the person who could ask him to die with just a word. He didn't have any fear of her.

Natsumi frowned to herself. Keroro really was quiet kind and easy going despite his position. I shouldn't have control over him. He shouldn't have to ask me a favor to not order him to do something he doesn't want to do. Natsumi realized.

After all, what if he had been owned by someone else? What if the thing he was begging his owner not to ask him was something terrible, like begging his owner to let him have food?

The way things were with the silver bloods was wrong. And Natsumi felt so much regret for the way Keroro's life was.

"K-keroro?" Natsumi said his name for once, "I'm sorry...For how I treated you when I was younger."

Keroro looked a bit shocked by Natsumi's apology. "It's all right, Master Natsumi. Everybody's emotional at weddings. Heck, I'm emotional too! You don't have to say weird things." He had just brushed off her apology.

"Do you ever feel bad about how you're Fuyuki's pet and not just his friend?" Natsumi asked after a moment of thinking.

Keroro smiled a bit. "No. It's a much better alternative than living in a ditch and dying and being nobody's pet like most of the silver bloods." Keroro admitted, "I'd much rather have a comfortable life than no life."

He shouldn't have to make that choice. Natsumi thought to herself. She couldn't continue her apology because Keroro quickly walked away. It was like he didn't want to see the reality of his life.

The room was filled with people wearing garish and extravagant masks. This was a high class wedding, probably the most expensive and extravagant wedding in the last thirty years.

Although the red bloods were Natsumi's people, she still felt wrong being with them at Fuyuki's wedding. She didn't want to be one of those people who commanded the silver blood's like they were cattle. She didn't want to be just a 'red-blood.'

Come on Natsumi. Stay positive. It's your brother's wedding. Natsumi reminded herself as guests started sitting down all over the place.

Natsumi felt her guilt lessen when she did see that there were two silver bloods attending, Keroro, Fuyuki's pet and Tamama, Momoka's.

Natsumi hadn't talked to Tamama much. But she did notice that he was as sharply dressed as Keroro, probably because of Momoka's money. He had tiny little shorts and a long sleeve coat. His hair was smoothed and red like his mother had dressed him. Momoka probably liked to dress him up.

He was short, shorter than Natsumi at least. Still he was clearly a silver blood because of the tattoos all over his body, a sharp sort of arrow mark cut in half with the colors green and yellow. His ears were scaly and reptilian just barely poking out of his hair. And he had a large collar studded with diamonds.

He was an expensive pet.

Natsumi would have said hi to him but he looked like he was happily talking to Keroro, swaying over and holding Keroro's arm, flirtily putting his arm around Keroro's waist and having a mischievous smile. Keroro was blushing and telling him that he had said 'some sort of funny joke.' when Tamama was clearly flirting with him.

Keroro was just dense as nails.

Still they both look happy that their friends are getting married. I'm happy for them. Natsumi smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure they don't cause any trouble." Aki, Natsumi's mother whispered into Natsumi's ears, leaning over to her, seeing that Natsumi was eyeing Keroro and Tamama. "It's rare to have silver bloods at a red blood wedding but Momoka and Fuyuki insisted. And I wanted Fuyuki to be happy. But I'll get 'em if they want to do something weird. They are not ruining my son's wedding."

Natsumi frowned beneath her mask. So they're allowed to celebrate their friends wedding as long as someone keeps an eye on them? That isn't right. They should be able to enjoy it as much as me.

She felt sick to her stomach. People didn't deserve to be treated that way. Why had it taken so long to realize this?

"K, Mom." Natsumi squeaked out quietly. She didn't even know if she could look at her Mom the same. Her Mom was an enslaver. For once she was happy to wear the mask and that it was hiding her disgusted look.

"Go find a seat with one of your friends while we wait for Momoka to be ready. She wants things to be perfect. Apparently she's going all bridezilla on some of her maids. Some rooms are being destroyed!" Aki smiled in a sing-song voice. "Koyuki wanted me to remind you though that she's checking the guest list to make sure nobody's sneaked in. So she won't be around."

Natsumi nodded. She'd have to find someone else then to kill time with. She glanced at Keroro wondering if she should go back to him to hang out.

He probably doesn't want to see me. She reminded herself. I'm his enslaver. Not someone he's on the same position of power with. She let Keroro continue his conversation with Tamama and left to go find someone else who looked nice.

Walking around the aisles of seats, she didn't recognize many of her friends. Most of the people there were Fuyuki and Momoka's friends or just people with high status in the red blood society. Rich people and nobility.

She finally sat down in an open seat next to a girl in a purple dress. She had short silver hair and was wearing bracelets around her arms with an odd white and purple pattern. Although she had a fan in her hands to cover her face like a lot of rich noble women, the one thing that stuck out to Natsumi about her was her mask- it was sort of placed on her face wrong in a clumsy sort of manner like it was crooked.

Natsumi tried not to giggle a moment as she sat down next to the girl who looked to be around her age. Of course that was Natsumi's best guess since she couldn't see her face, only the sort of masquerade like mask that covered her entire top half of her face and the top of her hair like a crown. Natsumi couldn't see her eyes very well under the silver and purple sparkly design but she appreciated the fact that she could see the girl's smile. It was rare to have a mask that didn't completely or partially cover the lips.

"You weren't saving this seat for someone, right?" Natsumi asked the girl, slipping next to her.

The girl glanced up. Looking surprised to see someone try to sit next to her, she hurriedly shook her head. Her mask teetered off her nose.

"Um...Sorry, but excuse me." Natsumi dipped her head respectfully, "Your mask...It's not on properly. It's a little bit crooked." She pointed out in barely a whisper.

"Oh! Oops." The girl giggled, "You could say, so clumsy?" Carefully the girl corrected her mask, "Sorry about that. I'm a bit frazzled."

"Frazzled?" Natsumi asked. Didn't you learn how to keep your mask straightened when you were a child? She wanted to ask. But she kept her voice down and tried to be polite.

"I only got to this city just this year." The girl explained giggling, "I'm a traveler from one of the neighboring counties."

Natsumi nodded. That actually doesn't make much sense why she's frazzled. Most of the counties are just like this one when it comes to masks. There wasn't a single place in the world that didn't have one. But she didn't want to call the girl a liar and accuse her of just being clumsy. Natsumi wasn't stupid. She has money to travel though. She's probably a rich noble. Makes sense why she was invited to the wedding.

Natsumi noticed that the girl was looking over at Keroro and Tamama, like Natsumi herself had been. I wonder if she thinks it's weird two silver blood's at the wedding. Mom did after all.

"Did you not see many silver bloods at weddings back in your home city?" Natsumi asked.

The girl shook her head, slowly. Natsumi noticed her mouth had formed into a frown when the girl's eyes lingered on their collars.

"It's...Odd...Isn't it? Their collars." Natsumi tried to take a chance to talk about something moral. She felt nervousness bubble in her stomach. Throughout her years questioning how society forced the red bloods to wear masks and the silver bloods to be their slaves anytime she had tried to bring it up to someone else that she was uncomfortable by it they brushed her off, like it was a good thing. Still it was Natsumi's go to strategy to learn what kind of person a stranger was. If they sided even a little bit with the silver blood's plight or if she was just...different.

"Not that odd." The girl responded, "After all there's usually a class in power in all society's. There's never such a thing as a utopia." She answered like she was a textbook.

"But does it make you uncomfortable to see it? Them being treated like their not human. Things not being equal?" Natsumi prodded.

The girl sighed. "It...It doesn't seem right." She answered like an innocent child, "How they're treated. Like they're not human."

Natsumi perked up at the girl's confession. Nobody's ever agreed with me before. That it seems wrong! Confidence piled in her. Maybe she was right that this wasn't the way things should be. "I'm Natsumi Hinata, the groom's sister." Natsumi greeted, letting the girl shake her hand.

"My name's Mois." Mois smiled, "It's a real pleasure to meet you!"

Natsumi smiled back at the girl. She was so glad she wasn't the only one who secretly desired some sort of equality or felt that things were wrong the way they currently were.

The two chatted until Natsumi was called away to walk down the aisle with the other brisemaids. (Which included just her. Turned out despite Momoka's riches, Momoka didn't have many friends and Koyuki had a job to do and was unavailable to help.)

Eventually the wedding ceremony finally started. Natsumi stood somewhat near Momoka as a bridesmaid as Fuyuki looked at his bride with utter happiness. Natsumi could imagine him having this dopey lovesick grin. However she couldn't see her brother's face under his childish green frog mask that looked like he had won it at some carnival.

The music played and Momoka walked down the aisle with several flowers. Natsumi had never seen the girl more happy and beautiful, although she did make a finger sign at her throat at the organ player.

"If you mess up my wedding, you're gone." Momoka hissed.

Her mask looked like it melted into her skin, the dark blue cat like thing soft as silk. The holes around the eyes had been done to be larger so that Fuyuki was able to see her joy. Really all Natsumi could see was her glaring at everyone except Fuyuki.

Momoka finally reached the aisle, tossed her bouquet prematurely at Tamama's face to catch and threw her arms around her husband to be. Unable to kiss him because of their blocked mouths, she nuzzled up into his arms.

Fuyuki sounded bashful as he stuttered. Eventually he found the words he wanted to say.

"Before we get married," Fuyuki spoke aloud, "I'd like to show the crowd something before they have a chance to complain at our union."

"Why would they complain, Fuyuki?" Momoka asked, curiously.

"What if someone else wants you?" Fuyuki pointed out. "They might say they object to our union because they want to marry you themselves! I read it in a book once."

Momoka pouted. It was actually more likely that Fuyuki's jealous admirers would try to steal him away than anyone from her.

Fuyuki turned to the crowd and smiled. "Momoka and I are meant to be together. So don't you say that you object to our union! And I am overjoyed that she will be my wife even if this is an arranged marriage, because..." He slowly lifted his shirt down a little bit to show an odd sort of dark blue tattoo. "We're soul mates."

Momoka nodded and let Fuyuki pull down her dress a little bit too, not enough that her chest was bare, but to show her tattoo, the same tattoo as Fuyuki's on her chest. She looked a bit bashful but she was clearly used to Fuyuki pulling down her clothes.

"Oh not here, Fuyuki...Can't you wait an hour at least?" Momoka blushed.

"Um...I'm trying to explain something cool and scientific...Not undress you." Fuyuki tried to explain. But Momoka was lost in her fantasies.

A soul mark! Natsumi gasped for a moment seeing the mark. There were rumors and legends about soul marks. Some people claimed they were true, some people hated them. It was incredibly rare to find your soul mate, legend said that after you kissed your soul mate a tattoo would form on both of you magically forming a bond of equality. This story was valued and beloved by all red bloods, but not as much silver bloods.

It was probably because silver bloods weren't allowed to have soul mates. They were randomly assigned breeding partners unable to explore romance or dating because the small amount of research that had been done on soul mates said that if a silver blood found their soul mate (another silver blood) the programming in their blood would be overridden and they would not have to obey any red bloods commands any longer. Because of the bond of equality between soul mates, only the silver blood's soul mate could order them to do anything, although silver blood's couldn't order other silver blood's so they had true freedom.

And most of the red bloods didn't like that. So in the rare occurrence that a silver blood had found their soul mate, the silver blood would be executed. That's why their tattoos were always tallied and they had a specific tattoo, so that if they somehow developed a new one it could be very obviously out of place.

Natsumi tried to shake out of her mind that silver bloods were once again not allowed to have the freedom that she enjoyed. Fuyuki had found his soul mate in another red blood as was normal. He was lucky that his soul mate would be his wife.

"I know it's rare to see a living soul mark." Fuyuki explained to the crowd, "And that's why I'm planning after my honeymoon to do more research on this soul mate thing. After all it's so unique and occult and cool!"

Momoka frowned. The words she would have used were 'romantic.'

I wonder how long they knew they were soul mates. Natsumi wondered. Fuyuki had been sort of a spokesperson for every red blood finding their soul mate for a while. Must have been because he had his first kiss with Momoka pretty early on.

Ugh. I don't want to think about how quickly my brother was smooching his girlfriend! Natsumi reminded herself.

Briefly Natsumi wondered what would happen if a silver blood and a red blood were soul mates. Did that mean that the silver blood only had to obey that single red blood? Nah. Us red bloods are too egotistical to think that any silver blood could be our soul mate.

Natsumi felt sadness well in her stomach yet. She was happy that Fuyuki had miraculously found his soul mate, but she felt pity again that the silver bloods weren't allowed to find their soul mates. She glanced at Keroro and Tamama, who were clearly interested in each other.

They'll never be able to have Fuyuki and Momoka's happiness. If they ever kiss they'll be killed. Natsumi frowned. If they were soul mates they would be executed for their crime. They weren't allowed to be happy.

Things felt wrong yet again. Nauseatingly wrong. Natsumi tried to push that out of her mind as Fuyuki and Momoka said their 'I do's' and hugged each other since they couldn't kiss through their masks.

"Carry me off Fuyuki to make love to me!" Momoka ordered.

"Uhhh...I think there's supposed to be a wedding reception." Fuyuki reminded, "And I want to talk to other scientists about soul marks! It's just...So cool, ya know?" Fuyuki beamed.

Momoka groaned. At least she'd have her husband to herself some point in this day. Hopefully. It was her wedding after all.

The wedding guests lingered around, drinking and dancing in the guest room. This was the most joyous time of the wedding where Fuyuki and Momoka would be able to talk to their guests and also spend some time together dancing. Momoka was actually rather dramatic at pulling Fuyuki away from his friends to dance with her so they could have some surprisingly romantic moments at their wedding.

Well surprising for Fuyuki.

Natsumi didn't hang around her brother much. Instead she approached her new friend Mois, who she had found some sort of connection with because of their similar belief that things should be a little more equal.

She knew Koyuki had already left the party as soon as the wedding had finished. Koyuki had way too much work to do.

Natsumi sat down in front of Mois, handing her a glass of wine. "I think my brother probably should have told me that he had a soul mate before revealing it to the world." Natsumi laughed, "I mean, shouldn't he tell me more about his life? I'm his sister!"

I want to form a connection with this girl aside from our pity for silver bloods. If I ever want to do anything with our common interests we're going to need to know each other a bit more than just both wanting a thirst for justice. Natsumi reminded herself.

Mois took a small sip and was rather quiet.

"Do you think it's fair that red blood's soul mates are celebrated but silver bloods aren't allowed that sort of romantic luxury?" Natsumi finally asked, wondering if yet again she and Mois were on the same wavelength. What she really wanted to do was chat about political issues.

"I don't believe in soul mate stuff." Mois was rather abrupt in her response. "I mean how does a tattoo that magically appears against your will show that someone is a perfect match for you?"

Natsumi didn't know. She had always kind of liked the stories about soul mates. But it's romantic! Natsumi frowned.

"Anyway, silver bloods can probably find love and happiness with whoever they're matched with. They can still have happy lives with someone even if it's not their 'supposed' soul mates. There's multiple love possibilities out there for people, you know." Mois lectured.

"I...I guess." Natsumi knew that was true. She just didn't like to think about it. I kind of wish something would end this conversation. She liked Mois fine, but she didn't like anyone crushing her romantic ideas!

Luckily, Natsumi's wish was granted. The door was blasted open by gunfire.

Immediately Natsumi and Mois fell out of their chairs, along with all of the other guests who hurriedly looked at the giant doors. Panic raised in all of their stomachs.

The last thing anyone expected their attacker to be was a silver blood. But as the smoke cleared from the bomb blast, a silver blood walked in. Before anyone could react and yell anything he shot several bullets at everyone he could see and a small net popped out of the bullet covering the red blood's mouths before they could yell anything at him.

He had only missed Mois, Natsumi, Keroro and Tamama. That was how good he was. He was a sharp shooter and he gave a toothy grin when he saw the fear in the red blood's eyes. When they realized their only weapon against him- their voice was stopped.

Thinking quickly, Natsumi grabbed Mois's hand and shoved her under the table to hide. "Quick under here." She knew she was more level-headed than anyone else in an emergency.

Mois however was just a noble girl. She shouldn't have her life at risk. Natsumi grabbed Mois's hands and put them over the girl's ears so she wouldn't hear the gunman shoot anyone down.

After a moment of holding her breath, Natsumi peeked under the white tablecloth to look at the silver blood.

He didn't have a collar like Keroro did. His neck was muscular and bare although it had some ragged skin peeling off.

He had tattoos of skulls all over his body, and his body was easily on display for all to see. All he wore after all was very ragged red pants, and a belt. He didn't even have shoes or socks.

What he did have in plenty was scars though. Especially on his face, there was one scar covering his blue eyes. And he looked angry.

His teeth were sharp like fangs, like he was a shark or something. His skin was tan and his hair was blond. He had dog like ears that perked up whenever he heard any sort of sound.

It was clear enough from looking at him that he was a silver blood that had broken out of the torture chambers below the city, that silver blood's were brought to if they were too unhappy with the conditions placed on them and they tried to rebel even with their orders. It was a sad, horrifying place. Natsumi didn't know anyone could survive down there.

Despite the fact that he was putting everyone's life at risk, Natsumi felt oddly sorry for him.

This is what I was thinking about. We treat silver blood's like they're inhumane. This poor guy has been the victim of that all his life. Natsumi reminded herself. He was trying everything in his power to be scary, but Natsumi felt no fear.

The man looked over to Momoka and Fuyuki, the bride and groom. He pulled out a new gun that didn't have a net, instead it was filled with bullets. Real ones.

Fuyuki looked terrified although he couldn't speak with the net over his mouth. He looked like he wanted to know what the silver blood wanted.

"I have to kill you." The silver blood hissed, "Both of you. You're the next generation that will rule this world. With you out of the picture things will be much better for everyone. Don't want any more of that Nishizawa Hinata line after all."

"Giroro! Stop!" Keroro hadn't been forced to be silent, since he was a silver blood. He scurried out of hiding to stop the silver blood- named Giroro. Keroro seemed to recognize the intruder. "He's my friend." He tried to get in front of Fuyuki.

"Red blood's can't be our friend. They imprison us." Giroro hissed. He looked at Tamama and Keroro. "You two are silver blood's like me. Prisoners. You're welcome to join my revolution against the awful red blood's."

Tamama and Keroro glanced at each other and both shook their heads. "You're a criminal to society. You've been beaten time and time again. You keep trying to start this revolution and you keep failing. It's not going anywhere!" Keroro pointed out.

"Yeah! That and Momoka and Fuyuki are our friends. We're not betraying them." Tamama stuck up for what he thought was right.

Giroro sighed. That was a pity. "They'll be dead soon enough, so maybe then you'll reconsider my offer." He approached Fuyuki and Momoka. His steps were slow, but they were hollow. Everyone could hear each loud step.

Although Natsumi did feel sorry for him. She didn't want her brother to be killed. I won't reveal myself and order him to stop. He'll probably silence me just as quickly. But maybe I can get him to lose his footing.

She was glad Koyuki wasn't there. Koyuki would have stopped her from doing something reckless.

She was worried for her brother. Afraid for him. Putting a finger to her mouth signaling Mois to be silent, she quickly stuck her foot out of under the table, just as Giroro was passing.

"Whoa!" Giroro quickly shot at the ground and Natsumi's leg, with real bullets instead of the net gun. He did however trip quite a bit, trying to steady his footing. Just like Mois, he was slightly a bit clumsy.

Natsumi shot out of under the table, trying to get a grip on Giroro before he could shoot her. The bullets narrowly missed her, but they were still close.

"Well, isn't that interesting. A red blood with guts." Giroro snarled almost amused. His laugh sounded mocking. "Most of them now that they can't talk are hiding from me. But I suppose you're still going to try to order me to stop."

"No." Natsumi responded. Despite it being the easiest course of action and that it would save lives, she didn't want to beat Giroro by commanding him against his will to stop. She wouldn't turn into what he was fighting against.

Giroro looked confused for a moment. "Ah I see. You want me to bow to you or beg you for forgiveness. Probably want to turn me into some pet or something. Well I won't put on one of your pathetic collars, red blood!" He hissed, "Nobody's been able to collar me before so the person who breaks me certainly won't be you!" He pointed to his neck, covered by scars from collars he had ripped off. His skin was peeling and bruised.

Natsumi tried to stay calm. Getting scared wouldn't help her against this foe. "I don't want to collar you." She saw it as some sort of hope that he hadn't tried to silence her yet. "I don't believe in that sort of stuff. Having a human pet." That was true. Keroro was solely Fuyuki's pet, not her's. She didn't want to own someone.

"Oh. Trying to take the high ground, are you? Well, I'm not impressed." Giroro raised his gun.

"Instead I want to fight you. I understand why you'd be mad and hate us red bloods after all. I'd do the same if I were in your position. However I also can't let you kill my brother and new sister-in-law." Natsumi glared at him. She needed Giroro to see that she wasn't evil. That she saw them as the same, equals. Maybe then she could negotiate with him.

Giroro glanced at Fuyuki. So this was the strange courageous red blood's sister. Wish she was a silver blood. I could have used her help in pulling this off. Too bad her talents are wasted on evil.

He shot his gun towards Natsumi, but not directly at her, to see if she'd run and hide. Natsumi didn't run, but let some of the curtains catch on fire behind her. She didn't even glance at the flames.

"Natsumi stop!" Mois scurried out of under the table, "Without weapons and without using your ability as a red blood, you'll be killed!" She pointed out. Her pleas weren't very helpful to the current situation.

Giroro frowned. He could afford to entertain Natsumi since she didn't seem to be making any attempt to order him to do anything, but this other red blood wasn't like her. She was annoying. He grabbed Mois before she could stop Natsumi and placed his gun to her head.

"Back off, or I'll kill her." Giroro hissed, taking Mois as a hostage.

Natsumi glared. I was trying to be civilized. She took a step back as Giroro secured a net around Mois's mouth so she couldn't order him to do anything either. Despite the net around Mois's mouth she was still slightly chattery making awkward screaming noises.

"Let's make a deal." Natsumi offered.

"I'm not interested with bargaining with red bloods." Giroro glared at her.

"Please fight me. Equally. No mind control, no weapons. If I manage to beat you with just my natural strength you leave us in peace and don't kill anyone." Natsumi tried to bargain. Because she said 'please' it wasn't an order and Giroro wasn't obligated to do it.

Giroro thought for a moment. He was wary of bargaining with a red blood, but at the same time it was the first time any red blood had given him a choice. And because of that he felt slightly like he wanted to take it. I've never had a choice before. Having a choice made him feel powerful.

That and he wanted to fight.

"If you take off your mask." Giroro finally hissed, grinning sharply. He knew red bloods saw it as a taboo to take off their masks. And this would show him if Natsumi was seriously willing to bargain with him and treat him with respect.

Also it might humiliate her. And since he had tried to attack red bloods several times throughout his life and all of those times had ended in a failure, humiliating one red blood could be taken as a victory.

It was forbidden to her that she take off her mask. So if she threw away her whole culture to fight him, he would take her bargain.

Natsumi frowned for a moment, but gladly did it. Now she had an excuse after all. She quickly removed her mask much to a lot of the guests shock. They seemed more frightened of her bare face than the shooter.

Tossing it into the fire like it was nothing, she smiled. "There." She grinned broadly as she watched it burn.

Giroro looked slightly impressed. "Fine, we'll fight. Natsumi was it?"

Natsumi nodded. I feel more like myself. More confident to have that thing off. And Giroro didn't look like he was judging her in any way to be bare faced.

Instead he looked like he was slightly happy, smiling to himself to be treated with respect for once in his life. Giroro dropped Mois and his guns on the ground. "Stay. For your friend's sake." He ordered to Mois.

Mois gave a small nod. "Ow!" She even seemed to say beneath the net.

Giroro approached Natsumi, his fists ready. He looked strong and muscular, but Natsumi felt she could take him. Even without mind control she was good in a fight. Giroro didn't know what was coming.

Her moves were swift and agile as she dodged Giroro's blows and kicked him and punched him. Eventually just as she predicted Giroro fell to the ground. "Ow!" He said loudly, but he looked up at Natsumi like he respected that she had beaten him with her own skill.

Natsumi looked down at the silver blood on the ground. "I win." She blew off her fist like it was a gun. "You'll leave, right?"

Giroro nodded. "That was a respectable display. And I keep my promises." He glanced at her as he prepared to leave, "Out of all the red bloods, you don't seem as bad as the rest. However we still aren't equal." Giroro glared.

I did it! I saved everyone without having to order him to do anything against his will. Natsumi just seemed pleased with herself. This is proof that there are better ways!

Giroro did a back handed wave as he turned around. He respected that Natsumi wouldn't attack him while his back turned.

Police sirens went off, someone must have called the local authorities or the nearest red blood with political power that wasn't invited to the party. Tamama looked sheepish.

"Heard someone escaped from the torture chambers down below." The smoke was still lowering from the door as the red blood noble known as Saburo leaned on the door way. Natsumi could barely see him but she could hear his voice.

"Ku, ku, ku. Can't believe I wasn't invited to the party. Rude." The voice of Saburo's friend, Kululu, another red blood was at the other end of the door. "But it looks like you had a...Blast without me." He commented on how the party looked like it had been bombed.

There was a sound of a high-five like Saburo and Kululu had high-fived over the bad joke.

Run! Natsumi wanted to yell, but she was too late.

Natsumi's least two red bloods were already there. And there was the sound of electricity going through the air as Kululu zapped Giroro with a powerful tazer before he could run away and flee to safety.

Giroro fell to the ground with a loud thud. And the building caught on fire.

"Oops. My bad." Kululu sarcastically shrugged. It actually looked like he had done it on purpose. "Guess this makes up for you guys 'losing' my invention or something. After all aren't Saburo and I politically powerful red blood nobles too? Ku, ku, ku. Better run before you all die in a terrible fire."

Guests screamed. Kululu was way more scary than Giroro. Giroro was mostly harmless after all. He tried to kill but always failed. Kululu though? Who knew how many skeletons the guy had in his closet?

Saburo grabbed Giroro and put him over his shoulder. "You guys should probably try to escape before the building burns down." He advised. He turned around to take Giroro back to the torture chambers.

The guests quickly did as they were told.

Fuyuki and Momoka had already left. They didn't have time to be interviewed by the press, instead they had run off to enjoy their wedding night. At least that was what Momoka had loudly told Natsumi.

Natsumi sat outside the now burnt building with a blanket draped over her arms. Koyuki and Aki were carefully looking after her, mourning the loss of her mask more than the damage caused to the building. Still Aki praised her for her bravery.

"That awful silver blood!" Aki frowned.

"I heard all about what you did, Natsumi. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him." Koyuki frowned. "Although technically it goes against my jurisdiction to control silver bloods. I only keep red bloods in line after all."

"He's a jerk, trying to kill my best friend!" Keroro huffed, "I hate him!"

I don't hate him. Natsumi realized as she curled up in her blanket. Sure, Giroro had tried to kill her brother, Momoka and Mois and even her, but she had seen the anger in his eyes. The injustice. She felt bad for him. Pity mostly.

She understood why he would try to kill them all. She didn't hold it against him. I wish I could have helped him. She knew a lot of people were talking about her bravery with how she had stood up to the 'rouge silver blood' but she wasn't brave at all if she couldn't stand up against what was really evil. The society that treated silver bloods as lesser people and forced red blood's to wear masks.

"I got you a new mask." Koyuki tried to reassure Natsumi and held out a new mask for her. "It's in your size."

"I don't need it." Natsumi's voice wasn't a squeak, instead it was filled with confidence. She was a princess, and she should start acting more like a leader.

She needed to stand up for what she believed in. Not be so timid and selfish. She stood up. "I am no longer going to wear a mask."

Aki and Koyuki looked shocked. "But it's tradition!" Aki pointed out.

"Well I'm going to change that." Natsumi declared, "That criminal, Giroro, he's probably going to be executed. But we made him like that. He's been tortured all his life. I don't want any more silver blood's to go through what he went through and try to kill us." Natsumi told them, seeing that the press was around and would take her declarations into the news, she smiled. She knew what she had to do.

"I'm going to start an opposition group with how things are run in our society. A revolution. I want us not to have to wear those dumb masks. And more importantly I want silver bloods to be treated as equals. I want us all to be the same." Natsumi declared.

She stepped onto a crate, waiting for the onlookers to come to her side. "So who's with me in my revolution?" She was loud and proud, a box being her biggest stage.

"I think you've been a little shaken by the attack." Aki admitted.

Natsumi frowned. She looked around at her friends. Koyuki, her best friend in the whole world, looked at the ground and ignored her.

Keroro and Tamama, silver blood's who would benefit from this revolution, shook their heads. "I like how things are." Keroro admitted.

"If Keroro likes it, I like it." Tamama said quickly.

"Put on your mask please." Aki begged.

Natsumi shook her head. Even if she had to do this revolution alone she would. A revolution always started with one person after all.

She glanced at Mois who was brushing herself off. Mois looked up at Natsumi. "Why not?" She sighed. "Sure I'll help!" She smiled. She pledged herself to a revolution like she had nothing better to do.

Natsumi grinned. At least someone was with her.

Mois stepped onto the box with Natsumi carefully as Aki looked away unable to stop Natsumi now that someone was fueling Natsumi's delusions. Natsumi held onto her hand trying not to let Mois fall off of the box. It was difficult. Mois seemed a little bit clumsy.

"You want to throw away your mask too?" Natsumi offered.

Mois shook her head. "All I want is an equal society. My mask will stay on though."

Natsumi nodded. She couldn't force Mois. Hopefully Mois's mask would come off with time.

She held the girl's hand. At least she had one partner.

Even if it was just her and Mois alone, Natsumi was sure that she would change society. She wouldn't ever give up until her revolution had changed the world.

A list of the characters currently and what we know of them:

Natsumi: A red blood, used to wear a red bird mask. She's the highest class in society, her mother and father are king and queen. She's started a revolution against injustice.

Mois: A noble from a neighboring county. She wears a purple-ish masquerade mask. Red blood.

Fuyuki: Red blood. Natsumi's brother. Prince of the kingdom. Frog mask. Momoka's soul mate.

Momoka: Richest woman on the planet. Fuyuki's new wife. Red blood. Dark blue cat mask. Fuyuki's soul mate.

Koyuki: Red blood. Fox mask. Assassin who kills red blood's out of line.

Keroro: Silver blood. Has rabbit ears. Fuyuki's pet.

Tamama: Silver blood. Has scaly sort of ears. Momoka's pet.

Giroro: Silver blood. Dog ears. Refuses to be anyone's pet. Has tried to start a revolution several times and has always been dragged back down to underneath the city to be tortured.

Kululu: Red blood noble.

Saburo: Red blood noble.

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