Hello and welcome! I am going to apologize ahead of time for every single thing wrong with this fic! Now I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own MHA/BnHA

Chapter 1: High Stakes and Low Voltage!

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Who the heck is sending out electricity...? We haven't even started..."

Denji let out a groan as he held his head.

He hated when there was too much electricity around and it didn't help that he couldn't pinpoint who had the Quirk with multiple people around.

As he looked around to at least try to find the person he couldn't help but notice how much most of them looked more suited to be heroes than he did with his average look. He had an average looking face, brown hair and eyes and was just slightly above average height. The only thing that didn't look average about him was the fact that if you looked closely at his eyes then you would see they looked like a graph with horizontal and vertical lines.

All-in-all he didn't think he looked suited to be a hero - his hair wasn't even spiky - so he easily dismissed himself as just fodder trying to mix in with the real thing. He was fine with this though.

He was able to find where the electricity was coming from after focusing for a few seconds. It turned out it was coming from a guy with blond hair and a black streak through it. He was giving off large amounts of small EM waves that seemed to only be felt by Denji.

He was just about to go and talk to the guy when...


Denji looked around to see that most of the people looked confused. He himself only took a few seconds before running towards the gate. He understood what that signal was for and took the chance he just got to get ahead of the game.

He could here the same person yell out, "What's wrong!? There's no such thing as a countdown in a real fight! Run! Run!"

'It should be common knowledge...'

Not dwelling on it any longer, Denji started searching for the "villains" they had to take out. It didn't take took long as multiple ones headed straight for the running people. He could see the people running off in their own directions and quickly went into action.

When he himself started to get surrounded by them he decided on his form of attack.

He didn't take any big action or cause some explosion.

He simply lifted his hand.

That's all that was needed.

With a buzzing sound in the air, the giant robot was sliced in two as a large black substance shot up from the ground and into the air at a pretty fast speed.

Denji quickly moved on by slicing through each robot with the vibrating, black weapon.

'Taking control of them would take too long... Best to just slice 'em up with some iron sand...'

He felt a small tingling feeling and quickly turned around as the iron sand followed. He sliced through a robot that was close to smashing him to bits and moved on. He was able to take out more, but that took energy out of him.

He didn't have time to breath either as multiple robots started heading towards just him.

'Not again!'

"Heads up!"

Denji went a little wide eyed as he felt the same feeling as before. He looked up at the robot and saw the blond guy from before on top of it with electricity coming off of him and frying the robot.

He could see an even bigger robot coming from behind the blond and lifted his arm to slice through that one.

"Nice trick there," the blond said as he landed in front of Denji. He didn't spend much time there and quickly ran off. "Hope ya pass!"

Denji held his head again as he felt the electricity, but went back to destroying the robots.

'What number was that again...?'

He was starting to get a migraine from all the small zaps he was receiving from the robots and how low his supply of electricity currently was. It didn't help that was was basically a walking magnet for them, meaning even more zaps would come towards him. Then there's the fact the blond guy was giving off so much electricity that Denji felt like his brain was being fried.

He started panting as he put his hands on his knees and the iron sand in the air blew away in the wind.


Clicking his tongue, Denji closed his eyes and felt around the area to find even more of the robots. He opened them and looked to see some guy appear before being replaced with a robot that got smashed by another one.


Feeling another zap to his head, Denji quickly jumped to the side and tumbled on the ground as a robot smashed the ground where he was standing.

"Another one... Crap..."

Before Denji could use his quirk again, the robot was gone and the guy from before was in its place. The robot had been sent in the direction of another one, making the two collide.

"Thanks... Thanks for that...dude..."

The guy just nodded his head and started running to find even more robots.

Finally catching his breath, Denji stood back up and started running again. The time was running out quickly and he wasn't sure how many points he actually had. He didn't want to fail at this and so he grit his teeth to deal with the pain of the zaps as he sliced the legs of some robots.

He was too tired to take them out completely, so he opted to crippling them and going for a quick kill.

He did have to give small credit to some of the others who were fighting it out. There was a kid that had purple balls(?) on his head that seemed to actually take out some and another that looked like he was turning his body has hard as steel. Then there was some guy that just had a tail, but he seemed to be doing just fine at taking out the robots.

'No! No! No! No time to think about it! Focus! I have it get away from that damn thing!'

When he felt around the area he had "seen" a robot that was much larger than the ones he had been cutting up and didn't want to have to go against it. He wasn't even sure how he would hold up against the ones that were still out.


"Oh, come on!"

Denji shook his head. He needed to focus, but that train of thought was cut off when he noticed something. That something being that the zaps he was feeling from the blond guy suddenly stopped.

He turned to the area where the drop happened to see said blond guy just standing in the middle of the street with a stupid look on his face. He looked like he didn't know what was going on but still enjoyed himself.

"That guy fried his own damn brain!?"

The whole ground rumbled as a giant robot that was much larger than the others came waltzing up the area where most of the people were at. Everyone had started running away from the robot when they had seen that it was the 0 point one.

Well, everyone except the blond guy with the stupid look on his face.

'Am I seriously the one one who noticed this guy!? What the hell!?'

Letting out a sigh through his nose, Denji took action to make sure the guy didn't get squashed by the robot. He looked around and saw the two people that looked like they could help him out. He knew for a fact that this was way too much for him to handle after all.

"Teleport guy! Tail guy! Could you please help me out!?"

Some of the people who were running looked back at Denji, but the two he was calling stopped in their tracks and turned back to help. They had figured that helping out someone in trouble was much more important than their scores.

Denji ran in front of the blond guy just as the robot was about to squash them under its leg. He brought up both of his hands to block the stomp with iron sand, but it wasn't holding out as well as he wished. He was too tired to get any more than a small pool sized amount.

What he could do though was stick the iron sand onto the robot and hold it in place for a minute, at most.

That's all that was needed though as the teleporting guy was throw their way by the tail guy. The teleporting guy reached them just as Denji's energy ran out, making him start to lose his ability to stand anymore. That was fine through as the teleporting guy grabbed both of their arms.


Just before the robot stomped the ground they were at, the three were swapped out for a large portion of a building.


Denji fell to his back and was panting as he looked up at the teleporting guy and the tail guy. He smiled and gave a thumbs up as the two asked if he was fine.

"I think... I'm gonna take a short nap now... Nighty night..."

The two who were standing watched as Denji's eyes closed and his breathing got more even. The one with the tail let out a small sigh of relief while the teleporting one looked over at the blond.


"Urg... Now I seriously have to take a dump..."

Denji held his stomach as he stared at the mail he had gotten that day.

It had been around half an hour since he got it and he was so nervous that his stomach started making noises. He hadn't even opened it yet, which was making his situation even worse.

It had been a week since the test and he had easily gotten better after passing out from said test. When he had woken up was really when he was nervous, but that had gone down for a bit.

Until the letter came in that is.

"Maybe if I just rip it open and get it over with... Yeah... Then I'll take that dump..."

Letting out a breath, Denji did as he said he would and quickly ripped the top of the envelope open. He closed his eyes as he heard a clank from the table. He slowly opened one eye to see a small device and a piece of paper.

Grabbing the device, Denji held it out just as a mouse...bear...hybrid thing in a suit appeared. The brunet only muttered "cute" before listening to what the hybrid had to say.

As he heard the whole thing, Denji couldn't help but get a stupid grin on his face. By the end of it he jumped into the air with a loud shout of "I actually got in! Hell yeah!" as the electrical appliances around the room started going off. The shout was followed by a loud bang from above him and another shout that said "Shut up, brat! I've got a bad hangover here!"

With a small apology, Denji put the device back down before doing a little dance in place. He had gotten into Yuuei Academy, the best school to go to for becoming a hero. What's more was that he was placed in class 1-A, a hero course class. His overall placement on the test was 7th place, placing him between two peopled named Iida and Midoriya.

"Wow..." Slapping himself a few times on the face, Denji got a determined expression. "Focus, focus, focus! You aren't going so you can have fun there! You're going to learn how to be a hero! ... But... If I just so happen to have some fun..."

That line of thought was cut off when he heard a gurgling sound, followed by a sharp pain in his stomach.

"Crap! I still have to crap!"

And that is how Denji spent another half hour in the bathroom.

"1-A, 1-A, 1-A... Man~... My head hurts from that front gate security..."

Denji let out a small sigh as he walked through the campus of Yuuei Academy. With the electronic security at the front gate he had to deal with a decently large amount of EM waves coming at him. He was tempted to just search the building by using those EM waves, but resisted for a few reason, one being the reason his head is currently hurting.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

"Are you still hurt from the test?"

Denji instinctlvy turned when he felt a weak wave close to him. He hadn't noticed since his head was hurting, but it was obvious the person was there now.

Denji looked to see it was the guy with the tail from the test.

"Ah... No... It's from the front gate's security... I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?" Getting a nod in return, the tail guy let go of the subject. More for respect than anything else. "I'm Ojiro Mashirao."

"Oh... I'm Nami Denji... Nice to meet you..." Denji pulled out two pill from his pocket for his headache. "Sorry for asking for help during the test, by the way..."

"It's fine. That guy probably would have gotten crushed if you didn't act first. I've gotta say though, you were pretty awesome at holding that robot back the way you did."

"Ah... It's nothing special... I was really low on energy so... I had to ask for your help, along with that teleporting guy..." Denji tapped his head a few times before thinking of something. "That's right! What class are you in? I forgot to ask..."

"Oh. I'm in 1-A. You?" Ojiro backed up a bit when he got a shocked look from the other. "Uh... Is something wrong?"

"A-ah! No..." Denji turned the other way as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Don't take this the wrong way, but... You just didn't seem like you would be in that class... Ah! Not to say you aren't strong or anything! I'm sure you're really strong! It's just that..."

"It's fine. I get it," Ojiro interrupted with a small look. "It's because I just have a tail, right? Well, my tail is actually quite strong. Plus I know martial arts. Although... The latter part didn't help much against those robots... Anyways. What about you?"

"I'm in 1-A as well..."

"Well, with the way you delt with those 'bots, I guess that's to be expected."

"Um... Can I ask a question... Rather... Can I make a request?"

"Hm? Sure. What is it?"

"... Your probably get asked this a bunch, but... Can I touch your tail!?"

Ojiro simply gave a slight and sheepish laugh.

Like Denji had said, multiple people had asked him for that request. He didn't mind it and he understood why they asked, but it did get tiring at times. Regardless, he let Denji touch his tail.

He watched as Denji got an amazed look on his face while he muttered "so soft..." as he felt the appendage. There was an odd and slightly unpleasant tingling feeling coming from the brunet, but Ojiro kept that to himself.

He started to get a little embarrassed when Denji started feeling different parts to see how strong the tail was. He could see their class coming up and was glad, but wasn't out of the clear yet.


Ojiro jumped and pulled his tail back when he felt the other's hand touch the base of his tail. He blushed and saw Denji looking surprised at him.

"Please don't touch the base of my tail. It's very..."

"Oh... Sorry 'bout that. I guess I should have known."

The two walked into the classroom and saw that a few students were already there. One was a tall guy with glasses, another was a guy with dual-colored hair and a burn mark on his face, a girl with long hair in a ponytail and the blond guy the two had saved during the test.

"Oh... Biribiri-kun is here as well, huh...?"

"'Biribiri-kun'?" Ojiro couldn't help the small snicker that came out when he said the nickname.

"Hey, you two." 'Biribiri-kun' got up from his seat and walked over to the two with a wave. "I wanted to say thanks for helping me out during the test. Nice to see ya got in, dude."



"Sorry... You have an electric Quirk, right?" Getting a small nod, Denji let out a small sigh as he rubbed his head. "The EM waves coming off of you are frying my brain a bit... I may end up saying some weird things..."

"EM waves?" The blond guy tilted his head in confusion, but got over it to introduce himself while they walked to the seats. "Anyway, my name's Kaminari Denki."

"I am Nami Denji."

"Ojiro Mashirao."

As the three went to their seats, they started chatting with Denji giving random and odd comments at times. The other two didn't mind and actually found the comments to be humorous, making the brunet a little embarrassed.

While they were chatting, more students started coming in. Some with odd looks and others with regular human looks. Denji had kept an eye on them since he found them to look cool. He had seen multiple body changing quirks, but he still saw them as interesting.

Then there was that person.

Yet another blond guy with spiky hair and the appearance of a delinquent walked in. He went to the desk right next to Kaminari's, took his seat and proceeded to put his feet on the desk.

Denji, being the one sitting near Kaminari and Ojiro, was silently hoping that the boy would move seats since he himself was near the spiky blond as well. He wasn't a stickler for the rules or as easy going as to completely let the action slide, but he knew that he wasn't good with those types of people.

At least not in his current state.

Another student was apparently one of the two he wasn't though.

"Don't put your legs on the desk! Don't you think that's disrespectful towards your classmates and the people who worked hard to make it!?" It was the guy with glasses that was there before Denji.

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't think so!" the spiky blond answered back. "Which middle school are you from anyways, you two-bit extra!?"

"Two-bit-!? I am from a private sch- Ahem. I'm from Soumei Junior High school. The name's Iida Tenya."

"Soumei~~!? Well aren't you an elite! Seems I've got a reason to fucking end you after all!"

Denji had to resist using his Quirk to just move the spiky blond's feet from the desk and instead simply tried to drown the two out as another two students came in. The first was a curly and green haired boy that Iida started talking to. The second one to come in was a brown haired girl who looked happy for no apparent reason.

Denji was just glad that the back-and-forth between Iida and the spiky blond had stopped. He figured that instead of chatting again, he would simply close his eyes as they waited for the teacher.

That wasn't such a smart move though as now he could clearly feel the EM waves coming from Kaminari.

Luckily though, he did have to wait long.

"If you're gonna be chit-chatting then leave."

They all turned to the front door and saw a man in what looked to be a sleeping bag.

'Who is this guy!?' they all thought as the man in the sleeping bag stood up.

"Hm... It took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down," the man said, getting out of the sleeping bag. "Life is short, kids. You're lacking common sense."

'I feel kinda insulted by that...'

"So he must be a pro hero, too, huh...?" Curly said quietly.

"I'm your home room teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you." The man stuck his hand into the sleeping bag and pulled out a gym suit. "Wear these. Then go out to the P.E. grounds."

'Wow. We're getting right down to this, huh?'

'Huh... Kinda comfy...'

Denji turned from his clothes to the teacher, who was explaining that they wouldn't be going to the opening ceremony because he just didn't want to go and that they didn't have time for it. He didn't really care much since the ceremony was probably like any other, but he still felt like a slight rebel for skipping. Even if he himself was just following a teacher's instructions.

Aizawa brought out a small ball as he started talking again.

"Softball throwing. Standing long jump. 50-meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength. Side-to-side stepping. Upper-body training. Seated toe touch. You all did this in middle school. Your standard no-Quirks-allowed gym tests. This county still insists on prohibiting Quirks when calculating the averages of those records. Well, that's negligence on the part of the department of education." Aizawa tossed a ball to Spiky blond while asking, "How far could you throw in middle school?"

"67 meters."

"Great. Now try it with your Quirk. Do whatever you want. Just don't leave the circle."

Spiky blond easily caught the ball and started doing some quick stretches. When he stoop up straight again he got ready to throw the ball.

With a yell of "DIE!" Spiky blond threw the ball while using an explosion to give it an extra push and send it flying. Everyone was awed by the display, but questioned the shout.

"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." Aizawa showed the score of the throw as the other students were talking about it all.

'Hm... Some iron sand and...50%?'

Denji thought about how much he should really put into the throw so that it didn't drain him, or at least give him a massive headache. When he looked up he saw their teacher giving a dark look and had to wonder what he missed in those few seconds of thinking.

"You're hoping to become heroes after three years here...and you think it'll be all fun and games?" He looked at them all with a look at made some of them shudder. "Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be deemed 'hopeless'...and will be expelled."

Most of the students were shocked to hear this. One of them was the curly haired boy. Then there were some that still seemed calm even after this announcement. The dual-colored hair guy fell into this category.

The ones who were more freaked out by the statement started yelling about it all being unfair and how he couldn't expell one of them just for failing this test. Aizawa didn't bother to really listen to every complaint and simply went on about 'fairness' and 'unfairness'.

"Seriously... It should be kinda obvious... What world do they think they're getting into exactly...?"

"So I assume you have a Quirk that's good for passing these tests?"

Denji jumped a bit at hearing the voice close to him. He turned and saw it was the dual-color haired boy. He put a hand to his chest and let out a small sigh. He hadn't even noticed the boy standing there.

He did have to wonder how long the boy had been there though.

"You scared me there..."

"... Sorry."

"It's fine... To answer your question; I do have a Quirk that's versatile enough for tests like these... But that's not what I meant..." Seeing the other staying quiet, Denji decided to go on. "What I meant was that regardless of what Quirk you have, an opponent, even more so a villain, will find any means to take a hero down... Take a hostage...make a hero use all of their energy while they stay in the shadows...exetera, exetera... Would any of that count as fair? What about natural disasters? Stuff that's caused by nature and not man... Is that fair? If you can't deal with 'unfairness' then there's no point in even trying to be a hero..."

"Nice way of putting it. Saves me the trouble of finishing the explanation."


Denji looked around to see everyone staring at him, awestruck. He got a massive blush, ducked his head in embarrassment and looked all over the ground so he didn't see his classmates.

Getting everyone's attention back to him, Aizawa finished with a "Plus Ultra" and started the testing.

First up was the 50-meter dash.

Everyone was split up into pairs for this. The more amazing ones were Iida with 3.04 seconds and Bakugou, or Spiky blond, with 4.13 seconds. Denji only stared in awe as each person found ways to go fast. An example would be the dual-colored guy, Todoroki, as Denji had been told, used ice to freeze the track.

Denji calmly waited for his turn. He knew he would be going along since the numbers were uneven, but he didn't mind in the slightest.

The only thing he had his kind set on was how he would go about using his Quirk for this portion if the test.

"Last one. You ready?"

Denji looked at the other side of the track and found his target.

He gave a mental apology and nodded his head. As soon as he was told to go, some sparks starts coming off of him and led to the other side of the track, latching onto another student. He flew across the track with the robot announcing "3.15 seconds" and all of the students scrambling away.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man! Biribiri-kun, look out!"

Kaminari watched as the students moved away and was just about to follow their lead, but he was too late as another body slammed into his own, making them both tumble on the ground a few time.

"We're okay..." Kaminari a thumbs up. "I think..."

"Ugh... I am really, really, really sorry about that..." Pushing himself up, Denji noticed how close he really was to the blond. "Gah!"

With a sudden jolt between the two, they smashed their foreheads together.

They were both dazed as the other students went to go check on them. Ojiro and Todoroki helped Denji up, who looked like he was just muttering incoherent things with swirls for eyes, while Kirishima did the same with Kaminari, who seemed to be fine enough.

"You okay there?" Ojiro asked, looking at the dazed brunet.

"Biri~ Biri~ Biriri~" Shaking his head a few times, Denji looked at the others with a blush. "S-sorry... Magnetism went a little haywire there..."

"If you two are fine then let's go. We'll move on to the next event. No need to waste time. "

The next event turned out to be the grip strength. This could easily be cheated by simply making the numbers anything he wanted, but Denji just couldn't find it in him to cheat, even if it involved his Quirk.

He looked over at the other students and saw some of them getting good marks while one of them not doing so good.

The green haired boy from before.

He wanted to go over and talk to the boy, but Aizawa has already called for the next event.

This one turned out to be the standing long jump. This one was easier for the brunet as he simply used magnetism to make himself basically float passed the other end.

That wasn't his last use of magenteism though as he used it for the sidestepping as well by basically being a human magnet and being pushed around. Althought this tactic did make him a little sick and accidentally tumble into a few people afterwards.

He ended up having to be held in place by Ojiro and Kaminari until he could see straight again.

He was glad he was getting through these with ease, but he still felt bad for the boy who seemed to be trying his hardest without using any obvious Quirk.

Seeing the green haired boy struggling with the tests, Denji couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He wouldn't help the boy cheat or anything, but he really hoped he would make it past this with a good enough score. He was even thinking of getting low scores to help out, but figured that the teacher wouldn't take kindly to it and held it in.

They had finally gotten to the softball throwing and the amazement from before was back as Denji watched the brown haired girl for before get a score of infinity.

He himself got a good score by going with his plan of using iron sand.

Next up was the green haired boy.

'Come on, kid! At least get this one good score!' Feeling the tiniest of zaps, he turned his attention from the green haired boy to look around the area and landed his eyes on to the building not too far off. 'Is that... Is that All Might!? What the heck is he doing here!? Was he watching us the whole time!?'

Deciding to keep this to himself, Denji turned back to see Aizawa releasing the green haired boy from his scarf and telling him to go again. The pressure really seemed on for the green haired boy, so Denji gave a silent prayer to help him.

He did have to wonder what he missed when he was looking around though.


Everyone watched in awe as the ball went flying through the air from the hard throw.

They saw Aizawa look at the score before looking up and saying something. While some were making small comments here and there, and others just stayed quiet, Denji let out a relieved sigh while internally cheering.

He always like seeing people like that get their moments. Those moments when they could show just how great they really are to others.

"You seemed relieved by this," Todoroki said, scaring Denji again. "So you were rooting for him, huh?"

"Hm?... Oh... I guess I was... Ha ha ha... He just seems like the type to..."

"What is this, Deku!? Explain now, shitrag!"

The two turned to see Bakugou running up to the green haired boy with small explosions going off in his hand. They didn't do anything though as Aizawa quickly trapped him with his scarf.

Denji was glad he didn't have to use his own Quirk to stop the boy since he didn't want to be on the spiky blond's bad side.

"That guy really needs to calm down," Denji sighed out. "He's fired up for the wrong reasons..."

"We're going to the next event. Hurry up."

The next two events went by smoothly - them being the seated toe touch and upper-body exercises - and the final event was starting. Everyone got ready for the endurance running with some showing obvious signs of being able to last a while while others didn't look like they wanted to do it at all.


Everyone started to run at their own pace with the ones like Iida and Bakugou near the front while the ones like grape-kid, as Denji took to calling him, had been in the back. Denji himself was a natural speedster, meaning that, whether he had to or not, he would walk fast from one place to another.

As they ran, the ones who kept a pace with him were Ojiro and Yaoyorozu. They didn't say anything to each other or try to out speed the others and just continued running. That is until Denji noticed the green haired boy lagging a bit now.

The green haired boy was nowhere near last place through as multiple students had already stopped running to catch their breaths. If anything, he was in a good spot where he was with the ones who seemed to work out to keep their bodies in tip top shape.

Even Ojiro looked like he was about to give in, showing how much the green haired boy had endured during the run.

Speeding up a bit, Denji went around the track and slowed his pace to keep up with the boy. Again, he didn't say anything, he just kept pace. The green haired boy didn't try to say anything, rather he couldn't say anything, and did the same. When he was ready to give in, Denji slowed his pace and did the same, getting a few odd looks.

"U-um... Wh-why...did...you..."

"Just breath and take a rest first..." Denji patted the boy's back. "And I just did because I like how hard you're trying... Especially with that finger... I think it's really cool... Ah. Not that you broke it, I mean..."

"R-really...? Th-th-thanks..."

"No problem. I'm Nami Denji, by the way."

"Midoriya... Izuku..."

"Nice to meet you, Izumi-kun... Ah!" Covering his mouth, Denji gave a sheepish look. "Sorry. I tend to nickname people I find interesting..."

"It's fine. It's better than the nickname Kacchan gave me," Midoriya said with a smile.

"I'm guessing 'Kacchan' is Mr. Explode-every-5-seconds?" He got a nod and a small laugh.

"Time to present the rusults. The total is simply the aggregate sum of each of your scores. It would take too long if I just said them one at a time, so I'm just going to display them all."

Denji could see some of the students were extra nervous now, while the same ones were just as quiet as before. When he saw "Infinity girl" and Midoriya looking nervous he felt sorry for them, but for a completely different reason than before.

'Maybe I should say something...'

"Oh yeah, the whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie. It was just a tactical ruse."

'Ah... Too late...'

Denji couldn't help the small chuckle that came out when he saw Iida, "infinity girl" and Midoriya going crazy over it. Midoriya so much so that he seemed to be shaking so much you wouldn't even know he was a human.

Turning from the three, the brunet took a look and saw that he was in the top 5 and gave a slight smile when he saw where the others were placed.

'Tomorrow's sure gonna be something...'

Denji let out a small sigh as he dumped his stuff next to his couch. He then proceeded to dump himself on said couch with a slight smile on his face as he thought about the day he just had.


He felt a small vibration from his pocket and lazily pulled out his phone while turning to his side. He held out his arm while looking at the phone to see at least three messages on the screen. One was from Ojiro, another from Kaminari and the last one from Yaoyorozu. He had asked for their numbers before they had left the school, along with some others. He figured he could make friends that way.

The one that caught his eye the most was the one from Kaminari.

Now there wasn't anything particularly special about it, but it amused Denji a bit when he read it over again.

From: Biribiri-kun

Sub: 1st day

Hey there, dude! Crazy first day, right? Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something. Your Quirk is kinda like mine, right? How do you do all that magnetic stuff so easily? I can only discharge it out and run the risk of frying my brain. But it'd be cool to do the things you do!

Denji thought this over for a bit. While his Quirk did seem similar to the blond's, his was actually a form of magnetism before the "electro" was added on to it, so he would have to explain that.

He sent a quick message back and decided to just take a small nap before getting dinner ready. He answered the other two as well and didn't bother looking when he heard a few more buzzes.

'Hm... Today was fun... Wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like...'

And there you have it! Not very original when it came to Oc Quirks, but oh well! I still hope you all enjoyed! Until next time... SEE YA!