Chapter 2

First day at the D.W.M.A. Secret of the Assassin?

Well let's get going in to chapter 3. Sorry it's been a while Soul Eater only just got put back on Netflix. So watching it for inspiration proved difficult since I don't yet have it on blu ray. Anyway, on to the reviews.

Spark681: Oh, I assure you, she will.

BANKAIZEN: Thank you.

bankai777: If by 'prank' you mean 'fight'. Yes.

StrongGuy159: Here you go.

Rebmul: I had initially planed for a neglected Naruto fic. But I decided against it.

ethan lukkar: Here you go.

DragonPony22: Here you go.

Chaosweaver13: Wait no longer.

Okay guys... Let's kick it up!

Death the Kid was walking through the hallway at the academy with his two partners, Liz and Patty. Suddenly the three of them heard a loud commotion coming from the job board and walked over to see a certain blue haired friend of theirs causing a commotion while his partner clad in cream outfit with a yellow star on her right breast, white boots and a black scarf tried to calm him down.

'Black Star.' Kid and Liz thought while rolling their eyes at the 'Assassin's' antics as Patty laughed at his goofy behavior. Kid then looked over to see ash blonde girl with pigtails wearing a white shirt, a green and white tai and a short red and black plaid skirt under a long coat standing next to a boy with white hair and red eyes wearing a yellow and black jacket, burgundy paints and a grey headband.

"Soul. Maka." Liz said getting the attention of her friends.

"What is that moron doing now?" Kid asked as Black Star continued his fracas.

"Apparently someone got the souls of Bonnie and Clyde and has now just enrolled at the academy and will be arriving today." Maka summarized.

"Oh yay! Naruto's back!" Patty exclaimed while clapping her hands.

"Strange. He usually calls when he gets back to the city." Kid mused.

"Maybe he got back to Guillotine Manor real late last night." Liz reasoned.

"What are you guys talking about." Soul asked.

"My brother and his team were the ones who took that job and will apparently be attending the academy as of today." Kid explained.

"Wait. Naruto's going to be attending the academy?" They turned to see a girl with pink hair down to her shoulder wearing a white and cyan track suit jacket with a 42 and a skull inside a yellow X on the back, a pink short skirt, a pair of pink and white socks going up to her thighs and a pair of white and blue tennis shoes. Standing next to her was a girl with long black hair done with a bun on top in a modest navy blue school girl uniform with black socks and brown shoes.

"Hey, Kim. Hey, Jacquie." Liz greeted.

"So, you guys know Kid's brother?" Soul asked them.

"Yeah, he actually partnered up with Tsugumi and her friends." Jacquie explained.

"Oh. You mean that freshman from last year who had a girl crush on Maka." Soul said.

"Tsugumi didn't have a 'girl crush' on me." Maka defended.

"Yes she did." Kim, Jacquie, Liz, and Patty all said in unison.

"Anyway, I thought Tsugumi was trying to decide between those two girls, Anya and Meme." Soul pointed out.

"Wait. That's right. How'd she end up with your brother, Kid?" Maka asked.

"Well, it's actually because Anya developed weapon abilities and it turned out that both her soul and Tsugumi's were perfectly compatible with both Naruto's and Meme's. So the four them became a team." Kid explained.

"So, do they alternate who uses which weapon? Maka asked.

"Well actually, what they do is..." Kid began.

"Uh. Guys. Black Star's gone." Liz said as the looked to see the blue haired loud mouth had left.

"I'm sorry. He slipped by me." Tsubaki apologized

"I better hurry if I want to get the betting pool set up." Kim said as she and Jacquie made their way to the top of the academy's stares where Black Star would surly be waiting and jumping around like a crazy person.

Meanwhile with Naruto:

The blonde reaper and his team were in Naruto's car as it drove up the stair case of the DWMA.

"Meme, are you sure your ready for classes again." Tsugumi asked from the back seat.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Meme said from the passengers seat up front with her head down.

"Alright, Meme. But if you start to feel overwhelmed you tell us right away all we'll take you back to the mansion." Naruto said as he reached over and grabbed Meme's hand as Tsugumi and Anya both leaned forward to place a comforting hand over Meme's shoulder getting a smile from the brunette.

A couple moments later, the car reached the top of the steps and all four members of the group got put of the car before Naruto snapped his fingers and the car disappeared. Naruto then looked up at the left spike and then pulled out his coin.

"Get down from there. You'll hurt yourself." Naruto said.

"Ha! I knew I was to big a star not be noticed!" Black Star shouted.

"Actually, you were jumping up and down shouting 'yahoo' over and over. It would be a little difficult to miss that." Anya said.

"Not the point. Point is, I'm here for a fight!" Black Star shouted while pointing at Naruto.

"Black Star, right? Where's your weapon?" He asked having been told about the 'assassin' by the zombie teacher, Sid.

"Don't need her." Black Star said with his hands on his hips.

"You sure?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from the 'assassin'. "Have it your way." He said as he flipped the coin and it landed on the red side with a yellow fox on it. "Alight. Anya, let's do this." He said as Anya shrugged and transformed before landing in Naruto's left hand before he twirled her a couple times.

"Wow. Only thirty seven percent." Tsugumi whispered to Meme as the walked to the assembled crowd.

"Tsugumi! Meme!" Patty shouted as she ran to the two and pulled them in to a hug.

"Patty. Let go." Both girls said as they struggled to breathe.

"Sorry. I'm just really happy to see you two." Patty said after she let go of them.

"It's okay. It's good to see you too." Tsugumi smiled as both she and Meme cracked their backs back it to place.

"Tsugumi." Maka said getting the younger girl's attention. "Good to see you." Maka said with a smile.

"Oh, hi Maka. Good to see you too." Tsugumi said with a bow.

"You're on a pretty unorthodox team aren't you?" Maka asked with a giggle.

"Yeah. But I wouldn't trade them for anything." Tsugumi smiled getting a nod from Maka who felt the exact same way about her own partner.

"Oh man. I have made so much money on this fight." Kim smiled.

"Hey Kim. Up to your old tricks, I see." Tsugumi said greeting the pinkette.

"What? Not a lot of people around here know Naruto yet. So might as well get some easy money off his wins while I can." Kim said with a grin.

"What makes you so certain he's going to win?" Maka asked, never being one to count out one of her friends. Especially not one as unpredictable Black Star.

"Take a look for yourself." Kid said, gaining Maka's attention. "You're one of the few people here skilled enough to see it." He said as Maka focused in on Naruto who was dodging the attacks from the 'assassin'. Most likely attempting to gage his opponent as far as she could tell. As Maka looked, she saw in addition to the souls of him and Anya, there was another soul within Naruto's body. A soul that exuded pure, raw, power.

'What is that?' Maka asked as Black Star ran at Naruto with a very sloppy punch as the blonde simply ducked down and spun past the attack and hit Black Star with the back of his fist, knocking the 'assassin' down.

"You're trying too hard to make a show of the fight. Focus on the opponent not the audience." Naruto said to Black Star, causing the 'assassin' to scream and try to kick Naruto, only for him to block with Anya's flat side and flip Black Star over.

"You're letting yourself get angry. You need to keep calm in a fight." Naruto scolded as Black Star completely ignored his advice and began angrily punching at the blonde who found it even easier to dodge Black Star's moves.

"That's weird." Maka commented.

"What is it?" Tsubaki asked as Soul walked up to explain what his partner was thinking.

"The way this is going, it looks like Naruto is training Black Star instead of fighting him." Soul said as Maka nodded.

"Well, that's always been Naruto's style." Liz said, entering the conversation. "If you live in Death city, he considers you his comrade. So he'll do whatever he can to help you improve." She explained before focusing her attention back to the fight.

Black Star had, had absolutely enough with this fight and rushed at Naruto with a much soul force energy as he could must in his fist only for the blonde to catch the Black Star's fist in his palm and channel the energy safely through his body, much to the shock of the 'assassin' before a great deal of Naruto's own energy was blasted through his body causing it to go numb as the 'assassin' fell to one knee.

Naruto then pushed back turned around and lightly threw Anya in the air where she shifted back to Human form before lightly brushing her skirt. The two then walked to the crowd leaving Black Star just kneeling there dumbfounded and without enough energy to continue the fight.

'What was that?' Black Star thought and would have been shaking if not for the numbness.

"Hey, bro." Naruto said before giving Kid a hug. "Sorry for not telling you I was home. We got in real late." He said.

"Not a problem. I'm glad you're back." Kid said before the two fist bumped. The two then turned away from the group.

"Has anyone at the academy found anything on..." Naruto began, giving his brother a look.

"No. But I promise we will find her and we'll take her down." Kid said, getting a nod from his brother. Kids attention then went to Meme who along with Tsugumi and Anya was speaking with Kim and Jacquie.

"Thanks, man." Naruto said as the crowd began to go back inside and his attention went to the still paralyzed Black Star. "All of you go ahead. I've got a new friend to talk to." He said as everyone including a reluctant Tsubaki went inside as Naruto walked up to Black Star.

"You're pretty good despite that problem you have." Naruto said as he sent a healing wavelength through Black Star's soul.

"What are you talking about?" Black Star defiantly asked.

"You hide who and what you really are. A problem that a couple of my friends have suffered." Naruto commented before putting his hand out for Black Star. "If you ever need to talk about it or you just need a place to release that Henge, my door is always open." He offered.

"How did you know?" Black Star asked, dropping the bombastic persona.

"I recognized the technique from when I was a kid. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." He said in a reassuring tone.

"Thanks." Black Star said in genuine gratitude before the warning bell chimed before Naruto began walking and signaled the 'assassin' to follow him. 'It might be a good thing that this guy showed up. I could use someone else to talk to.' Black Star thought before following the blonde inside.


Well, there you go, guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again, I'm sorry it took so long. Hopefully, the next chapter will come sooner. Until then and as always... Keep on keeping on.