Yello peoples, and welcome to my Harry Potter and The Founder's Circle. So, I just wanted to welcome you to this story, and say I hope you like it enough to give it a chance. This is just the prologue, so it might be a tiny bit confusing, but I will be trying to get the first full chapter out shortly. For now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

"Do you think he'll come?" Three people were waiting in what resembled a cozy study, despite being located underground. The speaker, a broad-shouldered man with messy red hair, was sitting in the cushioned chair located close to the fireplace, where a roaring blaze was glowing. He had directed his question towards one of his companions, a young looking woman with honey blonde hair who was also sitting in an armchair, causing her previously innocent looking face to sour slightly.

"You know what he's like, same as the rest of his kind. He's just making us wait for him." The red haired man sighed, leaning back in his chair as he glanced at his last companion, a woman with royal blue hair, almost black, and crescent glasses perched on her nose as she flicked through one of the massive tomes he had long since come to associate her with while resting on what would normally be a window seat if they were above ground. Clearing his throat to attract her attention, the man directed his next question towards her.

"Do you think, maybe when this is all done, we might be able to share a drink? All four of us, I mean." The woman glanced up from her book and fixed her gaze upon him for a second, before returning to her book and answering without even looking at him.

"Perhaps. From what I've been able to find in my research, we will forget a great deal of what has happened, or at least how and why. However, nothing has suggested that our attitudes towards each other will change. Then again, nothing suggests it won't." The red haired man leaned forward, grinning despite the fact that she couldn't see him.

"Yes, but he won't have a reason to avoid us anymore. Who knows, maybe we could actually be friends."

"You can try, but I won't be held responsible for the consequences." Most people would have jumped at the sudden appearance of the new voice and its owner, but these three were well used to him tendency to appear out of nowhere. The gaze of the raven haired lady barely flickered away from her reading, the blonde glanced away slightly as if embarrassed, and the red head, tilted his head towards the newcomer, appraising him. He had long, silver hair bond in a loose ponytail that waved down his back as he stalked further into the room that was their sanctum. His movements were like flowing silk, silent and graceful as a cat… or a serpent. He was the only one of the four not dressed in robes, instead wearing long silver slacks and a silver dress shirt, with the only color being a green tie draped over his lean but well muscled chest. Coming to a stop in front of the redhead, who had stood as if to greet him, the two men faced each other in stark contrast. The younger red-head was cloaked in billowing red robes, edged in gold. He also stood much taller than his older counterpart by at least a foot. Everywhere the silver man was lean and compact, like a coiled spring, the other was broad and solid, but not grotesquely so. They were both well built, and both had long had women mooning over them, but each in their own different ways. As they stood only a few inches apart and staring at each other with a silent challenge in each of their eyes, the two other inhabitants of the room watched just as silently, even the bluenette woman seeming to sense the tension and closing her book with a heavy thud. The silver haired man was the first to break the silence, as well as the stare, looking away to glance over the room and its other occupants, now with a somewhat bored look in his eyes.

"Let's just get this done. I have better things to do." Nodding, the red haired man moved swiftly to a chest sitting in the corner, kneeling down to open it and pulling a small round object out of its spot, still wrapped in a protective cloth. As soon as he touched it even through the cloth, a light red glow started to emanate from the object, but he paid it no mind. Rising, he carried it to a small table located in the center of the room, where the other three had already gathered. It was a small and simple thing, the only feature of which you could glean with a glance being the small, smooth indentation in the center, where the red haired man placed his load, the object fitting perfectly as he pulled the cloth off to reveal a small black orb, the glow having died the moment the red haired man released it from his grasp. However, if one were to take a closer look at the table, they would have noticed four traces of hands, faded with age but still visible, each being marked in a different color, those being red, gold, blue and silver, to match the hair of each person now standing before it. The four people glanced around at each other, but didn't speak, instead giving a unanimous nod and laying their hands on the proper tracings as they had too many times in the past to count. This time was different, however. They had used the table and stone for many reasons, but this would be the last, and most important. As each focused on their purpose, energy started to seep out of them, so much that it became visible in the air as it swirled around them. From each came the same color as both their hair and the tracings their hands now covered, the different magics spinning and weaving together as they met. More and more magical energy they pushed out, until the air was thick and heavy with each of their presences, the rest of the room having been blotted out from sight by the myriad of mixing colors. Still they pushed, pumping even more magic out as the ground, walls, ceiling, and even the very air began to shake with their combined power. Anywhere else, they would have likely destroyed their surroundings, bringing the many tons of stone and brick and mortar down on their own heads. Not this place, however. It had been built for this purpose, built to hold these particular magics inside, and it did its job well, to the point where anyone standing right outside the door would barely notice a tremor. After several long minutes of this process, each of the four were nearing the end of their considerable reserves. Grunting in unison, they pushed out the final vestiges of the magic they had been granted long ago and were now giving back, before finally collapsing onto the table, exhausted. Still, they fought to keep their eyes open, each determined to see the process through, watching as all the magic energy they had just expended was drawn into the orb, filling it until every last scrap had been gathered and it glowed with an undefinable color, The sheer amount of power contained vibrating it as it floated into the air and started to spin. Around and around it went, growing brighter and faster with each turn until, finally, it stopped, just as four streaks of color flew out of it, passing through the walls and speeding on towards their destination, unknown to any but the stone and the magic themselves, leaving the room and the stone empty and seemingly devoid of color. Finally, their tasks completed, the four still laying on the table allowed sleep to take them, secure in the knowledge that wherever their magic was going, it would be in good hands.

Far away, each in separate locations, four children suddenly woke with a shared gasp.