Hi everyone! This is the sixth chapter of the Dare Game! No need for more introduction, let's begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own FBNFH (Fuhsigiboshi no Futagohime). I only own my OCs. I don't even own the dares! XD

Angel: Well, we're here again!

Bright: Somebody help me.

Angel: Why?

Bright: I don't want to do anymore awkward dares.

Angel: Well, too bad, you are. XD

Bright: ... why. Just why.

Angel: Lololololol.

Fine: What is happening?

Shade: I'd say, something.

Angel: That's the same as not speaking.

Fine: Exactly.

Shade: Shut up. (-_-|||)

Angel: Lololol, anyways the dare this time is:

Haruka Sakurano

I dare Fine. I dare Fine to go against Shade in a sports match and if Fine loses, she has to stop eating sweets for a week. If Shade loses, he has to become Fine's personal butler. ( To be honest, I have no idea what dare I should give but meh, I tried )

Bright: Well, at least it's not for me. Let me go and get some popcorn real quick, since I will have a match to watch.

Angel: Lololol, a normal dare, and yet one of the results are not that normal. Can I just say that the word 'butler' just reminds me of 'Black Butler'? XD It's also reminding me that I need to do something in that on another site. (-_-|||)

Bright: Lol.

Angel: Oh and by the way, when you said you were going to get popcorn, you were a bit out of character.

Bright: What if I had it in me the whole time?

Angel: Well then what can I say about that? Fine! Shade! You two are the ones being dared! Say something!

Fine: Well, let's just say I'm extremely hyped for this!

Shade: Agreed. We have not had a match in a long time.

Angel: Well, there wasn't any dares that told you to, so...

Shade: Yeah we understand.

Normal POV:

"Okay, are you guys ready?" Angel called out to Fine and Shade.

"Ready!" The two of them replied in unison.

"Alright then." Angel said. "Umm... You know what, Rein come over here."

"What?" Rein asked.

"You can be responsible for this dare." Angel said. "I am not doing this. I just can't, I'd rather watch."

"Fine." Rein grumbled and sat on a chair that allowed her to see the whole field. And she had a remote to keep track of the score.

Angel and Bright sat down, and as you should expect, they had popcorn with them, as if they were watching a film.

It was soon decided that they would flip a coin to see who would get the ball first, Fine chose 'head', while Shade chose 'tail'.

Okay, there might have been some conflict as to who would choose 'head' or 'tail'.

The match ended with Shade winning. It was almost a draw but Shade managed to score a goal by the last minute.

"Right, I'm just going to suspect that Shade probably really wanted to win because he didn't want to be a butler." Angel said.

"Yes." Shade replied.

"Well that doesn't mean I can't beat Shade up for making me stop eating sweets for a week!" Fine said, as Shade ran as fast as lightning. Fine chased after him, determined to beat him up.

"These two." Angel shook her head. "If they aren't a couple in the future, I don't know what to say."

Angel: Alright, how is life without sweets? *Takes out some sweets and starts eating them.*

Fine: Horrible. *Stares at Angel's sweets*

Angel: Don't look at my confectionery. It is precious.

Shade: Yeah yeah.

Rein: Shade are you okay?

Bright: He's not.

Shade: Exactly I am not okay, I just got beaten up by your sister. Even though I wasn't really injured.

Angel: Obviously she's not going to beat you up until you have bruises because she's not allowed to. *Eats some more sweets*

Shade: Angel, stop it.

Angel: Stop what.

Fine: Sweets. *Eyes shining*

Angel: Oh goodness, okay. *Puts the sweets away*

Shade: Thank goodness.

Angel:Okay next dare, the dare is from:


Dare...sound interesting huh... Umm... I dare Bright to ask Fine on a date! (and if possible make Fine say yes!) I feel bad for Shade having all the hard dares though,

Bright: ...

Shade: Oh I am so happy that somebody actually feels bad for me.

Bright: I'll do it anyways.

Angel: Finally someone who cooperates.

Shade: ...


Fine turned around. "What is it Bright?"

"Would you... go on a date with me?" Bright said, with a bouquet of roses.

Fine looked at the roses, before replying. "Yes."

Bright gave Fine the roses and whispered something in Fine's ear. Fine nodded. Bright then gave her a bag of sunny drops. Which Fine happily accepted, eating them on their way to the sweet shop.

Angel suddenly emerged from hiding along with Rein and Shade. "See, Bright knows how to treat a girl according to her interests. Lol."

"Tch." Shade wasn't very happy with Angel's statement.

"I agree!" Rein exclaimed.

"Let's follow them." Angel said before heading in the direction that Fine and Bright went.

Fine and Bright went inside the sweet shop and bought more sunny drops. Fine was eating the sunny drops on their way to a cafe. They ordered a lot of desserts, cake, chocolate, ice cream, every dessert that was on the menu and by the time they were gone, Bright bought her a frappe and they walked back to Fine's house.

"Thanks Bright, I had a really nice day today." Fine said smiling at him.

"You're welcome." Bright replied. "Goodbye."

"Bye Bright!" Fine said as she went inside her house.

Angel applauded quietly from where she was, and so did Rein. Shade just watched as Bright left to go back to his own house.

Angel: That was a job well done there Bright.

Bright: Thanks.

Angel: Alrightio, last dare for today!

Bright: Seriously, already? Who is it for?

Angel: Ahem ahem, the dare is from:


As a fujoshi I want to see Shade x Bright moments like eatting pocky and ask to do some moments request by the girls (Only if ur fujoshi u don't have to do it)

Angel: Well guess what I am a fujoshi. Muahahahahaha.

Shade & Bright: Oh goodness gracious.

Yaoi Warning!

"Alright I am so ready to see this." Angel said at an extremely fast pace as she took out a pack of white chocolate pocky.

"White chocolate?" Shade and Bright said in unison. "Isn't the standard one milk chocolate?"

"It's the only one I got from my vacation so... yeah." Angel said. "Here have this for your dare."

Shade took the pocky and looked at Bright, who nodded. Shade placed on end of it between his lips, and Bright bit onto the other side.

Fine looked at them with her phone out, she was recording everything, along with Rein. All the others were just watching.

Their face inched closer and closer until their lips finally met. The twins were squealing in happiness and they hugged each other.

"Now, moments requested by the girls." Angel said, with a little grin.

"I want to see Bright pinned to the ground!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Me too!"


"I agree!"

"Alright, Bright and Shade." Angel said. "Time for you to fulfill their request!"

Shade sighed and pinned Bright to the ground. He nibbled Bright's ear, making Bright blush as he kissed Bright.

The girls squealed while they took a video of it.

"This is going into my yaoi folder." Fine said as she held her phone to her chest.

"Same..." Rein said.

"Okay!" Angel exclaimed, holding up the pocky, now let's just finish off the pocky! Obviously, Bright and Shade if you get one, you two have to play the pocky game.

Shade got over and took a few before the others shared it among themselves.

Angel: Well that was great.

Fine: I agree! I enjoyed it!

Rein: And we got pocky as well!

Bright: Wasn't really enjoyable for me. (-_-|||)

Shade: Meh, it was alright.

Angel: Anyways, bye!

All: Goodbye!

That's it for this chapter! I updated on my birthday, again. XD Okay Bye! Hope you have a nice day!

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(Do not copy. If your wondering what the cat is saying it says THANKS)