a/n: Hey all! I know I shouldn't start a new story since I'm still working on "Begin Again" but I can't help it! I've been inspired ever since Seth's WWE 24 documentary came out. This story just might be a few chapters though. We'll see what happens. Anyway, enjoy! :)


NOVEMBER 2nd, 2015

I was backstage at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. It's been a while since I've been to a wrestling event, especially a live episode of Monday Night Raw. All the superstars and divas were busy running around backstage, working tonight's show. Everybody was scheduled to go overseas for the next two weeks, their yearly tour beginning this month. Some of the talent were leaving tonight and tomorrow morning while some were staying behind to tape Smackdown tomorrow before heading overseas.

While I've been around many times before, I always felt so awkward being back here since I'm not an employee for the WWE. Sure I knew a lot of the people here but it was always weird and I always felt like I was in the way. Leave it to my boyfriend however, to convince me that I'm good and am always welcome. With him being away for the next two weeks, we decided that it was a good idea for me to come out on the road with him before then. It's been a long weekend but I'm glad I took the time off of work to be here with him.

Seth and I have been together for a little over three years now. We met when he came into the beauty salon I work at in Davenport and asked to get his hair dyed. Luckily for me, everybody else was busy and since my chair was available, I worked on his hair. I learned a lot about him that day. He told me that he was a wrestler and wanted a new look for his in-ring persona, hence the blonde on one side. From that point, I asked him questions about his career and he would answer them easily. It was an interesting career for sure but I could tell this was a career he loved. We had a pretty good conversation that day, getting to know one another and when he left, I figured that would be the last time I'd ever see him again. Imagine my surprise when he comes into the shop about a month and a half later, needing a re-touch on his hair and asking for me.

He made it a habit to come by every once in a while after that and finally after a few months of him coming into the salon, he asked me out on a date. We went on dates, spent time with each other as much as we could on our days off, lounged around each other's apartments and eventually I even went to a few of his shows when he had matches. I was even introduced to many of his co-workers and friends backstage. It was all pretty cool and I enjoyed it. We became exclusive towards the end of 2012 before he started to travel with the main roster.

I'm proud of all his accomplishments and achievements and I support each and every milestone of his wrestling career. I won't lie and say it's been easy because there are some times when he is off that they call him to do appearances and our time together is cut short. However, we overcome those moments and I understand what I got myself into. Sure his schedule isn't ideal but after a while I got used to it. It makes it so much sweeter when he's away for a while and he finally comes home after that long time and we reconnect again. I guess it's true what they say, distance make the heart grow fonder.

"Dani!" I hear from a very excited person.

I grin and turn to face Renee, immediately hugging her back as she pulled me into a tight hug. Since coming on the road, I've become best friends with her and it helps that she is dating one of Seth's best friends; Dean Ambrose.

"Renee!" I giggle. "I've missed you."

"Me too." She says, finally letting go. "I feel like it's been so long since I've last seen you."

"Ugh, it sure has been. I've been busy with work and I wasn't able to take a lot of days off since I wanted this weekend off."

"I told you that you should just quit and work here as a hair stylist..." she trailed off.

"I would but I don't think I would ever get used to being on the road so much." I chuckle. "So, I'm good staying in Davenport."

"Party pooper." She said, sticking her tongue out. "So, you're here just for tonight?"

"I'll be here tonight and I leave in the afternoon tomorrow since Seth is traveling to Dublin. He said he was going to invite you guys out for dinner or drinks later on before you all travel overseas."

"That'd be fun. I know once we get overseas we won't be able to see each other much since we're going to be all over the place." She sighed. "It's tiring."

"But you love it."

"I do. This is the best job I've ever had. I get to travel and meet all of our crazy fans."

"And that's great, but I don't think I could do it." I chuckle. "I have had plenty of interactions with Seth's fangirls online and in person when I came to visit a few times throughout the year. I would not be able to handle it daily if I worked here."

"It is tough at times but I ignore it." Renee shrugged.

"Which is exactly what I tell her to do but she doesn't listen." I hear from behind me.

I turned my head and saw that Seth and Dean were coming towards me and Renee.

"Because it's not that easy." I snorted as Seth wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

"It's why I don't do social media." Dean said.

"It's why you barely talk to people too." Renee teased him, which earned her a nudge from Dean.

"Enjoying the show so far?" Seth asked me.

I nodded up at him with a smile. "I always do. I'm excited to see the 5 on 5 match later on."

"It'll be fun. Roman and I have great partners."

"And they won't tell me who they are." Seth rolled his eyes.

"We like to keep you in suspense." Dean teased.

"I hate you, I really do." Seth joked.

"Be nice." I laughed. "Besides, didn't anybody ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?"

"You hang around Dean too much."

"Psh, I do not." I scoffed.

"You do too." Seth chuckled. "Every time you come around, you two act up. If it's not with Dean, then it's with Renee."

"We're rebels." Dean shrugged.

"Can't help it if we're just so great together." Renee joked.

"Terrible." Seth chuckled, shaking his head.

"You live." Dean said. "I'm gonna steal Renee for a bit and head to catering. We'll catch you after the show?"

Seth nodded. "Yeah, Ro is gonna meet up with us too."

"Sweet. Catch you later then."

"Later, Danielle!" Renee said, giving me a hug goodbye before she headed off with Dean.

"Oh, Renee said she's down for dinner or drinks tonight."

"Sweet. I spoke to Roman and Dean, they said we'll do both." Seth informed me. "It'll be a nice little send off for all of us."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist as he did the same. "I have another idea for a little send off for you, but you just had to do dinner and drinks with everybody else." I teased.

"…we can totally skip dinner and drinks. We'll say you got sick."

"No way." I said, letting out a giggle. "Too late. Besides, we have some time before our flights, right?"

"Not much." He sighed. "My flight leaves early in the morning."

I let out a small frown at that. It's not that I hated that Seth was constantly gone. It's that he had to leave so early at times and our visits always get cut short. Like I said before, I knew what I got myself into when we started dating. I just wish he didn't have such a hectic and busy schedule sometimes. He has me worrying about him 24/7.

"Poor you." I said as I reached up and touched the bags under his eyes. "You need some rest babe, I can tell you're exhausted." I frowned.

He took my hand and kissed it before holding in his. "The price I pay to be the Champ. I'm fine, babe. Really. Besides, when we get back from tour, I'll have a few days at home for Thanksgiving and I'll make sure to take advantage and rest up as much as I can."

"You better." I replied with a small chuckle. "I worry about you."

"I know you do and I appreciate it, but I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I'll go have a talk with Vince if I have to." I joked with a small smirk.

Seth let out a laugh and shook his head in amusement. "I'm fine, I promise." He said giving me a kiss to calm me down. "Now, come with me to my locker room so I can get ready for my match." Seth said, leading me down the hallway and to his locker room.

NOVEMBER 4th, 2015

After a wonderful evening of catching up with Renee, Dean, Roman, his cousins Jimmy and Jey and Naomi, Seth and I headed back to the hotel early that night. We were able to enjoy the short amount we had together before he had to catch his flight to Dublin. I ended up catching a flight back to Davenport that same day but it was in the afternoon. I spent yesterday at home, doing some laundry and relaxing before I had to go into work. As always though, Seth made sure to call and check in after he landed and was in his hotel room. We facetimed when he had time to but with the time difference between here and Dublin, it was tough. I couldn't wait for his tour to be over so that he could come home and spend a few days relaxing. I could tell he desperately needed it, even if he wouldn't admit it. Little did I know, he would be coming home sooner than I expected.

It was a little after three in the afternoon when I arrived at my apartment. I only had a few clients so I was able to come home early. I knew Seth had a show tonight and since Dublin was about six hours ahead of time here, I had some time to cook and catch up on some shows before his call.

Three hours had passed and I was sitting on my couch when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and frowned a bit when I saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Shrugging to myself, I picked it up anyway.


"Yes, hi. Danielle?"

"…this is she. May I ask who's calling?"

"HI Danielle. This is Dr. Amann calling."

…Dr. Amann? I knew who he was, I met him a few times before. Why was he calling though? I would imagine he'd only call if something was wr—

"What's wrong with Seth?" I asked immediately as I sat up and started to panic.

He didn't get to answer me because instead of hearing his voice, I heard Seth's.


"Seth." I sighed. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Not really." He said, letting out a sigh of his own. "I tore my ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus in my right knee during my match with Kane tonight."

"Fuck, babe. Did they tell you how long you'll be out for?"

Even though I couldn't see it, he nodded. "We're at the hospital now since I had to get x-rays and all that. I'm going to need surgery as soon as possible and most likely I'm looking at being out for about six months or so."

I bit my lip, obviously very worried and distraught over his injury. I knew how hard Seth worked and I could only imagine how he was feeling about all of this. He must be devastated with the reality of how serious this injury is.


"I'm not sure yet. They scheduled an appointment for me back home and I'll met with the doc to figure that all out. I'm coming back to the states tomorrow."

I nodded and brushed some hair away from my face, not really knowing what to say to comfort him. I wasn't in his shoes and I had never gone through anything like this.

"Okay. I'll take off of work and then fly out to where you'll be."

"Dani, you don't have to."

"Seth, I want to. I need to. I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

He let out a small smile and nodded. "Alright. I'll call you later on when I get back to the hotel."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Dani." He responded before we hung up.

I ended the call and let out a huge sigh. It sucked that I was so far away from him when he was going through this, but there was nothing I could do until I met up with him tomorrow.

With that in mind, I called my boss and informed her that I was going to need a few days off of work. Seth needed me and like I told him earlier, I was going to make sure I was with him for every step of the way during his injury.

a/n: Like I said, this most likely will just be a few chapters since I'm still working on my other story. Let me know what you think though, so I know if I should continue it or not. Review? :)