Authoress' Notes:

And that's ANOTHER DA fanfic down. YAY!

Honestly, the idea for this fanfic has been playing in my head for so long (also at the same time as "Andraste's Day") that I couldn't focus on my other works. It's relatively short compared to the other ones, since I was rushing to get the ideas out of my head (almost like figuratively barfing out words to make a story… so I'm sorry to those who subscribed to my site and gets flooded with messages when I post 17 chapters all at once XD). Also, since I was in such as hurry, mind that there might be lots of grammar and spelling errors.

Cover art was made by an awesome individual named Rossilyn and this is her website full of awesome art:

rossilyn. deviantart

Characters from the game are the intellectual property of BioWare.

Hope you'll have fun reading this as it was while I was making it. And now if you'll excuse me, I have another fanfic to work on. XD

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