K: Konnichiwa, minna! ; Gomen for taking so long to update… I got caught up with other fics…. Again. (happens a lot, don't it?)

Y: rolls her eyes The only reason she's updating this now is because it's the next one up from the bottom that needs to be completed aside from "Machigai", "Odorokasu", and "Double Take"… --; (She began the next chapters for each of those, but saved the data on the GOOD computer, which is now out-of-commission because she deleted some of the programming, the baka…)

K: It was an accident, dammit!!! scowl scowl

Y: Donna ni demo da na……. ;

K: sighs Anyhoo, I managed to draw a decent pic for last chapter, so if you want to see it, go to my deviantart page and click the link to my gallery. You might have to flip through it a while to find it, but it's there. I changed it a bit from the text, though… ;

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but I own the AU they live in, so HA!!!!


- VampssAmby12010 (Here's some more! Enjoy!)

- Rox (Glad you like it so far! Here's the next segment.)

- Princess Strawberry (Eh? What action? blink blink  Heh- j/k. XP Here's some more! Probably short as ever, but I'm on a time limit, this time.)

- Shenya (Well, I didn't get any fanart, but I'm continuing anyway, cuz' I managed to draw some for myself. That, and I have to update this sooner or later anyway, and it was next on the list and all that. )

- SilverLily aka Blood Moon (It's okei if you can't send fanart- no one else did anyway… --; Ah well- tough luck. It's a shame I can't see your art, though, considering your high opinion of your talents. I'm sure I'd enjoy seeing them… )

- Dynasty San (Shut up, Rhea. mock scowl I can't help my strange quirks. XP)

- Silver Goddess (Continuing! )

- DigiDreamerLiss (Problem is, Yami cares a bit too much. evil, secret-hiding grin You'll find out what I mean by that sooner or later… Stick figures with wings? Yeah- I'd accept that at this point. ;)

- Shitsumon (Oo; Dearie? Oo; coughs Anyhoo, he's still the hikari- his light's just been dimmed, so to speak. )

- yamibakuramalik#1fan (K: WAI! CHOCOLATE! Y: For the love of Ra! NOOOOO!!! She'll eat it and get hyper!!! OO; K: eating chocolate already Y: -- Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.)

- Destiny (K: blushes Why, thank you! I'm not all that great though… blush blush Y: OO; Good Ra! She's being MODEST!! faints K: blinks and stares down at her passed-out yami Heh- I knew that would happen! XD)

(And any others I've missed who've reviewed since the last time I was working on this chapter)

Kurayami no Koishii:

Fragmented Existence


          Oh God…. How could I have ever let this happen…? I should have told him, should've warned him from the start. Instead, I ignored my gut feeling and gave Yuugi's lover the benefit of the doubt- figured that he cared enough for him to refrain from doing this…

            I knew he was an incubus all along; as soon as I heard his name… Nahkti always complains about his 'arch-nemesis,' so someone would have to be as thick as a wall not to realize they were one and the same. Yami… Why did you do it? Why force him into such a thing, without even asking if he wanted it? Why be like your most hated foe?

            Yuugi…. I'm sorry. So very, very sorry… I can't say it enough. Why, oh, why did I ever trick myself into thinking he was harmless? They're all the same- they don't give a damn about what you want; they only think about themselves. They might pretend to care, you can fool yourself into thinking that you're in love and that the pain is worth it, but it isn't. Once you realize the truth, all you can do is mourn what could've been and swear you'll never let it happen to someone else you love.

            And the truth is, you can never go back. To become a fallen is to belong in the realm of the living, nor dead, no longer. Caught between, we exist in a world of nothing but grays…

            When I met Yuugi, I swore to protect him from something like this. He's the purest person I've ever known, and the sheer radiance that gleamed within him called out to me in the shadows. Now, as I stare down at his fragile body, tainted by the same black wings, the light has abandoned him, and my heart weeps.

            ………I've…………failed him…….

            His pale hand reaches up and wipes away my tears, and I turn away from his touch- I don't deserve it. It's my fault he's this way, and now his spirit is trapped; he'll never be able to enter the kingdom of Heaven. There's no escape for us- no place for us in either land. Our souls are tied to the demons that made us this way, and we're chained to them for all eternity.

            We can't go near any holy relic or person, and we can't even use exorcism to purify ourselves. We can't die unless our master dies, and even then, we'll be treated as outcasts in whichever realm we end up in. We're shunned by God's servants, and treated like dogs by the creatures of Hell, so the only place we can ever hope to live in peace is among normal humans; but even then, we're not like them. We can never be like them again. They will all die someday, and pass on to a place that will accept them, whether they like it or not. We are forced to wander the worlds, forever filled with an endless sorrow.

            You knew, Yami. You knew the consequences of your actions, and yet, you did it anyway. Just as Nahkti did. For bitter rivals, you're very much alike…

            …And I'll never forgive you for what you did to him.


            I can't believe I went through with it. How could I be so selfish?! I didn't even think about what Yuugi wanted… I only thought of how I wanted us to be together forever. Now I've taken away his hopes, his dreams… He'll have to sit idly by and watch as, one by one, his friends will grow old and die. He'll see things no one else can see- those who are close to death, those who will go to Heaven, and those who will be banished to the depths of Hell…

            He'll go through all this and won't be able to understand what's happening to him, and all he'll know is that it has to do with what I did last night. He'll probably never be happy again, and it's all my fault…

            Arrrrrgh- why did I have to go and do something so STUPID?! I shouldn't have let myself fall for him in the first place… I should've left him alone like Ahmose said… The he wouldn't be in this predicament... He'd be hurt for a while, but he would've moved on. But now….

            …Now he doesn't have a choice. I took it away from him. Now he'll have to live as a Fallen, and things can never be the same again.

            I just hope he doesn't hate me… I know I deserve it- he has every right to despise every atom of me, but I can't help it. I know I'm a selfish bastard, but I…. I love him, and if he were to reject me, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably want to kill myself, but if I do, then he dies too. I don't want to take away the only chance at life he has…

            …What have I gotten us into…?

K: DONE!! Sorry it's short again… I have a headache right now… X.X;

Y: It's either dehydration, sitting at the comp too long, or woe at not being able to beat the Shadow boss in Devil May Cry.

K: nods It took me 6 times to beat the Magma Spider boss, and now I have to fight the Radamned Saber-toothed Tiger thing entirely with my puny little guns because swords don't fucking work on the damn thing. scowls Fucking sonova bitch….

Y: -.-; Anyway, there's the first update since what- February? .; Good Ra, aibou's slow…

K: Oh, XP. You've only written maybe 3 chapters in the whole time I've been writing fanfiction, and you used MY body to do it. So hush.

Y: XP I'm a yami- how else am I supposed to write?!

K: -.-;