
Before I start, I want to say that this is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, and I am not the best writer, so positive feedback and constructive criticism are welcomed.

Please enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: Do I really need to say that I don't own pokemon?

Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Something Big

It is a normal day in the pokemon world. The citizens of Treasure town are performing their daily activities. Pokemon are chatting around town, the shops are being tended to, the cafe is filled with energy, and the members of the guild are performing their duties.

Out in one of the forests around Treasure Town, a light green pokemon with a large leaf on his head, known as a chikorita, is laying against a tree, eyes closed, not quite asleep. Not far from him, in the sky is another Pokemon, this one being light blue with a mouth full of sharp fangs, red spines along his back, and a yellow pattern on his chest. This Pokemon, known as a totodile, is quickly plummeting toward the earth below.

chikorita's POV

"Yaaawn… This was the right choice. I'm so relaxed I could…"

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash not far away. My eyes snap open, and I instantly stand up looking for the source of the noise. Seeing a large dust cloud, I run toward the apparent source. Upon arrival, I find myself in a clearing with a small pond, and a large crater. I walk up to the crater, curious about what caused this. In the center, I see an unconscious Totodile with heavy injuries. I run up to it and start gently shaking it hoping for it to wake up. "Come on, please wake up…"

To my relief, it starts to stir.

totodile's POV

Who is shaking me, just let me sleep. The shaking continues and doesn't stop, so eventually I open my eyes to see a chikorita standing over me, shaking me.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake!" says this chikorita with a voice indicating that it is a male.

D-did he just speak to me?! I jerk upright, smacking my face into his. I clutch my head in pain, while he is doing the same.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" He shouts at me.

Finally able to bring words to my mouth, I say, "Y-you spoke. You spoke to me."

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you have something against grass types, totodile?" he snaps at me.

"Of course I'm surprised! You're a pokemon and I'm a human!" I pause. "Wait, totodile?"

"A human? You look like a regular totodile to me."

For the first time since waking up, I look down at my body to find that it is mostly covered in blue scales. I jump back in surprise, and fall right into the nearby pond. I struggle to stay above the surface, flailing my short arms. Despite my struggle, I am sinking and shout out, "Help me!" before being submerged. I hold my breath until I can't hold it anymore, and open my mouth to accept my fate. I feel the water fill my mouth and enter my lung… and am perfectly fine. I can breathe as if I was on dry land. I walk toward the edge of the pond and look up, thinking of ways I could get out. This has to be a dream, right? There is no way that this is real. But when I hit my head it felt real…

chikorita's POV

I watch as this strange totodile freaks out after falling in water, barely able to contain a laugh. After watching him flail around for a while, I decide to help him out. I extend a vine into the pond, which he quickly grabs. I pull him out. After he calms down, I decide to question him. "Are you sure you were a human?"

"Yes." he replies.

"Why were you in a crater?"

"I don't know."

"Are you in pain?"

"Now that you mention it, yes. My whole body hurts."

"Do you want to come to town with me to get some help?"

He pauses for a moment, then replies, "Yes."

"OK. Last question. What is your name? I'm Drew."

"Oh… my name is Alex."

"Well, nice to officially meet you, Alex. Now we should get going. Follow me back to town."


This strange totodile begins to follow behind me as we head to town.

A few minutes later…

Alex's POV

Are we almost there? I am actually hurting really bad. I don't think I can hold up for much longer. Almost as soon as I finish that thought, we turn around a corner and are at the gates of a town.

"Here we are, Treasure Town, my hometown." I hear Drew say. "We should probably take you to the doctor to get you checked out." I nod in agreement.

A couple more minutes later…

We arrive at a small building with a red cross on the front.

"Here we are," He leads me into a room, past a reception desk where we check in. Inside are many chairs, with the occasional Pokemon sitting in one. "Just sit down. I will wait for you outside. Actually, I should get my head checked out. You gave me a nasty bump." We sit down and wait, chatting.

After a few more minutes, an Audino with a nurse hat comes into the room and calls me to follow. I follow into the back where there is a pretty standard doctor's office.

"Please sit down and wait, the doctor will be here shortly," the nurse kindly says.

I sit in a rather large chair, and watch her leave. Not even thirty seconds later, the door opens and another Audino walks in, this one wearing a lab coat. After a brief examination, he hands me a couple of round, blue berries.

"What are these?" I ask.

"Your body in covered in injuries, but they are mostly bruises and small cuts. These are oran berries. Their juices have a unique healing property. Eat one and you should be fine. I gave you a second one in case the pain returns or you get injured again," he tells me.

I hesitate for a moment, then put one berry into my large mouth, and I start chewing. As the juices start trickling down my throat, the pain starts melting away.

"Thank you, Doctor," I stand up. "Do I have to pay?"

"Don't worry, your friend payed for you. You are good to go."

"Alright, I guess I will be going. Bye!"


I walk out past the reception desk and wait outside. After a few minutes, Drew walks out. I walk up to him.

"So…" I say.

"So what?"

"Well, I don't know what to do…"

"Oh, that's Okay. I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Well, what is it?"

"Would you want to join an exploration team with me?"

"Exploration team? What's that?"

"Well, they are teams of Pokemon that explore the world. They explore dangerous dungeons, find ancient treasures, solve mysteries, stop outlaws, all sorts of cool stuff!" he says, clearly excited at the thought.

"Hmm…" Sounds like fun, and it would give something to do until I find out about myself and why I am here.

"You don't have to if you don't want to…" he says, sounding a bit sad.

"I accept."

"What!? Really!?"

"Sure. Sounds fun."

"Alright! We can sign up tomorrow."

"Well, I guess I should find a hotel to stay at." I start walking away. Even though I don't know how anything works here, and I don't have any money…


I stop and look at Drew. "What?"

"I have a better idea. We are going to be teammates, so we have to look after each other."

"Well, what is your idea?"

"You can stay at my place!"

"Well, let's go then!" And we take off through town.

Well there you go, that's the first chapter! I hope it was enjoyable!

Like I said earlier, I would like constructive criticism to help become a better writer...

Anyways, look forward to the next chapter, where we will meet a few more characters and maybe join the guild! See you!