"Hey Tony come on, where playing a game on the common floor." Clint had just dropped out of the vents into his workshop where he was messing with one of his car's engines.
"Oh, um okay. Let me just go clean up. Meet you on the common for in 10?" He looked over at the archer, who agreed before disappearing back into the vents. Closing down the show and saying bye to the bots he made his way upstairs.
After a quick shower, he changed into some basketball shorts and an old MIT hoodie that he may or may not have stolen from Rhodey. Walking into the living he was greeted by the other Avenger's also dressed comfortably with snacks, blankets and pillows surrounding them on the couches and chairs.
"Anthony! Come, grace us with your presence as we bask in these sleeping games."
"It's sleep over Thor, here Tony, you can sit between me and Bruce." The redhead assassin patted the spot on the floor. Everyone was getting comfortable on the floor in front of the furniture and surrounding the coffee table that was piled high with junk food. The genius sat between the two and used the blanket Bruce offered him to wrap around his shoulders while he sat Indian style on a cushiony pillow.
Was everyone was settled Clint pulled out a bucket that had tons of little paper slips on them. "I had JARVIS help me print these out from so websites and threw in a few of my own. So basically we pull from the bucket and answer the question or do the task. Simple right, I'll go first." Clint stuck his tongue out as he plunged his hand to the bottom of the bucket and pulled out a random slip. "Okay, what was your favorite item growing up? That's easy, I had this ugly old yellow blanket that I took everywhere with me. Nat your up."
Natasha took the offered bucket and grabbed a slip. "If I could have any job in the world, what would I want to be?" She stared at the slip for a moment, "If I wasn't a spy, I'd like the idea of being an actress, I like the challenge of convincing the audience I'm someone I'm not."
She smirked at the other, Steve shaking his head and Thor giving a hearty laugh. She passed the bucket to Tony.
Grabbing one at random and unfolded it, "Do you have any hidden talents? Well," he coughed and blushed a little, "I can – I um, know how to play the piano." He finished quietly. He didn't look up, just placing the bucket so Bruce could reach it.
"Wow Tony, you'll have to play for me sometime." Bruce smiled at him when he finally looked up from his lap. Not trusting his voice he just nodded his head yes to the other. Satisfied, Bruce grabbed a slip, "Kiss someone in the room. Huh, well," he looked around at everyone, "Thor, do you mind?"
"Not at all friend Banner," they both leaned in for a quick peck. Everyone else watched wide eyed from their seats.
When Bruce noticed there stares he shrugged, "If you had a chance to kiss a god, would you pass it up?" That sent everyone into soft laughs and chuckles.
The game continued on, Steve's afraid of starting over again, Thor gave Clint a lap dance. After another few rounds of shenanigans it was Tony's turn again. "Something you've never done and still want to do? I've never been to the zoo before, I always imagined it would be fun." Tony passed the bucket to Bruce but jumped when he saw the shocked eyes his friend was giving him. Feeling uneasy he glanced at the others everyone was gaping at him, even Thor.
"Tony, how have you never been to the zoo?" That was Steve, and he seemed to be giving a kicked puppy dog look to the smaller man.
"I don't know, I've just never been." He had adverted his gaze to his lap.
"Tony man, no one took you as a kid? What about a class field trip?" That was Clint and he seemed like he was pleading with him to tell them it was a joke.
"Howard and mom were always busy, Jarvis had other responsibilities to take care of. And I went to boarding school and was ahead of all the kids my age. The only field trip we went on was to a science museum." He was nervously rubbing his hands together.
Natasha reached out and grabbed his hand. "Well it seems like we know what we're doing tomorrow. Everyone good with a family trip to the zoo?"
"Hell yeah! We are definitely taking you to the Bronx Zoo!" Clint was bouncing in his seat like an over excited child. Calmer agreements came from the others and then while the boys talked amongst themselves Natasha turned to Tony.
"Is this okay?"
"Yes!" He blushed at how fast and excited that had come out. "Yeah, I'd really like that."
The next day was nothing short of a success. The team arrived early so they would have time to see every exhibit. Everyone (aside from Tony) came prepared with fully charger cell phones and then their personal cameras, not wanting to miss capturing a single moment of this.
Everyone got pictures of each other, but most consisting of their genius. Pictures posing in front of the animal sighs and statues, some of the animals, those were taken by Tony himself, who smiled brightly the entire day.
There were pictures of Steve and Tony on the camel rides, the smaller man had talked the captain into riding with him. Tony say happily on the camel's back, waving at the team, while Steve sat stiffly on his animal, holding on to his seat with a death grip.
Steve got pictures of the team on the bug carousel, Clint, Tony and Thor looking like little kids as their critters moved, Natasha and Bruce sitting behind them watching from their bug creatures.
Pictures from everyone taken of Tony during the penguin and seal feedings, it was so hard getting the brunette to willingly leave, but he quickly cheered up when he heard they were going to Butterfly Garden. There the team got pictures of everyone as they were surrounded by the little things. There was one picture that Bruce captured of Tony going crossed eyed as he tried to look at the butterfly that had landed on his nose.
After a long day, and a triple check of the map to make sure they visited every animal in the park, the Avengers headed back to the car. While Steve drove, the others looked through all their pictures, sending some they captured on their phones to the group chat.
Tony was nestled between Thor and Bruce in the middle seat of the SUV, he must have fallen asleep after all the excitement of the day. Natasha turned around from her spot in the passenger seat and snapped a few photos of the sleeping man cuddled against their other scientific genius.
Overall, it was a good day for the team.