Title: Encomium Ombre

Author: Carolare Scarletus

Dedicated to: ArielKidd

Universe: Very AU; Cult; Soulmate

Genre: Angst; Romance; Dark; Supernatural

Pairing(s): Draco x Hermione; Multiple pairings

Timeline: 1994; 1995-

Characters: Draco Malfoy; Hermione Granger; Harry Potter; Albus Dumbledore; Ron Weasley; (More will be added with each published chapter)


An infant unborn, Hermione Granger has been his. Through the decades, he has searched until he finally found her. He watched, waited patiently for her to grow, to flourish, until one day he would be able to pluck her from the world and claim her as his own.

On the eve of her fifteenth birthday, she is awakened brought to the dungeon's of the most influential Pureblood ever to roam the earth- Draco Malfoy. Upon arrival, secrets of their connection open to her and she learns of his true identity and the connection that she has shared with him since the dawn of creation.

Will the Muggleborn be able to save herself from the darkness, or will she fall victim to its charm as she has done so all these centuries?

"A sacrifice must be made." Dumbledore's voice came out softly, singed with impenetrable night of concern. "The Demon has set claim to her. What other choice do we have to let him have her?"

Shattered heart

Two bonded souls

Torn between time.

Encomium Ombre

Requirements ordained by the Author:

-Draco will be two years older.

-Second Chance Awakening (Will explain further later on).

-Voldemort will introduced, but not in the traditional way. (Semi-traditional).

-Shared heart and weakened state. (Hermione diagnosed with something incurable).

-Dumbledore is aware of her condition/ connection, as he always is. (Some inkling as to what it is, who it is with). So is Draco, of course.

-If one dies, so does the other

Author's Notes: I do not own Harry Potter, but I do take great pride in the plot and creation of any added scenery to said world.

Warning: This will be a dark fic. Abuse, rape, profanity, consumption of alcohol. Don't like it, do not read it. Simple as that. There will be Dramione interaction right off the bat. People have the tendancy to point that it doesn't happen quick enough despite me saying it's take a bit longer than normal. If multi-chapter fics are not your thing, then fine. Don't read it.

Read and Review.

As always, enjoy.


Encomium Ombre





A brilliance of the Light

Could only be extinguished by the Dark

Had it been the sole heir of this destruction

That took the shining jewel from the Heavens,

Or the righteous hand of the humans

That stole her for all time


The world as it is known today was not always filled with darkness, blood, and destruction.

Aeviternal light and beauty once illuminated the world. It was the love between two considerably different concepts that breathed life into the transient souls of earth, but the gift of life had been taken for granted, beaten and twisted so it became an abomination formed from hatred. If it had not been for the love that the Light displayed and bestowed upon them, the human race surely would have inevitable end their own existence.

Her brilliance blinded and shielded one from seeing the disgusting reality of the world that sat below them, only showing those whose audacity and curiosity overpowered their fears the good of the world while never allowing them to see the evil. It had exhausted her to an unescapable corner where she stood with immeasurable pose and grace. Never once did she waver; she was far stronger than she appeared.

The Darkness knew how troubled she was and how increasingly difficult it became as the decades passed to keep the humans in peaceful deception. He was partly to blame for her exhaustion; he was the one who introduced the world to the absurdities that darkness proclaimed. She never once vocalized ill-will towards him, but instead she would smile lovingly at him as he was not the beast that the humans came to loath. She presented him with kindness, the likes of which he had never experienced. Perhaps it was then that her light shattered his impregnable barricade and as a result opened his heart. It had taken decades for him to muster up the courage just to stand in the proximity of her, and it would take many more years just to start a conversation.

He had taken an unnatural liking to the light; he had spent countless years observing her, watching her as she administered motherly tendencies to a race that he found all too despicable. Somehow he grew to enjoy her company; he yearned for her. However, he could not for the life of him understand her infatuation with something that could easily turn on them as they did in their earliest days. As always, and just as sweetly, she would smile.

With a stunningly strong voice, she said," I am the Light, and without me there would be no life."

He did not understand her. The notion of Light, of Dark, was commonly foreign to him still.

Eventually, he ceased his questions, knowing full well what her answers would be. He never understood them, but took great pleasure of acting as if he did. As the years passed with minimal conflict, which the humans were prone to do time to time, the Darkness found himself growing increasingly concerned about their welfare. By then, his relationship with the Light had changed dramatically. They were known in their realm in the Heavens as Lovers.

Their voices were nothing more than fleeting whispers in the wind. Carried by the righteousness of a gentle cause, the tones passed unnoticed by passive ears. Clothed in nothing but the plain night, the whisperings of their embodiments hurried after the despairing light before it extinguished itself completely from the exposure of their words. As the news of their union drew to a dull end, the Light and Darkness were able to retreat back and enjoy the simplicity of their nature, venturing forward until nothing but the heavy cloak upon their backs, scarcely seen through the heavy haze of the cool night was the only thing that paid true homage to the landscape of their dedication.

Darkness had been watching her for quite some time, always there. Lurking within the furthest reaches of his domain. Not long after their verbal declaration he had taken her. And, it looks like the need to taste her flesh was coming faster than once anticipated.

Just as desperate was man was to breath, he could not go without her for too long.

Beside him stood Light, her bountiful curls bouncing joyfully up and down as she struggled to keep herself from exploding with excitement. There would be one collision tonight, but he did not want her to reach it quite yet.

"Patience, My Light."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Oh, I cannot!"

He chuckled. "You must." The Darkness urged, pulling her closer to her and draping her with his cloak. "Lest you miss something important."

"As if you would allow me that displeasure."

"As excitingly tempting as that is," he swirled her around and pressed his lips to her temple. She giggled harmoniously, sending little vibrations to course through the air. "I cannot."

"Has My Darkness turned over a new leaf?"

"Let us say, I have found one that I can adore for all eternity."

With these words, he produced a single leaf, its coat fresh and crisp, as it should be during this humid time of the year. The trickle of moss and evidence of life literally busted from the seam in which the leaf was created from. A trick that she had taught him some time ago.

"Oh!" She laughed again, this time because of his wandering fingers as they curled around her waist and pulled her even closer to his body. "Stop your advances this instant!"

"I do not think I will." He scattered the stars and helped her rise above the scene. As they ascended the throne of the Heavens once again, he looked longingly into her eyes and another beautifully stunning smile graced his lips. "I do enjoy seeing you so riled up, my Love."

She huffed impatiently, daring not to encourage his childish behavior. "So like a child you are."

He looked at her thoughtfully before a grin spread across his handsome face. "Child, you dare say?"

The Light looked as if she realized her mistake entirely too late. "Do not dare!"

"Dare what, Mea?"

"What you are thinking of doing!"

"And, what would that be?"

Delighted, she let out a gloriously resounding laugh that alighted the Heavens and casted an uncanny brilliance down to swell the breast of earth.

It was these days that he lived for, and ones that he would miss terribly in the years to come.

At first, he thought it was a sick joke, never having really taken a step back from watching the humans long enough to appreciate the woman who stood by his side. He had never taken a good look at the Daphne, but as he gazed at her, his heart pinched inside his chest and he knew from that moment that the feeling he deemed as nothing special was love.

Where love flourishes, hatred is created.

From hatred, destruction follows.

He stood from the masses. A sickening feeling within his stomach rose to a high level of anxiety and denial. Faceless figures turned to engage his reaction, but none too welcoming of course came when his eyes fell upon her lifeless form.

There, lying on the marbled granite of the Gathering Hall was the Light, her tresses fanned out around her like a makeshift halo. No radiance from above or her portrayal rained down upon her, no utterance of a thriving life, no sign of a beating heart. Her skin was pale as the moon that vanquished the sun; her once dark brown eyes had lost all hope that usually lied within; her life force taken from her just seconds prior the discovery of her immobile form.

The Darkness pressed against the surrounding numbers. They moved out of his penetrating gaze. The pale hue of his covering came away from him, showing the complete destruction of his features. As always, it was his eye that gave away to his anguish, and as he knelt down and asked who had done such a horrible crime, it was his eyes that gave away to his wrath.

No one could provide an answer. But, it did come in the form of shadows as they escaped away from the scene, but not from the omnipotent eyes of the Darkness.

"Who did this to her?" he asked again, his voice rising powerful high with each words. "Who did this to her?"

Again, no one answered, too afraid by his anger to voice the turmoil of their thoughts. As his Light's soul rose from the captive body, she smiled down upon him and comforted the saddened beast the best she could.

"My love," she told him, keeping her voice small. Already weakened from the force of her death, she was soon to be reunited with the dead, but not before speaking to the living. "Do not be angry."

"You are betraying me."

"I have no betrayed you." Glassy brown eyes stared into his. "It is they who betrayed us…"

And, indeed they did.

They would all soon pay

Not long after her departure from the living that the Darkness took it upon himself to immortalize their involvement. Two souls divided, two hearts sewn.

He would find her again, if it took a thousand years then so be it. He would not rest until she was found and he was reunited with the concept he loved, and the keeper of the second half of his heart.