Chapter 1


I walked down the bus stairs onto the pavement of the parking lot. We were outside the next show and they wanted me to help move all the equipment. I didn't mind doing this sort of thing. Even though I'm a girl, I'm stronger than I look. This was the intern job I needed to complete my education. It was also exciting because the band members seemed to be genuinely good people. I would have said "no" if I thought they weren't. I got a job working for BTS or Bangtan Boys.

For this trip, I'd only brought with me a few bags. I had been crashing with a friend in Busan until my internship started. Usually an internship was unpaid, but this was a different type of internship. It was similar to a job except I was being paid very little for extra expenses. Otherwise, everything else was paid for and I was getting experience.

Today, however, was when I noticed things beginning to change for me. I watched as our boss opened the back of the bus's doors. Our boss was head only the head of "the extras." He told the setup crew what to do. The beefier guys got to the front and carried in the amps. I was handed a few boxes of microphones and other tech stuff. The carry was from the parking lot, through the lobby, the huge theatre of 5,000 seats, and to backstage. My muscles had gotten larger since I began working for them, so this seemed easy.

When, I got backstage, I put the boxes down and looked up to see that most of the guys were already heading back for a second load. I looked around to see if any of the managers were around. I figured I could start unpacking some of these boxes. There were a few of the makeup artists and such wandering around, but there were no managers, so I headed back to the bus.

Finally, the bus was empty on the third trip back. I quickly got on the bus and got my bags off. The bus took off when everyone was finished. I looked up and noticed the air felt a bit humid and the clouds were getting heavy. The weather seemed like it was getting bad, but I didn't doubt the arrival of fans as the bodyguards were already beginning to block off the area in the parking lot.

During the time before the boys arrived, I helped set up some of the lighting in the tech room and moved things on the stage to the right place. There were a few hours until the show started, but I could already hear the fans outside. There was a slight rumble I could hear through the theatre walls at every show. The rumble got louder when the boys arrived for prep.

Immediately, everyone began to rush around even more. I looked at my watch realizing the show was to start in less than two hours. Quickly, I went backstage to listen to see if there was anything else I had to do. They were going to let the fans in soon and I didn't want to get involved anywhere near the crowds.

I walked up to one of our managers. I still had a hard time understanding what they were saying because I was so new to the language, but I was fluent in speech, so I could communicate back to them. "Do I have any other jobs today?"I asked. The manager looked me over and then shook her head and told me to go to the lounge. I thanked her and walked away. I had never been done with my work in time, so this was my first time in the lounge.

As I entered the lounge, I saw that many people were coming in and out. There were a few coworkers I recognized, but mostly it was makeup crew trying to get things together. There were a few tech managers running around as well. This room was also connected to another lounge room next to it and connected to that was the room the group was in.

Quietly, I sat down on the couch. There was trash everywhere, but it was constantly being picked up. I looked around at the rushing people. Across the room, there was another couch with some of my coworkers. One of them looked me over and came to sit with me on the couch. Her name was Misoo Kim. She was one of the few people involved with BTS that could speak fluent English. Her first language was English so she and I got along very well.

"How's it going?" She asked.

I shrugged and said, "I'm a little tired, but it's just the usual, you know?" She nodded.

"You should rest here for a little bit. I'll make sure that you sleep for awhile."Misoo offered. I shook my head 'no'. "Why not? I doubt anyone will bother you until the concert is over."

I smiled. "I don't sleep well with noise." I had been prone to sleepwalking, but without any noise, I was just fine. I hated explaining it to people, but Misoo seemed like a good friend. "Besides, everyone here is probably just as tired as I am."

Misoo shook her head. "I know you don't sleep at night. I know because I see your light on through the curtain. Remember, my bunk is right next to yours." I sighed knowing this was true. "You're up late studying. I wish I was that diligent, but you know how much I like to slack." Misoo and I laughed, but it died down quickly.

"Are you hungry? I can go get you something to eat." I asked her as I stood up. Misoo shook her head. I nodded as her as I walked towards the bin of waters. I picked one up for her as well even though she hadn't asked for it. I returned with two waters. "I picked one up for you anyway."

Misoo took the water graciously and took a small sip. She put the water down and looked at me. I immediately stopped gulping down water and looked at her. "What?" I asked. She stood up saying she had an idea. I stood up next to her and followed her into the next lounge room. There were fewer people in the room, but there were guys playing ping pong.

"I'm going to find a room for you to sleep in. Just wait here on the couch, hyung." Misoo smiled knowing that her calling me "hyung," had been a joke between us because of my haircut. I got it cut really short so I looked boyish and not to mention the lack of makeup and the sweatpants I wore all the time. Misoo called me that whenever she felt like it. A few times the staff would ask me if I was a boy, but I explained to them that I wasn't.

Slowly, but surely, I waited for Misoo to return. I began by watching the men on the other side of the room play ping pong. The one facing me was winning. I tried to get comfortable watching by lying on my stomach. After awhile I ended up dozing off.


Finally, the Bangtan Boys had only 30 minutes until the concert started. The rush was even heavier now and the makeup women swarmed around their faces trying to fix nonexistent mistakes. The boys began to goof off knowing that some of the members were just finishing up their warm-ups. The boys bounded into the next room singing a new song from Girls Generation.

The room only had a few people in it, but one specifically caught their eye. J-Hope was the first to notice the sleeping girl on the couch, but he didn't realize she was a girl. "Oh! Look at him! Jin-hyung! Look at him sleeping! He's so peaceful!" He was practically yelling at her.

Jin pulled J-Hope away from her. "Stop yelling at him while he sleeps, just leave him…" Jin looked at her as she shifted on the couch. She sighed and turned so her face was visible. Jin watched silently. He was at a loss for words. "Just leave him alone." He said backing away.

"Watch me dance!" V said from across the room. The camera watched as V and Jungkook danced to Girls Generation. Their loudness made the girl stir again. Jin looked down at her seeing wisps of hair touch her eyes gently. All he wanted was to reach down and move the hair from eyes, but he stopped himself. He looked away and watched the rest of the group play around. There was something different about this guy.

Suddenly, one of the managers came in and told the boys there was only ten minutes until they had to be on stage. The boys shuffled around as V continued to dance around. As the boys filed out, Jin stopped Suga for a moment when there were no cameras. "Do you know who that is on the couch?" Suga shook his head. "He looks…different."

"Jin-hyung, we have to be on stage. We should probably get going." Suga said patting Jin on the shoulder and moving along. Jin nodded and took one last glance at the boy on the couch. The boy stirred again, but this time opened his eyes and looked at Jin. Jin felt a rush in his heart before he turned back to the boys.


I could hear lots of noise, but my body was too tired to actually get up. All I could do was shift a little bit. Finally, when the noise was too much, I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I looked directly at Jin, the oldest member. The door quickly closed behind him and the room went silent. I was the only one left.

Misoo finally came back after a few minutes. I was sitting up by then. I checked through the messages on my phone. "Hey, sorry it took me so long. None of the other rooms were open." She apologized again and stood in front of me.

"It's alright; I got a little nap in here anyway. I must have been really tired." I rubbed at my eyes, but Misoo immediately reached out at me. At that moment some of the managers burst in and through the door J-Hope came in. He had forgotten something. Misoo wasn't stirred by it and held my hand. She told me it would make my eyes puffy and red. I nodded and watched as J-Hope rushed around.

On his way out, he stopped and smiled at me. "Let's go, Sleepyhead!" he said in English. I looked at him confused, but there was no time to ask him about it. He was already out the door, followed by a swarm of crew.

Afterwards, I looked at Misoo. She only shrugged and sat next to me. Misoo and I later went to watch part of the concert in the wings. When the show ended, the boys ran off to their dressing room and the crew began to clean up. Misoo took her place in helping the tech people get everything together. She worked with the band in getting their head gear taken care of.

On the other hand, I went straight to work in moving equipment onto the crew bus. I packed most of the boxes and carried out a few boxes before we were done. I quickly grabbed my bags and got on the bus.

When I got on the bus, I was stopped by the manager. He pulled me off the bus quickly to talk with me. "I know you're still a bit new here, but I understand that you know English?" He asked. I nodded silently. "We need someone on the band's bus who knows English."

"I mean no disrespect, but Misoo also knows English and Korean better than I do. Besides, I just move boxes." I told him.

He shook his head, "We understand that you're from America. You know their customs and grew up there. It would be really helpful if you rode the bus. If you want, we can put Misoo on to help translate."

"That would be great. Thank you so much!" I said and nodded. The manager smiled and told me to grab my bags and tell Misoo to come as well. I quickly got on the bus and grabbed my things. Misoo and I stood in wait for the other bus to come around and pick us up. The nervousness was building inside of me already. At first I was excited to ride their bus, but then I suddenly felt nervous. What if I had no idea what was going on?

Misoo could see my fear and put her hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fine." The bus finally appeared in front of us and the doors opened. "Let's do our best, hyung." She pushed me onto the bus with my bags in hand. I helped her carry her bags as soon as I got my put down on the steps. We were now riding the Bangtan Boys bus.