A/N: I am SO SO Sorry that this has taken so long to get to you and I am SO SO sorry that it's really short as well...

There were Daleks everywhere.


"O…kay…" the Doctor breathed, looking around as he stepped out of the TARDIS. Behind him, the door pulled up but didn't shut. He didn't notice. The only thing he saw was the situation they had been brought in to. He figured that this must be the biggest Dalek fleet he had seen since the end of The Time War.

The thought filled him with more dread than he had ever felt in his long life and the more he thought about how he might try and work his way out of this, the fewer ideas sprang to mind.

He continued to look around, barely noticing Jack and Jackie's stunned silences. His eyes crossed to a larger, red-and-gold-coloured Dalek standing on what looked like a pedestal. The Supreme Dalek.


"Oh, my God," Jackie said, more to herself than anything. She had heard about Daleks and had even seen what they could do at Canary Wharf, but she had never been in the presence of one and certainly not an entire fleet. However, she knew that both the Doctor and her daughter had. She remembered when that was and the fact that it had ended with the Doctor changing his face to stop himself from dying didn't do much in the way of providing her hope that she would survive this.

The three of them stood together, unsure about what to do – about whether there was anything they could do.

Because, right now, it looked as though they were at a loss.

There was a sudden click from the TARDIS behind them. The Doctor turned around immediately at the sound and ran towards the ship.

"I thought you locked it," Jack said as the Doctor tried – and failed – to open the door.

"I didn't, I meant to but I didn't." He continued to try and open the door, but it remained firmly shut. He turned back to the Daleks. "What have you done?"


"Me?" the Doctor asked incredulously, walking further towards the Supreme Dalek. "The door just locked on its own."

"Maybe the TARDIS just locked the doors herself?" Jack ventured, hoping to calm the Time Lord he could see getting wound up. If the Daleks had realised that Rose was still in there, there was no telling what they might try and do.

The Doctor shook his head. "Her power's down, she can't do anything."


The sound of a hatch opened and the Doctor turned just in time to see the TARDIS fall down the hole that was left. He made for it, but there was nothing he could do to stop his ship from plummeting. His hearts pounded in his chest. Rose was still inside. Rose was still inside and there was nothing he could do to save her.

With pure fear in his eyes, the Doctor looked back at the Daleks, demanding them to explain where they were taking it. His eyes widened in fear and for a second he thought his legs might give way.

"But you've taken the defences down! It'll be torn apart!"

Upon hearing what the Doctor said, Jackie spoke. "But my daughter is still inside!" She turned to the Doctor. "You promised me she would be safe!"

The Doctor said nothing. Even if he had known what to say in that moment he would never have gotten the chance. The Supreme Dalek spoke instead; it's statement factual, it's tone uncaring:

"THE HUMAN AND THE TARDIS SHALL PERISH TOGETHER." It paused for a second and a screen appeared in front of the three remaining travellers. "OBSERVE."

The Doctor looked as a screen appeared above them. He could see the shape of the TARDIS fall into the core of the crucible.

Behind him, he could hear Jackie crying. He wanted nothing more than to tell her that it would be alright; that he would save Rose and get them all out of here in one peace. But there was nothing he could do; just watch as everything he held dear was torn apart and burnt right in front of him.

When the screen finally vanished, the Doctor knew that the TARDIS was gone. A small part of him still felt as though she was still there, in his mind. But he wasn't sure if it was just a phantom feeling. He didn't dwell on it. He couldn't. Losing the TARDIS was bad enough, but he knew he could live without her – but Rose?

He felt empty. Hopeless. His whole world having come crashing down around him.

Maybe the phantom feeling in his head was the only thing keeping him from going completely insane.

He wondered how long it would last.


He barely heard the words, and he would be damned if he was going to lose it in front of the Daleks. He wasn't going to give in so easily, no matter how much he felt like lashing out in the moment.


"Yeah." His voice was quiet, and broke at the end. Still he stared at the space where the screen had once been. He could sense Jackie walking up to him, but he didn't turn to her. He couldn't face her, not now. How could he?


The Dalek sounded almost smug, knowing that its words would cut deep. But the Doctor gave no reaction or even any indication that he had heard them.

Jack, on the other hand, had had enough. He turned to the Dalek, gun in hand, fury in his eyes. They had killed one of his best friends and he couldn't stand back and let them verbally torture another.

"Yeah? Well, feel this!" He fired a bullet, but it had no effect. In the back of his mind, he knew that would be the case, but the feeling of shooting helped release some of his built-up anger. However, it only lasted for a second as the Dalek – not even scratched from the bullet – shot back, hitting Jack with impeccable aim.

He screamed as he fell to the floor. Shrieking, Jackie made to go to him, but the Doctor held her back. This was their chance. Their only chance to find out what was going on. They had to stop whatever was coming. The Doctor knew he owed it to Rose to carry on the fight. He just had to stay strong.

"TAKE THEM TO THE VAULT." The Supreme Dalek bellowed. Another Dalek came up to them, pushing them towards the corridor to the far side of room. They complied without a fuss; there was no use in resisting.

But, the next words the bellowed from the Supreme Dalek made the Doctor want to do just that. He felt his blood run cold and his hearts stop for a painstaking second.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, he was here.

But it couldn't be.

He'd watched him die.

How could he have survived?


Amongst the flames and the explosions, another golden glow came from inside the TARDIS and wrapped itself around the unconscious form laying silently on the grating. It lingered for a moment, covering the form until nothing but the golden glow was visible, before disappearing into nothingness – as though it had never been there.

The unconscious form of the floor groaned once before coming to.

Now it was time.

She could feel the sensation of falling before she could feel anything else.

Her eyes opened slowly, still unaware of what was happening around her.

Now open, her eyes scanned the console room as she pushed herself up from where she had lain. She could see the fire and the explosions, but none of it mattered. Not really. None of it was a cause of bother.

She knew she was in no danger.

Her hand touched a button on the console. There was a jolt, but she barely felt it.

She felt nothing other than Time coursing through her veins.

Nothing other than Time and an immense power she never thought she would hold again.

She could see everything now. Everything that ever was, that ever could be; everything that ever must and that ever must not.

She could remember everything from the last time she held this power. Everything made sense now. She knew what she had done and what she needed to do.

Because, as her eyes glowed bright gold within the orange-yellow flames of fire, she knew who she was.

She was Rose Tyler: Bad Wolf.

And she was going to save the Doctor.