Heyo everyone!
So to not let you guys wait even more, you can now proceed to read the new chapter of my story!

A cold gust of wind send shivers down Natsu's spine. He rubbed his arms.

*Should have brought my jacket. Just because it's Summer doesn't mean it's warm everywhere.*

He risked a peek over the railing of the roof he was standing on. Down below he could see the faint outlines of cars and people going about their business, along with a yellow smudge right where he had parked his taxi.

*Best vehicle for the job.*

Natsu thought back to the many marks he had picked out using by posing as a cab driver. His usual MO was simple. He would cruise around the town's business district looking for wealthy passengers, preferably women who lived alone. They were the easiest.

*Just one set of eyes to avoid and usually not too eager for a fight. Usually...*

The back of his head still ached. He had gotten pretty good at spotting lonely girls with heavy purses. Sure, his goal was to become the most famous thief of the land, but who said he had to do it the hard way? Once they were in his car, it was child's play to get them talking and reveal enough of themselves for Natsu to decide whether they were destined to be his next mark or not. Lucy had been a very clear case. All the signs had pointed towards an easy job.

*If only I hadn't been so horny, I could have been out of town already...*

Instead here he was, twenty stories high and freezing his ass off, all to scope out his backup mark.

He leaned on the railing and raised the binoculars to his eyes. The woman he had picked in case things didn't go smoothly with his first choice was some sort of stock broker living in the high rise residential building Natsu's eyes were currently trained on. He hadn't counted on making a mess of things with Lucy, so his research on the other girl had been very limited.

Natsu couldn't help but grin.

*What a fun mess Lucy was, though.*

He adjusted the distance on his binoculars and scanned across the top of the glass building front. Lucky for him, the woman had talked extensively about how much she liked her new corner flat during the cab ride, so locating it turned out to be a simple task. Not so lucky for him, the reason she liked it so much was the breath taking view you get when you live on the second highest floor.

His grin turned into a frown. Second to highest floor meant there would be no roof-entry shenanigans. Natsu was very confident in his athletic abilities, but a climb from the bottom would be brutal, not to mention highly risky. He wasn't worried about the tenants, any building had blind spots that you can't see from the inside, but any pedestrian who bothered to look up would easily spot him and the last thing you need during such a dangerous stunt is an audience that might just realize you aren't up there solely for a workout.

*Maybe I can rappel down from the roof.*

He didn't relish the thought of having to somehow smuggle several pounds of equipment past the night guards. He sighed and lowered the binoculars.

*This one won't be fun at all.*

He turned around, sat down and leaned against the railing. His eyes turned towards the clear blue sky. He thought back to last night and the much more enjoyable athletics he had performed. Sadly, this night wasn't shaping up to be half as good. He closed his eyes.


Vivid images of Lucy's ample bosom bouncing up and down as she writhed in pleasure underneath him on the carpet entered his mind. He could almost feel the sensation of her smooth skin rubbing against his, the taste of her tongue, how it had felt to be inside of her...

He opened his eyes again.

Natsu had slept with a number of women in his time, it was one of the perks of being a master thief with no obligations, but there was something about Lucy that made him wild. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts kept wandering back to the blonde girl and her body. Her smell, the way she moved, how her ass felt in his hands, everything about her made him crave more.

*Maybe a change of plans is in order.*

The big grin returned to his lips. He rose up from his resting place and dusted himself off. Natsu took one last look at the glass building he had been observing and fixed his eyes on the exterior of his backup mark's home.

*Consider yourself lucky, because I'll mount something else tonight.*

With a plan already forming in the back of his head, Natsu opened the door leading to the building's stairway and disappeared from the roof.

Despite its hasty beginning, Lucy's day turned out to be terribly slow. By the time she had left her home, the morning rush had already died down and she had been fortunate enough to catch a cab just a few steps from her door. With almost empty roads, the driver had no problem rushing through the city at neck-breaking speeds. The giant tip Lucy had promised him if he managed to get her to work on time might have helped as well. She had been about ready to pass out by the time the cab had stopped in front of FairyTail, but a little nausea was nothing compared to the fear of being on the receiving end of Erza's legendary wrath.
The cab driver had barely time to thank her for the large bill she pressed into his hand before she took off like a woman possessed. Driven by vivid imaginations of Erza throwing Lucy out of the office window, she must have broken several sprinting records on her way to her office. Panting and with cold sweat running down her back, she had collapsed into her chair with seconds to spare. Barely a moment after Lucy's arrival, Erza's morning round had taken her to Lucy's desk. She had raised an eyebrow at Lucy's heavy breathing, but seemed to be content with her punctuality. Even now, the thought of barely avoiding the red woman's evil eye made her nervous.

*Just a second later and I would have been in for the chewing out of my life time!*

After the close call with her boss, nothing had really happened at all. Time flew by after Lucy had slipped into her everyday work routine. It was almost time for a lunchbreak when a knock on the door of her office broke the silence.

"Come in." she said, her eyes and mind still focused on the documents in front of her

Cana stuck her head through the door.

"Hey Lucy, I need the file I gave you yesterda-"

Cana stopped and stepped through the door. Squinting her eyes, she examined Lucy intensely from top to bottom.

"Did you do something with your hair?"

Lucy raised her head to meet Cana's inspecting gaze.

"No, why?"

"I don't know... Something seems... different about you."

Cana stepped up to the desk. She leaned forward, narrowing her eyes even further.


Lucy, somewhat uncomfortable with being subject of Cana's inspection, tried to divert her attention elsewhere, while the brunette was moving her head ever closer.

"The file you want is right here, you can take it.."

Her face was now mere inches from Lucy's.

"Cana , what are yo-"

Before Lucy could finish her sentence, Cana suddenly leaned back and let out a triumphant yell.



Cana's expression turned into a smug grin.

"You got laid last night, didn't you?"

Lucy felt like she had been struck by lightning. Her mouth opened, but she was unable to make a sound. Blood began to rush to her cheeks, turning them the same color as the hair of Lucy's dirty little secret that Cana had just dug out. Lucy lowered her head.

"No sense denying it, Blondie." Cana pulled up a chair and sat down. She rested her head on her hands.

"You have to tell me aaaaall about it! Come on, don't be shy! How was it?"

Lucy barely managed to look her in the eye. She finally managed to gather enough confidence to mumble a response.

"N-None of your business..."

Cana frowned.

"So bad?"

She leaned back in her chair.

"I figured you'd be picky with your first number since what's-his-name. Oh well, they can't all be winners."

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Cana made a motion to stand up.

"T-That's not it..."

Cana leaned forward, put her elbow on the desk and rested her head on her hand. She again smiled slyly at the pile of embarrassment in front of her.


"Cana! I won't tell you about this!"

"Come on, Lucy. You know I can't leave here until I hear every little dirty detail."

Lucy lowered her head in resignation. She knew that Cana could be impossibly insistent when it came to gossip like this. She sighed.

"Fine. I will tell you..."

Cana clenched her fist in victory.

"...but you can't tell a soul about this, okay?"

Cana raised her right and put her left on her chest.

"I swear, my lips are sealed."

As if to underline the trustworthiness of her oath, she made a closing motion across her lips.

Lucy inhaled deeply and began her tale.

"...and then I left."

"Wow. You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think this was straight out of a bad romance novel."

During the whole story, Cana had listened with an intense interest while honoring especially lewd parts with "uh"s and "ohhh"s. She had also tried to predict what kind of perversion would happen next. Lucy had to reign her in a few times before her speculations ran too wild. In the end, her curiosity seemed to be satisfied, but not before asking a few specific question regarding Natsu's "equipment", which Lucy had answered by turning into a tomato.

"So was this a one-time thing or what?"

Lucy sank into her chair, feeling positively drained after the retelling of her adventure.

"I don't know. Probably. I doubt he's even still in the city."

Lucy's eyes wandered to the window. She contemplated how she actually felt about this. While she wasn't sure if there was anything romantic between her and Natsu, she couldn't deny the incredible ecstasy he had made her body feel.

"A real heartbreaker, huh?"

Cana stood up.

"I'll let you grief your lost love in peace now."

Her thoughts interrupted, Lucy turned to face her again.

"Very funny. Don't forget your file."

With folder under her arm, Cana strode out of the room. She had already closed the door behind her halfway before she stuck her head back through.

"Before I forget, how big was his dick again?"

The brunette barely managed to avoid the stapler that was flung at her in response by hastily closing the door. She giggled and left for her own office.

After the unexpected story session, time had flown by. Lucy had barely even registered how the day had passed outside. Her thoughts were elsewhere. The memories of her night time activities were running wild in her mind, brought forth by her recollection of the events to Cana and her lewd comments. She tried to push them back into that brand new perverted corner of her head that had appeared recently, but found it impossible to do so for long. Inevitably, she would again think about Natsu and what she wanted him to do with her. It wasn't as bad as before, it didn't keep her from working, but it left her body with a serious ache. Even when her shift was over, she kept thinking about him all the way down to the street. When she hailed a cab, she sincerely hoped that she would spot pink hair on the driver and felt a sting of disappointment when the hair on her driver turned out to be brown.

She stared out of the car window into the sky. A thick gray layer of clouds had moved over the city.

*Give it up, you dummy. He's long gone.*

She spent the ride almost entirely in silence, only bothering to speak when asked for a destination and paying her fare. Barely a second after she got out of the car, the ominous clouds burst into a torrent of rain. Lucy didn't even bother to run.

*Can't get much wetter anyway.*

By the time she reached her apartment door, she was completely drenched. A hot shower was all she could think about as she finally closed the door behind her. Partially because she was freezing in her soaked clothes, but also because she was feeling pent up as all hell. Lucy locked the door and inspected her apartment.

Everything was exactly as she had left it, with the notable exception of one notorious thief. She sighed.

*Obviously he isn't here anymore...*

Lucy carelessly flung her jacket onto the couch, closely followed by her handbag. All she cared for right now was getting herself under a hot stream of water. She took of her skirt and tossed it onto the pile. She was just about to unbutton her blouse, when suddenly a hand covered her mouth and another grabbed her right wrist.
Her eyes widened in shock and she began to struggle against her assailant. Unable to break his grasp, she reached forward with her left arm and tried to ram her elbow into her attacker, but he deftly dodged out of the way. She suddenly felt him release her right hand. As quick as she could, she tried to reach for where she guessed her attacker's face was in an attempt to claw at it, but suddenly felt herself weak at the knees and unable to do anything but lightly grab a fistful of his hair.

She moaned into the hand on her lips as she discovered where the attacker's other hand had disappeared to. His fingers were roughly rubbing her most sensitive part over her panties. Unable to process the sudden sensation, Lucy couldn't keep herself from pressing herself against the body behind her. The awakened perverted part of her head delighted at the large bulge she could feel with her behind through the pants of the unknown man.


The hand kept working the delicate area between her legs and Lucy could feel herself becoming more and more excited. Her assailant removed his fingers from her mouth. His hand quickly found its way to her heaving chest and it began fondling her right breast. Her breathing got heavier and a damp spot began to form on her underwear. She closed her eyes and fruitlessly tried to regain control over her body. Meanwhile, the hand between her legs pushed aside her soaked panties and directly touched her dripping inner lips. As another moan now freely escaped her lips, Lucy thought she could hear a slight chuckle.

"Well, somebody sure missed me."

Her eyes open in a flash at the sound of the familiar voice.

"N-Natsu? What are you doing her-ahhhh..."

As if in response to hearing his name, Natsu slipped two of his finger into her wet slit and began probing the inside of her lips. At the same time, his other hand had worked its way inside of her blouse and past her bra to directly play with her erect nipple. Lucy threw her head back against his chest. Natsu pushed his fingers deeper and faster into her shivering sex. Her head was beginning to spin. Her hands buried into his hair as she felt the waves of pleasure emitting from her center wash over her whole body. She screamed out in ecstasy as her mind went blank and her body convulsed against his. Natsu kept sliding his fingers into her until her climax subsided and she was nothing but wax in his arms. Her arms weakly dropped to her side. Her breathing was still heavy, but restrained.

The afterglow didn't last too long though, as Natsu had other plans. Before Lucy could even question him, he released his grip on her and gave her a slight nudge forward. As she tipped forward, the surprised girl instinctively grabbed ahold of the couch in front of her. Her knees still weak, she was now standing slightly bend over with her hands on the leather backrest. Before her dazed mind could formulate a question for her mouth to ask, she could hear a belt being undone and the sound of a pair of pants dropping to the floor.

"What was tha-ah!"

Lucy suddenly felt the sensation of her slip being pushed aside and something much larger and warmer than a finger pressing against her nether region. As Natsu grabbed her hips, the lewd little Lucy in her head screamed in anticipation of feeling the large cock inside of her again, but the rest of her mind was still skeptical. These parts were completely shut down when Natsu began to push his shaft forward into her. Lucy lost all composure. Her mouth opened wide but nothing but a faint gasp escaped her as she was slowly being filled by Natsu`s manhood. She clenched her inner parts, savoring every inch of the veiny dick that was being pushed into her. She could already feel the juices running down the inside of her thigh. This was exactly what she needed. When Natsu was finally fully buried inside of her, she had to tilt her head back. She had really missed this feeling of fullness.

*Damn, she really is something else..."

Natsu savored the moment for a bit before slowly beginning to move his hips. Her tight body felt every bit as incredible as before. Despite every fiber of his body screaming to pound her harder, he was going to take it slow this time. He got into a rhythm of pulling out completely and then slowly delving back into her with his entire length, ever so slightly increasing his speed with each thrust.

Lucy's sex was on fire. She needed more. As Natsu was about to reenter her, she thrust her hip backwards and plunged his entire manhood into her core in a single motion. Natsu groaned in surprise. He was surprised how lewd Lucy could be once she got going.

*Oh, so this is how you wanna play this? Fine by me!*

He tightly held onto her shapely hips and went into a fast and hard rhythm, their hips slapping together with each of his deep thrusts. Lucy buried her fingernails into the leather couch. She was gushing all over his pubic area. The intensity of their lovemaking was about to overwhelm her. Her moans grew louder and louder until she was screaming again. Natsu could feel the vibrations of her pussy intensifying around his cock and noticed her legs shaking. He fucked her as hard as he could in an effort to push her over the edge. As he felt her reaching her climax, he quickly grabbed her by ample breasts, pulled her shivering body upright close to his and thrust his manhood completely inside of her. This was too much for Lucy. Her arms reached behind and grabbed a hold of his neck and she thrashed against his sweaty chest as her mind went blank.

After her trembling body had calmed down, Natsu leaned over her and pressed his lips onto hers. This kiss didn't resemble their previous ones at all. It was less a tongue fight and much more a gentle show of affection, their tongues carefully caressing each other. Their lips parted and Lucy almost fell off Natsu in exhaustion. Her upper body leaned over the couch facing away from Natsu and trying to gather her strength. Her heavy panting filled the room. When she turned to face Natsu again, he was already in right in front of her. She looked into his lust filled eyes and realized that he hadn't cum yet. His still fully erect member made his intentions clear.


Natsu's signature grin answered her question. The puzzled look on Lucy's face as he put her arms around his neck was quickly replaced by one of bewildering pleasure after he picked her up by her perky butt cheeks and plunged his lengthy cock into her still dripping sex in one smooth motion. Lucy embraced him tightly as he ravaged her even harder than before. The milky skin of her breast was pressed against his chest.

*His Stamina is unreal...*

Lucy moaned in rhythm with his movements. A particularly deep thrust caused Lucy to gasp and look up. She caught a glimpse of herself in the wall mirror. She could hardly believe that girl in the reflection being fucked silly was her.

"You're so tight... Fuck..."

Natsu's breathing became more frantic. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer, the sensation of Lucy's wet around his dick and her body pressed against his were too much. Her moaning right in his ear didn't help either. But he was determined to make her climax one last time before he finished

"I'm going to come, Luce..."

She pulled her head back and looked Natsu straight in his eyes.

"I'm going to fill your tight pussy with my cum."

Lucy was taken off guard by this lewdness. Another soft moan was all she could muster as an answer. She could feel his cock twitching inside her.

"If you don't want my dick to burst inside of you, just say so."

She knew this was stupid, but right now she wanted nothing more than for him to climax inside of her. The thought drove her crazy.
*No...I shouldn't...*

Lucy tried to resist the urge, but by now the primal parts of her brain had taken control of her and her body knew exactly what it wanted.

"Do it..."

It was almost a whisper, but it drove Natsu wild. He increased in pace one last time and growled like a wild animal. He couldn't take it anymore. His cock began pumping Lucy full of his essence. The raw feeling of his orgasm and the dirtiness of the act she had just committed was enough for Lucy to reach another climax. She clung herself tightly to the groaning Natsu, digging her nails into his back, as they both convulsed in sexual bliss.

Their bodies still joined, they collapsed onto the couch. They just lay there, trying to catch their breath, both of them too exhausted to speak. Before too long, Lucy's eyes grew heavy as she felt Natsu pull her closer and she drifted off into a deep sleep, feeling secure in the thief's arms once more.

Here we go. I hope you guys enjoyed the second major lemon of this story! ;)

Just like the previous chapter, this one was also mainly written by my boyfriend, while I was there for the plot and as a beta reader and editor. He really wanted to give it a try again, as this was his first lemon. And I think it turned out pretty good!

What do you guys think?

I'm really, really hoping to hear your thoughts on this chapter and if you would want me to continue this story or if I should slowly get to the end? My last two stories both had about six chapters and I prefer keeping my stories short, but with this one I think maybe there could be more than 6 chapters. What do you say?

Also leave a review if you wish for my boyfriend to keep working with me on this story and maybe even future stories!

Anyway, love you guys and till next time, my Octopussies!