Nick had a headache. This was only made worse by the fact that he and Judy were about to talk to their favorite informant, Weaselton.

Weaselton was standing by a streetlight talking to a rather shady looking pig, his signature cigarette hanging from his mouth. As they walked up to him the pig quickly scurried away and Weaselton took on an expression of indignation.

"What you want coppers" Weasleton spoke, blowing smoke in their direction. This pissed Nick off to no end, he swore if this weasel did anything out of line he would snap his scrawny little neck. Nick took a breath and stopped his train of thought before he went too far. He needed to control himself, as hard as that would be.

"First, you could tell us what that was all about," Judy said, crossing her arms at the weasel and pointing at the retreating pig. Weaselton only shrugged "None of your yiffing business bun," he said as he put out his cigarette and lit another one.

"Hey," Nick snarled at him, making Weaselton pause "Better watch your mouth." Nick bared his teeth to get his point across and the weasel cowered slightly. Judy took the whole scene with slight surprise, but decided she ought to play along.

"Well," she started, "fine. That's not why we're here anyway". The weasel raised his eyebrows curiously. "We want to know about nighthowler," she continued, "we know that you know the dealers around here. And we want to talk to one of them".

"And by talk, you mean lock'em up, right" Weaselton shot at her. Judy shifted and started to speak when the weasel cut her off. "Listen copper, this won't be easy for me so if you want it, it's gonna cost you," Judy pondered at what the weasel would want as Nick thought up ways to shove his cigarette in various orifices.

"What do you want" Nick snapped, not in his usual charismatic tone, but in a sharp violent one. Judy was slightly concerned with this sudden change in attitude, but she knew she had to focus on Weaselton, for now. "I got a buddy. Wants his brother out of the joint early, for the holidays ya know" the weasel spoke. "What's his name," Judy asked, hoping they were finally making progress. "Fello by the name of Charlie Horse got pinched five months ago," Weaselton said, looking from one cop to the other.

"I know him," Nick said "Doing five years for armed robbery". Judy's ears sank, there was no way. "We can't do that Weaselton and you know it," Judy said. Weaselton took a drag from his cigarette "Well cutesy" he said, blowing smoke in her direction "If you can't do that, then I guess I can't help you". Judy scrunched her face and tapped her foot in irritation, but Nick had had enough. In one smooth motion, he had lifted the weasel up by his throat and slammed him against the wall. Weaselton tried to squirm out of Nick's grasp, but it was far too tight. Nick bared his teeth and brought his face close to the weasel, lowering his sunglasses. "Listen here weasel" Nick's voice dripped with menace as he glared into Weaseltons eyes, "you are going to help us or I'm going to shut down every scam you got going here. And if you ever talk to my partner like that again, I'll tear out your yiffing throat" that last part Nick emphasized with a sharp jolt as he pushed hard against the weasel shoving him further into the wall. Nick dropped Weaselton into a gasping mound and started to walk away "Get to work weasel" he called back as he put his sunglasses back on.

"What was all that about," Judy asked as they drove back to the station. Nick perked up and looked at her "What, he asked for it, " he replied, trying to hide the tension in his voice.

Judy looked at him with a questioning stare. "Is something wrong Nick?" Judy asked "you haven't been yourself all week. You've been so tense and irritable. And that was not like you. What's up" Judy asked, concern clearly in her voice. Nick's face softened, he was touched by his partner's concern, he wanted to reach over and hug her. He wanted to say he was fine, that he had been through this before that it would pass. Then he wanted to mate her into tomorrow.

Nick's ears drooped and he turned away from Judy when he realized what he had thought. "No carrots, I'm fine. Let's just get back to the station," he said. She was right though and he knew it. He glanced over at her. He held his stare for a good four seconds, at her ears, her focused eyes, her cute little tail, and her firm tight butt.

Yiff, he thought, she's right, I can't focus like this. He made his decision, he would talk to chief Bogo as soon as they made it back to the station. He just needed time off really bad, because if he could barely control himself now he couldn't imagine later on.

Plus, he thought, it doesn't help that Judy smells so good.