[A/N I am so sorry it took me so long to get an update posted! Forgives me! So here, have a nice extra long, extra juicy chapter! Hope you enjoy!]

Anya leaned against the display station in the comm room, watching her distraught helmsman leave the room to go take his place back on the bridge. His shoulders were hunched in shame despite the fact she stood up for him against Miranda's barrage of angry retorts at his action of unshackling Edi. Anya felt it was the right decision, and despite Edi was an AI, Anya trusted her. The entire crew, save for Joker, had been kidnapped by the collectors while Anya and the team were away on Illium waiting for the final touches on the IFF to be put into place. She now had the choice of going straight after the collectors or rescuing the crew. In her heart she knew she needed to save the people who were taken. They weren't just the crew. They were also her friends. Her mind flashed an image of Dr. Chakwas, of Kelly, and she grit her teeth. With a sigh, she glanced around the now empty comm room. She was slightly surprised to see that Thane hadn't waited for her to finish talking to Joker. Rubbing the back of her neck, she supposed he was off making preparations for the upcoming battle. Everyone knew they likely weren't coming back, but they also had no intention of going down without a heavy fight.

She exited the comm room, one by one making her rounds to all her crew to check up on them one more time before they headed to the Omega 4 Relay. Thane was her first stop, but as she stepped into the room, his posture was stiff, his demeanor seemingly distracted. She stepped to his side, offering a soft smile at him, and simply pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head, reveling once more ever so briefly in how soft his scaled skin actually was. He offered a strained smile and nodded to her, then resumed what seemed to be some deep meditations. Anya left his room and made her way through each deck talking with everyone else. Out of habit she stopped by engineering to check on Gabby and Ken, and a twinge wrenched her heart as their usual cheerful, albeit slightly perverse, banter didn't fill the room.

After an hour or so of wandering the ship and conversing semi casually one last time with her team, she found herself back in the CIC, checking on Joker and Edi. She was surprised to hear them actually getting along now, and found it even more amusing that Edi was referring to Joker as Jeff, and he referring to Edi as 'her' rather than 'it'. She smiled as even in the darkness of what had happened, something good came of it. She made one last stop at her terminal, checking for messages. The same messages as before remained with nothing new in her inbox, so she stepped to the galaxy map to plot out their course to the Omega 4 relay. As she punched in the coordinates, Edi's voice rang out softly overhead.

"Please confirm destination, Shepard. The Reaper IFF is online, but there is a chance that the Normandy may not survive the Omega 4 relay. Once we are en route. We are committed." Anya thought for a few seconds on her response, her hands resting on the guard rail before her. She shook her head a bit as she found her words.

"The collectors took my people. It's time to go get them back." Her voice had a dangerous edge as she imagined what she was going to do to the collectors for not only kidnapping her crew, but for their attacks on humanity as a whole.

"You got it, Commander. Plotting a course for the Omega 4 relay. ETA about 2 hours. I'll let you know when we arrive," Joker's voice echoed softly over the silent deck. As Anya turned away from the galaxy map, the elevator chimed its arrival with Miranda as its sole passenger. She came to a stop before Anya, placing a hand on a curvy hip and looking up at Anya.

"Joker is finalizing preparations now. The trip should take a few hours. I'll admit it, Shepard. I'm impressed. You got us here. Are you ready?" Anya nodded, feeling confident.

"We've got the right team and the Collectors' own technology. We can do this." Miranda nodded in return.

"I hope you're right, Commander. We'll know soon enough. I'll inform you of any changes. Otherwise, we'll be there in a few hours. Good luck, Shepard. See you on the other side." Miranda smiled at her softly and stood at attention, saluting Anya. Anya nodded and smiled a bit in response. Miranda turned on her heel, heading towards the armory. As the armory doors slid shut, Anya made her way to the elevator, pressing the button to return to her cabin. She had preferred to spend her last few hours with Thane, but it seemed Thane wanted to be left alone. Instead, Anya sat at her desk, pouring herself a drink and reading through a stack of reports that she had been neglecting.

She listened to the bubbling sounds of her fish tank as she finished reading one report, grumbling when she noticed only a half an hour had transpired. It's going to be a long trip, She thought while casting a sidelong glance at the tall stack of reports. Just as soon as she had the thought, she got a message from Miranda stating that the preparations were going to take longer than anticipated, putting their ETA around 4 hours, rather than 2. She sighed while acknowledging the message, shaking her head and picking up the next report. About half way through it, her door chimed and slid open. Anya looked up in surprise as Thane strode into her cabin, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Thane..." She said softly, her voice mirroring her surprised look. He raised his gaze to hers, torment clear in his dark eyes.

"Siha, I..." He paused, his eyes searching her face as he fought for the right words to say. Anya's brows knit together with concern. Thane turned away and began to pace her cabin. "I have known I would die for many years I've tried to leave the galaxy better than I found it. You helped me achieve more than I thought possible. We've righted many wrongs...I've spoken to my son." He paused for a brief second, his head low and gaze pointed at the ground before turning to face her once more. "I should be at peace on the eve of battle." Anya rose to her feet, crossing the short distance to stand before him. A lump formed in her throat as she examined the tormented expression on her lovers face.

"Stop. Don't give me a speech." She placed her hands softly on his arms reassuringly. Thane didn't meet her gaze as he his voice cracked slightly.

"I'm...ashamed." He slowly lifted his gaze to meet hers, her own full of concern for him. She lifted a hand to gently cradle his cheek to comfort him. He shied away from her touch, gently pushing her hand away. A pained look crossed her features at the action and he turned away, offering her his back as he walked to her desk, leaning on the surface with his fists. She couldn't see his face, but she could feel the turmoil that ebbed off him in waves. She was startled slightly as he raised one fist and crashed it back down into her desk in frustration, turning his head to gaze over his shoulder at her. Her heart clenched as she saw tears streaming down his face.

"I've worked so hard. Meditated and prayed and done good deeds. Atoned for the evils I've done. Prepared." Her expression was a mixture of sadness and sympathy as she stared back at Thane, wishing for a way to comfort him in his time of need. He turned his gaze away and continued softly. "I consider my body's death, and a chill settles in my gut. I am afraid, and it shames me." Anya frowned sadly and bit her lip, stepping behind him. She slid a hand gently over his closed fist, her gaze intent on his face.

"Thane..." He turned to face her, eyes down cast for a moment as she rested a hand on his arm again and once more cradled her hand to his wet cheek. It then registered in her head what she needed to say to help him, and she smiled at him lovingly, her eyes full of love and acceptance of him even at his weakest."Be alive with me tonight." Her expression and words registered visibly in his eyes as Anya leaned forward to kiss him tenderly, yet passionately. As she pulled away, she gently wiped his tears away with a soft smile. Thane lifted a hand to hers, placing her hand back on his cheek and sliding his eyes shut. She left her hand rested on his cheek, her thumb stroking the soft scales gently until he opened his eyes once more and released her hand, moving his hand to the back of her head to pull her face back towards his.

A muffled sound of surprise escaped her throat as his lips crashed against hers, demanding, frenzied almost. She opened her mouth to his as his tongue pressed against her teeth, then sighed into his kiss as his exotic breath filled her nose. His tongue danced against hers as she felt herself being gently herded backwards towards her bed. Knowing what was coming next, she gently slipped a finger between her lips and his, gently shushing Thane as he started to protest.

"Edi, put my cabin in privacy lock down. No one gets in unless I say, and no calls on the comm either. I do not want disturbed until we reach our destination."

"As you wish, Shepard." Edi's voice faded out as quickly as it popped into the room. She watched as Thane cast a look over the door as it made a light click, a light above the door switching to blue as the privacy mode was engaged. As he turned his gaze back to hers, she noted the slight smirk on his lips. She smiled, glad that he was smiling as well, even if it was only a small one.

"Thank you, Siha." Anya cocked her head at his random thanks. As her eyebrow arched up in curiosity, he smiled, seeming to understand her unasked question and taking his turn to cradle her cheek softly in his warm hand. "For accepting me at my weakest." Anya smiled warmly at Thane, turning her head slightly to kiss his palm.

"You are not weak, Thane. What you feel is natural. But in any regard, I'll always accept you, in your strengths, and when you are feeling weak. You will never be weak to me." She blushed softly as her words registered in his eyes. He drew her in again for another kiss, soft and sensual this time. After a bit, she found herself being gently guided to her bed again. Thane's hands were trailing over the curves of her hips softly, exploring slowly. As her calves bumped into the edge of her bed, Anya felt Thane slip his thumbs under the bottom of her shirt and caress the soft skin just above her waist band. Pulling his lips from hers, he regarded her with a questioning gaze as he slid her shirt up a minute fraction. Anya nodded without hesitation and in a quick, fluid motion the fabric was pulled over her head and discarded beside them.

Anya sighed and shivered in delight as Thane took his time spilling kisses over her exposed throat and collar bones. His hands wandered across her arms, over her shoulders and trickled softly down her spine, coaxing several delighted chills from her body. When his hands made his way back to the front of her body and settled on the button of her pants, she leaned her hips forward slightly into his hands. A low, throaty grumble of approval rumbled against her breast where his mouth lingered, spilling more soft sensual kisses over the fullest part of the soft mound. She felt the slight flick of his wrist, followed by her pants sagging softly on her hips as he undid them. Anya pressed her middle and index finger gently under Thane's chin, coaxing his head up so she could press her lips to his in a sensual, deep kiss. She draped her arms over his shoulders as she felt him slip his hands between the fabric of her pants and her backside, giggling into his lips as he gripped her bottom firmly with both hands.

As his hands roamed the curves of her butt, Anya slipped her arms from his shoulders to hook her thumbs in her waistband and give a gentle push downwards. Realizing what she was doing, Thane pulled away a bit, assisting with pushing her pants downwards, and then holding her outstretched hands as she stepped out of the bunched fabric at her feet and then kicked it aside. She was now in nothing more than her underwear and a bra before Thane and she felt her entire body blush as he regarded every inch of her body slowly, no doubt committing it to his perfect memory. Anya crossed her arms over her chest shyly and clenched her thighs a bit, biting her lip as she watched a certain predatory, sexual hunger light up in Thanes dark eyes as he swallowed hard. She was aware as his gaze passed over each of her breasts, over her legs, over every scar. An amused smirk flickered across his pale lips as he gently pulled at her wrists to set her arms back at her sides.

"Why do you hide yourself, Siha? You are breathtaking." Thane's voice was thick with desire, and it made Anya squirm where she stood.

"It's been a while since I've been so….exposed, Thane. I just...well...you're not disgusted by my scars or anything?" Anya bit her lip again, a full blush ravishing her skin again as Thane passed another lustful look over her from head to toe. She watched his hand as it snaked out to trace a thin scar about 4 inches long on her hip, drawing feather soft, tantalizing swirls over the sensitive skin. She was surprised when the action caused a wave of pleasure to travel down her abdomen and swirl in her core. She swooned slightly as he leaned closer, the sultry vibrations of his voice a whisper in her ear.

"These scars?" He ask simply. Thane then put his hands on her shoulders and pushed back softly. Taking his hint, she sat down on the bed. When she started to scoot back, Thane shook his head, kneeling before her and gently pressing his body between her thighs. Anya's breath caught in her throat for a moment as he bent over her, then gasped softly as she felt his warm lips press to the same scar he had been tracing. She shivered as he first kissed, then traced it with the tip of his warm tongue. When he found another scar a little higher up on her abdomen, he did the same to it, followed by another few scars that dotted their way across her lower abdomen and hips. Each touch of his tongue left another wave of pleasure spiraling and pulsating at her core, and she found herself moaning softly and squirming beneath his gentle touch. Thane smiled at her softly as he straightened up and helped pull her into a sitting position. Anya hooked her heels at the back of his thighs, leaning in to kiss him deeply before smiling and shaking her head playfully.

"I guess that answers that question." Thane made a low noise that was half laugh, half grunt as he nodded in amusement. He then traced her thigh softly, making a lazy trail up to her sides, then over the side of her ribs, and under the bust line of her bra. Anya slid her eyes shut half way as she enjoyed the sensations his fingertips sent through her skin. When she felt him slide his hand behind her back and give a small flick, she met his gaze, taking note that her bra now hung on her shoulders, undone. Offering Thane a sultry look, she hooked her fingers in the straps, pulling the lacy away and casting it aside. Thane's low rumble of approval and the hard swallow that followed as he cast his gaze over her bare breasts was enough to embolden her further, hooking her fingers in the waistband of her matching lacy panties. She smiled as she heard Thane's breath catch in his throat in anticipation. With a wiggle and a soft push, she started to push the soft fabric down, biting her lip with Thane reached forward to gingerly help her slide them down past her knees and over her feet.

She cocked a brow slightly as he grasped both of her hands and stood, pulling her gently to her feet as well and walking her a slight bit away from the bed. Thane held one of her hands loosely and beckoned for her to spin around slowly, to which she smirked and obliged him with a sultry, slow turn in place, waving her hips back and forth as she moved. As she made it back around to face him, he met her eyes with a smokey, hungry look that sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. She bit her lip and cast her gaze over him, noting that he was still fully clothed. Her eyes landed at his groin, where he was quite visibly straining against the tight fabric. He chuckled softly, drawing her eyes back to his as he closed the gap between them. Before she could move to remove any clothing from him or speak, his mouth was on hers, stealing her words away with a kiss. She moaned softly into his mouth as his hand found one of her breasts and moved to gently twist and caress a hardened nipple. Her thighs clenched with need as he moved his kisses across her jaw to her ear, biting at the soft tissue gently.

Anya then felt Thane's free hand come to rest on her lower belly and start to drift lower. Her breath caught when he finally brushed over her soft, moist center. Parting her thighs a bit, she murmured softly in approval as he just barely stroked her softly. When he slipped his fused middle digits between her warm folds, she gasped softly. Thane dipped his head a bit, using his other hand to press upwards on one of her breasts, popping her nipple into his mouth with a soft suck. Groaning with pleasure, Anya arched her body towards him, aching for him to cure the months of unsatisfied desires from their previous encounters that had always ended before they could satisfy their lust for one another. She bit her lip as Thane started to rub his fingers at the now hypersensitive bud that lay hidden within the her core, coaxing soft moans and pants from her throat. As she moaned his name, Thane's own thick groan of desire flitted up between their bodies from where he continued to tease both breasts alternatively with his teeth, tongue and lips.

As Thane's ministrations grew more firm and quicker, Anya found herself gasping for breath, her voice cracking as she got a little louder with each passing minute. Her body clenched as Thane coaxed her to an intense orgasm that stretched on for what seemed to stretch on longer than she had ever experienced before. She clutched at his back tightly as her knees wobbled, smiling when he pulled his face up to look her in the eye and kiss her briefly. Thinking he was about to stop and undress, she started to step back, only to have Thane pull her back with a firm hand on her lower back, his other hand still firmly in place and resuming the firm stroking of her inner folds. She moaned as he spread her legs further with one of his feet, slowly stroking every inch of her center, coating her skin with her juices. Clutching him tight, she leaned in and bit his lip softly, smiling when Thane rewarded her with a groan of approval. She kissed him lightly and then pulled her head back a bit, her words coming in soft pants.

"Thane...please. Stop teasing me." She smirked and winked. She was relieved, however, when Thane nodded.

"As you wish, Siha" She bit her lip as he released her, then stood and looked at her, unmoving as he regarded her naked form once again. With a smile, she took the initiative, stepping forward and placing a gentle kiss on his lips as she slid her hands beneath his jacket, feeling the bare skin of his shoulders. She stepped around him, pulling the jacket off slowly as she did and admiring the forms of his muscles beneath the form fitting clothing he wore beneath the jacket. It seemed to be one piece, and as she stepped back around to his front, she watched as he pulled down a semi hidden zipper then opened his clothes from just below his chest where the material ended to just above his pubic bone. As he pushed the fabric away from his arms, her eyes followed his hands as he hooked his thumbs at his waist, pushing the his clothes to the floor and then stepping out of the bundle of cloth.

Thane wore nothing below his attire, so as he straighten his body once more, Anya took in every inch of the visual feast before her. Thane was every bit of chiseled muscle on his upper body that she remembered from their meet in the showers from what seemed like a life time ago. Her eyes traveled across the dark green stripes that adorned his head, to his shoulders, and down across his back. Her eyes raked over a pair of stripes that adorned his usual shade of green over his hips, the lines tracing the path over the V shape of his lower abdomen and ending just below the hip line. She swallowed loudly as her eyes settled finally at his groin, where his erection was now free of its tight restraints.

Anya bit her lip as she cast an approving glance up at Thane, who was watching her regard his naked form with an amused, yet curious expression. She took a step forward, reaching her hand out to lightly trail a finger from the base of his shaft to the tip, smiling seductively as she pulled a shudder of delight from his body. She stroked him softly, admiring the how his handsome green hue shifted and blended into a shade of blue green at his pelvis and finally a pale blue on the pulsating shaft she now held in her hand. She found it interesting that he was very similar in shape to human males, with the exception that he was a little more pointed at the tip, rather than round like a human. It still was soft like a human males however, much to her relief. She smiled, releasing his pulsating shaft and pressing her body to his, molding her lips to his in a hungry kiss.

( - - - )

Thane groaned as Anya released his shaft, instantly desiring her soft, yet firm touch once more. As she backed away after kissing him with a clear hunger that mirrored his own, he watched with a smirk as she crooked her finger at him, dancing away back towards the bed with a seductive sway of her hips. He was more than happy to follow slowly, watching her still beckon as she reached the bed and crawled backwards over it, coming to rest with her back propped up against her pillows. He stopped at the edge of her bed for a moment, admiring every alluring detail of her body. She had been worried about her scars and how Thane thought of her now that he seen her at her most exposed and vulnerable, but he couldn't find any fault with her form. Now she was writhing seductively on the bed, waiting for him. He smirked, watching as she transformed from a battle hardened soldier into a soft, seductive, sexual siren awaiting more of his touch.

Drawing himself out of his inner musings, he crawled onto the bed, making his way across to press his body between her thighs. He trailed his middle fingers down her center, his eyes a little ahead of his finger and taking note that there was no hair anywhere on her lower body save for a small, neatly trimmed narrow strip that ran down her core and ended just before her warm, wet folds. He traced a slow trail down one curve of her hip, across her belly, and back up the other as he thought briefly to the videos and pamphlets he had received from Mordin. As he stared down at the sultry smile Anya offered up at him, Thane froze for a moment, unsure of what he should do next. He had spent a fair amount of time researching human anatomy and anything pertaining to human intercourse, but faced with the beautiful woman before him, it all seemed to falter. As if sensing his hesitation, Anya then propped herself up on one elbow and reached between their bodies to trace a lazy line down his abdomen with her free hand.

Thane slid his eyes shut to her touch, and in a very human-esque moment, mimicked Anya's habit by biting his lip. He heard a surprised, yet pleased 'Ooh!' at the action and popped his eyes open to meet her gaze just as her hand found his shaft once more. It 'jumped' at her touch, and Thane groaned with pleasure as she began to tease and stroke him gently, making him forget his earlier hesitation. He leaned his head down to meet her upturned lips, a predatory growl rumbling low in his throat as she practically purred against his demanding lips. She gave a firm squeeze and a slow stroke along his shaft in response to his growl, coaxing instead another pleasured groan from his lips. Thane smiled, reaching between them to tug gently at her arm as he leaned his body into hers. Seeming to understand his intention, she released him and leaned back against her pillows, biting her own lip. Thane focused on the action, his swollen member twitching as he angled himself a bit better then leaned down, kissing Anya softly. When the tip of his shaft pressed gently against her warm folds, he heard her inhale slowly, feeling her body tremble ever so softly below his in what seemed like anticipation.

He focused his eyes on her as his breath caught in his throat, her oceanic eyes full of trust and desire as he slowly pushed beyond her warm folds and into the hot, velveteen channel of her inner core about half way. He waited as her soft gasp wafted up to meet his ears, her eyes sliding half way shut with a smile. Remembering a video he watched, Thane smirked deviously as he pulled back till just the tip of his shaft was left inside of her, then pushed back in just a small portion, repeating the two for a short bit. Anya pursed her lips in a pout as she murmured softly and squirmed, arching her hips into his so as to take more of him in. He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her, groaning as she popped his lip into her mouth and sucked softly. While she was distracted with his lip and kiss, he gave a firm push of his hips, fully seating his shaft deep inside her. They both gasped lightly, and he felt her squirm a bit as she adjusted to his girth and length.

As he began to rock his hips into hers softy, Anya rewarded him with soft, sensual moans, hooking her heels behind his thighs and resting her hands on his shoulders. His own groan was low and thick as he took her in slow, long and steady strokes. Anya's slick core was tight around his shaft, and he groaned again as she deliberately flexed her inner muscles tighter around him. Licking his lips, he bucked his hips a little more firmly against her, smacking against her flesh as he seated himself fully within her. He smirked when she offered him a surprised expression coupled by a gasping moan, taking the opportunity to increase his speed and continue to push himself completely inside of her. Her moans were thick in his ears as she readjusted her lower body, tucking her hips up, making each deep thrust even deeper. Thane moaned in ecstasy, willing himself to take his time as he sat up on his knees, bracing his hands on the backs of her thighs.

She smiled as she drew them towards her, using his weight to help hold her thighs closer to her body. Thane looked between them, mesmerized as he watched his shaft pulsed in and out of her soft, pink core, his flesh slick with her juices. He took the time to admire how her body opened up to his, eying the little bud that was nestled in her folds that he had used to coax an orgasm out of her earlier. He cocked a brow, releasing one of her thighs to rub a thumb across the sensitive bundle mid stroke. When Anya responded by bucking her hips up towards his with a delighted moan, he smiled and began slow to draw slow circles. Her voice slowly rose in volume as he rocked into her with increasing speed, both their breaths coming in heavy pants.

He watched as Anya writhed beneath him, groaned as she began to beg and plead for him to continue and not stop. Her words fueled him like gas on a fire, and shifted one of her legs to his side, propping the other upon his shoulder as he had seen in a video he had watched, and then plunged his thick length deeply into her core, his hips contacting her bottom with a loud smack as he began to ravish her roughly with increasing speed. He kept one hand on her ankle that was on his shoulder while the other went back to resume rubbing the slick, sensitive button between her thighs once more. He felt Anya's body shudder beneath him and her insides clench and flutter around his shaft with what he assumed was her orgasm as it claimed her body, a flood of her juices soaking his shaft and spilling out from between them onto the sheets. He groaned loudly as she cried out his name, her hands gripping the sheets at her sides tightly.

He allowed himself to slow, yet still taking long, deep powerful strokes into her sensitive core. Thane slid his hand from between their bodies to grip at a bouncing breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple and grinning as she bucked beneath him. Her wild moans coupled with his own as he felt his already stiff member grow stiffer yet within her. Thane took in every erotic detail of her body as he drove himself into her, picking up speed once more as she slide her hands up his arms and gripped his shoulders. He was nearing his peak as he felt Anya's body shudder beneath him as another orgasm claimed her body. Her hands had gripped tightly on his shoulders, breath hitching in her throat along with a strangled moan of pure ecstasy.

The intensity of Anya's climax ripped through his body, tipping him over the edge into his own. As he came, he collapsed over Anya, pushing her leg from his shoulder so he could lean in to claim a deep kiss, continuing to thrust his hips into hers roughly through the duration of his own orgasm. Anya arched her body into his and draped her arms over his shoulders to cling her hands tightly to his back, her voice stolen by his kisses as he drove her into yet another orgasm.

As their climaxes finally subsided, he looked into her eyes with a concerned expression, hoping he didn't hurt her during the last moments of their coupling. Anya smiled up at him, a blissful, dreamy look glazing over her face. They were both breathing heavily still, but as he brushed her silken hair away backwards, their breathing slowly returned to normal.

"I didn't hurt you, did I, Siha?" He asked softly, still slightly concerned. He relaxed a bit when she shifted her hands from his back to the sides of his face, resting them softly while shaking her head.

"Not at all. That was...amazing, Thane." She smiled up at him radiantly, her entire body seeming to hum with contented energy. The corners of his mouth twitched a bit as she praised him.

"Amazing? I see, so you're not dissatisfied?" He looked at her, eyes hopeful. When she shook her head, still smiling brightly.

"Uh uh. You are a quick study." Anya winked at him playfully, her words coaxing the twitch at the corner of his mouth into a full smile. He rocked his hips lightly, aware that he was no longer erect, but still sensitive. It appeared she was as well as she bit her lip against a soft groan. She smiled, shaking her head. She pouted slightly then as he pulled himself out of her, sliding his body to lay along side of hers. He propped himself up on one elbow, his free hand tracing lazy trails erratically across her belly as closed his eyes, for the first time in a long time feeling blissfully at peace. A light chirp at her bedside made him open his eyes and cast a curious glance in its direction. It was a small data-pad, and as it chirped again, Anya grumbled softly. Thane blinked in surprise as he caught a glance of the time on the pad when she picked it up, noting that they still had a couple until they arrived, according to the message Anya had received on the pad.

Anya placed the data-pad back on her nightstand and rolled onto her side, facing him and smiling softly. A small smile twitched at the corners of his mouth as he traced a finger up and down her hip.

"It seems we have some time left before we arrive, yes?" He asked quietly. She nodded in response, but didn't speak, drawing his hand to her mouth instead to kiss his fingertips gently. He chuckled a bit, then cast a glance towards her showers. "Perhaps we should wash, and then maybe find ourselves some food, Siha. I'm finding myself quite hungry after all of that." Thane watched in amusement as a myriad of expressions passed over Anya's face, ending with one of realization.

"You know, Thane, that's probably a good idea. I'm pretty damn hungry too after that. But I want you to know, if we make it through this, I'm locking us in this room for a day, and we aren't leaving this bed." She smiled at his wickedly and he chuckled.

"I gather you approve then of my studies?" He teased playfully. She nodded with a smirk.

"I 'approved' four times, Thane. Heh. Remind me to thank Mordin." She laughed, then a thoughtful look followed by a semi horrified one passed over her expression. "On second thought, lets -not- have an awkward conversation with the chatter box salarian about how awesome my handsome drell boyfriend is in bed partially in thanks to the materials he sent you..." She let the sentence drop, her face a deep shade of red as she shook her head. Thane laughed, earning himself a playful glare. She blushed a bit as she appeared to be deep in thought for a moment before speaking again. "And...did you approve...?" Thane smiled warmly and nodded as she left the question open, tilting his head up to place a soft kiss against her brow.

"Indeed, Siha. I most certainly approve." His response enticed a brilliant smile to sneak over her face. He brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek and smiled himself. "Well, lets clean up and then get something to eat like we said. We can't go fighting the collectors on an empty stomach, Siha." Anya nodded in agreement, climbing out of the bed and sauntered over to her shower. Thane smiled as he watched her walk away, admiring her figure before it disappeared from view. He listened as the shower came on, waiting for a few minutes before drawing himself up off the bed as well and making his way to the shower.

He watched her for a short bit, his eyes following the trails of water that traveled down her upturned face down to her hips, her thighs, her feet. Feeling his member become erect again, Thane stepped forward until he stood behind her, reaching one hand around her to cusp a breast, softly teasing one of her still semi hardened nipples. Her soft whimper floated back into his ears as he caressed softly, his other hand gently pushing against her spine to urge her forward into the water more, then start a slow trail down her back and across her wonderfully curved hips.

( - - - )

Anya shivered in delight as she felt Thane's fingertips of one hand against her back making a slow trail down her spine and across her hips. She reached out before her, bracing her hands against the shower wall. Within moments she was arouse again as he continued his slow, tantalizing trail while still caressing one of her breasts. She whimpered as she felt his hand leave her spine, only to feel it slip between her thighs from behind as he pressed himself closer to her, his fused fingers slipping into her wet folds to stroke her hyper sensitive center. She couldn't help but gasp, her back arching in and shoving her hips back at him. She could feel his shaft grind against her backside, stiff once more as he stoked her inner folds softly.

When he slipped his fingers deep into her core and pressed them into her sweet spot, her knees shook as she almost came immediately. She moaned, grinding her hips back against his hand roughly. Within minutes he coaxed an orgasm from her that made her body quake, and it was all she could do to roll her eyes back forward from where they had rolled into the back of her head. Thane pulled his hand from between her quivering thighs and soon thereafter, she felt his gentle touch on her shoulder, pulling gently as if to turn her around. Anya turned to face him, her eyes focused on his own dark gaze as he ravished her with his eyes for a moment. She glanced at the water stream as he stepped into it, pressing her softly against the wall of her shower.

"Thane, the water. Won't this aggravate yo-" Thane interrupted her with a finger to her lips. With an amused smirk, she noted that it was the hand he had used to bring her to yet another orgasm minutes before. She grinned as she watched the surprised and then lustful look pass over his face as she flicked her tongue over his middle digits, tasting herself on his skin. As she did, her vision exploded in a sea of colors, his skins essence having mixed with her fluids. In the back of her mind she recalled Mordin's words about oral contact and hallucinating as Thane kissed her passionately. Her body tingled as his exotic scent filled her nostrils, the taste of his skin lingering in her mouth. He pulled his lips from hers, looking down at her sides as she felt him reach around and cusp his hands under her cheeks. Realizing what he was about to do, she quickly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, gripping her hands together behind his back as he picked her up in one smooth movement. No sooner than she could wrap her legs around his waist for support, he had buried himself fully inside her once more and pinned her to her shower wall.

She felt the air around her cackle and spark as blue biotics flared around them. Thane used his biotics gently to send jolts of pleasure rolling through her body as he settled into slow rhythm, rocking his hips into hers as he held her body up against the shower wall. Anya bit her lip to stifle a pleased squeal as he bent his head to pop a sensitive nipple into his mouth and tease it with his teeth. She gripped his shoulders tightly, him gripping her hips in response as he made deep, sensual strokes into her core. Her voice was lost as she felt her core spasm around him with an orgasm, followed by another only moments later. As the second of her double climax ended, Thane softened his grip, lifting his head to claim her mouth with a passionate kiss.

"Thane..." She sighed into his kiss, her hands on either side of his head his tongue slid into her mouth, dancing against hers. Anya drug her nails gently across his shoulders, enticing a low, rumbling moan from his throat and a quick, hard thrust of his hips into her, pulling his face from hers. A gasp escaped her lips followed by a small giggle of delight. Thane's eyes slide closed as he ground himself deep within her, and she watched him lean his head forward to spill kisses over her collarbone. A thought popped into her head as she glanced at his handsome red frills, and then before she could think further about it, drug her tongue over them slowly. The hallucinogenic effect hit her again as his essence flooded her taste buds. Thane groaned erotically into her ear at the sensation and she gasped as he gripped her sides tightly, driving himself into her quite roughly. Driven by his reaction and her 'drunken' desire to have him ravish her as he did before, she used one hand to tilt his jaw up and away just slightly and then spill kisses across his sensitive frills. She varied between biting his flesh ever so softly, to sucking, then licking, then back again.

She felt Thane shudder beneath her and she clenched her core around his shaft tightly as he began to ravage her roughly once more, almost wondering if his thrusts would send her through her shower wall for only a moment as Thane sent her voice from moans to near screams of pure pleasure, his own groans mingling with hers as she clung to him tightly. His biotics flared again, adding to the ecstasy of the moment as she felt him shudder and hold her down on his throbbing member, feeling it jump within her as he climaxed, her own soon following. Fully spent now, she clung to him as he took heavy, ragged breaths, softly kissing his brow as she waited for her vision to stop swirling with the effects of licking his skin.

Thane lifted her softly, stepping away to separate their bodies, and then set her gently on her feet back on the floor. Anya reeled a bit, her legs shaky as she stumbled into the full water stream, causing Thane to chuckle at her a bit. She shook her head and smirked.

"Did I mention amazing, Thane? Goodness..." She braced herself against the wall, earning herself another chuckle from Thane, her looked at her with a content twinkle nestled in his dark emerald eyes. "Don't you laugh at me, Krios. It's your fault I can't walk or stand correctly at the moment." She winked playfully. He smirked as well, standing in the stream with her as they both let the water cool them, following her statement with his own devious response.

"I didn't hear any complaints earlier, Shepard." Her jaw dropped in mild surprise at his playful banter, and she flicked a handful of water at him.

"How dare you!" She exclaimed. Thane laughed, a full rare laugh and she couldn't help but join in, batting a handful of water back at her. "Cheeky devil..." She winked and shook her head, making a shaky attempt at standing on her tippy toes to lean up and kiss him. He met her most of the way and kissed her softly first on her lips, and then on her forehead, causing her to make a soft delighted squeal. She laughed inwardly at herself, surprised at his ability to make her act so uncharacteristically girly.

"Come, Siha. Let's rinse off, and then go get food. This time for real." He jested, chuckling softly. Anya laughed and nodded. They both took a couple of minutes to wash off, then turned the shower off. As they pulled on their clothing after drying off, Anya could hear Thane's breath coming in rather ragged and she arched her brow in concern.

"Thane, will you be ok? We...were kind of in there a long time with the water running." She took note of the time, realizing another hour had passed since they got into the shower, and the entire bathroom was rather steamy and humid from the constant pour of hot water the shower produced in that time. He nodded at her, reaching out to caress the backs of his fingers across her cheek as she finally managed to fasten the button of her pants, the minor lingering haze of Thane's skin still affecting her slightly.

"I will be fine shortly, Siha. Once we get out of this bedroom." He nodded reassuringly. She nodded as well. She then checked the time, seeing they had roughly about 45 minutes until arrival. Just enough time to grab a hot meal from the crew deck and replenish their energy.

"Okay, just making sure." She smiled softly, then raised her voice just a bit. "Edi, unseal the doors and turn off the privacy mode. I'll be in the mess hall. Let me know when we close." Edi's disembodied voice chirped in shortly.

"As you wish, Shepard." Thane smiled at her softly, and she returned the expression as they both stepped out of her cabin and into the elevator. She blushed a bit as she pressed the button for the crew deck, wondering if anyone was going to be there. As the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, several heads of her team turned in unison at the sound and focused all eyes on her and Thane as they stepped out of the elevator. From the back of the group, she could hear Jack make an enthusiastic wolf whistle.

"Go, Shepard! You banged the lizard man, didn't you? Yea, you totally did. Look at how red her fuckin' face is!" With a loud slap, Anya buried her face in her palm. A roll of laughter lit up the room, even a semi amused chuckle from Thane, who still stood by her side, danced in her ears before he cleared his throat in mild embarrassment.

"Jack...I'm going to kill you." Anya muttered in embarrassment. Another round of laughter filled the air. "Correction...I'm going to kill all of you." Even louder laughter filled the room as Anya shook her head and sighed. "You all suck, you know that?" Her team practically howled with laughter.

"So, hey, Commander..." Joker started over the intercom, a suppressed laugh very apparent in his voice.

"Not...a word, Joker"