The First Drop of Rain

Summary: The Infinite Tsukuyomi. The Akatsuki. Uchiha Madara. Konohagakure. All of these were factors in the 4th Great Ninja War. I was put to sleep along with the rest of the world, forced into a dream…a dream I longed for. And while the five great nations worked towards piece, Amegakure was left a chicken without its head. Our God and his angel were murdered… (SYOC).

A/N: Alright so I'm bringing you all a Naruto SYOC because I've really wanted to make one for some time now. I have an idea for the plot and I think I've got a solid premise so we'll try this out. If it's successful, I can move forward and continue this story.

Disclaimer: The Naruto manga belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the anime belongs to Viz Media, and the characters that appear in each media belong to their respective owners. The OCs featured in this story are mine except for those submitted by readers and credit will be provided to the creators in each chapter that their respective character premiers in.

Prologue: Raindrop Dream

Metal split wood, breaking small pieces off of the practice boards every time that I threw a shuriken at them. I channeled all of my anger and all of my frustration into the pronged weapons, using them as an extension of myself. Again, the metal blade dug itself into wood seconds after it left my hand. I continued tossing my shuriken at the boards until I ran out and when I did, I walked over to pick them up and practice until I had used them all again.

I stepped forward, splashing my shinobi sandals in the abundant puddles on my way to the boards. The continuous rain soaked my hair and covered my face in small droplets. It was always like this in my village so it had become natural. I didn't even feel the rain drops constantly pummel me from above.

As I approached the practice boards, I noticed something odd. Light managed to break through the silver sheet overhead and bathed the entire area in white. I looked up to the moon above which shined so bright that it was blinding. Even covering my eyes with my hand could not block out the light. The strangest part was the image on the surface of the moon, consisting of several rings and tomoe.

My vision began to blur even though my eyes were wide open and my body felt numb. My arms were so heavy that I couldn't even raise a finger even when I tried my absolute hardest. Is this genjutsu? I thought to myself. From the depths below, a ribbon-like object found me and neatly wrapped itself around my body. Only then did everything go black.


I managed to open my eyes and I was sitting on the ledge of one of the many sky-piercing towers in my village. My feet dangled over the edge with the typical showers from above falling all around me.

"I thought you'd be up here."

That voice! I whipped my head around to see her…

Her light green eyes were partially hidden behind her onion-shaped violet hair and she wore her typical indifferent expression but that was just a mask. No one knew her better than I did and even though she could fool everyone with her indifference, she couldn't fool me. There was that small twinkle in her eyes that I'd grown so accustomed too.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm just thinking."

She took a seat beside me and asked, "About the Chuunin Exams?"

"Yeah, I'm excited to go. It means so much that Lady Angel picked our teams."

"Don't let it get to your head."

"How is it going to get to my head."

She shrugged. "You have a habit of letting little victories overinflate your ego."

"Really, now? Name one time."

"When we became genin you challenged your jonin sensei and he had your face against the ground within a few seconds."

"I was trying to see if he was worthy of actually being a jonin," I lied.

"I'm sure you were," she said. I knew she didn't believe and she knew that I was lying. It wasn't anything new between us. What happens next was.

I feel her hand on mine, making me look down quickly then at her. Still wearing that same expression, she continued looking at the sky line without even a hint of embarrassment or regret. It was as if nothing just happened. I was the complete opposite. My face started to heat up and my body tensed up. Fighting the nerves, I moved closer to her without disturbing our hands. She leaned her head on my shoulder and instead of causing more anxiety, my racing heart began to slow and my breathing steadied. I was at ease with the way we were and I could tell that she was too. I looked forward at the sky line and we stayed like that for some time. Just the two of us looking out into the distance.


I could feel the coarse ribbon loosen enough for me to free myself from it. The strange object fell to my feet into the puddles on the ground. Light no longer covered the land, replaced by the void gray that I was accustomed to. I took a look around me and found that I was all alone on this training ground…again.

A/N: This was just a short little prologue to tease the main character and establish the setting which is between the Fourth Great Ninja War and Toneri Otsutsuki's arrival on earth. This story will be written in third person but I felt that first person was best for the prologue. That's pretty much it for now so I patiently await your OCs so that I can continue with this story.