English is not my first language, sorry for the grammar. I will try to find a beta to fix this later

Chapter 6: Thoughts before the chaos.


"Hmm, you have a fever after all, but it's not so bad, with a little rest you'll be fine."

"Thank you, DJ. I don't know what I would do without you" it had been three days since that late Christmas event, a day later, Dawn invited him to see the stars in the forest, taking advantage of the clear sky. It was an incredible moment, they both shared their knowledge of the subject, but for Cody, got sick the next morning.

"It's nothing Cody, here, it's the special hot chocolate my mom makes, effective for curing the flu."

Cody had to thank DJ for his kindness. Once he tells him via chat about being sick, he doesn't hesitate to give him a visit, with a big book written by DJ´s mother to know what to do to cure a sick person.

"And Dawn didn't get sick?" DJ asked while he made Cody some chicken soup, the classic food for sick people. Cody contained the grimace of disgust. The chocolate tasted like cough syrup.

"No, she doesn't know, I just remember she's on an astral walk or something like that. She'll be back early tomorrow," Cody replied as he threw some of the chocolate at one of the pots, sure it wouldn't take two days to dry.

"I see...you know, although I know her a little, I had never seen Dawn so happy to be with a human, she always is around animals" DJ brought the chicken soup to the table, while Cody hugged the blanket.

"Maybe you're right. For what I know, Dawn never had a human friend, no matter how strange it sounds. Of course, animals help when you feel lonely, but another person by your side does better" after saying this, Cody thanked DJ for taking care of him. He owed a lot to the big guy; Cody would think of something to return the favor later.

"I know, and I'm glad for both of you, you and Dawn even seem like a couple" Mama's son's comment made Cody forget blowing the spoon, finished with his burnt tongue, but he could control himself, all because he didn't make DJ feel bad.

"Couple? Nah, we're just friends, you're funny sometimes dude" Cody took the glass of water next to him to calm the burning feeling in his tongue, lucky DJ got distracted with a bird in his window, so as not to notice his nervousness.

"You're right, though it wouldn't be bad in the future—" the sound of the phone rang. It is a message from DJ´s mother "Oh no! I forgot mom needs me to bring some materials at this hour, sorry Cody, I have to go, will you be okay?"

"Yes, relax and take care of your businesses. Thank you for all, DJ," the geek replied, looking away so DJ wouldn't notice how nervous he is.

"If you need anything, just call me, good afternoon," DJ leaves the apartment, focused on getting on time with the material his mom needs, she would be furious.

Inadvertently, DJ created a swirl of thoughts in Cody's mind, although they began to appear slightly after the mistletoe incident, a third party's point of view struck him.

A couple? No, Dawn is a friend, I'm already over that stage of being a lady's man. I'm not going to ruin this friendship because of that. Besides, we go out as friends, that's not considered a date. Right?

Of course, no one could doubt how cute Dawn is, having a completely natural style, her personality, yes, she is a little rare when you first meet her, but once you know her more, it is very lovely and warm, really beati-.

"Ah! I'm thinking about it again!" Cody took his head in desperation. He had to suppress these emotions, the disadvantage with Dawn over any other girl is the naturalist could read his feelings; it wouldn't be difficult for her to interpret what happened to him. No, this time, his hormones won't ruin this, as happened with Gwen, and in a way with Sierra, if it were to happen, he'd put himself in the friendzone.

After all, who could like someone like him?

At least, Cody wasn't the only one with strange confusion in his mind. Far away from any human civilization, Dawn lay, walking barefoot through the forest, luckily the cold is not as hostile as in days gone by, so she could connect longer with Mother Nature based on connection to the earth.

"The damage that evil minds cause to the environment is worse than I thought," Dawn saw many trees were dying from climate change, insects cause this ecological disaster by reducing the cold temperatures that kept their reproduction to the limit. Most humans are evil, one of the many things put planet Earth closer to a global collapse.

Dawn placed her hand on the trunk of one of these trees, feeling how little life she had left, it hurt her to feel this negative energy, but she had to know what nature feels to help and make people finally understand the damage they cause to the planet.

After no longer being able to bear this feeling of death, the girl retreated her hand, sitting on the cold grass, letting her hands also come into contact with the elements. Every day she struggled to make these walks; every time she returns saw more damage. Now there is a rumor about a mining company looking to work in these lands outdoors. Very few people understood how bad this is. But of course, a government that claims of being ecologically friendly, but doesn't hesitate to permit to kill seal babies just for their skins. Hypocrisy, humanity biggest virtue

"Hello there, I'm sorry to disturb the atmosphere with my depressive aura" Dawn smiled at a little bird on her shoulder. On the outside, Dawn only looked at her; however, let me remember Dawn can understand animals thanks to her abilities.

"I'm fine. Only it frustrates me to see that my efforts to save Mother Nature don't work" the little animal made a series of sounds, expressing its feelings towards humankind. But also, the bird notices something on Dawn.

"That my aura is different from the last time you saw me? Well, it will be because I made a new friend" again, the bird made other sounds, slightly louder.

"No, this time it's with one of my kind, his name is Cody, casually he also participated in the evil TV show I participated a long time ago. His aura is extraordinary" the bird flew to reach the height of the trees, moving in a particular way. Dawn understood the meaning, surprised by how this mother-earth child thought.

"Oh, no, no, it's different from how you feel about him, Cody and I are friends, there are no such feelings in our relationship" the bird fly in front of her, making a noise that expressed doubt.

The last time Dawn was with Cody seeing the stars together, didn't perceive feelings of love in his aura. Dawn didn't feel anything similar either.

Dawn only felt eternal gratitude to the universe for sending her a friend who didn't judge her for her gifts.

Yet, being totally honest with herself, she never understood those kinds of feelings of love among humans, her first close experience was when she noticed the outbreaks of love between Mike and Zoey on the show during her very short participation. With today's complicated life, between seeking solutions to help nature, her distance from her family, among other things, Cody's arrival in Dawn´s life was a light she didn't want to let go. But a deep relationship between them very complicated; after all, they both live in different realities, Cody with technology, Dawn with nature.

Dawn remembered her beloved grandmother, the time she saw some squirrels together, a new color of aura she never saw before. Dawn rushed to ask the meaning of the color. Affectionately, the older adult smiled at her as she stroked her messy hair.

"It´s an emotion called love, it´s the prettiest and hardest to achieve in living beings, it can bring true happiness if you work well, or sadness if you don't, however, by fighting and strengthening the bond between the two souls, they would share the rest of time, as one.

"And I will sometime find that emotion?" Dawn asked innocently, looking at her grandmother.

"Of course, my sun, in the future, when the time is right, you will discover your soulmate and spend the rest of your life with him."

The bird's slight pecking took Dawn out of her memories, one of the many wise advice she would always remember from his real mother, would think more about it another time, for now, she had to take advantage of what she had. Dawn touched her forehead as she smiled, then looked at the bird.

"Come on. We should continue our journey. Oh, and can I call you Tin?" the bird accepted his new name, flying to guide Dawn to her next destination in the forest, if all went well, she would return after sunset, perhaps she would give him a quick visit.

In the city, Cody remains almost the same.

After debating it for a long time in his mind, the geek finish to eat and prepare for another much-needed nap, Cody had enough of enduring the irritation in his throat, maybe that's how he'd calm his mind, what a mistake.

When you dream and come to live it, there are two possibilities, a good dream where you enjoy whatever your subconscious has prepared in your mind, or else, a bad dream that would show you bad things, his luck was so bad, it was the second.

Cody was back in his old house, had no control over what he was doing. It was like living through someone else, playing Tetris in his Gameboy color, while in the background, hear screams with despair and anger, which at the time he ignored.

"Why is Daddy always mean to us?" Cody asked

"No, honey, daddy is very tired of working, he'll get over it, trust me, my love, everything will be all right" his mother embraced him, but little Cody was still focused on moving the right piece, the next thing he knew was his father grabbed him to hit him with the belt for wetting the bed again.

Change? Lies. Bullshit lies

In a blink, Cody was back on Wawanakua Island, or not, specifically remembered these clothes, was to go back to that face to face with the wild bear. The elimination ceremony, choosing Heather over him because incapacity excuses, even as he healed fast, how Cody had to smile when Gwen and Trent began to go out. In his time, it hurt too much, but Cody had to put on the mask. Much less, he wanted to remember World Tour.


The worst came, he vaguely remembered that room, tied and sedated, blurring how Sierra fantasized about drawings and writing fanfics that fans of Total Drama dedicated to Coderra. How Sierra kisses him without his consent on several occasions, screaming several things about him. Cody still wanted to help her, because something is very wrong with her, it was not like the Sierra he considered a great friend.

"If they don't let us live together, then we'll do it in heaven!" Cody saw Sierra pointing a gun at his head, listening to the police trying to reach them, knew his life was shit, but he didn't want to die like this.

"I love you, Cody."

Unconsciously, Cody rose suddenly, pulling a big breath of air, bad idea because irritation bothered him again. Still, he didn't care, Cody had this kind of nightmares sometimes, the last time he dreams about something this strong, was shortly after the incident with Sierra, remembering everything in one fell swoop, damn it.

"I'm really pathetic," Cody whispers, trying to avoid rethinking any of those events.

"Don't let negative energies affect you. You're a great person" Cody felt a little of that warmth only his mother could provide him, he kept dreaming, but he decided to take advantage of it. Cody dropped his head on the female chest while the girl is stroking his hair.

"I know it's hard, but I believe together, we'll find happiness, the light-" in a second, his brain went out again, Cody was still exhausted, anyone would be from having those hit nightmares, combined with the flu. Stick with a positive mind, but how long could he do it alone?

"Cody! Cody!...Cody! Wake up!"

"Five more minutes..." when Cody opened his eyes and saw Dawn trying to wake him up, his soul almost came out for three main reasons.

1-A girl is very close to his face, very close. Cody still had to show Dawn what personal space is, not he won't be that so upset either.

2-Dawn saw him sucking on the finger like a baby, one of the reasons why his front teeth came out apart. Leave that, what a shame.

3-And very importantly, it is the expression of concern on the face of the naturalist, for someone as calm as her, something must be going on.

"Ahh! Dawn?! What you do here?!"

"My sincere apologies, but it seems Total Drama is still chasing us," the blonde girl pointed to the window, so Cody decides to ignore the smoke that came out a casserole with hot water on the desk, there would be time for that. The worst nightmare of any celebrity, crazy fans.

"OMG! It's Cody!"

"He has turned more handsome!"

"Take me, Codester!"

"NoCo is canon!? Please tell me it is!"

These were among the few cries Cody could understand among the crowd, so he closed the sale and laid the curtains to block the view.

"How the hell are there super fans of total drama in this town?!" he asks in the air, reloading his back in the window, visibly frightened. Cody looks at Dawn.

"I don't know, I was lucky to be able to come in here to protect myself, but DJ wasn't so lucky."

"DJ?" at that moment, DJ walk in with some scratches and little torn clothes.

"Why they insist on pairing me with Bridgette or with Geoff? That Is so bad in many ways," the big guy said. DJ loved his fans, but he didn't know how to deal with the obsessive's ones.

"Oh DJ, I'm glad you're okay" Dawn came over to check his wounds, which luckily weren't serious.

"For now, I don't think the piece of wood I put in to lock the front door will hold up long, among others who will look for another way in."

Cody thought he didn't want to inconvenience the building, but even if he ran away with his friends, he had to think of something soon. In that, Cody remembered how Sierra, in a way, teach him how crazy fans, who would kill for anything of his idols, whether to treasure him or sell him online, bingo.

"Dawn, DJ, I have an idea, I need your help, just don't ask" nature lovers looked at each other, but they chose to support him to escape.

Meanwhile, down the building, fans tried to break in, trying to use anything. It wasn't until the sound of something above them called their attention.

"It can't be! It's Cody's swimsuit!"

"DJ's sandal!"

"Leave that crap, that drone has one of Dawn's long socks!"

The drone flew above the fans, and like a dog for his favorite ball, they went after the drone. Upstairs, we could see the teenagers, watching Cody strangely, with an elastic cord, must fix the drone lever, but he also felt the eyes of his friends on him.

"What? Is the only plan I had" Cody tried to justify himself but doesn't matter anymore, the fans were distracted, it is time to run away. First, they thought of Dawn's treehouse, but if the fans follow them, she couldn't stay calm around her own natural house, they will go with the DJ mom, who had a little special way to treat as those who annoy her child.

Once Cody took care of guarding everything he could in his closet, giving his cat to a neighbor to take care of him for the moment, and close his door, the three leave the building, only to see the drone clog in a tree two blocks away, everything got worse.

"There they are!" A fan screams.

"Dang it!" said the three teenagers in unison, to start running, luckily, most fans chose to kill themselves for the objects. Dawn is beginning to fall behind, the long walk a few hours ago was still somewhat exhausting, yet Cody held her hand.

"Hold on a little longer," Cody said, who wasn't very athletic either, but tried, Dawn could only nod quickly, then get into an alley. When fans came in, they saw nothing but trash cans, but a door is open, they run into a Chinese food store.

"Poor Mr. Li," Cody whispered, coming out of the dumpster, with noodles passed over his head, walking out of the alley.

"Uh, Cody, you can let me go," Dawn said, who is being hugged by Cody, ashamed and trying to justify himself, Cody fell of the container "'are you okay?" Cody raised his thumb in a sign that he is fine, lucky he didn't scream.

"It's not just us, Trent, Geoff, Duncan, Beth, all have the same problem," DJ said, showing his cell phone to his friends. Different messages from other participants everywhere in Canada, who also ran away from their fans, and could only blame one thing, Total drama.

"Dude, this is very bad, will this be some revenge of a producer?" Cody asked to the air. The Canadian authorities guaranteed them relocations to places where they could live peacefully.

"This is no time to jump to conclusions. We must work together to escape this unfortunate situation" Dawn is right. They had to go to with DJ's mother, so they could be calm and call the legal representative to find out what in the literally fuck is going on.

"Let's be fast. We don't have much time," DJ said as he helped Dawn to get out of the dumpster safely. The trio ran away until they saw a well-dressed person in front of a limousine, with the acronym of Total Drama. Oh, no.

He showed a megaphone, then announced to the four winds their location, and then opened the back door of the limousine, giving them no choice but to enter to protect themselves. A Time inside, the driver ripped off at full speed to escape the fan mob, plus Mr. Li, who demanded payment for the wreckage caused Cody and his friends.

The only thing the three could know at the time was by a straightforward message that said 'welcome to Total Drama F.'

DJ is nervous, trying not to think he had been kidnapped by the show again. On the other hand, Cody and Dawn looked at each other, wordless, but they knew whatever happened to Total Drama now has a person to cover their backs with.


A/N: Well, with this fic I will start my complicated journey of reliving my fics that I don't update since 2017. Sorry, I left the fandom a long time ago, and Total Dramarama was not much to my liking. From the beginning, it was clear that this fic would be short, focused on the stories of Cody and Dawn, plus their relationship. We'll see if anyone's still interested in this.

On the other story, from Cody's harem, yeah, that one is with one foot and four toes in the grave, unless I get a beta that gives me a good reason to do a fic reboot, again. I'm just taking the opportunity to make it clear.

Thanks for reading, and I hope your reactions, kuna out.