Episode 1: Powers' Rising

Every living being has a genetic code, a unique set of DNA that affects its appearance and skills. A long time ago, a mysterious force granted a special group of people a Codex Stone, a stone capable of absorbing the abilities and powers of animals through its DNA. The Lion, the Marlin, the Gorilla, the Gazelle, and the Falcon were chosen to defeat Arachna and Invaders of Parasects. However after the great battle, when Arachna and her servants were locked away underground, the Codex Stones were lost. Until now.

"Soon." A deep and disconnected voice echoed off of rigid walls and through a dusty void, "Soon, I will have what belongs to me," A pale, angular face broke through the shadows, illuminated by a toxic, blood red glow, "what was taken from me." The voice hissed, blood red lips encircled sharp white fangs. "Soon, I will arise once more."

The vengeful woman stood, as the glow of energy circled around her, slowly unveiling the slumbering monstrous servants that were the Parasects. "Now, it's time for you to arise my followers. The day is upon us. Your freedom to wreak havoc has come."

She tore a stone from the wall and slashed it across her palm without a wince. Her fist clenched around the wound, squeezing the blood out of the opening, it dripped on the floor below, the rocks trembling with each drop, "I will have my Codexes. I will have my slaves. I will have the world, and no one will be able to stop me."

Red energy crawled towards the Parasects, winding around them, they began to awoke.

"Arachna, . . . My lady," One of them groggily, coughed from the dust and rubbed their temples, right below the antennae, "You have awoken."

"Yes, Waspor. Now once I have opened the Earth, we can escape. We can take what is ours."

Waspor grabbed the walls for support and staggered to stand, "You'll need a lot of power for that."

"I know." Arachna chuckled, "But for that, I need to feed off the pain and suffering of humans." She grinned, "So, as I slowly get our prison to open, I'll have my Fleex go out and cause mayhem. Plus they can have a look around, tell me what to expect. If there is anyone who opposes me, and dare to face me."

"But the Codex Stones, my lady-"

"Were long lost. Destroyed perhaps. There is no way they'll be found."

Above the Ground, in San Diana.

"Trish!" Lance Ryan called for across the park, jogging over to the girl sitting at the park table with a book open, and a sandwich half eaten. She looked up and grinned at her noticeably excited friend. Lance sat down next to her, "Hey, Trish! You won't believe it. Today we went out to study the behavior of different Pantheras at the Zoo, you know, to see their behaviors in action, hear them roar, and how they do it. It's because certain Pantheras have a special shaped larynx that gives them this ability, and it's just so cool. The professor said that he may take some of his students on an expedition to go see study them out in the wild next summer. Isn't that great?" Lance grinned, sitting down next to his friend.

"Wow, Lance, that's great! I'm sure you'll get chosen, you're the most dedicated student I know. Plus you know words like Larynx and Panthera." Trish poked, before pushing the rectangular glasses up the bridge of her nose.

Lance chuckled, "Those aren't very complicated words."

Trish shrugged, "You speak science, I speak law. And I think that's a great way to keep it." She smiled brightly. Her little bounciness would make her dark, curly afro bounce as well.

Lance smiled back, before his honey brown eyes widened as he remembered something, "Oh yea!" He reached into his back jean pocket, pulling out a quarter-sized red stone.

"What is that? More sciencey stuff?" Trish asked as Lance dropped it in her hand for her to inspect closer.

Lance ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, "Honestly, I don't known what exactly it is. I just found it on the ground outside the Lion exhibit. It was really weird though. It wasn't there one second, I turned out, and it was just- well, right in front of me." Lance chuckled, "I asked literally everyone around me if it was theirs, but everyone said it wasn't."

Trish handed it back, and he ran his fingers over the rough crystal, "I even asked one of the people who worked there where I could take it to, and they said they didn't think it was anybody's. They told me to just take it."

"Hm, that's odd. Generally they'd want you to take it to their lost and found." Trish noted.

Lance nodded, "I know. They just, seemed to really want me to take it."

A low grumble in the distance began to steadily rock the ground.

"I think that's an earthquake.." Lance helped Trish up, and they began to back away from the trees.

A sudden jolt made the low grumble into a low roar, and rocked the ground violently. Children screamed, as their parents picked them up and ran to the open street. Lance and Trish were almost to the sidewalk, when something a small voice echoed in Lance's ears.

"Mommy!" A child screamed.

Lance turned out and saw a little child crying. She must've fallen and hurt her knee, as she covered the scrapes with her hands. The snapping of branches caught Lance's attention as he noticed a tree was about to come down on top of the little girl. Lance instinctively charged towards her.


He continued on and grabbed the girl right before the tree came down. He secured her in his arms before heading back out to the street. The wobbly of the ground made it difficult to walk, let alone run.

"How did I. . ." he muttered to himself, before setting down the girl.

"Thank you!" A woman cried out. It must have been the child's mother. She pushed herself in a wheel chair, as she hugged her baby, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Lance just smiled, "It's no problem, really." He insisted. He looked back to where the tree had landed.

Trish smacked Lance's shoulder, "Jesus, you're brave." She said, "But you scared me half to death!"

"I'm sorry." Lance continued to stare at the tree.

Trish followed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lance looked back at her, smiling, "It's nothing."

Trish looked at him doubtfully, "Alright." She looked at the tree before turning back to him, "Well, we should maybe get going. There may be an aftershock."


"Well, it's been a few hours since the Earthquake. That doesn't mean there won't be an aftershock, but I'm less nervous about one now." Trish said, taking a sip of her frappe.

Lance was zoned out, staring at his burger as he twisted the crystal from earlier between his fingers.

"Though I am nervous about you. You've seemed out of it lately, since the park. Is something wrong?" Trish asked, trying to make eye contact with im.

He snapped out of it, "Hm?" He asked, "Oh, oh yea. Yea I'm fine." He insisted and smiled, "Really."

"What you did was very dangerous, but very brave." Trish smiled, "You should be feeling great. In fact, lunch is on me." She chimed.

"Did I ever tell you how much of a great friend you are?" Lance chuckled, and Trish gave a little cheeky shrug.

"I think it's the near death experience talking, but you should tell me again, just in case."

Later that Evening, at the last light

Lance headed home to his apartment, still holding the red crystal in his hand.

"Maybe I can google what this thing is. It could be worth something? Or maybe someone put a missing ad online." He mumbled to himself.

There was a light rustle in the hedges beside him, and he could have sworn there was a faint chuckle.

"Who's there?" Lance took a step away from the hedges, holding his arm up defensively. When there was no response, he looked around and noticed a trash can to his side. He looked up to the top of the hedge.

"Yea. . . I could make it." He noted as he climbed onto the trash can and jumped up onto the top of the hedge. Just as he did, something scurried away from him.

"Hey!" He called before sighing, "What am I even doing." He questioned, and despite this realization, he still hopped down and chased down after it.

As he got closer, there was a sound that resembled a high pitched, speeding motorcycle mixed with a gleeful cackle.

"What the . ." He looked around, before a sharp smack scratched his shoulder. "Agh!" He hissed in pain before standing up. Just as he did, he was smacked again, knocking him down completely. Quickly he sat up, before looking around. "This isn't funny!"

The antagonists finally stopped right in front of him, but he could believe his eyes. They were about his height, but very thin, with no eyes, and a large, tooth filled mouth that took up most of the bottom half of their face. Their scalp was oval and extended out past the back of their head. They had black claws, and spines running up and down their arms and legs.

"What the hell are you?" Lucas shouted.

The creatures cackled in response before darting at Lucas and knocking him down once more.

Lucas breathed heavily.

"What is that burning my leg?" He asked before looking down. A bright red glow emanated from his front pocket. "Huh?"

Just as he reached down to touch it, one of the creepy creatures was thrown over Lucas and landed on the ground before disintegrating completely.

"Hah!" Someone shouted behind Lucas. He rolled over and looked up, and saw something he never thought he'd ever see.

A Power Ranger.

A Green One. Tall, at about six foot something, and muscular. Faint contours of his muscles showed through the suit.

He held a short sword in one hand, but he was capable of tossing them like they were nothing. But even the strongest can be taken down in numbers. Three of them jump at him, clawing, and hanging on.

"Hey! Get off!" The Ranger shouted, trying to pull them off, but their grip was too much.

Lance quickly got up and grabbed onto one of the thing's shoulders, ripping it off, "Get off of him!" He roared.

The glow of the red crystal in his pocket got brighter and brighter, before finally it surged through him.

One moment, he was Lance. The next he was the Red Ranger.

"Whoa!" He looked down at his white gloved hands, his suit, and his belt.

The Green Ranger looked up to him, "Hey, nice of you to join the party." His voice revealed the grin under the mask. He stood up and threw the two left over imps off his back.

"What's going on?" Lance asked, helping the Green Ranger balance on his feet.

The Green Ranger shrugged, "I don't know, for a second there I was kind of hoping you could tell me. This barely happened."

"Well whatever happened," Lance looked to his side, "more are coming."

"I think we can handle this. With the strength of the Gorilla!" The Green Ranger shouted, charging back into battle against the foes.

Lance stared in awe, before following, "With the courage of the Lion!" He shouted as well, charging in, jumping and kicking the creatures down. "I don't know why I said that . ."

"It's what you feel inside you." The Green Ranger chuckled, "I don't know how many of these things are coming though!"

More and more seemed to come out of the woods, before a bright white light appeared, and a graceful figure coming out from the light. She held out a scepter with a silhouette of a fan on top, "Go back to where you came Fleex!" She shouted, slamming her staff down on the ground, releasing a wave of light that disintegrated the Fleex completely.

"Whoa." Lance stared at the light, squinting to try to make out who it was. "That was amazing."

The light disappeared, and the woman became clear. She was a sophisticated looking woman, with sharp, elegant yet still kind facial features. Her hair was black and her eyes were a gorgeous turquoise. She was aged, but still wise and beautiful. "Thank you." She softly said, leaning against her staff for support, "But there are always more of them. Always." She breathed. "And I won't be able to continue to do that. It drains a lot of power." She explained.

"So, will we be getting an explanation any time soon?" The Green Ranger asked, rubbing his head in question.

"Soon." The woman smiled.

A burly man pushed through the hedges and ran to the woman's side, "Evangeline!" He cried out, "I thought that was your light." He said, putting the woman's arm around his shoulder to help her stand.

"Why of course it was mine. You felt the Earthquake too, didn't you? We knew the time was coming." The woman breathed.

"Of course." The man agreed, "That's why I had the boy start preparing."

"Good." She smiled. "I'll be better soon. Just need to regain my strength. But while I'm doing that, Arachna will be doing the same." She said the man.

"Arachna?" Lance asked.

"So, no explanation? That's cool." The Green Ranger shrugged.

The woman, Evangeline looked at the two rangers, "You will, don't worry." She raised her staff "Spirit of the Lion, Spirit of the Gorilla, rest!" She commanded, and the ranger suits disappeared. Lance and the other man were back in their civilian clothes. They looked at each other, with no recognition of who the other was.

"Lance, meet Dylan. Dylan, Lance."

Dylan looked to the large man helping Evangeline, before he had a sudden realization, "Wait a second, you were that guy at the gym! The one who gave me the green crystal, after-"

"After you had protected the woman from the ceiling falling down." The man chuckled, "With strength like that, we needed you on the team." He grinned crookedly, "I'm Jonas. The Warrior."

Evangeline nodded, "And I'm Evangeline, the Oracle. However, we will have more formal introductions later on when the rest of the team is assembled."

"The rest of them?" Dylan asked.

Lance nodded, "Oh yea. Power Rangers, there's generally like five of them right? Assortment of colors?"

Evangeline nodded, "Yes. Currently they should all have their Codex Stones by now, but perhaps haven't had the chance to unlock it yet."

"What were those things?" Dylan asked.

"Those were Fleex. Minions of the evil queen, Arachna, queen of the Parasects. Those are just the pawns in her twisted game." Jonas growled, the taste of Arachna's name bitter on his tongue.

"While they are pawns, they mustn't be underestimated. They must be up here as scouts for Arachna. Probably also gathering energy to take back down to give her more power."

"I'm afraid to ask what she'll do with more power." Lance whispered softly.

"We all are kid." Jonas agreed.

Evangeline still managed to smile despite her weakened state, "But for now, go home. Rest up. Tend to your wounds. The Codexes will find a way to unite together with no interference. Just have to let it happen."

Evangeline stood on her own and raised up her staff, as it shined brightly again, and in a flash she and Jonas were gone.

"I guess unexpected things happen everyday." Lance said to himself, before looking over to Dylan, "So, what are you going to go do?" Lance asked, wondering, what could someone do after finding out about this?

Dylan shrugged, "Wake up and hope it's not a dream." He said, before smiling widely, "I guess I'll see you soon. We'll have to get to know each other."

Lance chuckled, "I'm sure we will through whatever comes next. If it's not a dream."

Dylan extended his hand out. Lance grinned, and gripped it with his own.


Stone and gravel crashed up against the walls, as Arachna threw them and blasted her red, blood magic at them, "Ugh!" She screamed out in frustration and animosity, "What do you mean, they have Codex Stones?" She shouted at the Fleex that ran and hid from her. "It's that stupid Evangeline! She's always ruining my plans. She will get what is coming to her! I guarantee it." She promised, pounding against the arm rest on her tattered throne.

"Arachna, the Codex Stones are too powerful, how do you plan on doing this?" Waspor asked, and as he did, Arachna glared with a piercing gaze that could kill a man if she truly wanted to.

"I will torture those humans. If Fleex aren't enough, then I'll send up the Parasects if I have to. I will use what is left of my power to make sure those Power Rangers are destroyed. Along with Evangeline and Jonas." She swore, "Then, once they're taken care of, I can build my power, and release all of the Parasects at once, and then I will rise, and take the power of the Codex Stones for my own."

Power Rangers: Animal Force!

So guys, that is the first episode of some random original Power Rangers series, Power Rangers: Animal Force. Yes, there be some flaws, or some details missing, like what certain characters look like. I may be getting pictures of them soon. I don't have any actors or actresses in mind for them currently, but we'll see.

This is highly inspired by Power Rangers: Dino Charge, and was almost going to be connected to it, but I decided that I couldn't get it to work. I will probably update and fix things later, but for now, I think it's fine. Plus I'd love some feedback.

Thank you for reading!