A/N: This is going to be a collection of random, plot less one shots dedicated to hurting Steve. *insert evil cackle* I'll start with doing a story per letter of the alphabet. My plot bunny party is raging and I feel the need to add fuel to the fire. So, hop on the crazy train, buckle up, hold on, and please do enjoy the ride.

P.s- I wrote this one in particular when season 1 had first aired and I was 15. So please be kind. I've had this…whatever you'd like to call it…buried in a folder from all of the things I wrote back then. Thought I'd share it because why not? I'll start with the alphabet next chapter.

Moving on…

Chapter 1- Don't judge Me!

How did this happen? The frantic man thought to himself as he wiped the sweat above his brow. Everything was going according to plan. Everyone had done their part perfectly. All loose ends had been eliminated yet everything was falling to pieces; crumbling like a cookie. So many questions swarmed in his head as he paced back and forth. The floor boards creaked under his weight; moaning with each step he took. Where had he gone wrong? He stopped pacing and turned to the two men sitting in chairs, their restraints holding them in place.

"Tell me this, Commander, what gave me away?" His voice was alarmingly calm.

Steve remained silent as he looked at the crooked businesses man in front of him. Being a part of the Navy SEALs he knew exactly how to get through this type of interrogation. Steve looked over at his partner and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Danny asked annoyed. "We are being held captive by a man who has killed over ten people, we will easily be added to that number, and you're smiling."

"You know, Danny, what makes this situation so comical? That he doesn't even realise that he has a rat infestation." Steve's smile broadened.

Danny couldn't help but let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. "You're right, babe, that is very entertaining." Danny quickly caught on to what Steve was doing.

He was stalling. They had brought in the rat hours ago, he was still in the holding cell. The time Stewart Evans, their captor, spent looking for the mole would give more time for Chin and Kono to find them before they become the eleventh and twelfth victims. Danny's smile grew into a grin.

"You two find this funny?" Evans hissed. He walked forward and landed a solid fist across the left side of Steve's face.

Danny winced from the sound of knuckles hitting slamming into flesh. He had to admit, his partner had it coming, but it still ignited his anger. "Hey!" Danny warned.

"Greg!" Evans yelled angrily. A tall, muscular man waltzed in and walked up to him.

"Boss?" Greg's voice was deep.

"I need you to check on all of the people we had working this job. It seems we have a pest problem." Evans ordered. "Also, can you bring me my suit case? It seems I'll have a use for it after all." As Greg left a crooked smile grew on his face as he looked at Steve and Danny.

"You see, babe, this is why you shouldn't be arrogant when being held prisoner. Bad things always happen." Danny said as he looked at his partner.

"How was I being arrogant? I answered his question." Steve looked over at Danny.

"It's like you enjoy this." Danny huffed. "I'd prefer my death to not be-" Danny was cut off.

"Death? Detective who said anything about me killing you?" Evans interjected. As if on cue Greg returned with the suitcase. He left as quickly as he came.

"I don't want to kill you." Evans opened the suitcase and fiddled with the contents inside. "I just want to cause you pain."

Evans walked up to Danny. He had a hunting knife that had been sharpened recently in his hand. "And a lot of it." He crouched down so they were at the same level. He raised the knife and slowly dragged the tip across Danny's face. A small bead of blood escaped from where the blade broke the flesh. Luckily it's wasn't anything more than a scratch.

"Do you know what I hate more than cops, Detective?" Evans asked as he brought the knife away from his face and stood back up.

"Sanity?" Danny asked cockily. He knew what was coming but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

A menacing laugh rumbled down inside of Evans before it escaped from his mouth. "I hate people who think they are invincible." He walked over to where Steve sat.

Steve's eyes were hard as he looked up at Evans with a glare. "Is that supposed to scare me?"

"I didn't expect it to, Commander."

Evans placed the blade against Steve's arm. Danny could clearly see the pressure. As Evens began to move the blade down his partners forearm he could see blood beginning to run. Steve's jaw was clenched but he wasn't showing weakness. Evans stopped an inch or two above the wrist.

"And I love nothing more than breaking them of those beliefs." Evans hissed as he dug the blade into Steve's opposite arm.

Danny felt bile rising in his throat. He knew that anything he said would just make his partner's situation worse and would be a wasted breathe but he had to try. "So basically you have a personal vendetta against the military." Danny scoffed. "Let me guess your father was a military man and you still struggle with your daddy issues."

Evans finished dragging the blade down Steve's arm and looked over at Danny. There was a darkness in his eyes that made Danny uneasy. "Detective, I don't have daddy issues." He paused. "Because my father is dead." Evans lifted the knife and rammed it into Steve's leg.

Steve fought the urge to holler out in pain. His face was strained and a deep red. Sweat rolled down the edges of his hairline. "Hey!" Danny yelled dangerously.

Evans let out a chuckle. Greg returned and walked up to Evans, whispering something in his ear. Evans turned and faced Danny. "It seems that my departure time has come." Greg left the room and Evans walked over to where Steve sat. He ripped the knife out of his leg. Blood began to flow freely from the wound. "Hopefully your team can save him in time." Evans threw the knife back into his suitcase and closed it.

"I swear to...I am going to find you...and I will kill you." Danny said flatly. Evans smiled and left the room without another word.

Danny looked over at his partner. His eyes were barely open and there was blood, his blood, everywhere. He knew that if he didn't find away to stop the bleeding that Steve was going to die.

Danny tugged on his restraints as hard as he could. He felt as rope dug into his flesh, tearing into his skin. He was getting nowhere. He wiggled as far forward as he could. He managed to rock himself into a standing position. Once he had enough balance he dove backwards. The wooden chair broke under the force and his weight.

Danny worked quickly. He freed his hands and ran over to Steve. He noticed how pale his partner had become and his stomach grew heavy with worry. "Hey, babe, you're gonna be fine." Danny tried to reassure as he freed him from his restraints. Danny ripped his shirt sleeve off and tied it tightly around one of Steve's arms. He done the same to his other sleeve and tied it around the other arm. Since he had no more sleeves to use he took his shirt off and worked with what he had.

Once he was certain he had all of the deep wounds wrapped Danny looked up at Steve. His eyes were closed and Danny couldn't have him falling asleep. "Babe." He lightly tapped Steve's face. He let out a sigh when he got a response. "We have to move. The quicker we get out of here the better chances of you not bleeding to death."

Steve weakly nodded and mustered up enough strength to stand. Danny wrapped a steady arm around him. One of his arms rested around Danny's shoulders. He felt light headed and like he was going to fall over. Luckily, Danny was there to keep him standing.

"Easy, Steve." Danny said gently. They made their way out the door. Soon they were outside. Luckily they weren't too far from civilization.

As they walked Danny could feel Steve's weight gradually growing. Instead of saying anything he kept moving. The farther got the better off they would be. There was a main highway not to far from where they were. Danny could see vehicles going by off in the distance. "Almost there, Babe."

Danny tightened his grip as Steve swayed, almost throwing them off balance and onto the ground. Sweat ran down Danny's face. The heat seemed to be getting...heavy? He didn't know how to explain it but it was there, it was intense, and it wore him down.

"Danny," Steve slurred. "Do you hear that?"

Danny was confused for a second but then he heard it; and it was music to his ears. Help was coming.

- -
He rested his face on his fists as he sat in the no so comfortable chair. The white tiles glistened under the light and squeaky footsteps could be heard in the hall.

"Hospitals." Danny thought to himself. "How I hate them."

It had been twenty-three hours since him amd Steve had been rescued and twenty-two hours since he had seen his partners eyes. Since then he has sat there, unwilling to leave until Steve woke up. The doctor said that none of his wounds were fatal but he did have to have a blood transfusion and stitches.

"Leave it to Steve to get off that easy with being on the verge of bleeding to death." Danny thought. "I shouldn't complain though, I don't know what I'd do without him."

Danny was pulled out of his thoughts as movement came from the hospital bed. He looked up and seen that Steve was starting to wake up.

"Steve?" Danny asked. "Hey, babe, take it easy." His voice was hoarse yet soothing. Probably what most would consider his father tone.

"Dan-" Steve tried to talk but nothing more than a squeak escaped and Danny couldn't help but chuckle.

"Allow me to get you some water." Danny turned and grabbed the ice water that he had kept fresh as he waited for his partner to wake up.

"Easy." Danny instructed as Steve drank greedily from the straw.

"Thanks." This time Steve was able to get out a full word. His voice was weak.

"No problem." Danny smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Like I was drained of my life force." Steve said with a scratchy voice. Danny squinted at his bad joke. "Any word on Evans?"

"Chin and Kono picked him up at the airport a few hours after you were brought in." Danny pulled his chair closer and sat down.

"That's good news." Steve looked at Danny. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Danny asked surprised. "For what?"

"For not waiting for backup and putting your life at risk."

"I think you're still loopy from the pain meds." Danny joked. "Otherwise you'd never be apologizing for your animal like behavior. Also, don't apologize. We made the decision together."

"Hey, Danny?" Steve asked as he closed his eyes.


"Fluff my pillow?"

Danny let out a sigh as he looked at his partner. "What would you do without me, babe?" Danny asked as he stood up and fluffed his best friend's pillow.

A/N: Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please share your thoughts. I hope to see you in the review section!