I have lots of ideas. Too many for my own good, according to some among my friends and family. So, rather than take forever trying to write out full plots for all of these and maybe wind up only posting one or two, I decided to break things up a little bit, and do one snippet at a time. The early chapters will be pretty small, as they're mostly just the initial nuggets that sparked each AU, but subsequent parts will get longer, I promise.

Table of Contents

1. Realm of Darkness (Ch 1, 5, 9, 13, 39, 56,

-He found them when they were four. He began taking them on assignments when they were eight. A decade later, Vader has trained his children to be perfect. The time has come for them to conquer an Empire.

2. Push and Pull (Ch 2, 8, 18) Complete

-Anakin Skywalker died with the rest of the city's Police Force in the '66 takeover. Vader now serves as Mayor Palpatine's right hand man, in darkness and the light of day. He never expected the Skywalker children to seek him out, but that's exactly what they did.

3. Never Hurt Him (Ch 3, 48)

-Six year old Luke has lots of people who love him - his mommy, his Uncle Obi, Uncle Rex and Aunt 'Soka - and now he knows he has a daddy who loves him too. One who might be a bit scary, and hard to hug, but that was okay. At least he promised to help Luke when the time right comes along.

4. Realm of Light (Ch 4, 23, 25, 53,

-Palpatine attempted to make himself Emperor. Anakin opposed him, and the two died within minutes of each other. As Padme struggles to push past her grief, Obi-wan and the other Jedi attempt to adjust to the knowledge of the Chosen One's marriage - and his newborn twins.

5. Quintet (Ch 6, 15, 33, 51,

-*Extraction Squad Alpha to Captain Rex.* "Rex here. Report?" *We have the Senator, sir, but, uh- she's gone into labor.* "...Understood. Get her onto a transport as quickly as possible, but safely - no harm is to come to General Skywalker's wife or their child, understood?"

6. Peas in a Pod (Ch 7, 14, 34, 52,

-"We started off transmitting illegal broadcasts. Then General Skywalker sent Kanan to us, to protect Ezra. Now we're living on a rebel base, letting both our boys train with the Force, and helping out with missions against the Empire." Ephraim kissed his wife. "Mira, dear, how did our lives completely turn around in just four years?" "Haven't the foggiest, love."

7. Family Bonds are Strongest (Ch 10, 20, 22, 24, 31, 43, 45) Complete

-When Ahsoka walked away from the Jedi Order, so did Anakin.

8. Three Generations (Ch 11, 27, 29, 54,

-In a world where certain Attack of the Clones events never happened, Shmi Skywalker-Lars is delighted to meet her grandchildren. Less so about the bounty on their father's head, but still. Her family is once again complete.

9. Dark Daughter (Ch 12) Complete

-For twenty years, Anakin thought he only had his son, Luke, to raise and train and love. Then the Skywalkers discover that they were decieved - that Palpatine was able to steal one of their number, and has poisoned her against anything Jedi in nature.

10. Fellow Padawans (Ch 17, 32, 35, 38, 50,

-Hera sighed, gesturing towards the weathered old man and a blonde teenager who looked to be Ezra's age. "Guys, these are Obi-wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. And they need somewhere to hide for a while."

11. New Family, New Hope (Ch 16, 26, 44, 46,

-Mentally pressing for Leia's hidden secrets while aboard the Death Star, Vader finds not the location of the Rebel base, but something much more personal: "I recently learned the truth, that my real parents were Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker." "That's my father's name, too!"

12. Unexpected Encounter (Ch 19, 21, 30, 36, 41)

-"What is your name, youngling?" Maketh tried to make the question as soft and unthreatening as possible. "...Ezra." "And how old are you, Ezra? Six?" "'m seven."

13. Little Ones (Ch 28)

-Normally, Luke only brings Force-sensitive younglings back to his training grounds; but for little Rey and the two boys whom she's latched onto, he'll make an exception.

14. From the Forge (Ch 37, 40, 42, 49,

-Rebels spin-off to Family Bonds are Strongest, in which both Depa Billaba and her student Caleb Dume escape the Purge, courtesy of their microchip-free and still-loyal clone troopers...

15. Reluctant Relations (Ch 47, 55,

-In which Mira Bridger's maiden name was Fett.

Be sure to check back here in future to see what stories are coming up next!
