HI FWENDS! Just kidding, I'm new to this site and relatively new to writing Jily so bear with me. Just so I can give a clear forewarning this is essentially AU. While it still includes the same world and characters the plot-line is significantly different, so if you need every single smidgey detail to be canon then I am afraid that this fanfiction is regretfully not for you, so you best be on your way. You see, for this fic, my vision for Lily is very, very different so I suggest that if you love canon Lily you should bugger off as well. If you're still here, lets fucking do this. (P.S. rated M for future scenes, language and themes)
Also, I hope this turns out good, I'm trying to show my best friend that Fanfic doesn't need to be exactly canon to be great!
Anyway, tata for now
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good
September 1st
6th year
The atmosphere in the Great Hall on the first evening of term was always unparalleled to any other. The constant buzz of chatter and the flicker of thousands of candles under the bewitched ceiling gave everyone a warm sense of homeliness as they braced themselves for another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All second years and up, by now familiar with the order of events of the first meal, chattered and caught up with their friends and housemates, whether they were red, yellow, blue or green, until they were told to quiet down. The first years who had just been sorted seemed to remain in awe of their surroundings, too excited to move.
"Oi Prongs mate, move up! Mckinnon really grew up over the summer, reckon she'll come sit with us?" Sirius said staring keenly in Marlene Mckinnon's direction.
At this, Sirius was swatted over the head with Remus Lupin's newspaper.
"That's my cousin you git." Remus said softly but with a clearly authoritative and dangerous tone as he sat back down from reaching over the table to hit Sirius.
"Well then Moony, your cousin got fit over the summer, maybe you can call her to sit?" Sirius said smirking as he fixed his hair back into it's this-is-exactly-how-I-woke-up style even though all four boys knew it took him almost half an hour.
At this Remus scoffed and returned to the Daily Prophet that he was holding.
A comfortable silence fell over the boys as they familiarised themselves with their surroundings yet again, settling in for another year. The smell of parchment and ink was all around, with the faint smell of broom polish wafting through the air every so often.
"So," Peter Pettigrew beamed at Remus from next to him, "Are you excited that you're the Gryffindor prefect again?"
A snort that half resembled that of a choking hippogriff escaped from Sirius as Remus sent him a dirty look.
"Yeah Pete, I'm pretty excited, thanks for asking", he smiled genuinely at his friend, "Although I haven't managed to work out who the new girl prefect is. I've looked for the badge on all the girl's robes and its just not there. I mean after Julia didn't come back I assumed they would give someone else the position but I don't know. No other sixth year girl came to the meeting on the train. What do you reckon Prongs?" Remus said, handing the conversation over to the final marauder.
James sat there, throwing his snitch up and down, staring at it while not really looking at anything, like his mind was somewhere else. His rectangular rimmed glasses had slid down slightly so they sat on the middle of his nose and his head was propped up on his other hand.
"Prongs?" Remus questioned his friend again with a slightly concerned undertone.
After he did not respond, yet again, Sirius took his wand and pushed it into James' side. At this, James jumped and his snitched slipped and proceeded to hit peter bang on in the face.
"Oh shit Wormtail, my bad!" James exclaimed, grabbing his snitch and glaring at Sirius.
Sirius, Remus and Peter all looked at James, awaiting an explanation. Upon noticing his friends glances, Remus' being cautious, Pete's being kind and Sirius' with a smirk, James coughed.
"What? I'm just bored I guess."
The boys encouraged him to elaborate.
"I just, everything is the same, nothing new or different. I mean in Hogwarts everything is guaranteed, there is a whole other world outside of here and we are just here and its well, its just, the same."
At this all three boys seemed to think. None of them spoke for a while.
Surprisingly, Peter was the first to speak up. "I don't know James. Maybe it seems boring now, but I have this feeling, something's coming, things are going to change." He said it so convincingly, smiling as if he truly believed it, and for some reason, it managed to pull James back together, at least a small amount. The marauders continued chatting until their headmaster took to the podium and the hall was left in a still, knowing silence.
"Welcome back students to another year at Hogwarts." The loud voice of Albus Dumbledore echoed through the hall, and brought everyone's attention to him. The wizard, wearing long purple and deep blue robes, a long white beard and half-moon spectacles, smiled at all of his students.
"Now before we begin, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind all students that the list of forbidden items has grown since last year and so I suggest that you all brief yourselves on what has been added to avoid any, ahem, unfortunate, situations." As Dumbledore said this, his gaze seemed to be fixed of Sirius and James, and their knowing grins were met with a small and smug one, Dumbledore's eyes glinting as he began to speak again.
"This year, I'd like to share some insight and advice for those of you who wish to accept it." Dumbledore was about to continue when the highly audible sound of footsteps came from outside the large double doors. The footsteps became louder and louder until every person in the room had turned to see who had interrupted their headmaster's welcome speech.
The door creaked open and in walked something that no one had been expecting. People were expecting a new teacher, Filch, maybe even a lost creature that had wandered up from the forest, but no one expected a girl with fiery auburn hair to walk proudly through the door. James had never seen her before, no one had, he was sure that he would remember if he did. His mouth dropped open as his (as well as the entire student body's) eyes raked over her.
The girl was average height, but had long skinny legs making her appear taller. Her skin was a creamy pale that looked soft to touch. The features of her face were delicate, her small nose and high cheekbones dusted with freckles. Her eyes were big and a dazzling emerald green, with a shine that made them appear to be glistening. She would have appeared innocently cute, had it not been for her get up. She wore the Hogwarts school robes, which James now noticed were Gryffindor, in a way he had never seen. Her white blouse was several sizes too small, accentuating not only the curve of her wide hips but clearly showing what James thought was a mildly scandalous red bra that she wore underneath. Her red and gold tie was undone and hanging loosely around her neck. Her skirt was done up at her waist, so it flared out at her hips but stopped high up on her thighs, exposing the flawless pale skin there.
Her socks were worn just above her knees and were paired with, not school shoes, but high heeled leather ankle boots. She held her robes with her hand over her shoulder. She strutted into the hall without an air of concern with the situation in front of her, at which every female in the room looked like an inferi had just strolled into the Great Hall while every male seemed as if he were about to spontaneously combust. James watched as everyone's eyes followed her as she walked directly towards the headmaster.
Dumbledore. Merlin what must be going through his head?
As this thought occurred to James he noticed the girl smile.
"Do I have to call you professor now Uncle A?" the girl said in a strong foreign accent, beaming affectionately at the headmaster as he stepped off his podium and took two strides towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"What in Merlin's name is happening?' Sirius murmured through his teeth to James.
"Not a bloody clue." James replied honestly, still staring at the girl.
Dumbledore smiled at her, "It's good to see you Lily", he said warmly as she smiled back and made her way up the stairs, towards the staff table, plonking herself into the headmaster's seat. Getting comfortable, she casually threw her legs over the arm rest and leant her head against her dainty hand, staring at Professor McGonagall. "Its great to see you Minnie." The girl smiled again and James watched along with the entire Gryffindor populace in absolute shock as they watched the head of their house smile, for the first time possibly ever.
Next it was Remus who whispered to the three other boys, "Minnie? Did she just call McGonagall, Minnie?" He said incredulously. Peter looked as if he had been stunned before he choked, "Well Minnie just smiled." The boys would have had a good laugh had they not all been staring at the girl who was currently lounging on Dumbledore's chair, and, to the entire halls' surprise, she pulled out a copy of 'Hogwarts: A History', and promptly began to read.
No one really noticed Dumbledore walk back onto the podium until he coughed twice loudly, attracting almost everyone's attention turned back to him, as he continued with the rest of his speech as if nothing had happened. James, meanwhile, was still staring at the girl, totally in awe of everything about her. Everything that the headmaster had said was merely a buzz in the back of his head, everything else rendered quiet as he attempted to etch her image into his head.
James didn't even register the speech had finished until the tables filled with food and the excited chatter resumed, even louder than before.
"Who the bloody hell is that?" A new voice came from next to Sirius, and much to the boys, especially Sirius' surprise, Marlene Mckinnon was sitting there, reaching over the table to grab a dish of potatoes.
Sirius, first flashing a self-satisfied smirk at Remus, spoke, "No idea, she's wearing Gryffindor robes though".
"She's wearing the prefect badge."
At this everyone turned to James who had just mumbled this observation while still staring at her.
"What?" Mary McDonald questioned James, appearing next to him and waving at Remus and Peter.
"The prefect badge, its on her robes."
And sure enough, as all six of them inspected the redhead's robes, they saw the glint of a gold, Gryffindor prefect badge.
While conversation continued from there, the girls catching up with each other and the Marauders, who, to no one's surprise had spent the holiday together, but James was still staring at the girl.
Lily, that's what Dumbledore had called her. He stared at her, shovelling food into his mouth haphazardly as he barely tuned into anything his friends were saying. It was just as he took a sip of pumpkin juice that he saw the girl turn to face him. As their eyes connected, James attempted to swallow his drink but found that his throat had closed up, causing some of the orange liquid to drip down his chin. So much for the smooth ladies' man. But this thought was quickly shoved out of his head with another. The girl was beautiful. She was unlike anyone else James had ever seen, she was magnificent. He found himself smirking, more to himself than anyone else, but the girl noticed and winked quickly before turning to converse with the headmaster (who now sat next to her in a seat he had fashioned for himself after she has stolen his) and Professor Slughorn, who looked positively delighted to be conversing with her. James was completely astounded that she had looked at him, winked at him even and found himself sneaking glances at her every so often throughout the meal.
As the empty dessert plates began to vanish from the tables, Dumbledore returned to the stand calling all prefects to the back of the hall, so Remus, as well as the other house's prefects from the 5th, 6th and 7t)h years as well as this years head boy and girl, Frank Longbottom and Alice Prewett from Gryffindor made their way to the back of the room.
Remus felt extremely awkward walking by himself, until he met up with Frank who gave him a friendly slap on the back and the two fell into step.
"So Lupin, how were your holidays?" Frank asked brightly.
"Yeah, pretty decent actually thanks Frank." Remus replied sending a polite smile to his friend. "How's Alice?" Remus asked, and seeing how Frank's eyes lit up, he could already tell that Frank was very happy to be back at Hogwarts and even more so, back with his girlfriend. The two slowed as they reached the circle of prefects while Alice went around assigning all 5th year prefects to lead all the first years to their common rooms and brief them, while all 6th years were to stay at the back and help any lost students or anyone who asks. The 7th years were to go meet in the Head's office on the fifth floor to discuss new rules and the patrol rosters. Frank then stepped forward and began speaking about something else but Remus never quite caught on as he felt a presence to the side of him.
"I take it you're my fellow prefect?"
Remus looked to his right and too his shock was met with a mass of ginger hair that was quickly swiped into a pony and a girl smiling smugley up at him.
"Yep, t-that's me." Remus mentally cringed at his inability to converse with the opposite sex without coming across as a blabbering idiot. "I'm Remus Lupin," He said, trying to remain calm.
"Well Remus Lupin, I'm Lily. Lovely to meet you." Remus swallowed and nodded briefly before turning his gaze back to the head boy and girl as they finished speaking.
Soon, everyone began to leave the hall with the prefects shouting, "First years this way" as all four houses mixed into an array of colours as they filed out of the hall in a not-so-orderly fashion. After a couple minutes, the last of the students were filtering out of the hall before Remus coughed before taking a sideways glance, "I guess that's I cue to Go," he said before nodding towards the door. Lily nodded, smiled and led the way out.
Upon leaving the hall, Remus realised that his fellow prefect had never been to the Gryffindor common room, and subsequently began to speed up in order to shower her which way to go.
"Just turn-"
"Right here, got it." She smiled at Remus as he cocked his head to the side, as if asking for an explanation to how she could possibly know her way around the castle.
They walked in silence, Remus wanting to ask her at least one hundred questions but not knowing where to start.
"I was born here, but I've lived most of my life in Australia," Lily said giggling slightly as Remus' eyes bulged, "I assumed you'd wouldn't know what to ask me."
"You are a bit of a mystery" Remus replied grinning.
"Well considering you're my fellow prefect, in my year and in my house, I'd like to believe we could be friends, so ask me questions, I'm all ears till we get to the common room, just shoot."
Remus smiled, shook his head slightly at her obvious Gryffindor confidence.
"What's your full name?"
"Digging deep I see, Lily Evans."
"Favourite colour?"
"Ooo Remus how personal, Green."
"Favourite food?"
"Well previously I used to love Caramel Cauldrons, I still do, but after trying Rolli's chocolate cake I'm afraid its been changed."
Remus stopped walking. "Wait, Rolli as in the house elf from the kitchen?" Lily nodded as they began to walk. Still confused, Remus continued "You found the kitchen?" Again she nodded, "There's a lot I found out about this school Remus, you may very well be surprised."
"Okay okay" he continued, shaking his head, "How do you know Dumbledore?"
"Practically raised me."
"So why join Hogwarts this year?"
Though it was only slight, Remus noticed her hesitate and realised instantly that he had stumbled onto something she wasn't ready to tell a practically near-stranger.
"Never mind that," At his words Lily looked up at Remus and gave him an appreciative smile and he noticed her eyes, that had been brimming with tears were again creasing at the corners and she was smiling.
"How did you know you're in Gryffindor? I mean it's not everyday that a sixth year student waltzes into the Great Hall with her own set of robes worn completely differently to every other student that has ever existed, ever."
At this Lily snorted and with an amused smirk, Remus looked at her as she shrugged, "I snort, move on."
At this Remus chuckled before she answered his previous question. "I spent the holidays here, and Minnie sorted me over the break."
"Minnie?" Remus questioned before he smiled incredulously "McGonagall!" He said laughing. "Y-you ca-call Mcgonagall, M-m-minnie?" Remus barked as he stumbled from laughing so hard.
"Doesn't everyone?' Lily asked innocently only sending Remus into a continuous fit of laughter so upon turning the corner he walked right into the teacher in question.
When he realised he had just collided with Minerva McGonagall Remus instantly stopped laughing, attempting to swallow his sniggers as Lily did the same.
McGonagall looked between the two of them before settling on Lily.
"Lily dear," at the tone and use of pet name that McGonagall just used Remus thought he were going to turn red from holding in his laughter. "As much as I appreciate your, lets just say fiery personality, I think from now the uniform should be worn with a little more, modesty, after all, you are representing the house of Godric Gryffindor and should wear your uniform has he would."
Without missing a beat Lily smiled at the professor and snorted, much to McGonagall and Remus' shock, "Sorry, I'm just imagining Godric Gryffindor in a skirt."
Remus could no longer contain his laughter and he double over, grabbing onto the cold, stone wall for support as McGonagall looked between the two prefects with an equal amount of shock and amusement.
"Well Minnie we best be off to bed so we will see you tomorrow. Thank you!" Lily smiled, grabbing Remus by the arm and pulling him away from the smirking McGonagall who, after sighing and shaking her head, resumed on her way.
It took them only two minutes more to reach the common room and already Lily Evans was a little less of a mystery to Remus. As he arrived at the portrait of the fat lady Remus stopped abruptly, realising they never heard the new password to enter the common room, but Lily just looked at him, smiled and proudly spoke, "Cornish Pixies" and the door swung open.
Remus smiled to himself, "Right, you live here."
They both strode into the common room, met with the familiar warmth that was not only emitted from the fire but the room itself. They chatted amongst themselves, smiling and laughing as they made their way over to the marauders who were busy chatting with Marlene, Mary, Alice and Frank. When they both arrived everyone looked up and their eyes grew wide. Remus, suddenly remembering his friends had no clue who Lily was, he suddenly laughed and grabbed Lily around the waist, squeezing her.
"Guys this is Lily Evans. Lily, this is Peter Pettigrew, Marlene Mckinnon, Alice Longbottom sorry- Prewett, Frank Longbottom, Sirius Black, Mary Macdonald and this is James Potter."
Lily smiled at each as they were named, chuckling slightly at Remus' 'slip up' over Alice's name, all the girl's glanced at her, they didn't seem intimidated or afraid, they looked friendly, they beamed at her and lily could tell they were all meant to be Gryffindors. The boys were all well built, Peter being obviously smaller but all had tall frames that were filled out well with lean muscles. Peter's hair was a dirty blonde and cropped while Frank's was a dark brown cut neatly, Sirius on the other hand was more attractive than the both of them. His dark, shaggy, black hair and grey eyes so seemingly familiar to Lily. Lily decided that she felt very comfortable around her fellow Gryffindors. But as she looked at the last name she no more saw the rest of the common room.
She had winked at him from across the great Hall, but his features were now so distinctive as he sat just next to where she stood.
His face was long and chiselled with a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. His rectangular framed glasses perfectly displayed his dazzling hazel eyes. He was the tallest of the lot and every feature on his body appeared to be cut from a precious stone. His hair was extremely messy, and as he ran his hand through his hair Lily realised it was a habit, it was intentional. It was earth-shatteringly sexy. She noticed the quidditch captain badge pinned against his robes and instantly understood that his calloused hands and well built shoulders were obviously a result of hours on his broom.
She couldn't stop staring at him, and he hadn't stopped staring at her.
It was just the two of them, eyes piercing through the other.
"Well," a voice came from the couch, breaking both James and Lily from their trance, and Sirius hopped up, "Lily Evans it is lovely to meet you." Sirius said grabbing Lily and pulling her into a hug before twirling her in the air as everyone laughed.
Remus smiled tenderly at Lily and she realised she had made her first close friend at Hogwarts. "I'm going to go to bed Lily. If you need anything, I'll come to you."
Lily frowned, "But how do you get up the girl's staircase?"
Now Remus smirked. "There is a lot I know about this school, you may be surprised." Remus said quoting Lily from earlier in the evening.
"Goodnight Remus Lupin." Lily whispered as she reached around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Remus held her waist and in turn whispered into her ear, "Goodnight Lily Evans." Lily opened her eyes and from over Remus' shoulder she could make out everyone getting up and saying their goodbyes for the evening, everyone but James who was tossing a snitch in his hand carelessly catching it.
As Lily pulled out of Remus' arms she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to see a small brunette standing next to a tall, fair looking young man. "Lily, if you need anything, Frank and I can help. We are in the heads dormitory, I'm sure one of the others will help you get there." Lily smiled and pulled Alice into a tight hug, much to her surprise.
"Thank you Alice, I appreciate it." Lily pulled away and Alice beamed at her, grabbed Frank's hand and they walked out of the common room.
Lily went to turn around to see if James was still sitting when she felt the wind leave her body as Sirius threw her over his shoulder, effortlessly and began to run around the room as Lily squealed.
"Sirius Black you let me down right now!" Lily said laughing hysterically as a running Sirius continued running, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Sirius!" A girl, Marlene McKinnon shouted laughing, "She's not going to want to hang out with us if you are throwing her around like a rag doll, put the poor girl down!" This just made Lily and Sirius burst out laughing. Even upside down Lily could see the effect of Sirius' bark like laughter on everyone around him. The only person in the common room who was not looking at the scene Sirius was making was James as he continued to toss his snitch, staring into the distance.
"Sirius… Sirius… Oi what's his middle name?" Lily shouted towards Marlene and Mary who both shrugged. "Peter?" Mary shouted his name, assuming he would know. She didn't bother asking James, he seemed to be in his own world.
"Orion, its Orion!" Peter shouted back to Lily who smiled gratefully from upside down, hanging off Sirius' back, now going for his fourth lap of the common room.
"No Lily not my hair!" Sirius shrieked which made the whole common room break out into laughter.
Sirius turned to look at the onlookers with a smirk but as he did he didn't notice the leg of one of the deep red couches in his path and he tripped and with a thud, Sirius landed face first on the couch, but to all the onlookers horror, Lily was thrown into the air heading toward the fireplace.
"Accio Lily!" A loud voice boomed over the screams from inside the common room and almost instantly Lily was thrown backwards and into the caller's arms as they both fell onto a couch. Lily took a few deep breaths as everyone crowded around her. She looked up and was met with a pair of dark hazel eyes boring into her own.
"Are you alright, Evans?"
Evans? Lily questioned internally.
"I'm okay," She paused. "Thank you Potter."
He smiled at her and Lily instantly felt herself relax as he held onto her while she calmed down.
Remus, who had run downstairs hearing the commotion ran over to Sirius who was groaning on the couch. He roughly pulled him off and proceeded to hit him continuously over the head.
"You could have killed her Sirius. You only met her what, twenty minutes ago? And you've already nearly thrown her in the damn fireplace!" Remus said fuming. He then ran over to Lily and pulled her up from James. Lily felt cold instantly rush through her body from being away from James, which Lily noticed with curiosity. She also happened to turn back just as she watched James shiver.
Maybe he also felt it?
"Are you alright Lily?" Remus asked looked her over with such brotherly concern for someone who met her only an hour ago.
"I'm alright Remus, really. Just worried I squashed James that's all." Lily said as Marlene and Mary chuckled.
"I'm all good Evans." James said brushing his school sweater as he got up off the couch and walked over to Sirius, who, after hitting him over the back of the head, slumped into the couch with him and began chatting normally.
With a smile, Remus turned to Peter. "Wormtail, you going to stay down here or come to the dorm?'
"I'll come up with you Moony don't worry." Peter said.
Lily couldn't help but find herself stuck on their strange nicknames.
Peter began to ascend the staircase.
A new voice then spoke. "Lily, you can stay down here if you want. Marls and I are going to head up; we will wait up for our new roomy don't worry." Mary finished with a smile as she and Marlene nodded and ran up the girl's staircase.
Lily turned back to Remus with a questioning smile, "Moony? Wormtail? What are you boys? Animals?" Remus smiled brightly and to Lily's surprise, he laughed.
"Trust me Lil, it's best you don't try understand us. Feel free to try work it though." With this Remus smile and began to walk up the boys staircase but not before turning around and shouting.
"Night Padfoot, Night Prongs."
At this, Sirius followed by James turned to Remus and smiled and Remus, with a smirk in Lily's direction turned back around and ran up.
So children, What do we think?
Please review, I really want all your feedback for this story as I can't adapt it to be what you want if I don't know.
So, Reviews are like James Potter shirtless in your bedroom,
Much Love.
Mischief Managed (For now)