A/N: Everyone all good? Mental health check in? So when you read this do you imagine Alan Rickman or someone else entirely? Not going to lie I immediately think Adam Driver as a more age accurate Severus. I might have already started chapter 19. Which was the original 18. Oops. I just couldn't give this flow up.
Hermione stretched out, feeling that Severus' side of the bed was cold and definitely empty. Hermione groaned, rolling over and sitting up. She summoned her dressing coat, it landed effortlessly in her lap. And she screamed. Severus came bolting in, from their sitting room.
"Are you alright?" He knelt before her.
Hermione shook her head, "I…..it came….I summoned…..wandless and it came."
"So you screamed?" he asked laughing, "I'm thinking you're hurt having a nightmare. In trouble. And you summoned your dressing gown." He kissed her forehead. "You're okay. You're okay." His body wracked with laughter. "Hermione that's excellent. Your powers are growing."
Hermione took at deep breath, "I couldn't do wandless before."
"Magic has bonded further," he responded, "Its okay. You're okay, you're going to be okay."
Hermione looked at him, "Your magic. Your magic did that. Not mine."
Severus kissed her, "Our magic." He stood, " Would you like some tea?" He out stretched his hand to help her up.
Hermione took his hand, "What time is is?"
"Half past six in the morning," he said, helping her slip into her dressing gown. "It's Saturday." He kissed her neck as she tied her robe.
Hermione hummed, leaning back into him, offering her neck. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, enjoying the feel of her against him. The pair stood like that for several minutes. Hermione broke away first. "Tea?"
He nodded, "Tea."
Hermione crossed her legs, she'd been staring at this potion for the last two hours and it wasn't turning the iridescent yellow it was supposed to. She checked the heat again, right at 93 degrees Celsius, she'd tallied her counter clock wise turns twenty five. She checked the recipe again. Twenty five turns. She let out a huff of indignation.
Severus looked up from his potion, "Give it one clockwise stir."
Hermione huffed, "The text says-"
"Hermione stir the damn potion," he snapped.
She huffed again, and gave the position one clockwise stir. Slowly the potion started to change from its bright orange to the soft iridescent yellow. "Thanks," she scoffed.
"What's your problem this morning?" he growled, slamming down his glass stirring rod, shattering it. He lifted up his bleeding hand. "Fuck!"
Hermione looked up, watching Severus wrap his hand. "Come here so I can heal you."
"No. It can heal naturally. What the hell is your problem?" Severus secured the bandage around his hand with wandless magic.
"Let me heal your hand," Hermione demanded, standing up, making her way across the potions lab to her husband. She reached for his hand, flinching as he jerked away from her.
Severus cursed under his breath, watching Hermione's eyes water. "Hermione I'm," he stopped, not knowing how to proceed. It was the first full week of September, and they had never fought. He didn't know how to handle her when she was mad at him. Frankly he was annoyed with her, as well.
She turned away from him, "My birthday is the first Hogsmeade weekend."
"And you want me to go with you?" he asked, not exactly grasping why she would be upset over a Hogsmeade weekend.
"Yes I would like for my husband to go with me. But that's not exactly appropriate now is it?!" she hissed, picking up her research then slamming it back down.
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, inhale..one…two…three..exhale…three…two….one. Inhale, exhale. "You want me to be your date to Hogsmeade and you're angry with me because I can't be your date? Correct?"
"Now when you say it like that it sounds silly," she huffed, crossing her arms and sitting back on her stool.
Severus chuckled, "Merlin this is ridiculous."
"Yes it's ridiculous that I want to spend my birthday with my husband." She stood leaving the potions lab, her magic sparking.
Severus groaned, "So much for easy." He exhaled, "Now to make it right. Even though I've done absolutely nothing wrong." He checked his muggle pocket watch, it was almost tea time. It would be easy to pop in on Minerva, and get advice on how to handle his wife. He cast a stasis on their potions, before leaving for Minerva's quarters.
Everyone avoided him as he stormed through the castle, making his way to Minerva's tower. He banged on her door, barging in as she opened it.
"Well I never, Severus Snape what has gotten into you?" Minerva demanded, closing the door.
"Hermione," he said it like a curse.
"Severus it's not my place to get involved in your marriage," she stated, summoning a second tea cup. She poured their tea, gesturing for him to sit.
"She wants me to accompany her to Hogsmeade," Severus said.
"Her birthday is next weekend, I could see why she would be upset. It's her first in eighteen years without her parents, they always made sure to celebrate when she was here presents cards trinkets. She can't spend her birthday with the man she cares greatly for because he's her teacher. And her friends don't know she's married. Much less to you," Minerva sipped her tea. "I can easily see why she's angry."
"Why didn't she just say that?" Severus asked, gripping his tea cup tightly.
"Do you even have anything planned for next Saturday?" Minerva asked.
He thought about the bottle of champagne, the rare book he had procured for her research, and most importantly the garnet and sapphire band he had in his pocket. He'd yet to give her a wedding ring and had designed this one for her especially. He pulled the box out of his pocket, opening it he sat it on the arm rest of Minerva's chair.
The older witch picked up the box, examining the delicate platinum band, housing beautiful round cut sapphires and garnets. The band was tiny delicate, and simply stunning. "Where's your grandmothers ring? I see your grandmother's sapphires, some of them at least, and the Prince family garnets," Minerva asked. Severus's grandmother had been a dear friend and she had often spied on Eileen Prince and young Severus. Reporting back to her friend.
"In my vault. Where it will stay, until I give her a proper bonding ceremony," Severus grumbled, thinking of the giant twelve karat emerald cut sapphire surrounded by tapered baguette cut diamonds. It was a sight to behold.
"I remember when your grandfather gave her that ring. She wouldn't accept the typical Prince garnet ring. The traditional ring. No she wanted her Ravenclaw blue, your grandfather made sure she had a sapphire worthy of her. She was a remarkable woman Severus. He loved her, yes it was an arrangement. But the love they had was beautiful," Minerva smiled, "She would have loved Hermione." Minerva closed the ring box, handing it back to Severus, "Its beautiful my boy."
"I designed it myself, to match my grandmother's ring. Unfortunately it will overwhelm this ring but she deserves something special," Severus replied, putting the ring box back in his pocket. "I hate that she's upset." He could still feel her anger through the bond. "I want to accompany her."
"Then have her chaperone with you, you idiot. She's your apprentice, it's technically part of her duties," Minerva said, finishing her tea.
"I want her to spend time with her friends," he replied.
"They can celebrate with lunch at the three broom sticks, I'll mention it to Harry," Minerva said, "He'll set everything up with Mr and Miss Weasley. And you'll get your wife for the day. As her date to Hogsmeade."
Severus stared at Minerva his mouth agape, women were truly brilliant. He finished his tea, now he would have to face his brilliant and terrifying wife. He checked the bond, her anger was settling and she was back in the lab. "Can I have another cup?"
"Her potion is volatile, and so is her temper. What do you think?" he asked.
Minerva poured the tea, deciding not to take a jab at the spy who lies to the Dark Lord, the same man who was terrified of his angry wife. She'd keep that one in her hat.
Hermione sat watching her potion, she checked the recipe again. It was right on track. The stupid clockwise stir had fixed whatever she had messed up. Severus was right as always. Which annoyed her, more than it probably should. She knew now after their blow up this morning that majority of her annoyance with Severus was more personal, reminders of what she couldn't do with her husband outside of their chambers. Including what she wasn't brave enough to do inside of their chambers.
Hermione banged her fist on the table. The loud thud made her feel better. She rubbed her eyes, they still stung from her angry crying fit. She knew they were still red and puffy. She was glad Severus had left her alone to be upset. She owed him an apology. Her behavior was out of line and he did nothing to get the brunt of her anger.
There was a soft knock on the door of the potions lab, Hermione looked up, she'd left the door open. Her face lit up. Severus was leaning against the door a smirk playing on his lips.
"Am I safe to come in?" he asked.
Hermione nodded, leaving her stool to throw herself into his arms. She buried her head in his chest, murmuring apologies, and breathing in his scent.
Severus held onto her tightly, "I know this is hard on you. Hermione I need you to talk to me. I don't want to argue with you. We are going to disagree, that's life. But this is something I can help you get through."
"I miss them, Sev. I'm angry that I have this wonderful man in my life that right now I can't even share my life with," Hermione grumbled, wiping her eyes.
"I have it handled. You are the other chaperone for the Hogsmeade trip. Potter is arranging a birthday lunch for you. Then I have something planned for you Saturday night. You will be very well spoiled next week. It's my job to take care of you," he said, "I'm trying my best to meet your needs and not push you."
Hermione kissed him, "Thank you. I really needed that."
One Week Later: Hermione's Birthday
Hermione sat with her friends at breakfast, wanting to spend time with them before she went on her first Hogsmeade trip as a chaperone. A weird prospect, but one of her duties as an apprentice. Hermione chatted idly with Ron, Harry and Ginny. She'd had an early birthday breakfast in bed with Severus, he'd surprised her with berry filled crepes and fresh whipped cream. A breakfast that had involved a lot of kissing and groping. A flush rose to her cheeks.
"Hermione you're blushing," Ginny pointed out, shaking Hermione our of her memories from that morning.
"It's warm up here, I've finally gotten used to the temperature in the dungeons, now I'm miserably hot everywhere else," Hermione lies, sipping her tea.
"Speaking of the dungeons, we've yet to visit your new quarters. You've been too busy to hang out with us," Ron replied, shoving another sausage in his mouth.
"The apprenticeship is very demanding, I'm gathering my research for my portfolio, and to create my published potion. It's very time consuming," Hermione answered, "I'm buried in books, and potions ingredients."
"And I've never seen you look happier," Harry noted, taking a bite out of his toast.
Ginny laughed, "You do look rosy and dewy. Whatever you're working on it suites you Hermione. I'm happy for you."
Hermione smiled, "Thanks Gin."
The quartet talked some more before Severus came for their chaperone duties. Severus helped Hermione into her trench coat, before they left the castle. "Would you like to walk or we could take a carriage?" he asked.
Hermione smiled, "Walk. It's a beautiful morning."
The pair talked theories about her potion as they walked down the path towards Hogsmeade. She had determined that her focus would be on a potion that would aide on strengthening a magical core after a traumatic experience. Making the recovery time shorter, traumatic experiences were known to effect magical cores and make them unstable. The goal was to stabilize the magical core.
"Do you think it's possible?" she asked, going over her theory for the thousandth time with him.
"There's not a lot of documentation on cases like yours Miss Granger, most die. You're one of the few that were fortunate." The words rolled off his tongue with their typical snark. Hermione knee it was an act incase anyone was spying on the pair.
"Then what would you suggest?" she questioned.
"Go with your instinct," he said, "Creating new potions is trial and error. It takes time. You'll have more than one potion under your name by the time your apprenticeship is over, particularly because I'll demand nothing less."
Hermione nodded, "Yes sir."
The pair wandered around Hogsmeade until noon, Severus went easy on those that were bending the rules. His softer side showing with Hermione close by to mellow his emotions. She had begged him to join her for her birthday lunch. Or at least have a drink with her. Severus declined, reminding her he had plans for them later. Hermione frowned bidding him good bye.
Harry grabbed her outside of the three broomsticks. "He's not going to join us?"
Hermione shook her head, "If we were open, maybe. But we're not. I understand that."
Harry nodded once, seemingly in understanding. He lead her into the pub, and into a chorus of happy birthday from a large percentage of Gryffindor tower.
Hermione sat her bags down, Severus was sitting on their couch, in a white button down and his trousers. Hermione bit back a moan, feeling quite like a Jane Austen heroine at the sight of her husband's forearms. His dark mark was the only contrast to his pale skin and his bright white shirt.
"Good party?" he asked.
"Yes but it was missing someone," she replied sitting beside him. She kissed him. "Hello you. Are you ready for a quiet evening in?"
"Quite. Next year Hermione I promise," he said, "I'll plan the damn thing."
She smiled, "That means the world to me Severus. Thank you." She settled into the couch a little deeper, toeing off her flats. She hummed, snuggling into him closer, bringing her knees up to her chin. "What's next? Because I already feel delightfully spoiled."
Severus summoned the bottle of champagne and two flutes. With a wave of his hand the champagne uncorked, and filled the glasses. He took the glasses from the air, and handed her one. "A toast. To my wonderful companion, my lovely wife. I wish you many more birthdays, and can't wait to watch you grow. You've grown throughout this ordeal, and you continue to astound me. I adore you Hermione." He clinked his glass with hers.
Hermione kissed his cheek, before taking a sip of the champagne, "Thank you Severus."
"There's more," he said, standing. He went over to the small writing table she used for homework. He took a simple brown package off the desk, and came back over to her. "I was able to procure the title you need for your research."
Hermione took the book from him, opening it gently. "How did you find this? Severus it must have cost a small fortune."
"The Prince family library had it. Needless to say it's a family heirloom." He sat beside her, "My great great great grandfather did research on bonds and magical cores. He published this book. This is the first edition. I've got elves looking for his notes."
Hermione smiled, "Thank you."
Severus watched her flip through the text, for several minutes. "Hermione I have something else."
He took the book from her. "I need your attention for this one," he said in response to her whine.
She looked up at him, "What?"
Severus pulled the box out of his pocket, "I had this made for you." He opened the box and sat it on her knee.
Hermione looked up at him, then back at the ring. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. I designed it myself, why wouldn't I be sure?" he asked.
"Because that's a wedding band, and that's a big declaration," she replied, taking the delicate ring out of the box.
Severus took the ring from her, and slid it onto her left ring finger. "We're in this together Hermione. I'm yours. You're mine."
Hermione examined the band on her finger. "I've never seen anything like it."
"You wouldn't, the ring was made with Prince garnets and sapphires. You have access to all the family jewelry in my vaults." He kissed her hand. "Are you okay with this?"
She smiled, "I'm over the moon. This was the sweetest gift I could have imagined. Thank you."
He settled in closer to her, the weight had been lifted. He didn't realize how much the small ring box had weighed on him until it was gone. "Happy birthday love."
Hermione snuggled in closer to him as the pair watched the fire, sipping their champagne. Enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of them. It felt like home. She couldn't wait for a lifetime of birthdays with him. For just the briefest of moments life was absolutely perfect.