It was June 19th 2016.. Father's day.. PPV day.. As Renee filled her duties as host of the kick off show for Money In The Bank she was equally as nervous as she was focused because her boyfriend AKA Jon AKA Dean Ambrose was fighting in a ladder match tonight but not just any ladder match the Money In The Bank ladder match the winner of this match gets a contract for the WWE World Heavyweight championship the biggest prize in the WWE.. She hated the crazy matches but it comes with the territory.. She was nervous for that and also for the present she had sitting in a bag next to her as she went over her notes for the night.. It was something he would love she was sure.. something that would change there lives forever…

As the night went on Renee was more nervous and during the ladder match she was her most nervous as she sat at the table with Lita, Booker T and Corey Graves.. As she watched him Jump off ladders and get pushed off ladders she cringed with every bump he took it wasn't until she saw him climb up the ladder with Kevin Owens and kevin falling off that she felt her heart really speed up as he unhooked that briefcase she felt herself tear up and she cheered with the rest of the crowd.. She jumped up from her seat and began running to the back so she would be there when he came through the curtain..

Once Jon made it through the curtain he was the recipient of many cheers and congratulations from others but the only person he was trying to get to was standing in the corner with a huge smile plastered across her face. He walked to her and picked her up

"We did it baby! Everything's about to get a hell of a lot better for us" He said and she kissed him

"Everything's about to change" She said and kissed him again

They spent the majority of the night in the locker room until it was almost the end of the night.. Renee pulled out the bag and handed it to Jon as he stood up to walk out the door with the briefcase in hand

"Here.. i got you something.." She said and he looked at her and took the bag

"I'll look at it when I get back" He said sitting it on the table

"but.." she said and he kissed her

"I promise! I'll look at it when I get back" he said before walking out the door

As she watched from the locker room she grew nervous once again as she glanced at the bag and back to the tv. She watched as he hit dirty deeds and pinned seth in the middle of the ring 1.2.3.. She jumped up from the couch as she started to cry.. It was a moment he had worked for for a very long time and he'd been through a lot to get to this point and she was just glad she was there with him to celebrate all of it..

After an hour of interviews and photo shoots Jon finally made it back to the locker room and she jumped in his arms as soon as he opened the door he dropped the belt on the couch as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.. She pulled away and unwrapped herself and picked up the bag again handing it to him

"You promised.."She said as she stepped back

"Okay.. Okay.." He said and pulled white piece of cloth out of the bag "You got me a shirt?" he asked

"It's not gonna fit you.." She said and he unfolded it to reveal it was onesie

"Daddy's my favorite.." He read what the onesie said he looked at her with wide eyes

"Happy Father's Day" She said and he picked her up again

He finally had everything.. The Woman of his dreams, The championship, and now the family he's always dreamt of.. It was a day he would never forget..