Hello, it's been a while honestly. I had so much written in my doc manager, but sadly the deadline happened and now everything is deleted. Lmfao, big yikes.

So where have I been? Well let's see, I graduated high school, I got two jobs, and now I'm a freshman in college. College is fun, but there's lots of reading which kind of sucks. I've been getting into dancing and working out more. I have also made friends, so it's lots of fun. I also have been making YouTube videos like sims 4 stuff and the walking dead (channel name same as this name on here)

Not going to lie, the doc manager thing wasn't the only reason why I disappeared, but it's because some online friends of mine found my writing on here, due to me having trust in them and I got made fun of for it so I was afraid they tell others and then I would just get made fun of. So I was a little bit scared of that, or of them posting my stories in this one place where some people don't like me. They did that with my Youtube videos and that kinda scared me, and freaked me out. (plus when I get home from school or work, I'm just extremely tired and nap away).

EITHER WAY I shouldn't care what people think, but yeah, sometimes it just gets to me. Because if I'm passionate about something and get made fun of for it, I honestly just shut down.


I'm not going to promise. I'm also not going to say when. But I will say, soon that they'll be a new story. I will say soon, that there will be remakes, or revisions, and I will say soon that there will be new chapters. (soon doesn't mean like this week, or maybe it does, sometimes within these two months, I will try my best, I owe it to guys for that)

I appreciate you all for sticking with me through this journey!

Take care stay hydrated and remember you are loved.