"Ruby's birthday is tomorrow" Amethyst sipped her coffee, flipping through the pages of a newspaper.

"I know. Whatcha wanna do eh?" Sapphire responded, baking and cooking to her hearts content.

"A party. Something extravagant." Amethyst smiled, placing her palm flat on the table. "Leave nothing out. Cakes. Entertainment. Music. Dancing." She slowly pulled her palm from the table, revealing a golden hibiscus under her hand. "She will need a new dress. Something… Lilac."

"Quit makin' flowers 'n help me make this cake" Sapphire howled, filling her pan with batter.

"Ask properly and I will. Until then, I'm going to keep daydreaming." Amethyst giggled, pushing the golden flower back into the table and pressing her palm flat against the grain of the wood. "I just think lilac would be beautiful on her." She pulled her palm up, moving her hand fluidly, toying with the ebb and flow of shimmering gold liquid under her touch.

"Oh deary me, My Lady Amethyst, couldya please 'elp me bake this cake here eh?" Sapphire drew out her words, speaking in a mockingly proper accent. She extended every syllable she usually wouldn't bother pronouncing as she bowed low, placing one hand over her heart and extending the other to gesture to the oven.

Amethyst tossed the liquid gold into the air, having it solidify into coins before falling into her hand. She dropped the coins back into a back and smirked, "No, I don't think so love. I have more pressing matters at hand." She laughed over Sapphire's curses and mutterings as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Princess," Amethyst leaned into the bedroom. "I have to go to town, would you like to join me?"

Grell continued buttoning his shirt, then slid his vest, his fingers working on the buttons. "No good morning, no breakfast, nothing prepared, you're slacking" He laughed, teasing the woman.

She frowned at his taunt, an apple falling onto the chest of drawers next to him. "Breakfast. Now are you going to grace me with your presence?"

He chuckled again, picking up the apple. "I should be used to things like this by now." He shined the red fruit against his shirt before taking a bite. "I would love to."

"The carriage is downstairs princess, make haste." She smiled, exiting and making her way to the carriage, gold in hand.

The two arrived at the marketplace, Amethyst handing Grell gold coins. "I need you to pick out some jewelry, my princess. Something beautiful for Lady Ruby. Also, some crystal stemware." She said with a smile, sending her pet on his way.

She began purchasing ribbons, decorations, crystals, things that shine and glitter. Her attention fell to the most beautiful violet dress, flowing fabric and a beautiful intricately laced and beaded bodice. Perfection, she thought. "I'd like that one please." She requested of the merchant, counting out his requested payment. "And the red dress." She smiled. Red was her love's favorite color, anything to make him smile.

The driver loaded the multiple bags and boxes into the carriage as Amethyst and Grell waiting patiently inside from their shopping trip. "Driver, take me to the funeral parlor. I wish to see the Undertaker."

The driver visibly cringed, his voice oozed with disgust "Of course, m'lady." The carriage was put into motion with hesitation.

"Paying Diamond a visit?" Grell snickered.

"Of course. Ruby's birthday is tomorrow and I would like her to be there. How is that comical?" Amethyst raised an eyebrow at him.

"I think she wants to kill me." He laughed again. "I buried Undertaker in salt."

"Why on earth…" Amethyst rested her fingertips on her forehead, shaking her head softly. "Never mind."

Amethyst tapped her knuckles against the large oak door, causing Undertaker to answer. "Ehehehehehehehehe, to what could I owe the pleasure?" He giggled out.

She bowed low, materializing a large glass jar of bone shaped cookies and presenting it to him. "An apology on behalf of my ill-mannered cardinal." Grell gave a small wave and a large smile, standing behind the woman.

"None needed," He snatched the jar from her, pulling the door open widely and ushering them in. "Diamond is working, anything I can do for you? A coffin fitting perhaps?"

Amethyst ignored his invitation inside, and his invitation for a fitting. "There will be a party tomorrow evening at the estate, I expect you'll be in attendance?"

"Such a formal invitation" He laughed out, chomping on one of the cookies. "Of course deary"

Amethyst thanked the man for his time and made her exit, Grell following her footsteps back to the carriage. "Phantomhive estate, please." She requested to the driver, answered with a nod.

"Paying the boy a visit?" Grell asked, lazily looking out the window.

"Quite the contrary, his butler." Amethyst giggled. "Ruby seems to be quite smitten with him."

Grell rolled his eyes at the thought. "Aren't we all"

"Ah, but now you have the world, my princess. Is there truly a reason to be bitter?" She ran the back of her fingers over his cheek. "No need to fret over love lost when I can give you anything you desire." She placed a trail of kisses over his neck. "Absolutely anything." Amethyst bit his skin gently before kissing over the fresh mark. "Unfathomable pleasure." She trailed her hand over his chest. "Just name it, and it's yours."

Grell smirked, his eyes closed under her touch and tease. He cleared his throat, loosening the ribbon in his collar. "I don't think now is the time for that…." He whispered as the carriage came to a stop and the driver opened the door, reaching to help the woman from her seat.

"You're right, my princess. Let's tend to the matters at hand then." She adjusted herself back to proper perfection, taking the driver's hand and exiting the carriage. The driver tipped his hat and moved to the front of the carriage, taking his seat.

Amethyst reached her hand out, helping Grell step from the carriage and walking to the door. "If you'd like, I can make him just, disappear." She whispered, giggling.

"No, that won't be necessary." Grell sighed, shaking his head.

"I was only joking." She giggled out, tapping lightly on the door. "Well half joking."

"Ah, welcome. I trust you're here to see the Earl?" Sebastian greeted them with a bow, ushering them through the door. "I've just prepared tea." He led the duo to the drawing room, the young Earl seated at a desk that was quite overbearing compared to his small frame. "You have guests, My Lord." Sebastian began serving afternoon tea, making sure every cup and saucer were perfectly presented before bowing out of the room gracefully.

"How can I help you, Madame Broussard?" The earl addressed the woman by her given name, sipping from his tea.

"I would like to invite you as well as Sebastian to a party at the estate." Amethyst smiled, sampling the fragrant tea.

"I'm not too fond of crowds." Ciel responded.

"I'm afraid my Ruby is quite smitten with your butler. It seems they had a time of it at your reunion." She smirked, leaning her elbow onto the table and resting her head in her palm.

"Oh?" He questioned with a chuckle.

"It wouldn't be proper to host a birthday party for Ruby and not invite her… interest." She chuckled again. "I'll owe you a favor."

"A favor? What use would I have for a favor?" Ciel scoffed at her, shaking his head.

"What do you want most, Earl Phantomhive?" She questioned with a smile. "Just ask and it is yours."

"You have nothing I want." He responded defiantly.

Grell silently sipped his tea, watching the scene play out before him. Waiting for his love to mystify the young boy. Eyes intently watching, unwavering, unblinking, waiting to catch the second she pulls her trick.

Amethyst materialized three gold coins on the table, waiving her hand over the grain of the wood, her eyes fixed on the boy looking for a reaction. "Right, of course, you have no use for gold." She passed her hand back over the coins, dissipating them. "Trinkets then, maybe?" Another pass of her palm revealed a locket familiar to the Earl, believed to be lost along with the original Phantomhive mansion.

Ciel's eyes widened at the locket as he grit his teeth, pounding a fist onto the table. "How did you get that" The questioned that formed was more of an order.

"Seems trinkets don't fancy you either then." She smirked, passing her hand back over the locket, evaporating it into thin air under her touch. "Flowers? Toys?" She smirked. "What on earth could a child who has everything want?" She balled her fist closed and turned it to face him. "Loan my Ruby your lovely Sebastian, and I'll be happy to give you that favor. Whatever your small, black heart desires" She opened her fist, showing her empty palm before giving a soft wave.

Grell couldn't help but chuckle as she played the Earl like a harp, following his lover to exit the estate and return to the carriage. "I would say that went well. What did you show him?" He questioned softly, closing the door of the carriage with a click of the lock.

"Three times." She reached over and unlocked the carriage to follow her usual routine. "Lock, unlock, lock. You have to be sure before you pull your attention away. Safety is always a priority."

"Oh, I'll work on that then." He rested his hand onto hers. "What did you show the Earl to rile him up like that?"

Amethyst smiled, a sweet, innocent smile. A rare expression for her face. "His mother's locket."

Back at the Phantomhive estate, Ciel was flustered, to say the least. He growled out and threw the paperwork from the large desk in his fit of anger. "Sebastian!" His voice rang through the hallways.

Sebastian gently opened the door to the drawing room. "Yes my lord?"

"You are to attend an event tomorrow. A birthday party." He growled out, his jaw clenched. "Ruby, Laurena D'Marcia, do everything in your power for her."

"My lord?" He questioned.

"And find more information on Marianne Broussard. Find out if she knew my parents." He commanded. "Consider both an order." His violet eye pulsed under the eyepatch as he slammed his fist into the desk once again.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed, placing a hand over his heart accepting the order.