"What is wrong with this place?"
"There's nothing wrong with the temple, Hanzo."
After they arrived at Nepal, Genji told Tracer that she should check the entrance of the mountain the Shimadas walked into. She was to check the lower grounds for anybody suspicious. It may have been high up in the mountains, but it was certainly not exempt from being ambushed by the Blackwatch.
Zenyatta resided at a temple, isolating himself from the other monks. He was a wanderer, one who did not follow the traditions of the monks at Nepal. And unlike most monks, he believed in that simply preaching about peace was not enough. One must be able to defend oneself to be heard seriously, and he followed that mindset well.
But something about the mountain felt odd. As if everything had run away from the temple itself rather than the temple becoming one with the mountain.
"No matter what I think, this place is atrociously infectious with the wrong that surrounds it."
"Like I said earlier, there's nothing wrong with the temple, Hanzo."
Glaring at Genji, Hanzo muttered, "I think something's wrong with it, though. The only thing 'right' about this place is that I think something's wrong with it. You can't change that."
"Just like how you can't change the fact that YOU MURDERED ME?!"
As they continued to climb up to the temple, they soon found its entrance. It looked like a smaller version of the temple Hanzo had seen on another mountain.
"Is this it?" Hanzo asked.
Walking up to the entrance first, Genji went right in as he called out, "Master, I am here!"
The interior of the temple was a bit darker than Hanzo thought it would be, candles lighting up areas that the open corridors did not. Thankfully it wasn't too dark, but Hanzo still preferred his well-lit and comfy home rather than a palace with no television.
His bow and quiver on his back, the elder Shimada followed his younger brother.
A few moments after Genji called out for his master, a floating thing floated into view.
His eyes widening, Hanzo took out his bow as he pointed it at the entity.
"…Oh. I knew that."
As Hanzo lowered his bow, Genji approached the Omnic monk before bowing respectfully.
"Master," Genji spoke, "I come with a mission to save a dear friend from danger."
"I have sensed your distress," Zenyatta nodded.
"We are not here to visit," Hanzo curtly spoke as he crossed his arms. "We need your help in locating the Blackwatch base in Nepal."
Nodding calmly, Zenyatta responded patiently, "I understand your urgency. Your friend is in danger, after all."
Hanzo nodded, his serious expression unwavering. Genji glanced at Hanzo, surprised at his relatively composed response. Is he actually taking this quest seriously? Genji thought optimistically. That is certainly a good change! Good one, brother!
A massive fire of energy burned within Hanzo's eyes, and even Zenyatta could feel it. The Omnic monk had never seen someone so determined to save one's friend. His disciple, Genji, very frequently talked about how his brother murdered him, so it rather surprised him to see Hanzo look so passionate.
Perhaps he was unconscious of a sense of justice, or he simply wanted to save his friend so much. He may be kinder than he believes himself to be, Zenyatta thought pleasantly.
And Hanzo stood, serious and determined, as he thought to himself,
The longer we're out here, the more likely someone will break into our house and take my magazines! We must hurry!
"Follow me," Zenyatta spoke softly. "As much as I would like to provide a warm welcome, it seems that an urgent matter calls for swift actions."
And he floated back into the temple, levitating closely to the ground. Hanzo imagined just how much more annoying Genji would become if he, too, learned how to float.
The idea in itself was far too terrifying for him to think about it any further.
Hollow, yet with an air of tranquility, the temple was vast in size. There seemed to be some kind of platform sticking out of the ground in the middle of the temple, though only Zenyatta and Genji knew what was beneath the platform. To their left was a small flight of stairs, leading to an open room that showed the snow white mountains of Nepal.
Everything about the place screamed unnatural, yet peaceful. All the light and colors- it made out a pastel-like appearance, untouched by the hands of both Man and Omnics.
As the two Shimada brothers found themselves going up a brief flight of stairs to their left, Genji took note of a deer standing in the open room. It seemed to have wandered into the temple on its own. Much to Hanzo's surprise, however, it paid Zenyatta no attention, allowing the Omnic to peacefully pass by it. It remained wary of the Shimada brothers, however.
Glaring at the deer, Hanzo crossed his arms. Get your filthy eyes off me, cretin, he thought to himself.
And the deer's glare answered back, No you.
…Wait, wha-
Before Hanzo fully comprehended what just happened, he turned to Zenyatta, who took a deep breath as he began muttering something under his breath. The Omnic monk slowly stopped at the very edge of the open room, lowering his body until his crossed legs finally touched the ground.
"Master Zenyatta can tap into the power of harmony and discord," Genji whispered to Hanzo, who stared at the deer for another second before turning back to the scene. "As the Blackwatch has so much discord in their hearts, if he focuses in discovering the unnatural conglomeration of discord…"
Glowing orbs of gold formed around Zenyatta as they spun around his body steadily. Directly in front of him, a dark orb formed as well, its shape small in size.
"…then he may be able to discover the presence of the Blackwatch in Nepal."
"Seriously?!" Hanzo muttered, almost gasping in surprise. "Can't we just bring him all over the world like a GPS, then?"
"Unfortunately, he's most accustomed to using his strengths in this temple," Genji explained further. "His mind is at his calmest here. Elsewhere, I'm not sure if he's capable of tapping into harmony and discord as well as he could here."
The bowman blinked at Genji before turning back to Zenyatta. "Huh. The more you know," he muttered.
A few seconds passed. Then minutes began ticking slowly. Both Shimada brothers sit, as they realized it may take a long time for Zenyatta to finish. The minutes continued to tick, eventually reaching a full hour. Glowing orbs of gold continued to spin around Zenyatta as he remained still. One by one, each glowing orb bounced in a slow rhythm, as if matching a slow heartbeat.
By pure habit, the two Shimada brothers began to meditate. Hanzo let his knees rest against the ground as he closed his eyes, while Genji crossed his legs and remained still with a hand by his chest.
Behind his visor, Genji stared at the back of his master, only for a memory to flash in his mind.
In a simpler time, this sight was rather familiar. But rather than the back of his master, he remembered the back of his stern brother.
Freezing in his tracks, Genji slowly turned to the source of the dreaded voice he knew so well. His neck refused to move quickly, making him look like a broken robot trying to turn its head.
He stood there. Hanzo Shimada stood, with the garbs of the Shimada dragons painting his body. His glare gazed straight into Genji's very soul, tainted with almost obviously perverted thoughts about the club he had been trying to sneak into. His arms remained crossed, his posture almost demanding Genji for an immediate explanation.
Hanzo Shimada. To everyone, he was a fearsome man, one who fully intended on following his father's footsteps. All who opposed the Shimada clan would see no mercy from the cold edge of his blade- a weapon he was far more suited to use than Genji himself.
"Uh," Genji stuttered, grasping for straws rapidly as he raised his hands. "I-I was only going out for shopping! I'm not up to something stupid, brother."
Raising an eyebrow, Hanzo muttered, "The wallet and fancy suit betrays your lies, you simpleton."
Gulping, Genji turned his body slightly away from Hanzo, attempting to hide the wallet pressing against his suit's pocket.
"…Weeeeeeeell," Genji tried again, "The grocery store has a nice lady there, so I figured that I should shop in style-"
Rolling his eyes, Hanzo Shimada finally sighed, completely exasperated with his brother's antics. "Genji," he spoke once more, his sharp gaze returning at full force. "You will come and meditate at the very least. Or do you wish to concern your father with the task of burying you?"
Smashing the palms of his hands against each other, Genji slammed his knees against the ground and swung his head straight into the ground, shouting at the top of his lungs, "I GOT IT! Just give me a chance this time, alright?!"
Another sigh left Hanzo, though this one seemed more out of amusement than anything. "Fine, then," he muttered. As the older Shimada turned, however, Genji caught the glimpse of his brother smirking.
And Genji, as his little brother, couldn't help but grin.
Under the cherry blossoms of Hanamura, they sat at the edge of their clan's castle. Their posture identical, they closed their eyes, deep in meditation. Though, it was quite obvious that the cocky Genji Shimada took it less seriously.
Peeking an eye open, Genji glanced at Hanzo's form. In many ways, his brother resembled his father quite well. His back seemed almost vulnerable yet guarded at the same time. This back belonged to a man he could proudly call his brother.
He wondered if he could use the moment as a chance to make a run for the club- he had done so once, after all. But…
Yet, Genji chose…
…to stay.
Here in a temple, he sat with his brother near his side.
How long has it been? He thought to himself. Since the last time we have sat to meditate upon ourselves together…
The fact that they ended up living together in a shabby house was already an intriguing event in itself that required a lengthy explanation, but for Genji, Hanzo himself remained shrouded in small mysteries.
Brother, he thought, as Genji found himself once again glancing at Hanzo, sometimes, I wonder why you had a change of heart that fateful day. But that is perhaps something I should discover another time.
As Genji's gaze went away from Hanzo, he noticed that his older brother kept his gaze straight down. His hands also seemed to be close to each other. Blinking behind his visor, Genji squinted to see at what Hanzo was exactly doing.
There, in Hanzo's hands, was an extremely tiny magazine.
And there was only one kind of magazine Hanzo read almost religiously as of recently.
Genji turned away from Hanzo, remaining in silence for a few seconds.
He then suddenly unsheathed his Dragonblade as he charged towards Hanzo, screaming, "RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAEEEEEEEEE!"
In a single strike, Genji slashed the magazine into shreds. Its pieces scattered into the air as they flew out of the open room- into the beautiful white mountains of Nepal.
Hanzo slowly turned to Genji, his face emotionless and unreadable.
It exploded into a fit of anger as he suddenly charged towards Genji, roaring,
"Was concealing that useless magazine more important than the fact that YOU KILLED ME?!"
As the two drew bow and blade, Zenyatta continued to remain deep in thought with his head down, his sense of hearing completely blocked from the dragons, arrows, and shurikens screeching behind him.
An hour later, Zenyatta finally stood up, turning around.
"Genji, my pupil. Hanzo. I have discovered their location-"
As soon as Zenyatta turned around, he was greeted by the sight of Hanzo's legs sticking out of a large pot. Genji, on the other hand, had his head shoved into a small hole in the ceiling. Both of them barely moved.
Reaching out for the two gently, Zenyatta managed to pull them both out of their respective areas. The two quickly woke back up as they shook their heads almost simultaneously, groggily looking around for a moment.
"Genji, Hanzo," Zenyatta spoke once more, "I have discovered their location. I shall guide you to their whereabouts."
"REALLY?! Master, thank you so much!" Genji bolted up almost immediately, recovering from his daze instantly.
"…Uh, really? Huh, okay, cool," Hanzo muttered in a daze, recovering much slower than his younger brother.
"This way," the Omnic monk spoke as he left the room.
"Let us follow him, brother!"
Hanzo nodded lazily as Genji walked out of the room with his master. As he got up, however, his eyes fell upon something lying on the ground. It lay directly where the omnic monk, Zenyatta, had sat at to meditate.
…A phone?
Walking over to the phone, Hanzo picked up the small device and turned it on.
He was greeted with Google Maps, with the address "Blockwitch Toy Factory" typed in.