A/N: Way back when I was first brainstorming for Life Goes On this was what I thought would be fun to write as a field trip chapter. Alas, I didn't end up writing it this way, partially because I felt that it would require too much OOCness on the part of Saya and Haji. Then again, I suppose I could use the cop out that it's closer to Haji's more combative, primal, and assertive manga personality. Basically, they're less reserved/obedient and a bit more willing to break the rules for each other. Saya will have a bit more assertiveness like in the manga, but none of that annoyingly pervasive turned up to 11 angst they gave her.
I love the romantic, sweet, shy relationship from the show, but I also think that the Zoo's mischievous personalities should show up now that peace has (mostly) returned.
This takes place at the same point as the field trip in Life Goes On, so Saya and Haji have reconciled their relationship and are currently living at Kai's.
Disclaimer: I do not own Blood+
Prologue: David Does the Dirty Work
David sat at a desk talking to Saya's homeroom teacher. Technically, he felt that this would be Kai's job as her guardian, but since he represented her current legally listed father (Joel), he was the one forced to do this.
"So why does he need to have access to her during the field trip?" The teacher asked.
"He is her personal assistant and bodyguard, hired by her father," David explained.
"If there is any threat, we would prefer she not come on the field trip," the teacher responded. David realized he could have left the bodyguard part out to no effect. That was simply one of the titles Joel gave Haji as an excuse to accompany Saya.
"There is no present threat," David confirmed.
"Then why is he needed?"
"Due to her health condition, it has been recommended that she be checked nightly for any adverse symptoms. He is the one that helps Saya's physician assure her health, and will accompany her to a hospital if necessary."
"So he will only need to see her for a few minutes at night?"
"Yes," David said. "However, she may leave in the middle of the night to see him."
The teacher stared at David with wide eyes. "That may be appropriate in America, however that is not appropriate here."
"You may accompany her if you wish," David replied. "She was present for the unfortunate deaths of her father and brother. Due to the various challenges caused by the death of her adoptive father, Saya was unable to be with Kai and Riku the entire time. Haji was the only one with her the entire time. Therefore, when she has nightmares about the incidents, she prefers to talk to him about it before returning to bed."
"So he will do nothing inappropriate?"
"He is a very straight-laced man," David said. He couldn't guarantee anything – not with Haji and Saya leaving Julia's guest room in such a bad state during their 'reconciliation' as Julia liked to call it.
"And he will not even look at any of our students in an inappropriate manner?"
"No," David said with no hesitation. "He is in a committed relationship and has no interest in anyone other than his current partner."
"Will that partner be with him?"
David remained silent. This made the teacher suspicious immediately,
"What is his relationship with Saya?"
"They are not dating," David lied. It was technically true – going on dates wasn't part of their interactions, but he wouldn't say they were in a more serious romantic relationship. "He is committed to her well-being, and that is all it is." That didn't convince the teacher that Haji's partner wasn't Saya.
"So there's no risk of them doing anything inappropriate with each other?" the teacher asked for confirmation.
"I would be shocked if Haji did anything improper," David said. He would trust Haji not to do anything to threaten Saya's reputation, but he wasn't about to tell the teacher that he was beginning to wonder if Haji was bold enough to ask Saya for a quickie over a long night. Haji's mischievous personality had shown appearances here and there when it came to Saya, and Saya did not seem to be upset by it; if anything it made her happier.
The teacher made some notes and nodded. "You have no doubts about this? You would trust your daughter or wife with him?"
"None at all," David paused for effect. "I would trust him in any situation. That's why Joel hired him. As I said, he's very straight-laced and well-mannered."
"And I will not see him outside of his meetings with Saya and the travel?"
"And if something goes wrong your boss will accept full responsibility?"
"I will allow it, but know that he'll be under scrutiny throughout the trip. If there is one step out of line, he's gone."
"Of course," David replied. "Thank you for your time." He bowed and left the room.
As soon as David was out, the teacher asked himself what he had gotten into.
A/N: Prologue is complete! Updates will be somewhat slow, so bear with me here.