Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or the characters.

Chapter 10: Getting to Know You by Yinx

Rating: R (for sexual situations)

Sam woke up to Mercedes whispering his name. He turned over and his jaw dropped as he saw Mercedes only in a towel and her hair in a shower cap. "If this is what college is like he was going to love it" he thought.

"Can I unwrap my good morning present," he growled passionately grabbing for her.

Mercedes moved out of his reach. "Our first class is in an hour, Sam," she whispered glancing over at Skye who was snoring quietly.

Sam groaned and got out of her bed. Being too quick for her this time he pull her into his embrace as he gave her a kiss, "You teasing me like this isn't fair, Cede," he whispered in her ear. His hands roamed from the fluffiness of the towel to her silken skin of her upper back. He whimpered like a school boy when she broke the kiss.

Mercedes giggled as she pushed him out of her room. "Only way to make you move faster out of my room so I can get dressed," she smiled as she closed the door.

"I've never seen so many people in one classroom in my life," Finn said as they sat down for their first class. Their composition lecture class was filling up fast almost a 150 people talking and laughing as they sat down waiting for class to start.

Sam wrapped his arm around Mercedes shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I heard the lecture teacher is pretty cool it's the labs we have to worry about; wish I had lab with you," he said to Mercedes.

She smiled at him "So do I, we can still do our homework together."

The teacher lectured for about an hour and gave out the first assignment. Chaos resumed as the class ended.

"Well I'm off to my first accounting class," Finn said nervously.

"You'll be fine, Finn," Mercedes said confidently.

Finn wave goodbye as he headed off. Sam kissed Mercedes "I'm going to miss you," he pouted.

Mercedes smiled she cupped his face with her hand "Me too."

They gave each other a quick squeeze and went their way; Sam to his first football practice, and Mercedes to her figure drawing class.

Sam was worn out his two-a-days practice was going to be the death of him. But on the good side the head coach said he was going to start in the first game of the season. He opened his door to the dorm apartment and was met with Mercedes loud laugh which made him smile but it quickly went away when he saw her laughing with a guy.

"Sam you're home," Mercedes said motioning for him to come over to the small kitchen nook area. "Sam, this is Percy Livly he's in my comp lab class we are partners for a project due Friday that's way he's here."

Percy stood and held out his hand as he ran his hair through his wavy brown hair that was in his dark blue eyes. Sam took his hand reluctantly.

"Percy this is my..." Mercedes began.

"I'm her fiancé," Sam said firmly.

"Oh yeah, dude, she told me." Percy grinned. Sam hated that grin.

"How was practice, babe," Mercedes asked bringing Sam from plotting Percy demises.

"It was good, coach said I will start at the first game," Sam answered not taking his eyes off Percy.

"That's great, Sam," she said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You want to meet tomorrow at four to finish," Percy asked.

"Yeah that sound good," Mercedes said walking him out the door.

"Sam, am I not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex in this relationship," she asked quietly getting a Hawaiian punch and Gatorade out of the frig.

Sam fell on the sofa he knew he wasn't the friendliest with Percy hence Mercedes calling him out. He closed his eyes and didn't answer.


He opened his eyes and saw her stand over him handing him a Gatorade. He grabbed her and pulled her down on top of him.

"Sam, answer me," she scolded.

"I'm sorry, I just get jealous too easily, now especially here; you have a lot more options," he said quietly.

"Sam I chose you, you don't have to worry okay, and I fell in love and love you." she said looking hard at him.

"What do you love about me, baby," he said in his Austin Powers impression grinning sheepishly.

Mercedes chuckled shaking her head. "Hmmm what do I love about you." She said thumbing her fingers on her chin pretending she was in a deep thought. Sam laughed as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Well, I love that you can make me laugh, you make me feel special every day and you tell me so too. I love that you speak Na'vi to me, I swear it's sexier than French. You make me feel beautiful, Sam, even when I don't." Her voice fell when she said the last few words. Sam saw her ears turning red.

"Well I'll have to change that thinking, Mercedes you are beautiful. It just now that we are in the real world; a lot of other people will see how wonderful you are too and I might lose you," he said. Now it was Sam's turn to go red.

"I told you, Samuel Evans, that I'm promised to you and no one else," she said gazing into his green eyes.

Sam smiled and with the reflexes of a cat switch places with Mercedes his body pinning her to the sofa. "Now, I see how you got your scholarship," she teased him.

Sam lowered his face until their noses touched. "Future, Mrs. Sam Evans, prepare to be ravaged," he growled before he kissed her.

Mercedes giggled into his mouth but moan as Sam groped her breast and flicked her hardening nipples gently through the thin fabric of her summer dress. Sam felt her legs move apart welcoming him between them. He began to grind against her. He heard her whimper as she met him with a grind of her own. His hand moved from her breast down her stomach to the V between her legs. Sam stroked her panties as he felt them get wet. "Sam, please take me," she moaned through his kisses.

"No," he sighed, "but I'll make you cum," saying that he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. He laid her down gently on the bed and went to put a sock on the outer door handle. Sam lost no time in getting back to the place he was with Mercedes.

He kissed her softly as his fingers slipped between her panties and her soft wet flesh of her womanhood. "You're very wet, Yawne," he said as he slipped a finger between the lips.

"I thought that was a goo...good thing," her breath caught as he played within her.

Sam was about to burst from just his fingers being inside her and hearing say his name as his fingers rubbed her special spot faster and faster. He groaned as he grinds himself against her soft thigh. Her moans of pleasure mixed with his groans of ecstasy. Mercedes pulled Sam closer as her hips automatically moved faster against his fingers. "Sam, I'm going cum," she gasped in his ear. Sam pulled back not missing a beat to look at her. Her eyes were closed but pleasure read on her face.

"Me too, Yawne, let's cum together." he sighed feeling his own bodily began to buckle. Their eyes met as a loud groan escaped both their lips and the release rolled through them. Sam collapsed on top of her both to spent to move. He lifted his head to look at her at noticed. "Oh my God, Mercedes did I hurt you," Sam asked in alarm when've saw tears on her cheeks.

Mercedes gazed up into the honey green eyes that she loved. She cupped his face with her hands and kissed him softly.

"What was that for," he grinned.

"For being with me," she said biting her lips.

"I will always be here," he whispered he kissed her.

They fell into a deep sleep limbs entangled with each other. Sam woke about an hour later. He kissed her forehead as he got up from the bed. He opened the door and was met with Finn with a knowing smile on his face.