Being Vegito Dragonball Z fan fiction by Lady AngelFiren

Story Summary: Vegito defeats Buu before anybody is absorbed. Now Trunks, Goten and Gohan are stuck with a very different person in place of their fathers. This story is their struggle to accept Vegito into their lives. Goten is searching for a father figure in his life, and looks to Vegito to satisfy this desire. Trunks is battling with a very frightening and sudden change that has sprung up without warning, and Gohan is trying to balance his life out after a thought-provoking conversation with Vegito. The saiyajin fusion, meanwhile, is struggling to overcome the incredible aggression that is a side effect of his fusion. Bulma plays an important role in keeping the empowered saiyajin in line, but Vegito's battle lies ultimately with himself. Can Vegito, Trunks, Gohan, and Goten manage to sort themselves out before a new threat evolves into something powerful enough to destroy the earth?

Disclaimer: Lady Firen owns nothing, NOTHING! And that means she's not makin any money offa this stuff, though it'd be really nice if she did! ^_^

Warnings: Well I'm not too sure yet what you should expect, but the plan is to have both yaoi and het, exhibitionism, masturbation, hentai thoughts, and believe it or not, a PLOT! Yes. a plot ladies and gents, so if you're here just for the sex keep in mind that it is NOT the foundation of this fic, and I don't consider a lemon to be a good ending to a story unless there's a nice thick plot leading up to it. But as always I like to write graphically, so expect blood violence, plenty of swearing, and, as mentioned, keep your eyes peeled for citrus.

Before Reading: Just a little note here that you should read over before you get into the story. This fic doesn't follow the proper DBZ timeline after the Buu Saga. In this fic, Vegito defeated Majin Buu before he was ever absorbed. Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks and Goten were killed along with Buu, but because Dende was still alive they were able to retrieve the dragonballs and wish everything back to normal. So I suppose this fic is rather on the AU side. Goku and Vegita are stuck as Vegito. Also, Gohan does not marry Videl, and Pan doesn't exist. When we start our story Gohan is finished with high school, and is not sure what he wants to do with his life yet. He's single.SINGLE! *Glomps Gohan and tries to convince him to marry the author* Goten and Trunks are as they are in the show, little monsters... *grin* Chichi doesn't know about Vegito yet, because she was dead when Goku and Vegita fused, and Vegito has been avoiding her to protect his eardrums, plus his Vegita half doesn't like her anyway. I will warn you all, I despise Chichi and I will get rid of her as quickly as I can in the fic, because I can't stand her. There will be no Pan even if Gohan and Videl do get together, because I despise her too, she is too Chichi-like. Also, expect Goten + Trunks shounen ai, and possible Gohan yaoi, not sure yet. Could be het.

OK, now that you know what to expect, I think I'll get on with the fic. Remember, any questions, flames, or commentary can be emailed to me at [email protected] , or you can write me some nice reviews on if you'd prefer. And with no further adieu, I present my very first crack at DBZ fan fiction, 'Being Vegito.'