Marinette only wanted to sleep in after last night's fiasco. Of course, her luck didn't come to her as her physics textbook fell from its nightstand and right next to her to wake her up with a BANG! Lucky little Ladybug she was. Her wall clock on the opposite side of the room told her it was 5:35, three hours more until school.

Damn, she thought. Earliest I've been up for school, unaccounted for Akumas.

She rolled out of bed. She could have gotten up easily if it weren't so early or late. She walked over to her mirror on the adjacent wall of the clock to take a look at herself. Tear tracks stained her cheeks badly, puffy red eyes and very bad bed hair. If she weren't tired, the secret heroine would have banged her head against the wall. She had never looked more disgusting before this morning. She started walking out to her kitchen, expected to be only greeted by white, pastel pink and mahogany furniture and maybe Tikki if she's up from her napping drawer. Yet again her luck failed her to notice a certain cat waiting for his Princess to taste his cooking.

"Good morning, Marinette! I hope you like chives, tomatoes. ham. cheese and mushrooms in your omelets alongside some bacon and pancakes!" Chat announced.

"HOLY CRAP, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Marinette screamed. She again would have appreciated the offer, but sleep still held her...until Chat held her.

He walked up to Marinette and gave her a loving embrace. "I couldn't imagine you feeling well enough to make yourself breakfast so I got here an hour ago to make some stuff for you. Not fancy for ma princesse but it'll do,"

"Oh, Chat, you shouldn't have..." Marinette never had someone else make her breakfast in a long time. She wouldn't go over to her parents' house for that anymore and people visited she would create the dishes. "I'm fine with eating out, though..."

"I know you could always rebound like it's nothing, but you look so tired and hungry. Let's go eat,"

The ravenette was led by the blonde to the beautiful buffet. He indeed made omelets with various ingredients; it gave off a delicious smell of mixed stir-fried vegetables Marinette couldn't resist. Fluffy, big pancakes and crispy bacon awaited her too. Her orange juice from her fridge was poured and some strawberries sat in a bowl next to it.

She grabbed her meal and dug in. Never had she tasted food so delicious compared to her mother or uncle's. She wouldn't say it's the best, but definitely competing with her relatives.

"What do you think?" Chat asked. He worried he hadn't considered Marinette's taste in food. He's only ever been served and cooked for himself.

"What do I think? It's so good!"


"Nevermind I hate it,"


They laugh and banter as they enjoy the feast.

/ /

Adrien was so tired. He was trying to stay awake to listen to Nino, but his eyes drifted to somewhere along with his mind. Apparently, they both led to Marinette reviewing her physics notes.

"Dude, I think Marinette is bothered with you staring at her," Nino called out.

"What, I'm not staring!" the blonde quipped back. "If anything, why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're obviously staring at Marinette,"

"Mon Dieu, fine. Whatever you say," He was too tired to argue with Nino at the moment. Adrien had to rush back to his apartment in order to beat his father and his girlfriend's, ex-girlfriend's, family. "I really need sleep,"

"Oh yeah, you're finally free to stare at Marinette. I forgot. Months of 'secretly dating' then only three-month exposure of your relationship with Chloe and your pops called it off. Why?"

"Um..." Adrien had to think back about what was confessed in his apartment this morning.

"Chloé wants to start law in America so she's leaving in a couple days," said Mayor Bourgeios. "Also, she wants to admit something...interesting..."

"Daddy, I can take it from here," Chloé sighed. She had changed, she still retained some of her nasty habits of bullying and calling out anything when she sees it. "Adrien, I didn't love you from the start of this. I guess I moved on from the dream of dating you since you're so unattainable. I'm...I-I...ugh, this hard...I love Kim!"

"Chloé. Why didn't you tell me?" Adrien started. "I know this was an arranged relationship, but I still-"

"I didn't want to make you unhappy. Kim is going to NYU for this futbol scholarship. I didn't know he's going there but I'm a bit glad I'll be with him there..." Chloé stopped before taking a breath. "I'm done here. Bye Adrien, have a good life..."

Chloé ran out and the Mayor followed. He gave one last apologetic look to the Agreste family before leaving the apartment.

"That...was unfortunate. I know you two have been friends a long time and she had some fashion sense. I thought it could have worked," Mr. Agreste addressed. Adrien didn't move his legs, lips or even blink. Mr. Agreste coughed. "Well, um, I know you and Marinette have been friends a long time too. She does have quite the skill and looks,"

"Pére, it's too early. Please let me get ready and I'll talk to you later," Adrien pleaded. His father nodded before closing the door. Adrien silently cheered yet he felt sad. It's weird to know he failed to make someone happy like he knew he wasn't enough.l

Adrien silently cheered yet he felt sad. It's weird to know he failed to make someone happy like he knew he wasn't enough. He sighed before getting ready for the day.

"At least your freedom has come, somewhat. Now back to Marinette,"

"Drop it,"




"Please? Pwetty pwease with a chewwy on top?"

"Let me think- no,"

"Come on! Look, tomorrow I'll tell you all the details but right now I need to study,"

"Whatever, but as long as you're sick-"

"Oh fucking hell, Nino-"

"Listen to this song," The DJ pulled out a piece of paper and wrote the band with a song title.

"Aren't they pretty old?"

"Yeah, but this song made me think about when I was so drawn to Alya. I listened to it so many times while daydreaming of what it would be like to be with Alya- oh, Alya, I wish she wasn't in London right now..." Nino sniffed.

"Ew, please don't make me barf man,"

"You don't know love until you hear this, man,"

"Alright, alright. Now let's study,"

After class, Adrien couldn't help but listen to the song twenty times over.

/ /

A red blur swung with the night on a cool summer night. She had been anticipating this meeting every vendredi as much as the other hero of Paris. Ladybug, or rather Marinette, was also anxious about the fact Chat Noir will be stopping by right after their patrol of the city. If it were the good old days of when they first started crime fighting, it wouldn't worry her; she and Chat always were almost equal speed, Ladybug being slightly faster. However, as years go by, Chat had grown as much as His Lady. Taller, shoulders broader, voice a bit deeper, and the anxiety factor of the night- his speed. He can now pounce in a second or dash after an Akuma as if he were stalking prey like a black panther. As if he were the actual fictitious superhero from the comics. She really hoped he would have to cancel on her civilian form.

"You look worried tonight, My Lady. Rough day?"

"AAAGHHHH!" Ladybug screamed. Immediately looking in the direction of the voice, she almost didn't notice the taller building she was about to swing into. Using her yo-yo, she hooked it onto a flag pole of a neighboring building and glided onto its roof instead of a wall.

"Oops. I'm sorry Ladybug, I should've warned you! You looked worried so I thought you wanted to talk..." Chat explained from a far roof. With a thwip and a clank, his bo-staff extended until hitting the ground to pole vault over to her. "Are you okay, though?"

Ladybug shook her head and poked his nose apologetically. "I'm fine, chaton. But next time, scare me when I'm on something solid."

"Of course. Whatever the Lady wishes, it shall be done." he chuckled. His soft laugh reminds her of someone else. If only he would say that to her, Marinette.

"Alright, enough with the service. There's some other service that still needs to be taken care of." She reminds him. Before taking the lead on their patrol, she couldn't help but wince at the phrase. If only he would say that to her, the real her, Marinette.

/ /

The two raced along magnificent landmarks and historic buildings as they scoped out for trouble. It was another peaceful night they guessed and hoped it stayed that way. For tonight they both have plans. Ladybug and Chat Noir met up at their usual ending meeting spot Notre Dame. The peaceful organ playing Gospel music, the stars, the candle light blazing through stained colored glass made the scenery ever the romantic spot. How Ladybug wished this was the spot Adrien would ask her to be his date to a dance, a ball or marriage. But the dream slowly faded like the night stars would when morning breaks the beautiful nocturnal dream as if to remind her it will always be a dream.

Chat couldn't help his staring whenever his Lady sighed and continued looking off into the midnight heavens. "Ladybug, this cat is always here for advice. In fact, cats are purrsonally great for comfort."

Her dream-like trance broke to giggle at the lame pun. "Chat, thanks, but I don't know if I'm ready to tell you yet. Or anyone really..."

"Bad grade?"


"Suspended from school?"


"Death of the family?"

"No." Does my heart count as family? She thought.

"Bad breakup?"

"Bad heartbreak really..."

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear."


"What's this guy's name so I can beat the shit out of him?"

"What?! No!" She screamed. It should be a crime to break someone's heart honestly, nonetheless, it would be horrible, devastatingly horrible to let her chaton beat up Adrien. "That is a cataclysmic idea Chat! Why on earth would you suggest that?"

"Whoever breaks your heart should feel their bones breaking too! Nice pun by the way." He declared. Mon Dieu, she didn't have time for this.

"No! This guy didn't break it directly, it's just he's...going out with someone now...I thought my friends would be right...that I'd get him in the end...but I didn't...I loved him since lycée. I've been following my heart into a dead end every time. It's time for me to give up..."

"Ladybug..." Chat paused to consider his words differently to save further yelling. "This guy, whoever he is, is so blind to oversee you. How can someone beautiful, amazing and talented as you be overlooked and be second best by another girl? It's impossible!"

"The real me, Chat, is someone you can't really consider amazing. I'm so clumsy and ditzy in real life, you wouldn't recognize me from the very moment you lay eyes on me..." her eyes swelled with tears at the corner of her eyes. "If you knew the real would see a very average girl...if you knew me, I'd be a girl from a family of bakers while his girl is considerably rich and well-known...if you knew me..."

"I don't care."

She sniffled and wiped away the salty tears. "...what...?"

"Who cares if you're clumsy? You're very lucky inside and outside of the superhero life most likely. I can't get away with being a klutz at all. You're not average. The girl under the mask must be as smart and as kind and determined to do good too. You couldn't be Ladybug without these traits,

"I don't care who you are or what you look like, I don't care about your status either! Whoever you are, you'll be this wonderful, ethereal beauty of a girl I couldn't take my eyes off. Inside and out because you're so unique, so heroic, so you. This guy can go to hell if he can't see that,"

His speech made her speechless. His speech made her love him a bit more than Adrien. His speech made her feel a little alive on the inside once again. She approached him carefully to wrap her arms tightly around his waist. Her strong wall of pride was taken down to bathe in her emotions in front of her partner once again. The black cat wraps his arms around his partner's shoulders.

"Cry all you want. I'm here."

She continued as a thank you. She felt her heart being ripped in two for one blonde while her heart was being healed by another blonde. It was a neverending cycle for her poor organ, yet it would kill her even more if she knew both men were the same person. Minutes pass as her heart and eyes still. Ladybug soon finds peace and felt the same emotion when she petted Chat as Marinette yesterday. Love. Actual love for the man who was currently hugging her. She couldn't help but feel the beat of love through her veins while her breathing returned to normal.

"Ladybug, I think my ring will be signaling soon. Go home and I promise when it's your patrol night I'll be there for comfort again. Is that okay?"

She nodded weakly as Chat let her go. "I'm sorry I wasted your time..."

"Any time spent with you will never be wasted, My Lady." He gently kissed the top of her wrist before gliding with his pole to his next destination.

The girl found herself love struck once again, with another thought struck her as well. Ladybug internally groaned. She needed to move before she has been compromised.

/ /

Ladybug was minutes before Chat arrived luckily. Releasing Tikki, she changed out her sweaty day clothes for pajamas before turning her hair into a messy bun.

"How do I look Tikki?" Marinette asked.

"Always adorable, but why do you ask, Marinette?" Tikki replied.

"Well, Chat's nice..."

"You're going to move on immediately? Don't you think you need time at least? It doesn't seem right to use him to move one from Adrien "

"I thought about it. I won't use him, but he does understand what I'm going through reluctantly. Partly from my fault. Either way, it's been years since he started declaring his love and I think it's time to give him a chance. It couldn't hurt to have actual experience and I might be falling for Chat."

/ /

Chat Noir quickly transformed in the dark shadow of a shed on top of Marinette's building, without his sight, though, he stumbled and almost fell off the roof. Adrien Agreste, so suave as himself and as Chat Noir, had almost fell off an apartment building because of one thought. Ladybug was Marinette. Marinette was Ladybug. No. Marinette is Ladybug. Her little baker parents slip up almost went unnoticed however, he has always remembered references she as Marinette and Ladybug make. She's said things about her ethnicity which narrow things a lot, then the textbook Alya found. He couldn't figure it out as a teenager but as a young man with more (somewhat) clear views of the world, he was able to fit puzzle pieces together. Adrien felt really stupid for not noticing any sooner yet he's happy with everything now. He can have both girls if they want him. At least one side of him. Adrien badly wants to see His Princess immediately.

"Plagg, are you done yet?" He asked.

"You never gave me cheese Adrien! You just stood there with a stupid grin looking off into space! This has to be the stupidest thing you've done." The black cat kwami screamed.

"Sorry, but come on, I can't believe both girls I love are the same person!"

"It was too obvious! Ladybug's kwami, Tikki, wasn't easy to find through sense or searching, but seriously?! There were too many slip ups and obvious stuff, like I don't know, her UNCHANGED hairstyle! Ugh, if Tikki had a bit more energy unused for Lucky Charms and reverting stupid butterflies, she would've had enough to change the hair. I swear..."

"Calm down, want some music with Camembert?"

"Sure. No Justin Beaver, though."

"Isn't it Bieber?"

"That's what I said."

Adrien shook his head as he took his phone out. He didn't have much music on his phone because it's monitored closely, but he did have YouTube that can clear history and allow some freedom. He thought carefully about what song he wanted. What was one song he could relax to? A phrase hit him hard like Cupid's arrow when he first met her. Typing it in, he hoped to find something not too old or filled with static. With a considerable amount of luck he had, a good lyric video popped up and tapped it to hear his love sickness.

I've been stoppin' at green lights
Got lost on my way home
I'm sleep walkin' at night
I put my shirt on inside out
Umbrella in the sun
My head up in the clouds

Adrien has to admit, he's sick. Sickly struck with a case of love. Patrols made him look at Ladybug, visits with his Princess made him confuse himself about where he is at times, and daydreams lead to bad luck and disaster at times. He has it so bad for her.

My friends just laugh at me
There's only one thing it could be...

"Really? You're that lovesick?! God damn it, Adrien can you be any more stupidly in love?!"

"You don't know how it feels to be in love! And don't say you love your piece of shitty smelling cheese!"

"As a matter of fact, I know what love is, her name is Tikki. Why do you think almost all holders before you guys fall in love with one another?"

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus..."

I've come down with love!
Got bit by a bug
I'm sick and I feel confused
I know it's true
I've come down with love!
I can't get enough
I won't break this fever
I need her
I'm bit by a bug
I've come down with love!
I've come down with love!

"What? Now are you going to question the Love God?"

"Please someone help me..."

"Hey! I give good advice with a full stomach!" Plagg claimed before he burped. "If you want advice, let me finish."

"Fine, but it better be good," Adrien grumbled.

"It will be. Now the first step to knowing you're in love is to admit it yourself,"

You've got me trippin' on my feet
My mind starts racin'
And my heart forgets to beat
When you start to walk my way
I forget where I am
Can't find the words to say

"Really?" Adrien question.

"Yup. Look at you, you've been acting so weird and you almost fell off the roof. What do you call that?"

My friends just laugh at me
There's no cure for this disease


"Exactly, so admit who you love,"

"I don't know if I should. What if she doesn't like me, what if-"

/ /

"-he is just treating me like a friend, Tikki? That would be so horrible..." She paused to listen outside her window. "Sounds like music is playing. I wonder who,"

"Marinette, we should talk about this. Do you think you're into Chat just like that?" her kwami questioned.

"I-I don't know. All I know is maybe without Adrien, I can give Chat a chance,"

"Okay but know that-"

I've come down with love
Got bit by a bug
I'm sick and I feel confused
I know it's true

I've come down with love
I can't get enough
I won't break this fever
I need her
I'm bit by a bug
I've come down with love
I've come down with love

/ /

"-this could take more time to build. Relationships just pop out of nowhere you know?" Plagg advised. "She's as frustrated as you are and probably her head must be throbbing from the heartache you 'indirectly' caused,"

"I get what you're trying to say, but I need to think this through. What if I accidentally say 'I love you' or 'I know you're Ladybug, I love you' or some shit?"

"Then you know what-"

Don't need a shot
Don't need a doctor
They can't make me okay
It's up to you
Give me an answer
Because I'm tryin' just to see you
Only wanna feel you
Dyin' just to hear you say

/ /

"-it happens sometimes, but he seems to genuinely care about you. I'm fine with you liking him nonetheless there is a danger to both of you dating one another. You must know that your identity and his comes at a cost," Tikki reassured.

"I want to, I should tell him! I really want to, but I don't think I can-"

I've come down with love
Got bit by a bug
I'm sick and I feel confused
I know it's true

/ /

"-just yet. I mean- look at the situation, I broke her heart as one guy and now I'm dressing to be another guy to woo her to me!" Adrien confessed. He's so confuzzled and worried. Love makes you do things and other things like this.

"Adrien, I know I joke around and fuck with you sometimes, most of the time really, but calm down. First things first, confess to yourself,"

"Alright, I-"

I've come down with love
Got bit by a bug
I'm sick and I feel confused
I know it's true
I've come down with love
I can't get enough

/ /

"-really like Chat, Tikki. I admit it. Maybe you're right, not love yet but I do like him. One day I can tell him," Marinette took a breath before relaxing her body.

"Good. You needed some admittance. The first step after all," Tikki smiled before patting her head

"Okay, what's the next step?"

"You now have to-"

I've come down with love
Got bit by a bug
I'm sick and I feel confused
I know it's true
I've come down with love
I can't get enough
I won't break this fever
I need her
I'm bit by a bug

/ /

"-not fuck up. Marinette is still a bit sensitive. Maybe wait a while before doing..." Plagg's words went down to a mumble.

"Doing what?"

"Sooner or later you need to tell her who you are, bud,"

"What?! I can't just-"

I've come down with love
I've come down with love

/ /

"-tell him I'm Ladybug so soon!" Marinette is now panicking like she was a giddy teenager.

"Sooner or later you will," the kwami said. "It won't be good to keep secrets,"

"Alright, I will, but right now-"

I've come down with love
I've come down with love

/ /

"-I have a princess to visit. Done with your cheese?" Adrien asked.

"Yup," Plagg answered.

"Great, Plagg, transforme moi!" Adrien was embellished in green light to only be replaced with one-half of Paris' beloved heroes. He held onto his phone as he dropped through Marinette's window.

Chat Noir dropped in with a smile. "Evening, princess!"

We've come down with love


Ma princessa: my princess

Mon Dieu: My God

Vendredi: Friday

Transforme moi: Transform me

Song: Come Down With Love

Artists: Allstar Weekend