"Any last words" Slade said smiling with victory.
Dick shook his head and looked down at the ground as Slade raised his sword to attack
"Dick" His three brothers and father yelled as the Slade plunged the sword towards his heart. Smiling and taking one last glance at his brothers. Dick closed his eyes and waited for the sword to connect but was surprised when it never did. Slowly opening
his eyes Dick looked shocked at Slade who had a sword plunged straight through his heart. As Slade fell dead to the ground in a pool of blood Dick looked up to his savior who was no other than Damian
Looking up at Damian in shook Dick shook his head and looked back down at Slade's dead body. How was it possible that Slade died that easy? Was he too focused on killing him he didn't notice Damian behind him. How the hell did Damian even get behind him,
last time he looked at his family they were suck behind his parents.
Wait his parents, looking behind him where the rest of his family was looking at Damian in shock, Dick noticed that his parents were also speechless about what just happened.
"Damian…Why" Dick finally said as he looked back to his brother
But instead of answering Damian looked at Dick with fury in his eyes. You could practically see him shaking with anger.
"You dumb bastard" Damian yelled as he walked over to Dick and started shacking him "What were you thinking"
"No you were not thinking were you" Damian yelled louder
Soon Bruce got over his shock and looked at his oldest son, "Damian you just…but we can't…"
To everyone's surprise Damian glared at Bruce "Shut the hell up Bruce and hold off his parents for a while". Damian turned his attention back to his youngest brother and hissed.
"It was the only way Damian. Even if you take Slade down my parents…" Dick said quietly. He has never seen his brother this mad before and honestly it scared him.
"Screw your parents we will find a way to take them down. But killing yourself after everything we have been through is just stupid" Damian hissed
Hearing movement Dick looked over to see his two other brothers coming towards them. Bruce was watching over his parents were looked like they were out cold. Did that mean Bruce defeated them, it couldn't have been that easy?
"Look at me" Damian hissed getting Dick's attention back. "That was stupid…STUPID…how could you…"
Dick sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as Tim and Jason stood by Damian. "Look I'm sorry Dami I really am"
"You're sorry" Damian roared "You…I can't…" Damian sighed and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He was too worked up and it wasn't helping in this situation. ". You can't come into my life and change everything just to leave it like that"
Dick saw a tear fall off of Damian's check witch he tried to hide. If he truly did die just then, he would have caused his family too much trouble. He thought by sacrificing himself he would have ended it all, stopped the pain. But it wouldn't have, it
would have just passed it on to the people he loves.
"I thought I lost you" Damian said crying
Dick lowered his head in shame but didn't say a word.
"Look birdy, Damian is right that was a stupid move" Jason cut in. Jason looked just as upset as Damian and that made him feel even worse. "If I lost you…I wouldn't have lasted long"
"Count on us more Dick. We are your family and that is what we are here for. Going off on your own and sacrificing yourself wouldn't have solved anything" Tim added.
Looking up at his brothers, Dick took a deep breath. "You are right, I'm sorry. Its jut it's a hard habit to break out off. I have been alone my whole life and the only person I ever counted on was me. I know you are there for me but I just…"
"I will kill you myself if you ever do something that stupid again" Jason threatened "I swear your just full of bad ideas." Jason took a deep breath and got down to his knees and placed a hand on Dick's shoulder. "If I ever lost you I don't think I would
last. Losing you would be worse than death itself"
"Sorry Jason, I guess I was only thinking of myself" Dick said looking down in shame
A bought of silence filled the room as none of the brothers spoke after that. But the silence was soon cut off by Bruce's voice. Looking over to his adopted father and then down to his real parents Dick sighed and rubbed the back of his head in frustration.
Jason placed a hand on Dick's shoulder and smiled some as he lead him over to where his parents where.
"What happened" Dick asked taking in his parents completion. There was blood everywhere and their chest were not moving at all and that only meant one thing, they were dead. "Did you…"
"No I didn't kill them…They killed themselves soon after Damian killed Slade" Bruce answered slowly
Looking back down at his dead parents then back up to Bruce Dick sighed. The battle didn't feel like it was over it was just too easy. Slade died with a sword through his chest and his parents committed suicide because Slade was dead. Maybe that is what
happens when you are too loyal to someone. He always heard them say they wouldn't be able to live without Slade and it looks they really couldn't.
Suddenly feeling really dizzy, Dick took a step back and closed his eyes, so he couldn't see his parent's dead bodies. Even if they were mass murders they still raised him and were his parents. Flinching when a pair of hands steadied him, Dick looked
up to find Damian behind him.
"Are you ok" Damian asked worriedly
Dick shook his head to tell his family that he was ok, but another round of dizziness hit him and he found himself slumping in his brother's arms. Damian quickly tighter his grip and Jason ran over to the two brothers.
"What's wrong with him" Jason asked quickly
"He is exhausted, in shock and relived" Damian answered
"What" Jason said confused
"He is exhausted" Damian pointed out obviously
Picking up Dick bridal style as he lost consciousness, Damian and Jason walked over to the other two. Bruce was now talking to the league, Titans and young justice who had finished their battle.
"Superman said that the goons retreated" Bruce said looking a little sad
Damian adjusted Dick in his arms and looked at Bruce's face. "And mother"
"Captured" Bruce answered "Gave herself up easily"
"For now let's regroup and then go back to the cave to get Dick checked out" Jason said looking at Dick with worried eyes.
Nodding his head the family headed back to the main room. Inside the room stood the Justice league, Teen Titans and Young Justice. Superman was holding Talia so she wouldn't escape.
"What happened on your end" Superman asked
"They are all dead" Bruce answered truthfully
Everyone looked at the Bat family in shock. One thing that everyone knew about Batman was his no killing rule.
"Wait who…" Superman began but was cut off by Bruce
"It doesn't matter who killed who. It was either they die or one of our own dies" Bruce said as he looked at Damian slightly "In my book they made the right choice".
Superman shook his head but didn't say anything more, not wanting to anger Bruce.
"Now what" Superman asked
"We have to get Robin checked out. Thank you everyone for your help" Bruce answered as the bat family made their way out of the house, leaving many confused superheroes behind.
The bright light streamed through the window as Dick became conscious but didn't open his eyes. His whole body felt sore and tired and just moving a bit made him hurt. The other reason that he didn't want to wake up was because he would have to face the
events of the day and he wasn't ready for that, not at all. But he had to face it one day and it is better now than later. It would be better to get it out there and finally end the battle he has been fighting his whole life.
Voices soon filled the room and Dick decided to wait a little longer to make it knows that he was awake, so he just listened to the people in the room.
"Is he ok" Jason asked worried
"He is fine Todd just needs some sleep" Damian grunted
"Hey Damian can I ask you something" Jason asked as Dick heard him shuffle his feet
"Sure but only this once"
"When you killed Slade, what you were thinking "Jason asked "I mean none of us have ever killed anyone before…"
It was silent for a second and Dick could hear Damian take a deep breath before speaking. "Truth is I wasn't thinking. The only thought in my mind was that Grayson was going to die"
"Then you acted without thinking much"
"Todd I was raised as an assassin by my mother, just like Grayson I have seen people die, but I have never killed anyone. Slade was the first man I ever killed but I don't regret it because if I didn't act Grayson wouldn't be here right now"
Jason shook his head and looked at Dick's bed and watched his even breathing "Thank you Damian"
"For what' Damian asked confused
"For protecting our younger brother" Jason answered smiling
Deciding it was time to let his brothers know he was awake, Dick groaned and rolled to his side. He then heard footsteps getting closer to the bed and then felt the bed move when someone sat down.
"You awake" Jason asked as he ran a hand through Dick's hair and looking at him to make sure he was ok.
Opening his eyes and squinting at the light in the room Dick shook his head and coughed a little. Slowly getting up from his bed Dick was greeted by a cold glass of water being placed in his hands. Nodding his thanks Dick gulped down the water and sat
the glass down then looked at his brothers.
'What time is it' Dick asked
"It's around noon" Damian answered "You were not asleep that long, how do you feel"
Dick grimaced at the pain that surrounded his body and told his brothers he was just sore. Other then everything being sore he felt fine. Looking at Damian, Dick lowered his head. Because of him his brother had to kill someone and it was all his fault.
"Don't you dare blame yourself" Damian hissed recognizing the look that surrounded Dick's face
"But if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have killed someone" Dick shouted
"If it wasn't for him you would be dead right now" Jason hissed back "in my book he made the right choice"
Dick was silent for a second then sighed "are you ok Damian"
"Your parents are killed, we won the battle and the first thing you ask is if I'm ok" Damian chuckled as he ruffled Dick's hair "I'm fine as long as your alive I'll be ok"
Dick nodded but then looked up at his brothers with a smile on his face "I have my real memories back"
"What" they both shouted
"Slade gave them back to me because he wanted me to know the truth."
"What truth" Jason asked
"Well Damian your mother works for Slade if you didn't know. But the most important thing I remembered and was the reason I was going to sacrifice myself was because…" Dick trailed off "I was the key part at finishing their plan. When I was younger I
accidently received something that they needed. The only way to finish their plan for destruction was for me to die so that Slade could receive the power, but they had to wait until just the right time until the power was at its maximum."
"And you were about to die so you could destroy the world" Jason said half joking
"No my plan was to overload Slade with the power. When my memories came back, I knew that the power would be too much for him to handle and destroy him" Dick finished
"But then Damian over here spoils your plan by killing him with a stupid sword" Jason joked
Damian rolled his eyes at Jason's comment "your actions had a noble meaning but that doesn't mean they were any less stupid. Promise me you will never do anything that stupid again"
"I promise" Dick said smiling
"Ok then good no more stupid moves for stupid people" Damian said loudly
"Can you stop calling me stupid" Dick asked nicely
"Stupid, STUPID, STUPID. I'm still mad at you for your stupid heroic act" Damian said louder
"Damian" Dick wined
Damian laughed and pulled Dick off the bed. "If we hurry you can still make it to school"
"What"both Jason and Dick Yelled
Damian grabbed Dick's shoulder and started to pull him out of the room. "What are you doing Dami"
"Punishment" Damian answered
"Dude Jason hates school not me" Dick wined
Damian stopped for a second then smirked 'fine you're grounded from school"
"I want to be grounded from school" Jason said as he ran into Dick and fell on the floor
"You can't ground me from school' Dick protested
"You want to bet' Damian laughed
Dick groaned and lowered his head hiding a smile. He was going to be alright, his life long battle was finally over. His parents were gone, Slade was gone and he couldn't be happier. He had a family that truly cared for him and would do anything to protect
him. He would never be alone again and he needed to work on realizing that. But one thing he knew for sure was that everything was going to be alright.
The end
Thank you for everyone who followed me to the end of my story. I'm sorry there was no fight scene but I cannot do those at all. I focused more on family and their moments, then actually taking down the enemy.
Please review and tell me if you liked the ending. I thought it could go differently, so if any of you are unsatisfied I will write a new ending or version two ending to this story.
The sequel is already out and it's called the deadly storm.
Review please
The end