Character Summary

Name: Phoenix Fall, AKA The Flaming Shadow

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height & weight: 5ft 10in, 140lbs

Physical appearance: Medium length messy black hair, orange eyes, somewhat pale, scar by right lip, other scars and burns on varying locations on body

Voice: British accent, slightly high voice for age

Occupation: Vigilante/ "student" at Beacon (technically not a student due to the issue of teams but can attend classes without any complications since he is the adopted son of Ozpin)

Personality: Phoenix is typically somewhat sarcastic and socially awkward, but he still tries to fit in. While acting as The Flaming Shadow he tries to act serious but almost always fails. He is, however, able to tell when a serious tone is required. He uses humor as a coping mechanism for handling everything he has seen while working with his mother and as a vigilante. He has an issue with self-loathing because of his belief it is his fault that she is continuing her operations. This stems from his failure to defeat her during the confrontation that resulted from his betraying her. This issue, however, only surfaces in issues that actually involve Cinder and her plans.

Clothing: Phoenix's street clothes are a black zip-up hoodie, a crimson t-shirt, and jeans. He wears glasses that have various different technological modifications including an assisted aiming system that allows him to figure out how to ricochet whatever projectile he is using off of multiple targets and almost always hit his target, a video recording and playing function, etc. While he's The Flaming Shadow he wears a black hooded trench coat, a black shirt underneath, black cargo pants, and combat boots. He also has a mask similar in appearance to that of Corvo from "Dishonored", and gloves with retractable claws on the fingers. The claws can be used for either combat or climbing. His mask serves as his glasses and has all the same functions as them as well as an ability to zoom in on targets, infrared mode, night vision, and an ability to sync up with security cameras he's gained access to.

Weapons: To conceal his double identity, Phoenix uses two different weapons. The one he uses at Beacon is a retractable bo staff. His actual weapons are dual wield tiger hook swords called The Blazing Hooks. The hooks can transform into semi-auto rifles that can fire either normal rounds or dust rounds with varying effects based on the type of dust used. When the two guns are placed together, they form a double shotgun. The blades can retract somewhat to be better suited for close-quarters combat. The ammo cartridges are attached to the pommel blades of the swords and can be used as makeshift weapons or possibly explosives depending on the type of ammo if necessary. He also has a grapnel gun to allow him to reach high places quickly or pull enemies towards him, smoke bombs to catch the enemy off guard, and various other gadgets. His coat has utility belt syndrome (it holds a seemingly infinite amount of ammo and gadgets unless the plot says otherwise).

Semblance: He's able to control, expand, and contract fire as well as control its heat. He is not, however, able to create fire. To make up for this he keeps a lighter with him and a few flame dust rounds.

Fighting Style: In a one-on-one confrontation where he's not aware of what the enemy can do, he'll typically focus on pushing them back and then pulling them back in again. This allows him to keep them off balance and see how his opponent fights both up close and at a distance. He'll then adjust his strategy accordingly. In a fight with multiple opponents, he'll try to pick them off one by one. He incorporates a fair amount of ice dust into his fighting style as well, using it to help stop or at least slow down enemies when necessary. When it comes to Grimm, the style varies based on the species and quantity. He's trained himself to be able to toss one of the hooks into the hand with the other one and then pull out either his grapnel gun or his lighter before the enemy can react, allowing him to seamlessly integrate them into his fighting with The Blazing Hooks. He uses his aura primarily for offense, using only a slight amount to shield himself. This gives his fire attacks more power and lets him use them more. However, he can receive major injuries like badly broken bones or deep cuts even if he still has aura remaining. If necessary, he'll focus his aura on the part of him that will be taking the hit, but this requires conscious thought. This means, he can receive a major injury if caught by surprise.

Strengths: Skilled detective, blacksmith, inventor, and tactician, capable of making voice sound different (usually used while doing his "job") able to recover from wounds quickly, high pain tolerance, and adaptable with new weapons

Weaknesses: Nearsighted in his left eye and farsighted in his right eye, low self-preservation, when allies are in danger or injured thinks using less strategy, and socially awkward

Likes: Strategy, card, and video games, building, fixing, and modifying weapons, reading, parkour, and designing new gadgets

Dislikes: His mother, flying, people who take advantage of the weak, and no one knowing who The Flaming Shadow is or getting his name right

As you probably guessed from the title as well as what you read, assuming you did, this is a summary of the character. Don't worry, I don't plan on making him too OP. I'm thinking that he'll be on par with Pyrrha at his best at the start of the story. Since I described him here I won't be going into much detail about it in the actual story. The same goes for the stuff in the show, since you already know what it looks like (If you haven't seen the show, then what the hell are you doing on the show's fanfiction page?). What little description is just a formality.

Fair warning, grammar and spelling are going to suck as you could probably already tell. With any luck, you'll still get the idea. If there are any major issues let me know, and I'll go back and fix them. Those of you who were here at the start remember me accidentally calling Weiss "Wice" and forgetting to start new paragraphs (Don't worry, I fixed that. At least I think I dd.). Yes, I know I'm an idiot.

On another note, there'll probably be references to other things in this story. How many you ask. Well, is five metric f$ k tons an acceptable unit of measurement? Speaking of things that there'll be tons of, I go back and edit things from time to time. It's nothing major, just fixing mistakes I may have made or explaining something a bit better, so if you get any messages about older chapters being updated it's probably nothing. Only time you might want to check updates is if some new info about Cinder comes out that could change this story.

When it comes to the issue of Cinder herself, I have a couple plans. Plan A is growth in an artificial womb. Plan B, which I'm trying to avoid, is alteration to the cannon. I'm going to try to stick kind of close to the cannon story line. But we'll burn down those bridges when we come to them.

Criticism and tips are welcome, but try to keep the death threats to a minimum if it's not too much trouble. Sorry about the long conclusion, but I had a lot of things I wanted to get out of the way before the actual story began. If you actually managed to get through all this then congratulations, you get a cookie. Thanks for reading!