It's been a while since I've updated this story. I have to say, this is probably one of my favorite stories. :P

Fun Fact: I actually wrote this back in late January of 2015 before this became a thing. Why I never did anything with it, I dunno. I don't know if anybody will be still interested in this but I'll update it anyways. I'll do more if anybody is still interested in this.

Case: Alvin, Rebecca, and Kenny vs Jane

Alvin, Rebecca, and Kenny are pressing charges against Jane because she left Alvin Jr. in a car in the middle of a blizzard, thus endangering his life.

Judge Alexander was making sure he finally had on his judge uniform the correct way when her bailiff, Sakura, poked her head in. "Hey, Alex, there're some people sitting out here looking confused. Somethin' about here's the judge…"

"Oh crap! I'm coming. Go ahead and announce me!" he said to the ninja.

She nodded and left. Alex started walking towards the door, but he ended up tripping over his long judge suit. If only the tailor's shop was open. His last robe had been vandalized by an unknown asshole who had not only damaged his robe, but also his entire bedroom. He wouldn't be surprised if it were one of the guilty parties that had been in his courtroom. He walked on in, tripping much to some of the crowd's amusement. When he got to his podium, he ordered everyone to shut up before they were thrown out. Once everyone was quiet, he ordered Sakura to hand him the case.

"Let's see here…oh! How interesting!" the judge observed, believing this case was a long time coming. "Alvin, Rebecca, and Kenny are suing Jane for putting Alvin Jr in danger. Bring them on in."

A few seconds later, Alvin, Rebecca, and Kenny walked in, followed by Jane. Once everyone was seated, the judge noticed that the Plaintiffs were glaring at Jane while said woman was just sitting there with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"Okay, one of you state your case." said Alex. "…but first, does Sakura need to…you know…"

"That won't necessary, your honor." said Rebecca.

"Speak for yourself!" said Jane. "That crazy fucker didn't kill you!"

"Says the woman who put our son in danger!" said both Alvin and Rebecca at the same time.

"Order! Order in the court!" the judge said as he pounded his gavel onto his podium as angry threats and comments were shouted at Jane from both the Plaintiffs and the audience. "Sakura, get between them and make sure a fight doesn't break out. The floor's new."

Sakura nodded and got between the two tables. Her expression dared anyone to try to attack either other. With everything settled down, Kenny told the court what happened. "It was freezing out and that crazy bitch over there put AJ's life in danger! She could have just had him when she found us, but for some damn reason, she decided leaving him in a fucking car was the best idea! He could have frozen to death! She never wanted him around anyway!"

"Is this true Jane?"

"I never said I didn't want him around." said Jane.

"You implied it though!" pointed out the bearded man.

"I did not!"

"You lying bitch! Yes you did!"

"Don't call me a bitch, you maniac! No wonder you don't have anybody! They couldn't stand you and killed themselves as result!"

That was the last straw for Kenny was he jumped over the table and tried to get to Jane, but luckily Sakura noticed this and grabbed Kenny by the back of his coat. Jane just sat there looking quite smug about it. No one could blame Kenny for wanting to attack the young woman. She had just touched a nerve, a nerve she knew all too well…the very same nerve that got her killed in the first place.

"Do you have any witnesses that you would like to call to the stand?" Alex asked Kenny.

"Yes. I call to the stand Clementine." said Kenny.

Clementine walked in and took a seat in the witness chair. "So Clementine, did Jane ever give you the impression that she didn't want the baby around?"

"Well…a little. I got the impression that she kind of thought the baby would be a burden later on to us." confessed Clementine. "She never said she didn't want him around, but she didn't seem to care for him as he isn't hers."

"Do you think Jane is of good character or not?" asked the judge. When she looked confused, he quickly explained what he meant. "Is she a good person or does she have fault that are in no way acceptable that has put you and/or the baby in danger?"

"Well…she did…uh…kiss Luke instead of them looking out for walkers which put Rebecca in danger while she was pregnant." said Clementine tapping her chin. "Then there was the time where she robbed Arvo and later his group showed up, starting a shooting match, and the baby could have been shot. But she does care about me though. So I guess she okay."

There were muttering in the crowd, with looks of disapproval on everyone's faces. Alex turned to Jane. "So Jane, what's your side of the story. Why did you put that kid in danger in the first place?"

"Because, your honor, I wanted to prove a point!" she told him. "Kenny was dangerous and the only way to show Clementine that was by doing what I did. The kid wasn't in any danger though. He was in a car!"

"A car with no heating in it!" exclaimed Kenny. "And what if he would have started crying and attracted walkers?"

"So you put him in a car to prove a point?"

"Yep. H's dangerous! You should have seen him, your honor! The way he treated that poor boy..."

"That you robbed!" pointed out Kenny. "Remember when you stole the kid's gun and nearly took his medicine? And I'm the only jackass? We got a whole list on your bitchiness!"

"And I got a huge list on you being a huge dick!" she retorted.

"So do I!" yelled Lee in the back of the courtroom.

"You're not helping Lee!" snarled the bearded man. "And not a fucking word Lilly or I swear to..."

"Order in the court!" yelled the man, banging his gravel on his desk. "Anyways, maybe Arvo should be the one suing Kenny. If you truly thought Kenny was dangerous, you should have left Alvin Junior..."

"WILLIAM CARVER JR!" corrected the brunette from the back of the room.

"IT'S NOT YOUR BABY!" shouted Rebeccca and her husband.

"Shut it!" the judge demanded. "As I was saying, you should have left the kid out of it and let Clementine decide for herself."

"But she's a kid!"

"You're trying to say I'm not smart?" asked Clementine, feeling offended.

"What? No! I..."

"I think that's enough for now," he turned to the jury. "What's your verdict?"

The jurors were Launch, Carley, Christa, Diana, Nick, Doug, Ben, Hinata, Chichi, Fred Weasey, Arvo, and Ed this time around They all muttered among themselves for a few minutes before they came to their conclusion. Christa stood up. "We've come to the decision that Jane was in the wrong for what she did to little AJ and she should be punished."

"But...!" exclaimed Jane.

"You heard 'em! As your punishment, Jane you will be locked inside of a car in Antarctica. Don't worry. We're not savages like you."

"Bullshit!" cried several audience members.

"We're going to provide you all with a box of matches, a penguin suit, and a polar bear." continued the judge.

"Wait but that doesn't...!" she was interrupted by a pair of muscular men dressed in large coats and wearing sunglasses. They picked her up by her arms and proceeded to drag her out of the courtroom with her vowing revenge against Kenny on the way out.

Please resubmit/submit your court cases. They can either be from the Scumbag series or canon. I can tell which is which.

Next Case: Clementine vs Rebecca- Clementine sues Rebecca on Alvin's account.

I'll try getting to the other cases submitted.

Technically clementine doesn't look very African American compared to lee and even if Larry was racist I doubt he'd be mean to a child.

She's mixed judging from her mother. Still African american and whatever else. She gets a bit darker as the seasons go on. As for Larry, if he is indeed racist, he's not mean to Clementine at least. I guess that's kinda good. Some racists are mean to children. Some are less vocal about it. Again, I still doubt he's racist. He only doesn't like Lee because he killed someone. Ironic considering he nearly kills Lee after the dude just saves his life.

Misty, why don't you sue Negan for harassing you in ScumBob Interviews?

Eh we'll see.

Also, loser has to share a cell with Killer Croc, Deadshot, and the Joker. Also, electroshock therapy.

Good idea. I'll be sure to use it. :)

A court case of the real Lee vs Jason. Also, punishment is that the loser has to spend a month in Arkham Asylum, as well as to dye all of their hairs pink. ALL of their hairs.

Thanks for the submission and I'll use it.