Hey guys!

Not a whole lot for me to say today.

Well, except that if you're following this story, but not my main one (Twin heroes of Remnant) I'm planning a crossover between RWBY and Kamen Rider Amazons.

Yeah, not showa era amazon, but one of the riders from the web series.

It would also start years before the RWBY canon, back when team STRQ was still in Beacon, and no they aren't the main focus of that story.

So yeah, there's that.

As well, I decided that while Jaune won't have Crocea Mors, he'll get a shield, just that it's gonna be a buckler instead of a kite shield.

Because even I have to admit, it would be weird if he didn't have a little bit of knight in him, although he will have multiple different figthing styles.

Anyway, let's start this up!

1 year later

Jaune Arc, current age: 15

Jaune was currently sprawled out on the forest floor, exhausted.

He'd just got done getting rid of a large number of grimm that were making their way towards town.

He might have been to blame for that, but thankfully, no one did blame him.

The reason he would have been to blame?

He was able to control a 6 tailed version 1 cloak.

And because Kurama still had a lot of hate at the core of his being, said hate filtered outsite, and attracted the grimm closer to the village.

He was pretty damn proud of himself for being able to control up to 6 tails in a version 1 cloak though, as for a version 2 cloak, he could go up to 3 tails without issue, beyond that he would start to lose himself to the hate.

He was also capable of a partial transformation, which basically made an actual tail made of fur sprout on his lower back, but that was as far as he could go, unlike Gaara who had some of his body partially transform into Shukaku when he had fought him.

Kurama was also saying that pretty soon it might become time for him to use the seal's key and to have full access to his power, although they would have to battle for Kurama to let Jaune use the power, he didn't just want to give it to him, he had to be sure that Jaune was ready for it.

Slowly, Jaune sat up, wiping his brow with his sleeve, he could see his weapons were scattered a little around him, including some of the copies of his father's kunai.

He hadn't mastered the Hiraishin yet, but he felt that he was on the way there.

Although he had finally managed something awesome.

He had completed the Rasengan.

He could even do it in one hand now, although a shadow clone still helped stabilize it a little more.

He was able to add wind chakra to it, which increased it's overall destructive ability.

He'd also created two variations on it.

The Oodama Rasengan, which was essentially a larger version of it which had a lot of destructive power that was released on impact.

And the Rasenrengan, which was just him using two rasengans at the same time, one in each hand.

Back to his weapons, he had constantly practiced in using his mother's sword, although it still felt awkward from time to time, that was mostly because he wasn't exactly following the scroll to the letter, as he wanted to make his own variation on the style, by incorporating a shield.

A few months ago, he had built a new sheith for Rubeus Mors, and made it so that it could expand into a round buckler shield.

As for the copies of his father's kunai, only the original had the yellow grip, all the copies had a blue grip.

He was thankful that when he asked Ero-sennin, he had recieved a few ingots of chakra metal to make some really good kunai, and he'd even incorporated the metal into his buckler and was using some of it to forge armor for himself, after all, chakra metal was damn powerful, way stronger than any material he had seen on Remnant.

All in all, this would mean that just about all of his gear could channel his chakra, which could prove to be invaluable in battle.

He was also doing what every Uzumaki does best.

Coming up with crazy seals.

Some of the best ones included modified storage seals which he so that when he unsealed what was within, it would shoot out like a canon, so say he sealed a bunch of kunai in one of those, unsealing them towards an enemy would launch all of them towards said enemy.

Then there was his modified gravity seals, which instead of being applied on the body, where applied to an area in general, which led to him one day creating an area where he was floating in the air.

He made sure to make an area like that in the backgroung for his little sisters for when they felt like playing.

There were also some weird ones that he made on accident.

Like the music seal, which quite literally stored music inside of it, so he had been able to make himself an alternative music player.

Then there was one which was both a bit weird, but helpful.

He'd made a seal which could turn dust crystals into solid balls of elemental chakra, and which could also change elemental chakra into dust of that same element.

The balls of chakra could be consumed like a soldier pill to temporarily give the person that elemental affinity.

He had made the seal while he was trying to find a way to grant chakra to the people here.

He'd figured that if hunters had chakra, then they would be even more powerful than they already were.

At the same time, the idea spurred him on to try and become a hunter.

His father told him that hunters were people who had chosen to rise up, and become the shields of humanity against the grimm.

He liked that idea honestly, becoming a hero to protect people from monsters.

He had also realised that becoming a hunter would fulfill his birth father's dying wish.

For people to see him as a hero.

So that's what he'll do.

And his new family supported his wish.

He stopped his musings after a little bit and got up to collect his gear before going back home.

Once there he saw the clones he had left behind still working on their training, which now included a group which was debating on what kind of seal they should make next.

It was pretty funny that his clones had a mind of their own.

After taking a cold shower to clean himself up from the sweat he had worked up, Jaune returned outside and returned to one of the things that had become routine.

Recieve a letter from Ero-sennin and Hinata (he tended to get on once a month), reply, and meditate.

Sometimes it was broken up with a few conversations with Kurama.

Like the time Kurama told Jaune that he was only half of himself, being the yang half, and that his father had sealed the yin half inside himself with the Shiki Fujin, meaning he took half of Kurama with him upon his death.

Although Kurama was looking into a way to try and interact with his yin half and perhaps find a way to pull it out of the Shinigami's stomach, thus making him whole again and giving Jaune more power, on top of helping with control, because while one would think that more chakra would mean shittier control, if Jaune could have all of Kurama's chakra within him, he would have even more control over the cloak, as it would mean it's power would be balanced.

Anyway, the new letter from Ero-senning was certainly interesting.

The old man had apparently lost any single chance he would have of peeping on women to find material for his books because Hinata would always kick his butt whenever he tried.

Jaune was proud of her obviously.

Interestingly, Jiraya had apparently decided to visit the ruins of Uzushiogakure with Hinata, as Jaune had told him that she could learn of his past, he trusted her enough to have it be revealed to her, and had been glad to hear she took it well (and although he didn't know it, Hinata actually doubled her efforts to become stronger, because if she can stand by his side, she can give him the love he had missed out on for most of his life).

Apparently, they had found a runaway.

A young girl who had been taken by Orochimaru some time after the chuunin exams, she was from Kusagakure.

She had apparently ran away after some time, being fed up with working under the snake bastard.

Her name was Karin, and she was Jaune's distant cousin, for her mother had been Kushina's cousin.

Jaune was surprised, but quickly became happy at learning he had yet another relative, this one less distant (blood-wise) than Tsunade, so happy he danced a little jig (and while he didn't know it, Karin had done the same thing when she learned she had a blood relative who was still alive).

Then came what Karin had divulged to them in regards to Orochimaru.

He was currently still recuperating from having switched over to a new body.

As well, she had some info on Sasuke.

He had apparently become even more of a jerk, and was still hung up on killing his brother Itachi, but now he also wanted to kill Jaune.

Jaune wasn't surprised honestly, he had expected that duck-butt would want to come after him eventually.

Forgetting Sasuke for now though, Jiraya wrote that, obviosuly enough, he was taking Karin with him, and while she wasn't much of a fighter, he could have her learn some medicinal jutsu that he had written down in a scroll, having brought them with him to teach to Hinata eventually, they weren't very high level, but they could prove helpful.

Apparently they'd recently gone to Sunagakure, as tensions between Suna and Konoha had finally calmed down thanks to Gaara.

Jaune wondered 'why Gaara?' at first, until he read that Gaara was the new Kazekage, which definetly surprised him.

Although he was happy to hear that Gaara had become acknowledged by his village.

As he continued to read, the message was eventually handed over to Hinata, who talked about her training and how she was doing.

She had been studying hard to master Hyuuga clan techniques that Neji had given to her before she left.

Neji was honestly the only Hyuuga besides Hinata (and probably Hanabi) who didn't start blaming Jaune for what Sasuke did, and he knew that Hinata's goal was to stand by his side one day, so he helped her as best as he could.

Plus, he still owed Jaune for 'Beating the Fate out of him' so in a way, this was a small method of repaying his friend.

She was well on her way to mastering the 8 triagrams 64 palms technique, and even had ideas for variations.

She had also mastered the Kaiten by now, and again, Jaune was proud of her.

Then, the message was handed off to Karin, who started off by presenting herself obviously.

From the way she wrote, Jaune could understand she was quite... colorful.

But when you stop and consider what clan she's from, it's not all that surprising.

She ended it off with saying that she hoped to meet him one day.

Once he was done, he started writing his reply to them, starting off by asking Jiraya if he could have the key to the seal, he wouldn't use it just yet, but he should be prepared for when the time came.

He then went on to tell them about what he'd been doing recently, including what his plans for the future were, telling Hinata he was proud of her (which made the girl go red like a tomato from reading it, she still had some trouble controlling herself in regards to Jaune even after 2 years of building up her confidence), presenting himself to Karin, and wishing all of them well, and that he hopes they can see each other one day.

The message sent, Jaune got to meditating.

Soon, he'd be a hero.

THAT, was his dream from now on.


So yeah, no direct talking today, it was an exposition chapter to show how Jaune's progressed.

I'm thinking that even with clones, the amount of stuff he does probably makes him progress a little slower than he'd like.

Although I can say that by the time we hit RWBY canon, he will have the strengh of Naruto near the end of the series, no truth-seeking balls though obviously, so yeah, overpowered, but that doesn't mean he's gonna use everything right off the bat.

Sure, he's gonna show off a bit, but he won't use his full strengh until the time calls for it.

And yeah, Karin.

She's gonna be in this fic, and she's basically gonna be like another sister to Jaune.

I think she deserves to have something good happen to her in this thing, thus why I had her run away from Orochimaru this time around.


Read, Review, Don't be a dick, and have a nice day everyone!

See ya next time!