Fanfic Story Doll

A/N: I do not own Skip Beat


Young Kyoko loved everyone and everything. She was a gracious and gentle child; you would never find her without a smile. That is until her 14th birthday when everything she knew and loved disappeared.

"Mom, dad wake up! Wake up!" Kyoko shouted eagerly jumping up and down.

"Hmm what?" Kyoko's mother rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Oh Kyoko dear do you know what time it is? Shush or you'll wake your father."

Kyoko pouted and started whining, "Mom did you forget it's my birthday today?"

"No of course not, it's just that mom and dad were up really late working and we didn't get to bed until almost 3."

"Well now that you're up could you make me some breakfast please?"

Sigh, "Alright what would you like to eat?"

Tapping her pointer finger on her chin she thought about it for a minute then decided on bacon and eggs with some toasted toast and strawberry jam.

About half way done with breakfast and Kyoko's dad walks into the kitchen for some food.

"Hey dad can I go to the mall with Moko today?"

"Well I don't see a problem with that, but what about Sho? Don't you usually spend your birthdays with him?"

Kyoko froze, both her lips and fork lowered but she regained composure quickly. "Um I did ask him, but he said he was busy today so I asked Moko if she would like to go shopping with me."

"Ok, have fun!"

After breakfast Kyoko left to go meet Moko at the mall. Both girl had an amazing time. Because it was Kyoko's birthday one lady gave her a free make over. Kyoko couldn't help the grin on her face when she got her makeup done by a "professional".

When Kyoko arrived home later than she planned she could feel it in her bones that something was wrong. The front door was left opened when Kyoko stepped inside everything went black.

"Scream and I'll kill you, you got that!"

Kyoko managed a nod.

She couldn't tell exactly where she was going even though it was he own house, the fear she felt overwhelmed her to no end. The next thing she knew she was on a bed with the man tying her arms behind her and onto the back board of the bed. Kyoko started to scream through the tape but was stopped when she felt a cold metal on her temple.

Kyoko's heart kept pounding harder and harder, her arms hurt like hell and she could only think about her parents hoping and praying with all her might that they were safe.