Oh look? I actually finished another thing! lol

Now, I will admit I'm not completely in love with this chapter, so I hope you'll forgive me if it's not up to par. I really did try my best.

Thanks again to my Triplet Sisters for checking this over. I love you guys so much!

Don't forget! Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail, as evidenced by the fact that Gajeel and Lucy aren't canon yet.

Day 3: Online

It was nearing 9 o'clock at night when Lucy pulled her lacrima powered laptop from her desk and climbed up on her bed to write the next chapter of her novel. Dark had fallen across Magnolia, and slowly but surely the town was settling down for the night. It was Lucy's favorite time to write, probably because her team was usually far away in their own houses and she could finally get a little peace and quiet.

She'd been so busy lately she hadn't had a chance to devote much time to her novel, though that might have been more in part because of the horribly resistant streak of writer's block she'd run into recently. But all that was history now because tonight, inspiration had struck, and she finally felt like she could push through the scene that had been giving her so much trouble.

Taking a quick sip of her hot tea, she slipped her earbuds into her ear and turned on her music. She smiled as one of her favorite songs started playing, one that had never failed to get her creative spark going. In only a matter of moments, she had the document open and her fingers were flying over the keys.

It was nearly 2 hours later when her eye caught a flash in the lower right hand corner of her laptop screen. So engrossed in her writing, it took her a moment to realize that someone had messaged her on Skype. She debated clicking on the Skype icon. She knew if she did, she probably wouldn't go back to her writing. It had happened too many times before.

Still, she couldn't stop her curiosity. Maybe she could just see who it was. It didn't mean she had to get involved in a full-on conversation. She could just let them know she was in the middle of something and message them back later when she was finished.

Before the idea could cement itself in her mind, she'd already clicked the little blue icon. Almost immediately, the chat window popped up, revealing who was trying to talk to her, and she couldn't help but smile.


It was apparently time for their weekly chat. Cobra had picked up the habit of contacting her at least once a week since she'd seen him at that festival months ago. They'd exchanged contact information, including Skype names. She wasn't sure which had surprised her more - the fact that Cobra even knew what Skype was or that he'd decided he wanted to chat with her on there.

Out of everyone on Earthland, she'd have counted herself the last person Cobra would ever want to spend time with. But maybe that was just because of their history. After all, she'd put all that aside. Maybe he had too.

They'd started out small, a text here and there. Just your basic conversation. Hey, what are you doing? How was your day? Or in Cobra's case - How the hell's your week been? What sorta shit you getting into?

She wasn't quite sure how it had all happened, but now they'd gone from short, almost boring interactions to these long, entertaining conversations. It had become very commonplace for Cobra to message her late at night after they'd finished up a job or once his team had gone to bed. He didn't sleep much, and with her penchant for writing late into the night, the time seemed to work for both of them.

And Lucy would be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed it. The man was strangely intelligent and funny. His crass sense of humor never failed to give her a laugh, and that was especially nice on days when her team drove her nuts. In truth, something about him pulled at her, and she'd found her interest piquing with each interaction.

But Lucy knew it wasn't friendship he was after. He'd made himself pretty clear he wanted more than that. But Lucy wasn't sure that was the best idea. She'd been through the whole relationship thing, and though she wasn't entirely certain that's even what Cobra wanted, she couldn't see going through it again. Maybe he was strictly interested in sex. He'd certainly made enough veiled and not quite so subtle advances in that direction to convince her that was at least part of it, but more than that, she just didn't know.

Honestly, she was a little lost where he was concerned. She enjoyed talking to him. He made her smile, made her feel a little carefree in a way she hadn't in a long time, and that was something special. But she wasn't sure she wanted it to be anything more than friendship. After her breakup six months ago, she preferred to be cautious. No more jumping in or following her heart without reservation. She'd gotten burned bad, and to her, it just hadn't been worth the risk of it happening again.

Only Cobra wasn't exactly making it easy. The man was persistent. And clever. And sexy.

Yes, he was definitely sexy.

She didn't need to see him again to remember that. There was something dark and mysterious about the man, an intensity she found really difficult to ignore. He was unlike anyone she'd ever known. Definitely a little disturbed. After all, a person couldn't be entirely sane if they enjoyed violence as much as he did, but for some reason that didn't exactly deter her.

Maybe it was her time in Fairy Tail and all the things she'd seen during her time there, but she just couldn't look at things the same way. She'd learned that people weren't always what they appeared. Like Gajeel. At their first meeting, she'd been certain he was completely lost. He was wicked and cruel, and she couldn't have seen him any way other than bad. But now, after knowing him for years, she knew the truth. He was a decent guy who'd been through a lot.

In much the same way, Cobra was also more than he appeared. They hadn't gotten into his past, or hers to be honest. Things hadn't progressed quite that far, but something told Lucy that Cobra had a history like Gajeel's. Considering he'd been a prisoner at the Tower of Heaven like Erza, there was little doubt he'd experienced hard times. And Lucy was the last person to hold a grudge.

Besides, he'd more than repaid his debt to her. He'd saved her life. Even before that, he'd done good, like helping fight the dragons that had come through the Eclipse Gate. Even knowing he would be going right back to prison afterward, he'd gone out and fought along side them. And that meant something.

It meant there was good in him. And a lot of it.

And Lucy was a sucker for a changed man, which was why this was all so difficult. A large part of her wanted to give him a chance, and it made sense. He was a great looking guy, one that could easily match her in wit and intelligence, and he was funny. And the fact that he had joined with Jellal to try to rid the world of evil was a big mark in his favor, but was that all really enough to put aside her concerns?

Who was to say that once involved, he wouldn't lose interest or change his mind? And what if she was already in too deep to come away unscathed? Good guy or not, he could still hurt her.

Shaking her head, she turned back to her computer and promptly snorted. Cobra had sent her another message. Impatient man.

Cobra: Where the hell are you? I know you're on.

Lucy: I'm here.

Cobra: Took you long enough. What were you doin? Masturbating?

Lucy had to roll her eyes. Of course he would go there first. He was a man after all, one that seemed to have sex on the brain all the damn time.

Lucy: Yeah and you're interfering with all that.

Cobra: Want some help instead?

Lucy: And how exactly would you be able to help me when you're way the hell across the country?

Cobra: Hey you give the word, and I'll be on my way right fucking now.

Lucy: lol Nice try, but you're days away from here.

Cobra: I could always give you something to masturbate to.

Lucy: And what makes you think you have anything that would interest me?

Cobra: I've got a big cock, and you've got great taste.

She couldn't help laughing at that. She didn't doubt for a minute he was telling the truth, and while the thought of finding out for herself was more than a little tempting, she knew she should decline. Because even though he believed her to have good taste in men, she knew differently. Her radar had already proven to be a fucking nightmare.

Lucy: If you say so.

Cobra: Oh so you don't believe me? How about I show you?

Lucy: What, you gonna send me pics?

Cobra: You want some? Didn't think you'd be into that.

Lucy: lol I never said I was.

Cobra: You never said you weren't either.

Lucy: I'm not.

But if she were, he'd be the first person she'd be asking. It was obvious the man was built, and she'd wondered more than once exactly what he looked like underneath his clothes. But she'd just have to live with wondering because she really couldn't afford to go there.

Cobra: Whatever you say babe.

Lucy: Didn't we talk about you calling me babe?

Cobra: Did we?

Lucy: You know we did.

Cobra: And?

Lucy: And...you're not supposed to call me that. We're just friends.

Cobra: For now

Lucy: Cobra...

Cobra: Lucy...

Lucy: You're impossible.

Cobra: Impossibly hot.

She couldn't exactly deny that. It wasn't like she didn't have eyes in her head.

Cobra: Impossibly great in bed.

She just bet he was. And she really wished she could find out for herself, but she knew how she was. She couldn't just have sex with him and not get attached. It just wasn't in her to keep those things separate. She'd sleep with him and find herself knee deep in feels, and that just wouldn't work. Wanting him in theory, in her head, was one thing, but letting that desire direct her actions could only lead to trouble. She'd learned that shit the hard way.

Lucy: Yeah yeah. I get the message. Nice to see you've still got some humility.

Cobra: No need for humility if it's the truth.

Lucy: And where exactly are you getting your information? The floozies you pick up in every town you blow through?

Cobra: I don't need anyone to tell me that shit. A man fucking knows.

Lucy felt a wave of sadness that he'd all but ignored her second question. That was the very crux of her issue with dating - the potential of other people coming between her and her significant other. She'd already been through that once, and she just couldn't do it again. She'd struggled so much since then to feel confident in herself, to not question her ability to retain a man's interest. And with Cobra's life being mostly on the road, and away from Magnolia, she didn't have the strength to trust that he wouldn't find someone else while he was gone.

Feeling depressed, Lucy sighed. She should probably just log off. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him anymore right now. And yes, she knew she was being ridiculous, wanting him but not wanting to go after him and also being jealous that he was with other girls. It was stupid and juvenile, but she just couldn't help it. She was a mess, which was exactly why she needed to go to bed.

She'd just set her fingers back on the keys, intending to bid him goodnight when another message popped up on her screen, and this one had her heart stalling in her chest.

Cobra: And the only damn floozy I want is you.

It was probably the worst compliment a guy had ever said to her considering he'd just basically called her promiscuous, but in a strange way, it made her feel good. Not the promiscuous part of course, cause that was just wrong, but the other part had her feeling special. And why the hell that was, she didn't know. She should be mad or annoyed at least, right? But she just couldn't find it in herself.

Cobra: Not that I think you're fucking loose or anything, cause I don't do sluts.

She laughed. Well, at least he'd added that. Even if it was an afterthought.

Lucy: Well, that's good to know, I guess.

Cobra: Wanna video chat?

Lucy froze at that, unsure how to respond. Why did he want to video chat now? Absently, she reached up to her hair, checking to see just how badly she looked before she answered.

Lucy: Why?

She could almost imagine Cobra groaning and rolling his eyes at her question, but she really didn't know if seeing him was the best idea. It was already difficult enough resisting him without actually seeing him. How on earthland was she supposed to remain steadfast in her decision to keep her distance if she subjected herself to a live version of him. She'd be a downright mess.

And that wasn't even taking into account his sexy voice.

Cobra: Because I'm naked and I want you to see.

Lucy: ...

Cobra: I wanna talk to you about something, and typing is pissing me off.

What could he possibly want to talk about that required video chatting? And why the hell did it scare her so much?

Lucy: I don't know...

Cobra: What the fuck are you afraid of?

Lucy: Who says I'm afraid?

Cobra: Me. So what gives?

Lucy: Why can't you just tell me now? Like this?

Cobra: Why can't you just talk to me on video?

Lucy: It's kinda late.

Cobra: Excuse. You stay up until 3 AM all the fucking time. It's only 2:30.

Cobra: You're not gonna leave me hanging, are you?

Lucy swallowed hard. She wanted more than anything to see him again, to talk to him again. But she couldn't help being nervous too. This felt all too real. But how could she tell him no? it wasn't like he was asking something of her that she wouldn't do with any of her friends. It was all an excuse like he said because she was afraid she wouldn't be able to resist him.

Lucy: Alright. Fine.

Lucy: Call me.

Cobra: You better answer.

Lucy: You better not say a word about my hair.

Cobra: Why? Does it look like shit?

Lucy: Ass, it looks fucking gorgeous like it always does.

Cobra: Then why'd you say something about it? Must look like shit.

Lucy: Fine, it kinda does.

Cobra: Like I give a shit.

Not even a moment later, a screen popped up inviting her to accept a call from him, and Lucy paused, trying to gather her wits about her before clicking the little green button.

Instantly, Cobra's face filled the screen, and Lucy had to remind herself to breathe. He looked so good, and when he shot her that smile that was more like a smirk, she felt her heart flutter.

"H-Hey," she stuttered.

"Thought you weren't gonna answer for a minute there."

She nodded. "I almost didn't."

And why the hell did she just tell him that?

"I'm glad you did."


Cobra studied her for a second, then answered, "Because I wanted to see you."

Warmth spread through her chest at his words. She wondered if maybe he felt just as drawn to her as she did to him. She'd wanted to see him too, but she'd never had the courage to do it. Seeing him, she'd assumed, would just make her want him that much more.

And now, she could see she was right. Because just that small handful of words were shaking her determination to stay out of his reach.

"You did?"

Cobra snorted. "You know I did. Or at least you should. I haven't exactly been fucking cryptic about wanting you."

Eyes casting downward, Lucy smiled. That much was true. He'd been beyond candid about his interest in her. She just wished she knew if she could trust him enough to give him a shot.

She bit her lip, struggling with herself over what she really wanted to do. In truth, what she wanted was him. But it wasn't that simple. How could she start something up with him, knowing she would probably drive the both of them nuts with her fears and insecurities. She'd always worry he was losing interest or cheating or any number of other awful scenarios her mind could concoct. She'd see warning signs in everything he said or did, and she'd never know if it was all just in her head or something real.

She was just too fucked up to get involved.

"I wish I could fucking hear your soul right now," Cobra suddenly muttered. "I know something's going on, and I don't have a fucking clue what it is."

Forcing a smile, Lucy shook her head. "Nothing's going on."

"Now you're gonna lie?"


Scowling, Cobra cut her off. "You can keep the shit to yourself if you want, but don't lie to me. I'm not a fucking moron. I know something's happening with you."

Lucy instantly felt bad. She wasn't trying to lie for the sake of deceiving him. She just didn't know how to explain all the shit going on inside her head. "I'm sorry. I...I just don't know what to say."

"You could just tell me what the fuck's bothering you."

It sounded so simple, and yet, Lucy knew it wasn't so easy.

He frowned. "This have anything to do with why you won't go out with me?"

Her stomach was in knots. She hadn't thought they'd ever have this conversation. She thought she could avoid it forever, but Cobra didn't play by anyone else's rules. No, he just cut through all the bullshit and reached right into her heart, demanding answers. And Mavis help her, she was going to give them to him. Or at least part of them.


Silently, he tipped his head, as if considering her. "Okay then first answer this. Do you want to go out with me?"

"Cobra, it's not that cut and dry."

"Like hell it's not. Stop thinking about all the other shit for a minute and just answer the damn question."

Lucy sighed. "Yes, but-"

She looked up just in time to see a smile hit his face, and then he said, "Then what's the problem?"

Exasperated, the blonde huffed. "It's not a good idea!"

"Why the hell not?"

Why was he making this so basic? It was anything but. Everything about her was complicated, at least where he was concerned. "Because I suck at relationships!"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Cobra, just...just leave it alone." Lucy felt like crying. She really did, and it made her want to log off again. She didn't want to still be online when the tears decided to hit.

If only Cobra would cooperate.

Too bad the man had never been the cooperative type. "Not a fucking chance," he growled as he leaned forward. "Is it me? The shit I did in the past, I mean?"

"God, no Cobra. You know I don't care about all that."

"Then what the fuck is it?"

The first tear pricked her eyes, and Lucy nearly hit the disconnect button when Cobra spoke again, "Come on babe. Just tell me. You're fucking killing me with this shit."

And Lucy suddenly found herself wanting to spill it all, every damn thing that haunted her. She had no idea why, but Cobra made her feel safer than she'd felt in a long time. Maybe he'd understand. Maybe...

Or maybe he'd decide she was crazy as hell, more trouble than she was worth.

God, she was so sick of feeling like this. Afraid of everything, suspicious of everyone. It was exhausting.

"I...I'm afraid."

Cobra sat up a little straighter. "Of what?"

"Of...of getting too close."

"Why would that scare you? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

Lucy shook her head. She just didn't know how to explain it! "I don't want to get hurt!"

Cobra sighed. "What makes you think you're gonna get hurt if you go out with me?"

"I told you. I suck at relationships."

"Babe, I don't know what that fucking means," he said, his voice oddly gentle. "You're gonna have to explain it to me."

Lucy's lip trembled as she finally whispered, "You're gonna get tired of me."


"You want me right now, but after a while you won't. You'll want someone else, and then you'll be gone."

Cobra sat there in silence for several long minutes before he asked, "Is that why you made that crack about the fucking floozies?"

By this time, Lucy was too embarrassed to answer, so she shrugged noncommitally.

"Lucy," he started, his voice soft but stern. "I don't want anyone else."

"Not right now."

Cobra shook his head. "Don't hand me that shit. I don't want anyone but you, and I'm not the kinda guy to run after every wet pussy that crosses my fucking path!"

Lucy cringed at the heat in his tone. "Cobra-"

"No, you listen to me for a fucking minute. You've got all this shit in your head about what might happen. What if I do this? What if I do that? But what if I make you really fucking happy? What if everything is perfect and we're like fucking nauseatingly happy together?"

Lucy didn't know what to say. That was the dream, the one she'd stopped believing existed in her future months ago. She'd lost her ability to have faith in anything.

"Come on, babe. Are you really going to let this shit beat you? The Lucy I know wouldn't stop until she fucking won."

And maybe that was the real rub. That's what she'd really lost - her belief in herself, in her judgment. She doubted her ability to recognize a good man, one who truly wanted her. So how did she go about getting that back?

Maybe this was the first step, taking a chance on someone new. Or not really even someone new, but on Cobra specifically. Could she do that? Could she put aside her fears and try?

She looked up and found Cobra waiting for her answer. She was surprised he'd said nothing more, but she supposed he was giving her the time he thought she needed to really consider what he'd said. And she was. For the first time in a long while, she found herself feeling a little positive, and as she studied his face, she realized she really wanted this. She wanted him more than she wanted to protect herself.

And so, she put aside the worries flooding her mind and nodded her head. She could do this. She had to.
