So, we're back. :-)

Well, sometimes life can be kind, sometimes it can be cruel. Read to find out what this story is about.

IRONY – Teaser
by Cokie and Sam

Steve looked down at the woman he loved; has loved for as long as he could remember. Two days ago she had come back, came back to him. It hadn't been an easy talk, but in the end he had realized that no matter what had happened, why she had left him, he still loved her the same. Was still in love with her. Realizing that had brought forgiveness. Forgiveness for hurting him so badly, for the time of misery they had spent apart.

After the talk they had spent almost every minute of the last two days together; it had been the weekend and no case had interrupted their time. Steve had even turned off his phone. They had not only rekindled their love, but they had found a new appreciation for what they had. And vowed never to take the other for granted ever again.

He had never been this happy as the last two days, and he was sure Catherine felt the same way. When Monday morning came, they both decided she would go to work with Steve to tell the others that she was back. For good this time. They hadn't bothered to call anyone and tell them the news. Not even Danny had been informed.

But the gods had other plans for the happy couple. They stood in front of HQ, Catherine facing Steve when a shot rang out and Catherine stumbled. She looked wide-eyed at Steve before they both went down.

Steve to his knees, with Catherine held in his arms. "No, no, no," he mumbled as he felt for a pulse. Not finding one, his anguish cry turned into a sob.

He held her tight and heeded no attention to the activity around him. He knew that officers were running around, looking for the shooter. He thought he had heard Danny and Chin at some point, and knew that Kono and Grover were nearby. No doubt protecting them in case the shooter would try again.

Not that it would be necessary to shoot again, the woman in his arms was already dead.

Steve slowly shifted his weight, so that he was now sitting on the ground, still with Catherine held tightly in his arms. There was a lot of blood covering her, seeping into his pants and his shirt. Mixing with his own blood that was slowly seeping out of the bullet wound in his abdomen. A wound that was concealed by Catherine's body.

But he felt no pain from the bullet that first went through Cath and then travelled through him to be stopped somewhere mid-body. The pain was in his heart; and for the very first time in his life he didn't care if he lived or died. So he sat there, letting the blood seep out of him.

Steve felt light-headed and recognized the onset of shock due to blood loss. But knowing that he was not going to make it gave him an odd sense of peace.

He had no idea how long he sat there, holding the love of his life in his arms, and slowly but surely bleeding to death. Steve felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking him, and a voice demanding him to look up. It was spoken with urgency, but softly.

Steve finally looked up, and tried to form words, but nothing came out. His vision grayed and he would have swayed to the side, if it hadn't been for Danny who was now kneeling in front of him, grabbing both his shoulders.

"Steve! You have to let go of her, so the paramedics can help her."


"Come on, Buddy. Let her go."

Steve fought the hands trying to get him to let go of Catherine, but he was weak and for the first time the pain hit him full force. He groaned and clutched his midsection with his one free hand. The other still holding tightly on to Catherine.

"Steve? Oh God, you're hit."

He felt himself being lowered to the ground, and then an incredible pain erupted when someone pressed on his stomach to slow the bleeding.

Steve groaned and turned his head to the side, catching a glimpse of the paramedics working on Cath. Why did they place an oxygen mask on her? Steve wondered. She was dead. What were they doing?

"Steve! Don't you dare die on us!" He heard Danny yelling at him. For a second he thought, why not, she's dead. But then he heard it. "Got a pulse."

What? His mind screamed. No, she was dead. Shot in the back. Kill shot. Steve coughed when another wave of pain hit him. Blood spew up and hit him in the face on its way back down. His world exploded in red hot agony when he was lifted onto a gurney. The cry of pain died on his lips, his limbs went slack and his head lolled to the side.

H50 – H50 – H50

TBC during the week… if you want us to. ;-)