Edit: Swapped back James and Albus – James is the oldest.

Hey all Dramione lovers (apologies to my other fandom readers) just a plot bunny I wanted out before I left for my trip.

Enjoy and let me know what you think! xx

Disclaimer: All characters, plot and familiar content are copyright of their respective owners and any reproduced content is only used for creative purposes.

Hermione shifted the wrapped polka dot box from one hand to underneath her left arm so that she could knock on the black door in front of her. 12 Grimmauld Place. It still looked as gloomy as ever from outside, but every square inch inside had been renovated and redecorated by Harry and Ginny once they had decided they wanted to begin their family in Harry's godfather's childhood home.

Hermione waited as she heard a bit of a commotion from the other side of the door and suddenly a flushed Ginny Potter appeared holding a baby on her hip and only half of her eye makeup completed.

"Hi," she breathed out. She tucked a strand of straight red hair behind her ear and Hermione gave her a sympathetic smile. "Mum hasn't arrived yet to take James and Albus. And I haven't finished my makeup. Clearly."

Hermione placed the large box on the sofa of the living room and reached for Albus. Ginny handed him over with a relived huff.

Hermione laughed. "I'll take him, and you go back upstairs and continue getting ready. Where's Harry and James?"

Ginny spun on her heel towards the kitchen and Hermione followed bouncing the baby on her hip slightly, causing him to clap his hands in amusement.

"Harry is working a case," Ginny called over her shoulder, searching through the cupboards. She grabbed a tumbler out and turned to face her childhood friend. "And James, the little terror, is probably destroying something somewhere in this house."

She stopped and then looked at Hermione sheepishly. "I really, really want firewhiskey."

Hermione laughed again and nodded at Ginny's protruding belly. "Well, you can't. So, water it is for you."

Ginny made an irk face and Hermione continued. "Or some of that organic green juice stuff Harry has been insisting on."

Ginny's face contorted in a look of complete disgust. "I'll take the water."

"Hello?" Molly's cheery voice called from the front of the house and Hermione shook her head in amusement when Ginny threw her hands up with relief.

"Nana!" A small child's voice called out from what sounded like the living room and small stumpy steps could be heard galloping towards the front door.

"Mum," Ginny called out as she walked back to the front of the house. "Thank Merlin."

Molly gave her a loving look and held her hands out for her only daughter. Ginny buried herself into them and let her mum rub comforting circles on her back.

"Hello Hermione, dear," Molly called over Ginny's shoulder.

Hermione gave her a polite smile and greeted her back. While Molly had gotten over the breakup of Hermione and Ron, Hermione wasn't able to shake the feeling of judgement whenever she was in the presence of Molly Weasley. It had been a few years now, and Ron was now happily married with a child on the way to a lovely woman, Heather, but Hermione still felt uneasy around the Weasley matriarch.

Thankfully, Molly didn't stay long, only took the kids from Ginny and assured her to enjoy her day off from the two boys and spend the day being pampered by her friends. With a loud sigh, Ginny collapsed onto sofa after finally completing her makeup and getting dressed in a flowy dress.

"I am so happy to be out of ugly trackpants and loose shirts," she confessed, leaning back in the large sofa and rubbing her belly. "There's only some much comfort clothes a girl can take without going mental."

Soon after that the rest of her guests arrived for the baby shower—including Luna, Ron's wife Heather, a few girls Hermione vaguely recognised from Hogwarts and some strangers Hermione guessed were friends from Ginny's work and birthing classes.

To Hermione's utter surprise, Pansy Parkinson arrived, dressed in only what could have been a designer label sundress, wedged heels and round stylish sunglasses. Hermione opened the door and Pansy didn't appear nonplussed. Instead she pushed the sunglasses into her straight black hair and gave her a smile that reached her green eyes.

"Hey Hermione," she greeted, stepping into the house and placing her baby gift with everyone else's.

"Hey," Hermione replied dumbly and followed the stylish woman into the Potter's living room. She knew the two worked at the Daily Prophet, but Ginny worked as a Quidditch correspondent. She had no idea as to which area of the newspaper Pansy would be working in.

"Hey Pans, thanks for coming," Ginny called out and began to stand from her chair but Pansy waved her back down.

"Sit," Pansy demanded, but she lowered her head so that she could kiss Ginny on the cheek. "You look radiant."

Ginny gave her a look of scepticism and snorted. "I don't feel it but thanks."

An hour into the party Hermione learnt that Pansy wasn't that horrible, worked as a fashion correspondent and her and Ginny had become friends after Pansy had told her about a foot cushioning charm when she saw the ugly shoes Ginny had been recommended during her pregnancy with James.

"I have some news," Pansy announced, uncharacteristically shy and quiet. Everyone settled down and watched as she struggled to continue.

"Well, what is it!" Ginny asked, throwing a cushion at her. "Don't keep the pregnant woman waiting."

Pansy laughed and looked up, her hands in her lap. "I'm going to have a baby," she confessed giddily.

There was a loud cheer as every girl in the room congratulated her and Ginny gave a scandalised look. "I didn't realise you were seeing someone?"

At this, Pansy looked a little awkward and played with the rings on her fingers. "I'm not. I may or may not have gone to an IVF clinic."

"Wow," was all that Ginny said.

Hermione took the news with quiet contemplation. Lately she had been feeling like something was missing in her life and sitting surrounded by a number of women celebrating Ginny's third child, it was clear to her now that she wanted a baby.

The thought itself jarred her a little, but there was a small part of her that was growing with each moment in Ginny's presence, and even Ron's wife who was carrying their first child, had Hermione wishing for something to nurture. In fact, she looked forward to babysitting for Ginny and Harry. She was turning thirty her next birthday and she wasn't sure if she wanted to wait any longer.

At around five in the evening, when half of the party had left but Ginny insisted that she wasn't tired and could continue on—Hermione could see her eyes beginning to droop—Hermione built up the courage to approach Pansy and ask about her decision to go through IVF.

"Hey Parkinson," Hermione stepped towards the dark-haired woman. The woman turned and gave Hermione a small smile.

"You can call me Pansy," she corrected her. She took a sip of the non-alcoholic wine and made a face. "Just not the same as the real thing."

Hermione laughed and hovered near her. "I was just wondering if I could ask you more about the whole IVF thing?"

Pansy nodded and patted the seat next to her. "Of course. Ask away."

Hermione's mind was swimming with all her questions but the only thing she could conjure up verbally was a, "How?"

Pansy laughed lightly and took a deep breath. "Wow where to start? Basically, I was tired of waiting for the right guy and took matters in my own hand. Did my research and found that there's a wizarding place that combines both magic and muggle technology. Great thing is that donors are all wizards."

Hermione was immediately fascinated. The rest of the night consisted of Hermione's questions and Pansy's surprising patience. By the end when Harry came home and kicked them out to let his wife sleep, Pansy and Hermione had made plans to meet for coffee to discuss further.

However, by the time Hermione had settled into her covers, she had made up her mind. She was going to have a baby.

Note: I know nothing about IVF, so if you do feel free to send me a PM!

Read and review,
- FlowerChild22