"You're losing your touch old friend," Diana Prince commented with a smirk as she blocked yet another shot from Kassandra.

"Says the woman who's over a century old," she replied with a laugh as she kicked out, successfully landing a foot on Diana that caused her to stumble back. Diana laughed as she stood up again and reached for her sword.

"Okay. Not too bad in hand to hand combat. What about the rest?"

Kassandra wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand. The two women had found themselves in an abandoned warehouse away from all of society where they would train. Exactly for what, Kassandra wasn't completely sure but Diana had instilled a sense of instinctive defense into her at an early age and the two still practiced til that day. Diana had apparently seen many things in her life time and wanted to ensure that Kassandra could protect herself if the need ever came.

Kassandra grinned as she picked up a golden bow and swung the quiver onto her back.

"You know I've always been more of an archer," she replied as she grabbed an arrow and aimed for a can that sat at the opposite of the warehouse. She let go as the gold metal flew through the air and pierced the can, pinning it to the wall. Diana nodded, impressed that after months of being on tour the young woman still had impeccable aim.

Kassandra grinned triumphantly as an arrow appeared in her quiver to replace the one she had shot.

The bow and quiver had been a gift from Diana. The weapons themselves had been given to her by Zeus and she had found Kassandra worthy to carry it. Besides, she had always preferred the sword.

Diana had also gifted her bracelets and armor similar to her own except black in color. Perhaps it had been her maternal instincts that led her to do it but Kassandra had hesitantly accepted. She kept the weapons concealed in a duffel bag and stored in a security box at her bank. She only ever retrieved it whenever Diana would suggest they practice. She could see the edges of the armored skies and bodice sticking out of the bag as she had opted for jeans and a t-shirt that day.

"So Superman, any idea on his real identity?" Kassandra asked as she shot another arrow. It pierced the can once more.

"No. I haven't had any luck," Diana replied as she whacked away at a wooden statue she always used to practice her sword skills. "What about you?"

"I wouldn't know where to begin," Kassandra replied honestly as she began to shoot arrows quickly, one after the other, each piercing through the arrow that had come before.

"Start with Lex," Diana replied as she stopped.

"I highly doubt he'd let me in on that secret," Kassandra replied with a laugh.

"I don't know what you see in that man," Diana sighed as she sheathed her word.

"Men are complicated. You know that," her friend replied with a shrug.

"And what of Sasha?"

Kassandra sighed as the tigress was brought up in conversation. Lex had finally revealed the location of her friend after she had relentlessly questioned him. Lex normally would have found such insistence to be annoying but took pity on Kassandra as he realized that she was much like himself with nearly no friends. The redhead had immediately visited the zoo only to find that Sasha was perfectly content around her own kind. The tigress was thrilled to see her again but was hesitant when asked if she would return. Kassandra had left her there and returned empty handed to the Luthor Mansion.

"She's doing well. She's with her kind."

"Does it not bother you? That Lex took her away?"

"He might have taken her away but she's happy now. That's all that matters," Kassandra replied definitively. Diana shook her head at her naivety. Bruce had confided in her that Luthor was bringing something to Metropolis. Something big that would change the course of the world.

"You're surrounding yourself with someone who is not afraid of being burned by the fire he sets," Diana replied as they packed up their things.

"I've never been afraid of getting hurt."

"That is your downfall, my love," Diana said softly as she looked down at the small woman. She caressed her cheeks lovingly, the same way she had done when they had first met. "You are too good for such a man."

Kassandra stared up at the woman who had taken her in, who had protected her half of her life. Here stood the amazing Wonder Woman, and yet she seemed so vulnerable when looking down at her. Her worry shining through her eyes made her seem more human.

"I can handle Lex Luthor," she replied with a small smirk. Diana chuckled as she pulled her hand away from the woman's fair face.

"I don't doubt it."

Lex stood at Kassandra's door as he watched her slip on plain black heels. She was dressed drastically different today in a fitted blazer and matching pencil skirt. She looked like every other business woman he had ever encountered and Lex didn't like it one bit.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as he stepped into her room. He was dressed in similar fashion, his shirt devoid of polka dots or graphic monkeys, looking well put together.

"The hearing," Kassandra replied simply as she tied her hair up. Her clothing has stiff and uncomfortable but this was the U.S. Capitol. She hardly thought wearing a floral dress would be appropriate. Her television was turned on and she could hear the news anchor talk about the excitement spurring outside as they all awaited eagerly for Superman's arrival.


"What the hell do you mean no?" She asked as she whirled around, colliding straight into his chest. Within an instant there was a click and an unfamiliar pressure on her wrist. She looked down to see that Lex had handcuffed her to her bed frame.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She exclaimed as she stared at the cool metal around her wrist.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to go to that," Lex replied with a smirk."You're welcome to watch it on television though."

"Lex," Kassandra growled, "let me go."

"No can do doll," he chuckled, "that's made of a new metal engineered in LexCorp. It's supposed to be unbreakable."

Kassandra rolled her eyes at his smug look as she pulled at the chain. The chain didn't break but the wooden bed frame gave way as she used all her force to pull, a wooden chunk now hanging from her wrist.

"Ah, metahuman strength. Good thing I prepared for that too."

Kassandra yelped in surprise as Lex stuck a syringe into her neck, filling her with a strong sedative. The harsh entry had hurt and her hand immediately went to touch the small wound. She stumbled into Lex's arms as her eyes fluttered closed-ultimately falling unconscious. He lifted her up into her bed, stopping for a moment to uncuff her and drape a blanket over her body.

He stared at her for a few minutes as he pondered whether he had done the right thing. She would surely have something to say when she woke up and he was certain that it would involve a string of profanities aimed his way.

He wasn't prepared to lose his only friend. And she was his friend despite how often he denied the use of the word. He decided that even if she woke and decided she wanted nothing to do with him, it was better than her being gone.

Kassandra groaned as she felt her consciousness finally begin to return to her. Her body still felt heavy but the fogginess that clouded her mind began to dissipate. She blinked, taking a moment to place where she was and realized that she was still at home laying in her bed.

Screams were what finally got her attention as she turned to the television that had been left on. There was a loud explosion with fire burning and ash filling the sky. She held her breath when she realized that it was the Capitol building that was on the news. She could see the hundreds of superman fanatics scatter as the fire filled the entire building, killing many of the people inside instantly.

"Lex," she said softly as her heart stopped. Lex had been invited. He had drugged her and left her here while he went to attend. Lex was inside that building, and she wasn't sure if he was still alive.

Without a second thought she bolted out of the room, passing the house maids and slipping on her shoes as quickly as she could. Her hands fumbled for the keys to a car, any car, before she threw the door open- only to see a white rolls royce pulling up to the home.

Lex parked and stepped out as calmly as if he had just gone on a ride around the neighborhood. There was no sense of panic or worry as he shut his door but he was surprised to see Kassandra up and on the doorstep. He figured that her metahuman genes must have worked out the sedative faster than he anticipated.

Kassandra ran up up him and embraced him tightly. He stumbled back at the force, his eyebrows knitted in confusion at the gesture given. She smelled sweet, like honey and roses and his heart momentarily fluttered.

"You bastard! I thought you had died!" she exclaimed as she stepped back and forcefully hit him in the chest. He let out a grunt as he took the impact, shocked at the punch the young woman gave. He'd never once seen her be violent before.

"I'm clearly alive and well," Lex replied with a small smirk. The fact Kassandra had instantly worried for him pleased him. He had found that he was investing too much thought into her as of late and it was satisfying to know that the redhead was just as involved with him as he was with her, if not more. She frowned as she took another step back, shaking her head as the fog of worry finally began to clear in her mind.

"You drugged me," she stated as she looked him in the eye. Lex didn't flinch at her angry tone. He had prepared himself for it the entire ride home. "You...you knew what was going to happen."

Lex didn't have to ask to know what she was referring to. Kassandra was a clever girl and she was bound to realize what had happened, what he had done. The capitol had been blown to pieces while they, invited members of the public who were expected to attend, remained unscathed. That was no coincidence.

"How could you do such a thing?!" Kassandra roared as she took another step back in disgust. Lex had killed innocent people and yet he stood in front of her as if it was just another Tuesday afternoon. As if he hadn't ruined the lives of hundreds by killing their spouses, their mothers, their fathers. For the first time Kassandra saw the monster she had been told so much about.

"For us," Lex replied simply as he stood frozen at her outburst. He had been waiting for the moment she would realize that he wasn't the man she painted him out to be. He wasn't just her rich, lonely friend who treated her as an equal, although he did so for his own gains. She had failed to see how manipulative he had been and a part of him simply wanted to cry at the look of revulsion she gave him. But he didn't cry. No, he would not let her see him become weak at her hands.

"For us? No. You mean for you," Kassandra accused with a furious shake of her head. "You and your sick need to see Superman fall."

"I saved you," Lex hissed, his cool exterior fading away quickly at her anger.

"I didn't ask to be saved," she retorted with a venomous look. "You think I'm naive? You think I don't know that you keep me around because I make you look good? That I make you easier to accept? You know, I really thought there was some good in you, but I can see that I was wrong."

"You are wrong," Lex snapped as he took a step forward and grabbed her by the arm. His fingers dug into her skin as his grip tightened around her. "I saved you because I care. Because I know what it is like to feel alone and I swear to fucking god, if he even exists, I would go insane if you were gone. You are what I have left."

He let go of her as she staggered back slightly, surprised at his sudden force.

'You don't own me."

Lex's face remained stoic at her words. He knew damn well he didn't own her and that thought was what kept him up at night. She was a free spirit and would always be despite anything he did to try to make it otherwise. They stood staring at one another, both of their chests heaving as they attempted to control themselves. Lex was the first to enter a phlegmatic stance, his natural instinct to conceal emotions taking over. She frowned and stepped back into the house.

"Where are you going?" Lex called out at her.

"I need to be alone."

Lois Lane was having what was quite possibly the worst day of her life. She had seen the explosion firsthand and had been unable to reach Clark after he had flown away from the incident. His phone was completely shut off and she had left a substantial amount of voicemails but still had no success. So instead she had stopped at a hidden coffee shop to pick up a much needed dose of caffeine as she prepared to write what would be one of her most difficult articles of her career.

"Kassandra Lorn?" she asked as she spotted a young woman hidden in the corner. The woman looked up at the reporter with a tired look on her face and Lois couldn't help but notice the defeated look her eyes held. "Lois Lane, for the Daily Planet."

"Ah, I've heard of you," the young woman said with a small smile that didn't resonate in her eyes.

"Mind if I sit?" Lois asked as she pointed toward the empty chair across from her. Kassandra shook her head and motioned for her to take a seat. Lois set her coffee down and observed the woman for a moment.

The usually confident woman slumped in her chair. She was dressed in casual clothing instead of the usual attire she was always photographed in. All in all, she didn't seem like herself at all.

"Rough day?" Lois asked as she watched the woman stare absentmindedly at her cup of coffee.

"Hasn't it been for everyone?" Kassandra replied dully. The small television in the corner of the shop was tuned to the news and they were still talking about the Capitol incident as they had been all day. She shut her eyes and wished it all away.

"You weren't at the hearing."

Kassandra's eyes snapped open and she stared at the woman with a hard look before taking a sip of her coffee.

"I overslept."

"Lex Luthor was there."


"You live together. How was it that you overslept yet he managed to get there on time?"

Kassandra stared coldly at Lois as she realized what the woman was insinuating. She still felt the need to protect Lex after what he had done and was annoyed at the strange woman's questions.

"Lex doesn't control my life. We have our own privacy, one of them being the rule of not disturbing each other's sleep."

Lois frowned at the sudden tone Kassandra had taken with her. Deep down she knew that Lex was somehow behind all of this. She just needed a way to prove it and Kassandra Lorn was the closest to Lex she would be able to get.

"He was there and walked away unscathed. He left before the hearing started actually. Any idea why?"

Kassandra could feel her agitation growing. The reason she had left the house an hour before was to escape all of this talk and now the woman was throwing it all in her face again as she attempted to dig information out of her. It was something she really didn't appreciate in her foul mood.

"No. Why don't you ask him yourself? You are a reporter after all."

Lois looked at her with a wry smile. "I've tried calling. He won't pick up."

"Lex is a busy man," Kassandra replied with a shrug.

"Kassandra, you can trust me," Lois said with a sigh. "I can help you. You can talk to me."

Kassandra laughed and shook her head. This woman really was ridiculous if she thought herself capable of helping anyone who Lex had somehow managed to get his grasp on. He always got what he wanted. That much Kassandra had learned, and Lex wasn't about to let her out of his sight.

And it wasn't like she had any real motivation to leave anyway. Lex, despite being severely twisted with all of his plans, had remained a good friend to her. She wasn't too sure that she wanted to give that up any time soon. She had no real excuse for him. She knew damn well that he wasn't exactly a good person yet she couldn't let go.

"I have to go." Kassandra rose from her seat and pushed her hair back. Lois caught sight of a red mark on her neck as if she had been punctured with something and took a mental note of it.

"Kass," Lois called out as she attempted to stop the woman from leaving by grabbing her arm. Kassandra immediately recoiled out of her grasp as she had touched the same spot Lex's fingers had dug into her just hours before, sending a shooting pain through her arm.

"That nickname is saved especially for friends. Now if I have anything to say to the Daily Planet I will say it to Clark Kent as he appears to be the only one with decent manners," she spat in aggravation. Lois felt as if she had been slapped by her words. The reporter stayed silent and instead drew a small business card out of her purse.

"In case you ever need anything. I'm here, Kassandra."

Kassandra stared at her outstretched hand in disbelief before taking the card and shoving it into her pocket.

"Have a good night, Miss Lane."